The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 22, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    DNKSnAY, oOTonun m, iojo
oodrich Tires and Tubes
National Auto Accessory Company
Next to Postoffice Phone 471
i -
SALE Real Estate
"TTiTvoil HAM Mortiirn bungu
:ri'.7 ronmH iiihI hIoohIihj ju.rch,
lrdwoo. ",,,,..,,, througheut:
K10 v For further particulars
k'V'., m (lurcoloit ut Com I
ku""u" . 21-6t
"TZZv, Ilrltk hotel, r.7 rooms
fninoln Rlrect.wlth f our Rroiinrt
I . l.mlness rooms, loiiniuiMHiih
loOf DUB"'"'' ' , ,. i ,.,...
iwt in fcoioi,. "." -;
V No rtncr n t'n iftrnln. nil furnl-
..i.sii roonm """ - "
pumc' -- ... ,,,. ,.r Miiti.mnii r.
SfindloriMBlvon upon nppllra
7o D. K Collier, YroK... Cnl.
FOR RENT 2 unfurnished room,
(til and Mnln liifjulru (' II
Crlulnr, 325 l-'lftli Ht 21-31
I' OR LI.AHE To responsible parties
lllllt llllVO C(lllpilll'Mt and cihIi to
nuance uiunmcivcH. u desirable rnnch
Adrcmi M K. 'I. Ilornlil olllee x.ff
tSALI-'i lmv n few cholco ros-
Henco Iol. Il v ""-""""
linta IrnctH All on cany conns.
r UnnollUH With K. I). Co..
503 Main St
nn oii! Modern 7 room home
VI - . . It...
ltd bath-2 ioih H'cuiu inn
Bj Wall St., Ownor. 17-Gt
fOR SALE Miscellaneous
nv sau-v Four doz. laying Rhode
liland red Iiuiih, Murch and April
ten. All in kuuu toii'uiivu. ..
tnle l'urdy, Merrill, Oro. 2l-3f
OR SALE 5 Al Milk cows nil of
lem coming fresh soon , 3 dozen
klclens and lo turKuyu, win uno
I 3 or 4 Horses cncnp. nco uoii-
tt mllo neat or .Minor inn
1 house. 18-3t
OR SALE 3 In. farm wagon nnd
I new luggy tonguu with iiounio
Im and okc. John N. Schmlu
Irthur Lewis' plnco on 1Mb Ditch,
Damath Falls. 18-ui-
OR SALE Or will trndo for Indlnn
Land on tho Klnmnth Marsh; ono
ke cisscnKcr. six cylinder touring
kr, cylinders linvo neon ground nnu
itw pistons, now top, aiso z now
ird tires' and ono extra tlrq. Box
B. C. Herald 8 If
MONEY TO LOAN- On nuto.s, fur
niture, rctu CHtnto. XY7. Ilornlil.
WANTKIJ To buy hiiiiiII homo In
Hood neighborhood. Koine c..nli
biilmifu terms Wrlto full pi.fticu
Inrn 27 llorald.'
PERKONAI- Information as to tho
whoienbouts of A. Haxtur, former
s of Maxtor Mnlonu. I'lumboin
Klnmnth Falls. Oregon, m wanted bv
Aithur It. WIIhoii, phono 1H0. 20-3t
WANTED Would like to hear from
Home ono, preferably In tho Mer
rill country or near Klamath FiiIIh,
who him a good feed yard and first
cIiihh alfalfa hay to food 400 or COO
2-year-old steers for Fobruary or
March, on percentage linnlH. J. 1.
McAullffo, Ft .Klamath 11-tf
CITY GARBAaK When you want
Qnrbago romovod phono 91. 11-tf
OR SALE 10 sown, 1 boar, 3ft
Iwcaner pigs. I'oianu unina
bwer Lake. K. M. Hoppo. 10-7t
BKD AUTOS Haxon "8lx" nnd
Bnlck "Four", for sule. IlonKlnnri
HcCollum 8-tf
OR SALE A Chovrolot. n Ford.
I Maxwell and an Oakland. Inquire
ailenllno, 327 Main C-tf
I call tbe Klamath Countv Hlirli
thool phono 3G0. Olrls for typing
PJlng and (IIIiib: iiIbo Konornl
pusework, carlnB for children etc.
