riHHAV, tKTOHKII Si, 1PIB STANFORD IN fibKD ';M l4?dlni'cf ,Tl'st t,in th',n&' These dainty, ', tf , VJA'OllJup crisp, dr-lieatcly saltuil Snow . ", 7 x Klnki's. Thoy 'aro sold fresh ' i f everywhere in KPiilcd packages. f 1 , Af'c your grocer. t ' I " ' I ' I KSHE jfliUHH ham Don't ask for Crackers g p say Snow Flakes - -- C , & m ' (L rv Pacific Coatt L ii OBJECT Tl FEE STANKOIID UNIVM1UHTY, Oct. 5i-0)'HHlll" ' IucIhIoii of (ho board of tniHloi'H to rhargo tui tion of f I" 'liinrtor lit Stanford Ih ,niiii: among tli Htudonls, urrord- Ing to tlio Dully Palo Alto, tlio nu j.. newspaper. "Tlio students' vololt." lliuiiovHpiipcir nnlil ro ccntly. '" a nilo Ih not far away ifrom that cT t" alumni and fnc ' uiiy " Objection ,0 lll m,w r,l"nK' "H outlined ly Hi" l)n,y ,,", A11"' B kiscd on "To nnnounco at thlH tlmo that in January tlio now system will take effect Is not Just to thoso students now roJlHtorcd .)t tho unlorslty," tho Dally I'alo Alto said. "Tlio paper furtlior objoctod to cbinglnK Stanford from n "froo university," to n "pay-aB-you-onton -collet." Tio foundlnB grant of tho unlvor .lu is written by Mrs. Btanford, tho newipapor notod, statos that "Tho university linn boon endowed with a tIow to offorlng Instruction froo, or nearly frco, that It may roslst tho tendoncy to stratification In socloty, by kcoplng opon an avonuo whoroby the deserving and oxcoptlonal may rlso tbrouKh tbolr offorts from tho lowest to tho highest stations In II to. A spirit or cqunllty must according ly be mnlntalnod within tho univer sity. Tho trustoos ordered tho tuition f i i ii r n i " "' V Mil Does Advertising' Pay? Yes! If U'b truthful nnd you havo tho Roods. Wo linvo sold sovoral hundred dollars' worth of good iifiod Phono graphs hIiico advertising our Dor tins several days ago. Somo good nes LEFT. EARL SHEPHERD CO. 507 Muln St. High Grade Ladies' & Men's Clothes MADE TO ORDER FINEST MATERIALS BEST OP WORKMANSHIP LATEST STYLES PERFECT PIT GUARANTEED Prices' are very reasonable Vour Inspection Invited Chas. J. Cizek MERCHANT TAHiOB 8JH Main St. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THREE. g! to meet tho cost of handling an In creased studont body nnd provldo largor salaries for memben of tho faculty. SCRIPTURAL TEXT TAMES PRISONERS SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Oct.24. Tho finding of a passngo In tho Illblo recently load Frank E. Harris of Uonvor, Colo., and Jcsso P. Woke of I'lko Springs, Ark., to nbnndon a "prison strike" at the United States Disciplinary rtnrracks on Alcntraz (slnnd, San Francisco .bay, tho Fed eral prison otllclals said. Tho two men, said to havo boon lenders among a group of "conscien tious objectors" conllncd on tlio Is land who hnd rofused to work, said thoy dropped their trouble making tactics when they noted this passage In Romans XIII, verses 1 nnd2: "Let ovory soul bo subject unto tho hlghor powors. For thoro Is no powor but of Oed: tho powers that bo aro ordained of God. "Whosoovor thoroforo realstGth tho powor, roslsteth the ordinance of God; and thoy that resist shall receive to themselves damnation." Silver Anniversary BALL Saturday, October 25, 1919 at Malin Hall , , to commemorate tho founding of Malln Sottlomont. Ablo men will givo speeches on tho prog ress mndo slnco tho founding of Malin. Everyone cordially Inyited. Dobry orchestra will furnish tho music. V. J. SPOLEK, JOE KOTEItA, V. RAJNUS, JOE OTOMAN, Committoa. Public Sale SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1919 Pan Ranch, Milo Wo will RoU at Public Auction on tho P. East of Merrill 1 team brown mares, 7 yrs, weight 2600; 1 team bay marcs, 9 yrs., weight 24G0; 1 block horso, 10 yrs. old, weight 1250; 1 bay horse, yrs. old, weight 1100; B good milch cows and calves, 1 good holfor calf. 1 owo lamb, 7 hood hogs wolghlng about 150 lbs. oauh, 1 brood .sow and 0 pigs, 3 doz. chickens and somo pullots; 1 FordBon tractor, " fenders, extension whoels and powor lift plow; 1 new Ken tucky 14 disc drill with soodor, 1 now throo-soctlon harrow 'and narrow cart, 1 16-ln. sulky plow, 1 new John Dooro mOwor, 1 Mc Vrmlck mowor, about 70 tons of alfalfa hay, 1 now grlndstono, 1 jyi-in. Mitchell wagon and 2 hay frames, 3 good sots of hornebs, 1 15-in. swell fork saddle and bridlo, 1 DoLnvol croam soparator sod about throo jnonths, houshold furnlturo, ote. f FREE LUNCH AT NOON - KnMf OP SALE All sunls undor 120.00 cash. AH sums over 20.00 a credit of 12 months will bo given at 8 por cont intorost. ankablo note required botoro property 1b removed. 