t , f5. i I i , . ii "? J r-r . cs 7f! tAnm.mQwi THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON rlohK,, 1&SftaHBKm!i&l&i2l$BKilBBlK&llL4iU)IA .. Wfc..w?ij. a "JMlTlirTHirMlwrf r WTT HT U ' a,nmmaKMaSmlKNK7 n. 1)1. KHHfPf s r0Bp IP ' v IDIr !! ' fiBK .Mi' :l SI' , Fi - R t. ir i& . ' & tj -.. AiJ-' t .i srr t "'! J Shoe Service To brliiK t$;ollier ttio lnv.t sIioch of the lit"t American mnki'r; ( IH IliPin srlrntlfl. call j tumour fret; to jjhe jou (lie utim-t of comfort nnrt inlno in mcrj purchase tills is our ideal of shoo service. Ell ' Store Service To i!uo no pains to find out 3 our needs; to hit a jou promptly and comtcmisly; to lcmcdy luNlnkes Itlt genuine regret for their ucctirrciiro nud to make luijlutj Mhoes heio n tine ploAsmo this Is our Ideal of store service. i w 9( BRITISH SOLDIERS PRODUCED CROPS LONDON. Sept. 30. (By Mall). The Britiuh army was doing some thing other than fight in the last year of -the war, according to the agricultural committee report made public today. It cultivated 6,658 acres of land 'in the country occu pied by the home forces aione, and made a profit of about $60 an acre. In France thousands of acres were cultivated by the soldiers, and vegetables worth no less than $2,- 500,000 were producer. By irrigation, the army in Mesa- potamia became self-supporting so far as vegetables were concerned, and the grain crop was valued at $15,000,000. The Siloniki army also wns busy cultivating the soil back of-its lines and. In addition to harvesting crops worth some $300,000, saved 52,000 tons of ships which would have oth erwise been used to carry supplies to that 'far-off front. RUSSIANS RECEIVE RED CROSS GOODS EKATERIND9R, Russia, Sept. 1. (By Courier to Paris, Sept. 18.) The presidents of the three Cos- sack states of Terek, Kuban and tho Don gave a, dinner to Americans who recently brought into tho Cau casus three tralnloads or 103 freight cars in all of the American goods consigned to the Red Cross. Each of the three presidents refer red to Russia's ambition to become j a federation of states patterned aft er tho American union. "Tho Unit ed States of Russia," was a favorlto toast. The supplies are for the hospitals and assylums to the three Cossack states and for the volunteer array. Tho territory of the Cossacks, par ticularly the remote regions among tho mountains, have been shut off from the world market for the past three years by the Turks on one side and the Bolshevik! on the other. EXTRACTED LEAD, FOOLED SURGEON BREST, Oct. 24. A few days ago, according to a story in tho French papers,' a s trout row occured hero In which some American soldiers took part, one of whom was hit by n revolver bullet. Tho hospital sur geon took a long time probing tho wound; but the American stoically bore tho pain. "What aro you doing anyway?" ho asked finally. "Looking' for the bullet," snld tho doctor. "Why didn't ou say so? I've got it In my pocket. I took it out my self," vas the rotorU Briscoe car $475 at Howio's. Just giting it away. 24-2t 1' HOW GOOD? RATHER f -" v THAN HOW CHEAP? In these days when shoddy goods bring almost the prices of those worth while, it pays to bo careful buyers. Now, take our pianos, for' instance; they were all chosen on account of their tone quality, reliability and value, for while the average family buys seven automo biles in a lifetime they generally purchase hut one piano. The idea that anything is good enough to learn upon, is a thing of the past, and today the beginner's ear is cultivated by the best piano tone that the parents can supply. We