Wa for clerklnK. messencor service
lores, etc. nttontlon Is civ-
to this BOrvlco liv tlin urlmnl
ItJorHles and an offort la to bo
f io maKo elilclont. convenient
& PrOOtalllo lintll In tlin ol . Ion I
Id to those reaulrlnc their sorvlcea.
ANTED- Olrl for genoral house
work and cooklnc Mm n n t oh.
fi Bly, Oregon. " l-tf
WnrlilV Clrcattwt PhrcnoloRlNt,
I'almlNt nnd Mcillurn
Heads your entire life past, prcs
ont ail ruturo correctly, Blvlng
namcH, (intes and (I cures in hutdncHs,
lovo law, inurriiiKO nnd domestic
troubles. Tells you what you are
best ndaptnd for and whnt to do to
better your conditions In life This
lady reads your hand ns you would
an open hook. A rending by her
will meet your highest expectations,
and you will ho wiser and happier
after consulting her, sho hnvlng the
girt or removing nil evil Influences
nnd placing you In an environment
of happy thought and contentment
uenillngH: Sundny and dally, 9 n. in
to 930 p. m. Koom r, Swnnson
Hldg . over gun store, Main St be
tween tlth and "th, opp. Western
I'nlon, Klamath Falls, Oregon.
PHONT3 PEYTON for Wood. 112R.
Surety bonda while yon wait. Chll
roto & Smith. 5-tf
ANTEDWo!nan for genoral
iionie-work for small family, mld-
r- woman preforred. Porma-
B.t fOrk. Anillv PnilnV Inrlmil.
nrtofflco 18-Ct
lANTEDMlddlo oged woman ns
irr,rpor in Bmn" fy
I... '",.co Jnontiis. Work lu'ht
p goou llernld olllco C-tf
ri IV inrv'a M -.
--' O 1KRW I licM.tAM
a breaks a cold 'and
checks a cough
iftfwV T: sneezea-and
1 'i,n. hard cold w,i
' "HI (Ann i ." ilU;BI HUtllt
If WhS? h t''roa,t-ck'e. Used
'Effects ''i,,0, d'sngreeaBle
"" " u u iruu.
Approving the Plans, Specifications
and i:stlni3tc8 prepared by the
City Engineer and filed with the
Pollro Judge for tho rnnstuiiHIon
of tho Fifth Unit of Sowers for
tho City of Klnmnth Falls, Ore
gon, Including septic tank and
outfall sower ns shown In said
Plans. Specifications and Estl
mates; determining Iho bounda
ries within which tho property
lies that Is to ho spoclllcally ben
oflted and to be assessed for ono-
liilf of the cost of such Fifth
Sower Unit nftcr eliminating
therefrom tho cost of tho septic
lank and "outfall" sower run
ning from tho Intersection of
Owens and Shastn Streets west
erly to Lake Ewauna, as shown
upon said Plans, Specifications
and Estimates; charging tho cost
of said Bentlc tank, outfall sew
er, right of way for outfnll sow
er and septic tanx, nnd ono-nnu
of tho cost of romnlnder of said
Fifth Sower Unit agnlnBt tho City
of Klnmnth Falls and tho re
mnlndor thereof ngnlnst tho real
proporty spoclllcally benefited by
said sower unit, and ordering
tho publication of this Resolu Reselu Resolu
teon: i
Tho City Englneor. pursuant to
resolution of tho Common Council
heretofore ndontod. hnvlng on tho
f Oth dny of Octobor, 1919, filed plans,
specifications and estimates ot mo
cost of making and Installing tho
Fifth Sower Unit of Klamath Falls.
Orocon.-Including a concrete soptlci
tank 85 foot long by 1G feot wldo oast cornor of Lot 371, of
by 11 feet (loop, to bo located atii22, of Mills Addition; thence
Intersection of bouthorly limits of southerly In a straight lino to tho
Klamath Fulls and tho oastorn shoro I southwest corner of Lot 10, of Block
of Lake Ewauna, and nn outfall sow- 303, of Mills Socond Addition to
er running from tho Intersection of
Owens and Shastn Streets westerly
Behind Schedule?
