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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1919)
m ?. w " m.r! ..-a"! v ff'j ,;hdav, oaromm ca, una THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PACTS! F1YB A'INT MAD AT NOBODY r, f K. SUGARMAN lERSONAL... ..nnand HHHo" In In tho city from Ism Francisco. .... checkoff from Malln I In tho UonbuilnosB. n.rt Wllhrow nnd Don Ziimwnlt . back from ft wt-uK " U Valley. ... nt HllltlO Illdgo Ih niov- I. . Ji. mmllv to tho Robert homo l,t th nn.l Joffowm Htroot. . .. ti.Aiiiirrn who owns u largo I ',. 'i. In VaH Kl.lllllitll, WIIH In t0,clty)wtor.ln'lmylnKBUiu)IJos, .... im iiiii'iuiii nnd son. George. n. '-u ,. ,: . ., left this morning rr sun i nim-u.. ... Inhere tbey win visit ior u ia wuu.m tf.jir niclil'H train illil not nr- Irlte until H &. l" ,l imrl,nl derailment of tin- tender nonr Wood. . r K'llnL'imhorc of thu Din I-..I. i.nmlmr I'll. IH IllOVllIK hlH Ilimlly to tho Sulllvnn homo ut 11 IT. Crescent Avonuo. ' . .,,., Qi!iurvl(ir nf Crater B D'IWi" i.v0 park, passed through tho city I .. ,. I ...l. l. ...III Ion his way 1 wouioni wmim " reside during tho winter months. n.t...i i nu'iu. ulin linn bnn 'u tho city looking after business Interests bas sold hi rnncli in .mum auiihio.i to Charles Lewis of Lost lllvor. rh.ripn Lewis und family expect to reside on tholr now holdings. tvo rrodinir nf Pine Rtroot is rnp- ldlr nearlng completion and will probably bo finished this wook. when liock and hot stun win no spread lnk in ihn ninvnnlonrfl and Hlltls- Iftctlon of the property owners re IrldlDg on title thoroughfare. A Few Eye"Ifs" If an hour's rending makes your eyes sclio. If prlntod matter occasionally gets "mls ty." If you tiro obliged to stop work periodically to rest your c)cs for a fou mnmentH. If you flml it easier to rend nearer or further nwny thilji the normal twelve to fourteen Inches then somothlug Is jrrons. If you cannot rccognlzo poo Pie bcioes the street. If you have to make an effort to boo clearly knitting tho brows. for example. If strong light rires you pain In tho oyos, or If jou rc(iiiro more light tlun hitherto your eyes need at tention. II you have nny of thoao dif ficulties call and lot iib find out, definitely, just what tho troublo Is. We grind our own louses. H. J. WINTERS Jeweler nnd Optician 1'li'ino t low TOO Main r X Jr Ok i m "IgljIlM IWIIIMM U H .MMMMIIIWM'll'i'J-"?!!?""?-""1'""' ' " ' "" "" ; iii lintWH nmMMB-n:,par JP REG.SmlcDIN. T S PAT rF ,B06 T BY " V PR'CE C- Have your next suit and overcoat made by t agents for Ed: V. Price and The Royal Tailors. ' ' We "will give you everything you desire in finely tailored, stylish suit or overcoat .8888. K. K. K. STORE ED. V. PRICE Mrs. Nollls Cllno nnd Hlstor, MIkb Iliir.ol Mnoro, loft this morning for CornnliiKi California, where thoy will' Kpond tho winter. Mrs, .Too Mooro Iiiih Just received word thut hnr daughter, Mrs. Kny' Court Ih III in Kloti HoHpltuI In Bun I KrnnclHCo whoro she was oporntod on for nppondlcltffi a few lnyn ago. I .1. II. Wltliain.of I,oh Angolos Iiiih' Hold ii houmj and two lota on Harrow Avenue to Aiinit II. Mooro. Mr. Wit-1 liiiiu will luuve tomorrow for Ills homo. Kuy Tnlhoti who purrhiiHod the hum belonging to MrH, Eliza Mariilo at First and Main utrootH, Ih havliif; It wrecked nnd will remove tho liun hor to hit ranch which ho recently bought on the Lnkovlow road nnd will convert It Into lambing HhedB. SUNDAY SCHOOL . WDRKFRRG01NG Tbo Klamnth county school of Hundny school methods will bo held at the Methodist church next