have sold over twice as many plans this Fall as usual, but still have a good stock to select from. You may purchase for cash or terms, so why not look "them over anyhow? EARL SHEPHERD CO. Quality Instruments Living Frlces 507 Main Htrcct 'The Border Legion" Is Virile Western Drama At tho Star theater tonight, "Tho Border Legion," a vivid plcturlza tfon )f Zano Groy's widely read Btory, starring Blancho Bates and Holiart Bosworth, and acclaimed by New York newspapers, and picture gcers as tho most virile drama of tho year, will be presented by Qold- wyn at tho Star theater tonight. Briscoe car $475 at'Howte's. Just giving it away. 24-2t TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Good work team, wag on and harness, $150. Inquire at City Milk Depot. 24-2t WANTED TO BUY Bug runabout Inquire Klamath Record Office , 24-2t FOR SALE Two good milch cows and ono four year old horse 1550 pounds, sound, broke and gontlo, cheap. O. Wabbles, one mile cast'of Lost Klvor (ljm. 24.2t WANTED A place for a boy of 9 in country. Mbther employed. Ad dress Box W, Herald. 24-3t . THESE CHILLY DAYS Call for a change of wearing apparel. And you want to outfit yourself , AS REASONABLE AS POSSIBLE consistent with good merchandise. Good warm un derwear from $1.75 UP FOR UNION SUITS And bear in mind, your tailored suit costs no more, and sometimes less, than ready-to-wear these days. "Fair Prices and Good Merchandise" is my motto. N. B. DREW Briscoe car $475 at Howio's. Just giving it away. 24-2t AWWVWWWWWWWW J nerwanJ$cif School Shoes Here's an "Anisrlpnn Tlnv" flhnn made for American School Boys. It has a high too and is a nobby looking shoe; "American Boy" Shoes aro made by the men who make the Nunn Bush men's dress shoes. That means they have real men's shoo stylo and quality. You boys will like thorn hecauso they look -so stylish, your moth ers hecauso they look so sturdy, and Dad hecauso they cost so' lit tle compared to tho wonr you can got from a pair. We carry a completo lino of Boys' and Children's Shoos and Hos iery, Our prices are most reasonable on account of our low font store. BRADLEY'S SHOE STORE "LEADINQ SHOE STORE" foIttmmm&5iori SATISFACTION ter SAFETY SAVING Constantly Incoming New Modes in Fall and Wirttc Suits of Authentic Styli convincingly demonstrating the apparel supremacy of the Woman's Store In tho knowledge that stylo excellence Is nlwnyn couplml with iiiall(y f un(iulHtlonulilo, Ilea tho fullest imjoymuiit of choosing your Tall Hull lmro "i Tailored and Demi-Tailored Models season's favored nuvtoilnlH Trlrotluo. llromlrloth, Pronch Surpi ii'd Nou'lty Kahrlc, iiuliodliiK mun-tftllonxl dotalls and linn hniul In tho Vulour ami nulMhlng nothing Is loft to bo deslrod In tho nmttor of trimming, for ihoy in o designed ami miulo by skilled artlHts. HpluiuMd rtmdlnoHH (o incut i!oiy suit uoud Is oxumpllllud In our splendid collodion, ranging In ptlcu from ' jio.oo, in.m, yao.oo, 900.00 up to 97.1.00 A Delayed Shipment of Smart NEW. CLOTH COATS Luxuriously Lovely and Warm It acorn as though tho good thlngH como to thoso who wait, which Is a very unusual thing In tho matter of choosing apparel Ono of tho best manufacturers of flno wraps front whom ho inako oxtomdvo pur chases, wan groatly delayed in filling our ordor. To morrow it will bo tho good fortuno of those who lwivo not purchased, to choose from some of the vary smart est of the season's stylos. Included dro rich Velours, Sllvortones, Broidcloths and flno Noxelty Mlxturoa in tho season's popular shades. Priced vory modestly at 15.00, 90O.O0, 903.00 nml