Wltl Km. " w j.uu
lCa'll".rL!B- Still
... ,u1 owiua.
nieiiBloiiH nnd kinds of mntorlals
shown upon Hnld planH, specifica
tions nnd estimates, nt a total esti
mated cost of fG0,7.irj 00; that tho
total cost of said HOptlc tnnk and
Bump OBtlmatcd at 9,000, the total
cost of said outfall sower horctoforo
mentioned, estimated at $fi, 7 14.00,
tho total coBt of Bald rights of way
for Boptlc Unk and outfnll Hewer
vHtlimitofl at $1,200.00, and ono-hnlf
or the total coBt of tho remainder of
Raid Fifth Sower Unit, estimated at
$13,115.00, Is to bo borno nnd paid
for by tho City of Klamath Falls;
and tho remainder of tho cost of
said sewer milt estimated at $21,
071, 00, te be borne and paid for by
the real property Hpcclally benefited
thereby, and the City of Klamath
Falls not to bo liable for said
amountH abovo mentioned unless tho
people thereof by majority voto
shall authorlo the Issuance of bonds
of ft ild c ty to an amount necessary
to pay the said city s portion of tho
tost of sitld bewur unit, septic tank,
outfall sower and rlghtH of way as
LI), by tho Common Council that
tho propei ty hereinafter described
be, and tho Hanio Is, beroby declared
to bo benefited by said sewer unit
All tho real proporty embraced in
tho boundaries of tho following de
scribed Fifth Sower Unit ,tb-wlt:
Hcglnnlng nt tho Intersection of
Michigan Avenuo nnd Esplanade
Street, thenco In a southeasterly di
rection following tho south bound
ary of the U. S. Irrlgntlon Canal
right of way to tho easterly point
or cornor of Lot 2, Ulock CO, of 2nd
Hot Springs Addition; thenco west-
oriy along the southerly lino of said
Lot 2, Illock 5G, to. tho center of
Ll Dorado Avenuo; thenco south
along tho center of El Dorado Ave
nue to a point In the center of said
avenuo opposite tho southwest cor1
ncr of Lot 5, of Ulock 4t of Wil
liams Addition to Kiamain fans,
Oregen: tnenco duo oast to a nolnt
duo north of tho west end or point
of Hlock 23, of Industrlnl Addition
to Klamath Falls, Oregon; thence
duo south to tho west end or point
of snid Illock 23; thenco southwest
erly to tho northwest cornor or
point of Lot 33, of Block 22, of said
Industrial Addition; thenco south
westerly along the northerly and
westerly boundary of said Lot 33.
of Ulock 22, to the center of Martin
Street; thqnco northwesterly to the
northeast corner of Lot 28, Block
16, of said Industrial Addition;
thence southwesterly between Lots
28 and 29 nnd 9 and 10 of Block 16
of said Industrlnl Addition, to the
northerly line of East Main Street;
thenco soutlieaf terly to tho north
erly point or corner of Lot 54, of
Block 11, of said Industrial Addi
tion ;thenco southwesterly between
Lots 54 and 55, of Block 11, of said
Industrial Addition, to the southerly
point or corner of said Lot 55,
Block 11, Industrial Addition;
thence southeast cily to tho north
east corner of Lot 5 of Said Block 11;
thenco southerly to tho southeast
corner of Lot 11, of Block 11, of
said Industrial Addition ; thence
southorly between Lots 27 dnd 28,
of Block 12, of said Addition, to the
southwest cornor of Lot 27, of
Block 12, of Bald Industrial Addi
tion; thence easterly to the south
east corner of Lot 23, of Block 12.