week. The first session will open at 7:30 o'clock Monday evening, October 27. Tho school will continue Tuesday nnd Wednesday, both afternoon and owning. Local church people hope to de rive great benefit from tho experi ence and ndvlco of tho export work ers who will speak at tho school of mtlio(ls and urge that tho dates bo remembered, October 27, 28 and 2!t. Monday Kronlng 7:30 Song service. Miss Augusta l'arkor, loader; Miss Fay Slack, planlHt. Special Music Mrs. Holloway. Introduction of visiting toam of Sunday school workers. "A Church Goal" Miss Oeorgia Parker, Kov. John W. Hoyt and Harold V, Humbert. Too Busy Many pooplo, especially those living in tho country, realize tho need of and are ready to purchase a musical nbtrumont. but have boon putting it off on the plea of boing too busy ut present. Get your instrument now whllo tho weather is good and whllo wo have such a good stock of Pianos, Players and Vlctrolas to chooso from. Wiso buyers will not fall to look over our stock. EARL SHEPHERD CO. Kvcluslvely tlio One Hiisincss Between nth and Oth .Streets Exclusive Agents for & CO. and THE ROYAL Tiii'siliiy Afternoon 2:00 Devotional sorvlco; Hoverend Aaron Wolfe, i 2:ir Symposium, "Training In Service." Chllilron MIhh Oeorgia I'urkor. Voting People Harold V. Hum bert. Men and Women John W. Hoyt. 3:30 Hong. 3:10 Address, "The Tonehor'a Challenge" W. S. Slough. !:10 Dovotlonal Clusses: (1) Worship for children's divi sion, MIbs Oeorgia Parker. (a) Tho Beginner's Department. (b) Tho Primary Department. (c) The Junior Department. 121 Youth n nil the Church Srhnnl ! iiutuiu r . iiuiiiuun. (a) Tho Young People's Division of tho "Sunday School. (3) Tho Adult DIvlBlon Program John W. Hoyt. (a) The Organized Clnss. (b) Parent Training. Tuesday Young People's Evening 7:30 Seng service: Miss Augusta Parker, leader; Mlss Alma Law rence, pianist. Paper, "Tho Kind of Sunday' School I Like" Wendell Smith I Paper, "Tho Kind of Teacher I Like" Dorothy Miller. Flute and Piano Duet Dr. and Miss Fisher. Offering. Vocal Solo Miss Augusta Parke Address, "Follow tho Gleam" Harold F. Humbert. Wednesday Afternoon 2:00 Devotional servcio; Reverend Southwlck. 2:20 "Tho Pin Cushion Illack- Board" John W. Hoyt. 2:50 "The Sand Table" Miss Georgia Parker. 3:20 Song. 3:30 "Tho Art of Story Telling" Harold F. Humbert 4:00 What Next? 4:15 Class Sessions (1) Equipment for Work With Children Miss Georgia' Par ker K. K. K. Store, i a perfect fitting, LEADING HATTERS TAILORS (2) Making tho Bible Vital to Young Peoplo" Harold F. Humbert. (3) The Adult Class In Session y John W. Hoyt. Wednesday K veiling Song sorvlco, by a member of tho visiting team; Mrs. J. Beckley, pian ist. Violin nnd Piano Duet Catherine nnd Beatrice Walton. Vocal Duet Mrs. Beckley and Mr. Haydcn. Address with moving pictures, "Thoy Shall Not Perish" J. J. Handsakcr. Best yet. Herald Want Ads. Silver Anniversary BALL Saturday, October 25, 1919 at Malin Hall to commemorate the founding of Malln Settlement. Able men will give speeches on the prog ress made since the founding of Malln. Everyone cordially invited. Dobry orchestra will furnish the music. V. J. SPOLEK, .TOF. Km -ra, V. RAJNUS, JOE OTOMAN, Committee. WflLDROOT 0"" win improve hair or we pay you Wildroot is a guaranteed preparation which goes right at the hidden cause of coming baldness the scaly, itchy crust of dandruff. Wildroot removes this crust allows nature to produce the thick lust rous hair normal to any healthy scalp. THE GUARANTEED HAIR TONIC For sale here under a money-back guarantee STAR DRUG