up to 9H3.00 Many Beautiful Now l'luhh Conts Home fur trimmed ht 90.00 to 9100.00 Our Display of New AUTUMN FROCKS offers Unusual Advantages of Selection Especially when our popular Dross Soctloit can an nounce that Its displays excel all previous efforts In tho number of styles us well ns In tho loveliness of them carotul consideration bolng given to tho stylo rouulsltos of ovory type of woman, slender or of stout figure. Many smart now moduls now shown In Trlco tlno, French 'Sorgo. Panama, Reindeer, Satfn, Ooor gotto, Cropo do Chlnu and Velvet, ut 910.50 up to 970.00 IUH hQ) A m m l LI' Bewitchingly Smart Blouses ' a profusion of the Season's Smartest Styles It Is hero that you wilt find blouses that fully express your hlghosi Ideals of btouso beauty, and It Itf hero that ono may indulge one's .tasto freely, secure In tliu knowledge of stylo correctness. Handsome ntoclols of nheor, hut bounti fully firm Georgette, flno quality Cropo do Chines and Mash Satins, sotuo with clevor ploatod frills othora handsomely embroi dered or beaded. Knch represents tho ut most in vnluo at the vary conservative price markings wo have glvou thoin. 90.50 to 918.00 AU-Wool Flannel Middy Bloutei mouses that for eierr day ttoar meet lh re qulromunts of witmtk nnd nice style. Especiil. ly iloslrablo (or school ucar. Of fine, 1IU00I nay Dluo flannel, vita pockets, cuffs and collar trimmed with tMte brnlil. Sizes 11 to II Prices 95.00 (0 SO 00 The Most Beautiful of Silk Petticoab 95.00 to 91400 You'll delight In the se lection of a petticoat froa tins coiorim collection m plain colors and smart o color comlilnatlons. Plaited flounces, rofW and novolty flounces, 'Fit rite" Petticoats wltn elas tic, Instantly fltlln aW hands. Tlio materials are flno Jersoy and Taffeta, m In somo moaeis me nation of tho two. You Must Sets These New Velvet Bagi Thoy'ro very smart !' .1 1 .. n.l nnr HliDlir 01- fors good selection. TW art. In brown, nary, Mac onil taupe, with ltteJ ?r self .naterUl hand Some are nasvv -- lined, otners ".'"'""r' ly olabornto. rn $:l,50 to 115.00 Exceptionally Good Offers in Dependable , Weil-Made ' Dianxeis, omroriers ana ruiows Th'cso prices should servo as an inducement Full Size Comforters $5.00 ty J W IIS fflf Wanted bod coverings nt prlcos thut, In each case aro not to bo duplicated oruers piaceuw (lj mmiu uuiirvi biiuw u uuciuuu iifcruuse in price, wise und thrifty. ' ' . Good Cotton Blankets $4.00 Of good-grado staplo cotton In either tan with pink border or grey with blue border. Slzo 04x76 inches. Special value. Plaid Cotton Blankets $500 A vory good grado cotton blankot In grey and pink plaid. Size 66x80 Inches. Splendid valuo at $5.00. "Woolnap" Blankets $7.00 A flno cotton blanket with tho doslrahlo wool finish. In pink, tan, bluo and groy plaids. Slzo 60x70 inches. v Highest, Yuullty AIMVool Ulankctn ' 912.50, 914.00 and 913.00 .... .1-..1.I0 xnriled, Co'- Of solectod, pure couo i, "; . , -iiW orod with pretty morcuruwu ... floral puttorfi. fnmfnrrerB. Special $6.50 oin..in..i iiwnnrwnil" mnlto. Filled wl.' i-.i ,l,l. .ar,tnil rnttnil folt. Figured 8 (UViuu nuuu vi' ww- covering. Beautiful Comforters $9' Puro, double-carded, cotton ""J will and carbonlzod. Covering of flno uw borders of solid bluo or pink. 23x28 Inch Select I Vat her Filled i TJcklnR OotpiciI rlon ?aw STAR Theater TONIGHT ZANE GREY'S GREAT STORY "THE BORDER LEGION Starring BLANCHE BATES and HOBART BOSWORTH a i j f ! lawless wet m days of 49 - PRICES 15 Cents and Men's Togs Only Cor. Sixth and Main 727 Muln St. Klamath Falls rW" Oregon J f, V fr.