of cald Industrlnl Addition; thence
southerly along tho westerly sldo of
Oordon Street to the southeast cor
ner of. Lot G, of Block 12, of laid
Addition; thenco easterly to the
northenst corner of Lot 1, of Block
14, of said Industrial Addition;
thenco southerly between Lots 1 and
2, of Block 14. of said Addition,
and Lots 31 and 32 of Block 7, of
said Addition, to tho southeast cor
ner of Lot 32, of Block 7, of said
Industrial Addition; thence easterly
totho southeast corner of Lot 24, of
Block 7, said Industrial Addition;
thenco northerly between Lots 23
and 24, of Block 7, of said Addition
to tho northwest corner of Lot 23,
of Block 7, of said Addition; thence
northeasterly to the center of the
Intersection of Orchard Avenue and
Owens Street; thenco northerly to
tho southerly lino of Home Avenuo;
thonco easterly along tho southerly
lino of Home Avenuo to tho north
oast corner of Lot 339, Block 112,
of Mills Addition to Klamath Falls,
Oregon; thonco southerly between
Lots 338 and 339 nnd 34G nnd 347,
of Block 112, of Mills Addition, to
tho northeast comer of Lot ,387, ol
Block 113, of said Mills Addition;
thence easterly along tho southorly
lino of Orchard Avenuo to tho north
,to Lake Ewauna, and tho Common
Councii having taken the Bame un
der advisement, nnd finding said
plans, specifications nnd ostlmntes
said plans, specifications and esti
mates for tho making and Installa
tion of said Fifth Sowor Unit, In
cluding said soptlc tank, outfall
sewer and rights of way for said sop
tic tank and outfall sewer bo.and
the same hereby aro .npprovod. and
that tho Common Council hereby de
clares Its Intention to make and In
stall snld Fifth Sewer Unit, Includ
ing said septic tank and outfall
sewer and to acquire said rights of
way, in accordance with said plans,
specifications and estimates. Said
Fifth Sewer Unit shall consist In
lhylng sew"or pipes, "y". brnnchos,
manholos, lampholes, sump and
building and soptlc tunk, of tho dl-
Klnmath Falls, Oregon; thenco west
erly along tho northerly line of Eb
orlein Avnuo t0 tho southwest cor
ner of Lot 10, of Block 201, of Mills
Second Addition to Klamath Falls,
Oregon; thonco southerly to the
southwest corner of Lot 7, of Block
205, of Mills Second Addition to
Klnmnth Falls, Orogon; thence east
erly to the southwest corner of Lot
9, of Block 206, of Mills Second
Addition, to Klamath Falls, Oregon;
thence southerly to the southeast
corner of Lot 11. of Block 206, of
said Mills Second Addition; thence
westerly to a point 150 feot due
west of tho center of the Intersec
tion of Owens and Shasta Streets to
a point; thence northerly parallel
and 150 feet distant from Owens
Street to Sixth Street; thenco north
easterly to tho southwest corner of
Lot 10, Block 2, Industrial Addi
tion; the'neo northerly tp tho north
west corner of said Lot 10; thenco
westerly to the' southwest cornor of
Lot 11, Block 2, Industrial Addi
tion; thonco northerly to tho north
west corner of Lot 28, of Block 2,
of Bald Industrial Addition; thenco
easterly to tho southeast cornor of
Lot 30 ,of Block 2, of Bald Indus
trial Addition; thenco northerly lo
tho northeast coiner of Lot 9, of
Block 3, of said Industrial Additien:
thonco westerly to tho southwest
corner of Lot 11, of Block .1, of sa'd
Industrial Addition; thenco north
erly to the northwest corner of Lot
33, Block 3, of said Industrial Ad
dition; thence westerly to tho south
east corner of Lot 21, of Block 1, of
said Industrial Addition; thence
northorly to tho mrthennt corner
of Lot 5, of Block 5, of sild Indus
trial Addition; thenco westorly to
the southwest corner of Lot 7. of
Block 5, of snld Industrial Addi
tion; tbento northorly to the south
east cornor of Lot 25, of Block 8,
of said Industrial Addition! thence
northwesterly to the scithwest ccr
nor of Block 9, of said Industrial
Addition to Klamath Falls, Oregon;
thenco In a northerly dlrect'on fol
lowing the west lino of Blocks 9
nnd 10. of tlin! Inilimlrlnl Arlrll-
I tlon, to the nortliwcst corner of Lot
35, of Block 10, of said Industrial
Addition ;thenco northwesterly to
th osouthcast coiner of Let 9, of
Block 58, of Socond Hot Springs Ad
dition to Klamath Falls. Oregon;
thenco northwesterly along tbe
westerly line of Block 68, and 54,
of said Second Hot Srlngs Addition,
to tho northwest corner of Lot 1, of
said Block 54, of Second Hot
Springs Addition ;thenco northeast
erly to tho placo of beginning; and
that the real proporty abovo describ
ed and embraced within the said
boundaries of said Fifth Sewer Unit
bo', and tho same Is, horeby declared
to be assessed for Its proportlolT'of
tho cost of said Fifth Sewer Unit
and hereinbefore set forth au.I in
proportion to the benefits received
by said property;
PROVIDED, thst should property
owners on other streets than those
ombraced In tho Flftn Sewer Unit
desire at any time In the future to
form another sewer unit, partially
or wttblly within tho said Fifth
Sower Unit, the property -embraced
In the said Fifth Sewer Unit, shall
not bo exempt trom assessments Tor
such other sewer units to the ex
tent of benefits received therefrem:
that said sower Is to be completed
on or beforo October 1, 1920.