CO. YVil!root Shampoo Poop, nwd In connection with Wildroot, iU hawtun tin 1 1 eatiuer.t. TEACH YOUR CHILD THE LESSON OF CLEAN TEETH The earlier your child is taught tho value of a clean mouth and sound teeth tho healthier and happier he will be in fu ture years. Wo have a nice line of Children's Tooth Brushes and all the, advertised Denti frices and Mouth Washes twlth which the lesson can bo best demonstrated. iRdenvoocrs PhartnafY VlV KLAMATH FALLS OREOOM Tn7?W I UtJC Vjp JB ? PKOPLK'S MAItKKT IH JMPllOVING TIIK SHOP "Look out for tho paint," the Peo ple's meat market warns patrons in neatly lettered signs, whfch, read between the lines, also say to look out for further improvements in this progressive business house. A generous application of white paint has made a good start in reno vation, including tho installation of showcases and counters. Here Comes rj C:' " v ' -1 '' '- ' wniiwimp--' ys .i gr the Grocery Man with Snow Flakes Thousands of children are happier and healthier because they can have all the Snow Flakes they need 'tween meals. And what better than these crisp, satisfying, salty crackers? Your grocer has them. X'Att-uv iUi;- Don't Ak for Cracker gay Snow Hakes ' tn& Pacific Coast Biscuit Co, ' , Public Sale SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1919 Wo will sell nt Public Auction on the F. L-. Papo Roach, 1& Mile East of Merrill 1 team brown mares, 7 yrs, weight 2600; 1 team bay mares, 9 yrs., weight 2450; 1 black horse, 10 yrs. old, weight 1250; 1 bay horse, 7 yrs. old, weight 1100; 5 good milch cows and calves, 1 good heifer calf, 1 ewe lamb, 7 head hogs weighing about 150 lbs. each, 1 brood sow and 6 pigs, 3 doz. chickens and some pullets ;,1 Fordson tractor, cab, fenders, extension wheels and power lift plow; 1 new Ken tucky 14 disc drill with seeder, 1 new three-section harrow and harrow cart, 1 16-in. sulky plow, 1 new John Deere mower, 1 Mc cormick mower, about 70 tons of alfalfa hay, 1 new grindstone, 1 3 -in'. Mitchell wagon and 2 hay frames, 3 good sets of harness, 1 15-in. swell fork saddle and bridle, 1 DeLavel cream separator used about three months, h'oushold furniture, etc. ' FREE IAINCH AT NOON TERMS OF SALE All sums under f 20.00 cash. All sums over $20.00 a credit of 12months will be given at 8"per cent interest. Bankable note required before property is removed. 5 per cent dis count for cash. MERRILL & MOORE, Auctioneers. VOCHATZER HROTHERS. Owners. (Kffe)Xl 04)0;:- I'll Tell the World We're on Our Way To the Diamond Tire & .Vulvanizing Co. to get an outfit of tires that can be depended uponto carry us-right. With a 6,000 mile guarantee on the Diamond Squeegee Fab ric Tires and an 8,000 mile guarantee on the Diamond Cords, you can't do better' than to put the Diamond slippers on the good old caY and go on your way in peace and confidence, and that's what we are go ing to do right now. v I'll Say We Are That's No Dream Diamond Tire & VulcanizingCo. MARPLE & SMITH, Proprietors 120 S. Main St. Phone 167 NOTICE St. Paul's Guild (Episcopal) will hold Its regular meeting Thursday, October 23, at 2:30 with Mrs. C. J. Martin, 218 High strreet. Any la dles who aro interested arc cordially invited to attend these meetings. B. V, Gregory came in last night from Malin, where ho has a large ranch. Mr. Gregory has leased his ranch and expects to make Klamath. Falls his home for the .future. s ' "' tTi iM .- ' , m ,.'., ' I !'i'gs H. ' 4 ? f ' J-v jmT s . , w tmf , , a -"--.11 '-(':--. V,X'-' . VJ 7' tpj ; . S .i r I ft 'j uuy Tntm drugs -V'j) rffTHVmr ?."ll"1- mumcxsrvsi