5 per cont dis count for cash. . MERRILL & MOORE, Auctioneers. VOCHATZER RnOTHERS. Owners. SEEDLESS FIG POMONA, Cal., Oct. 24. A seod loss (lgh has been developed hero by W. F. nolingor, after sovcral years of labor Hortlculturallsts aro said to regard It as a distinct addi tion to (Ig culture. ,AlVAWWWMVMS Houston Metropolitan Amusements itti0SiiSSi0S HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DANCINP Wednesday & Saturday Mghts. Popular Jazz Orchestra STAR THEATER TODAY BANK GREY'S Greatest Story TH BORDER LEGION l Melodrama of tlio Lawless West Iu the day of '40 Starring BLANCHE BATES And HOBART BOSWORTH Also l Keystono Comedy in Two Parts HIS WIFE'S MISTAKE And Five Acts of Screen VaudcTillo Admission 15 and 85 Cents TEMPLE THEATER TODAY OSCAR WILDE'S Classical Screen Drama LADY WINDEMERE'S FAN Also A Lyons and Moran Comedy And International Current Events MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTURES TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS Merrill, Oregos TEACH YOUR CHILD THE LESSON OF CLEAN TEETH Tho earlier your child is taught tho valuo of a cloan mouth and sound toeth tho healthier and happier ho will bo in fu ture years. Wo have a nico lino of Children's Tooth Brushes and all tho advertised Denti frices and Mouth Washes with which tlio lesson can bo best demonstrated. 'V Palace Market FOR SERVICE AND QUALITY The only market in the city operating its own sold storage sys tem for the proper handling of fresh and cured meats. SPECIAL PRICES FOR SATURDAY All meats sold at this shop are guaranteed to be the best of quality. 1J Nice Juicy Cuts BIG SPECIAL ON n" FANCY VEAL Klamath County Beef r CHOICE LEG ROASTS CHOICE RUMP ROASTS 25c FANCY SHOULDER ( CHOICE SHOULDER ROASTS ROASTS 18c to 23c 18c to 20c NICE, JUICY FORE Q, ,, TTTTT II" ROUND STEAKS Shoulder Veal Cutlets....22c 24c FANCY RUMP ROASTS NICE, JUICY CUTS ??f ' FOR BOILING BREAST OF VEAL AND 15c to 18c VEAL STEW YEARLING MUTTON lgc Fancy Loin, and Rib Chops 30c CHICKENS Choice Shoulder Chops..24c . . Nice, Juicy Shoulder. For yur Sunday Dinner , Roasts .....'...' 22c, Hens, per tb :30ct Mutton Stew 14c Springers, per tb 35c 3 We slice Fidelity Hams, strictly an Eastern Product, U. S. Inspection No. 141. Klamath Packing Co. 524 MAIN ST. PHONE 68 ALASKA HUSKIES HIT BY H. C. L. ()r(lerwoor PharmacY 'IF'v KLAMATH FALLS OREGON inj? I luiTiiTinf norr.nN V rH-Hllrtlll rli WIM-UUH NENANA, Alaska, Sopt. 20. (By Mali) Alaska winter trail dogs, who aro "summer boarders" at dog "farms" along the Yukon river and its tributaries, suffered tho general fate of boarders this year by having their board raised on account of the scarcity of fish, their main food. Tho usual rato of $4.00 per month was raised to $7.00 and $8.00 by somo "farms." Operations of a commercial fish cannery near tho mouth of tho Yukon it Is generally believed, has reduced tho number of fish that reach the upper waters of tho system. Before tho cannery was started no fish shortago was reported. Nols Stol, a Nenana "sourdough" who conducts a dog "farm near here said ho was not able to catch enough fish this summer to food his seventy "boarders." As a result ho had to buy other food which has ralsod in prlc"e. Even at $7.00 a month, ho estimated he was barely breaking even. . LETTER DELAYED FOR SIXTY YEARS PARIS, Oct. 24. They are clear ing the letter dumps in France with the result that what is believed to bo a record for slow delivery has come to light. A lotter from Mey- jssac to -Clermont Perrand, a distanced of less than 100 miles has taken, sixty-two years in delivery. Tha letter solicited assistance for the son. of parents in humble circumstances, a boy who gave great promise, at school. The "boy" is now 76 years of age. s BEETLE IN SAMOA PAGO PAGO, Tuyulla Island, American Samoa, Sept. 15. (By Mall) The cocoanut bootlo has ap peared In the Islands of Manua and largo groves of cocoanut palms aro boing destroyed. The Islanders are believed to have brought the pest' from British Samoa. Best yet. Herald Want Ads. ATTENTION FORD OWNERS I have again opened my repair shop at the old location, corner Ninth and Main. You will find my equipment of a special design for Ford work. All modern tools and machinery is being installed as fast as it arrives. I employ only ex pert mechanics with years of experience on Ford cars. You will find my shop one of the most up-to-date equipped service stations for Ford work in the State, my aim being to give satisfaction. I would thank old, as well as all new, patrons for their trade. See us when your Ford goes wrong. Biehn's Garage (Formerly the Ford Garage) 'i i fit f i i ,trt , i ur mm oua j? r f fsffissM