ED, that Monday, the 3rd day of
November ,1919, at the hour of 8
o'clock, p. m., at. the Council Cham
ber In the City Hall at Klamath
Falls, bo fixed as the time and place
for tbe hearing of objections and re
menstnnces against the sa'd pro
posed Fifth Sewer Unit and the Po
lice Judge be, and he Is hereby, di
rected to cause notice of said hear
ing be published as by charter pro
vided. -
That sa'd Fifth Sower Unit is to
be laid at, in. and along the follow
ing places In said district, to-wlt:
On Michigan Avenue from Its
Junction with Esplanade Street or
Avenue southeasterly to the Junc
tion of said Michigan Avenue with
Main Street ,and from sa'd Michi
gan Avenue easteily along fhe south
boundary of Lots 4, 5, G and 7,
Block 53, Second Hot Springs Addi
tion, to the westerly boundary cf
the U. S. Government Canal right
of way; from Michigan Avenue
easterly along the south boundary
lino of Lots 1 to 8, Block 55, Second
Hot Springs Addition, to Junction uf
El Dorado Avenue and U. S. Gov
ernment Canal right of way; from
Michigan Avenue easterly along
Wall Street to the northwest corner
of Lotl, Block 57, Second Hot
Springs Addition; from tbe Junction
of Michigan Ave. an,d Main St. east
erly to Poplar Ave., from the Junc
tion of Michigan Ave. southeasterly
60 feet to the center of Eist Main
Street; thence southeasterly along
East Main Street to EI Dorado Ave
nue; thonco southeasterly along El
Dorado Avenuo to Orchard Avenue;
thence easterly along Orchard Ave
enue to Adams Street; thenco south
orly along Adams Street to Apple
gate Avenue; thence easterly along
Applegate, Avenue to Owens (form
erly Front) Street; from a point In
tho center of Owens Street duo east
from the southeast ccrner of Lot
23, Block 7, Industrial Addition,
southerly along the center line of
said Owens Street to tho Junct'on
of Owens Street nnd Sbabta Street
or Av.enue; the'neo westerly to the
east short) .of Lake Ewauna at the
Junction of said east shoie with the
southerly boundary of the City of
Klamath Falls. Also from a point
in the center of Owens Street due
east from tho southeast corner of
Lot 23, Block 7, Industrial Addi
tion, easterly thiough the center of
Blocks 101., 110 and 113 to a point
in tho center of Division Street due
east of tho center east and west line
running through block 113, Mills
addition; from a point In the center
of Stukel Street cast of the center
east and west line running through
Block 101, Mills Addition, northerly
to a point in the center of said Stu
kel Street east of the center east
and west line running through Block
100, Mills Addition; thence easterly
through the center of Block 111 of
said Mills Addition to a point In the
center of Martin Street east of the
center east and west line running
through Block 111 of said Mills Ad
dition; from pointB In the center of
Owens Street west -of the center east
and west lines of Blocks 102, 103,
lt)4 and 105, Mills Addition, and
Block 200. Mills Second Addition,
easterly to tho southeast corner of
Lot 488, Block 109, Lot 580, Block
108, Lot 672, Block 107, Lot 7G4,
Block 106, Mills Addition, and Lot
1, Block 212, Mills Second Addition,
respectively; from a point In the
contor of Owens Street west of the
east and west tenter line of Block
201 of Bf.ld Mills Second Add.tlon,
easterly to a po nt In the center cf
Dlv slon Street east from tho center
cist and west lino running through
Block 214 of said luct mentioned
Addition; thenco northerly along
tho center line of Division Street to
a point In the renter cf said street
"iiHterly from tho center east and
a est line running through Block
114, Mills Addition; from points 'in
the center of Division Street cast of
tho center cast and west lines run
ning through Blocks 116, 11G and
117 of sa'd Mills Addition, westerly
to the h uthwest corners of Lot 755,
Blotk 117, Lot 6t!3, Block 116. and
Lot 671, Block 115, of said Mills
niKiiuon, nil oi said streets, avo
InucH, alleys, lots and blocks, and
i the location, sires, kinds of material
jand method of construction of said
Fifth Sewer Unit being more par
ticularly described and act forth In
tho laid plana, specifications and es
timates filed by the City Engineer
with tho Police Judge of said city,
October Gth, 1919, reference to
which by all persons or parties in
terested in said sewer unit Is hereby
State- of Oregon. County of Klamath,
Liny oi iviamaui i'aus, as.
I, A. L. Leavitt, Police Judge of
the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon,
do hereby certify that the foregoing
ib a uiy enrolled copy or. iiesoiu
tlon adopted by the Common Coun
cil on the 6th day cf October, 1919,
declaring Its intention to construct
thp TTIfth TTnCt nf QAWnre fn- . rl,-.
of Klamath Falls, including Septic
ranK anu AJutraii sower, and ap
proving the plans .specifications and
estimates of tost thereof submitted
by the City Engineer.
13-10t Police Judge.
PARIS, Sept, 20. (By Mall) Tho
Pantheon where) o many farnons
generals, marshals, poets and Illus
trious men Bleep their Inrt sleep may
shelter the mortal remains of an
' '! p unidentified French prlvato
soldier of the great war. A few days
ago a resolution was introduced in
'he Chamber of Deputies requesting
that tho body of fn unidentified
French soldier be burled under tho
Marshals Joffro and Petaln, Gen
eral do Cnstelnau and former. Prem
iers Brland, Barthou and Rlhot, havo
given their approal to tho project.
In the mater of the Estate of
Matilda Whittle, Deceased.
Notice is' hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed
Administrator of the Estate of
Matilda Whittle, Deceased, and that
all persons having claims against
said estate shall present them to tho
said admlnstraotr at the office ofH.
M. Manning, his attorney, in the
Loomis Building, Klamath Falls,
Oregon, on or before six months
fiom the date of thfs notice. All
claims shall be properly verified
with vouchers Pttached.
Dated Sentemhpr 27.191r.
Adm'nlstrntor of the Estate of
Matilda Whittle. Deceased.
1-8-1 5-2 2-2 9
Rub ltim!.i;;o, p.iln, soreness, stiff-'
noss right out, with "Ht. Jacob's'
Llnfciren" "' .
When y-cur back Is sore and Iamot
or lumbago, sciatica or neuruttis has
you stiffened up, don't suffor! Get
a small trial bottle of old, honest
"St. Jacob's L'niment" at anv drug
store, pour a little In your ha id and;
nib It rii'M info the pain o mV9
and by the time you count fifty',
the soicness and lameness is
Don't stav cripnted! ThlF th
ing, penetrating liniment takes tho
ache and pain right out and ends the
misery. It is magical, yet, a
ly harmless and doesn't burn dls-s
color the skin. , (
Noth ng .else stops lumbar .. sci
atica and lame bark misc y so
promptly and surely. It ne- r disappoints!
Klamath. Lodge No. 137
I. O. O. F.
faaie WMov nlfrVi t nn Tjwi1r
I. O. O. F. hall, 5th and Main streets !
P. J Gerges , N- G i Fred Bremer
Secretary; P. L. Fountain Treasurer
Ewauna Encamnment Nn. 4fi T. .f)
O. F meets Tuesday night of each
week at I. O, O. F. hall. Arlle Wor I
rel, C. P.; Nate Otterbeln. Scribe;
P. L. Fountain Treasurer.
Livery, Feed and Sales
Quick Service
Day or Night
Klamath Stable
Long Trips Our Specialty
Reasonable Rates
Phono 10
Ladies' & Men's
Prices are very reasonable
Your inspection Invited
Ciias. J. Cizek
BIS Muln'st.
: 3
822 Klnmnth Avo
nn, a
I' General- I
I Concrete I
I Construction I
I Shasta Sand Used I
H Exclusively ,H
I'll be In Klamath Falls
soon to install tho National
AVontlier Strip in several of
i,uc nv, unu uiu iiuiliutt. XjOL tm
mo show ou what It is and jj
speaks for Itself, pays, for It
self and works for ou.
Wntch ft further announce'
' im
: p
.1 $
' &
' Has i
! H!
U L P H U R f irst ar s Arrived
Murphey's Feed & Seed Store
126 South Sixth St
"5) Bfiir
Iw. a,7 S :X skM