w, wfr -"if Y (j( I PAGB FOUR THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WKDNKHDAV, )(rr()ll:n 82. r '( in in W-lfT i' 'ti &w iSW i mm& J 4 J TheEvening Herald K. J. 51 U Hit A V Killlor . Fltn'l) SOUL 12 City Kilttor Published dnlly except Sunday by The Hornld Publishing Company of Klamath Falls, at US Fourth Strcot. Entorcd nt tho postoftlco nt Klnm th Falls, Ore., (or transmission thru tho malls ns second-class matter. Subscription terms by mall to any address In tho United States: One year $5.00 Ono month CO Member of tlio Associated l'rc"s The Associated Prcs Is eclusloty entitled to the uso. for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this pa per, and also local nous published herein. All rights of republication of spe cial dispatches herein are also resorv d. "WKDXKSnAY, OCTOIIKK 22, 1!)1D AMK1UCA FlllST "When the treay of peaco is rati fied by the United States senate It "witl hac stamped clearly and unmis takably across Its face "America First," In the nature of seven resor--rations, the text of which has just been made public. Theso tell tho Vorld just what may bo expected of tho United States. They interpret tho treaty first according to the , "Views of this country, and not after "wards according to the views of Eu ropean nations. If e have a league, let us have one that will not make a football or America. Let us es cape a similar experience to that meted out to us in the Panama Canal deal. These reservations do this, and while we would much prefer to see the entire elimination of the League provisions, this half leaf is a lot better than the "Made in France" concoction that meant ruin tor the United States. Undoubtedly there will be some amendment to some of these reser vations, but whatever change occurs, it will only be made with a view to making them stronger and more American. We are glad to see that the doctrine of "Americanism" is at last at the helm in congress. The seven reservations, to be. in corporated in the resolution of rati fication of the peace treaties are: First "That the Unjted States understands and so construes article one that in case of notice of with drawal from the League of Nations, us provided in said article, the Unit ed States shall be the sole judge as to whether all Its International ob ligations and nil Its obligations un der said covoniint .have been ful filled." Second ::Tho United Stntoa ns sumcsno obligations to pcscro tho territorial integrity or political In dependence, of any other country, or to interfere In controversies between nations, whether members of tho league or not, under tho provision of article X, or to employ tho mili tary and naval forces of tho Unltod States or under any article of tho treaty for Any purpose, unless In any particular case tho congress, which, under the constitution, has tho sole power to declare war or authorize tho employment of the mil itary and naval forces of tho United States, shall, by act of Joint resolu tion, so declare" Third "Tho United States ro senes to itself exclusively tho right to decide what questions nro within its domestic jurisdiction, and do clarcs that all domestic and politi cal questions relating to Its Inter nal affairs, including immigtatimi, coastwise traffic, the tariff, com merce and all other domestic ques tions, are solely within the Jurisdic tion of tho United States and are not, under this treaty, submitted in any manner to arbitration or to tho consideration of tho council or tho assembly of tho League of Nations, or to tho decision or recommenda tion of any other power," Fourth "Tho United States docs not bind itself or submit for arbi tration or inquiry by tho nssombly any question which, in the Judgment of the United States, depends upon or involves the long-established pol icy commonly known as tho Jlonroo Doctrine, said doctrine is to bo in terpreted by the United States alono and is hereby declared to bo wholly outside the Jurisdiction of said League of Nations; nnd It is pro served unaffected by any provision in said treaty contained." Fifth "The United States re frains from entering into any agree ment on its part in reference to the matters contained in articles 56, 167 and 15S, and reserves full liberty of action in respect to any controversy which may arise in relation there to." Sixth "The United States re serves the right. Upon the submis sion of any dispute to the council or the assembly, to object to any any member and Its self-governing dominions, dependencies or posses sions having in the aggregate 'more than one vote; and in case such ob jection is made the United States assumes no obligation to be bound by any election, finding or decision in which such member and its tfo- millions, dependencies and posses sions have In tho aggregate cast more than one voto." Seventh "That tho United States understands and construes the words 'dispute between members' and tho words 'dispute bafVoou par ties' in article 15 to mean thai ft dispute with a solf-goveinlng do minion, colony or doputulonry jop resunted In the assembly In a dis pute with tho dominant or principal member Is n dispute with all Hr solf govornltiR dominions, colonies or de pendencies; and that the exclusion of the parties to the dltiputo pro vided In tho last pauignph of said article will cover not only tho domi nant or principal member but also Its dominions, polonies and dependencies." TO FLOOD TIIU AMKUICAK WITH JAPS bo had fur nothing. Hut nobody cai.od for thorn. Today wo mo robbed of tho right to own laud and agitation Ib kIK 1" '" ,1H ' tho light to loiino. "Tho situation In llnull for micur lug farm luml Is oon more favor able than It was In Cillforutu In those lns. i:uu If one liun laud u very small amount or money f flcos. And It Is exceedingly eimy to muku plana for tho future. If wo do not now send liugo nmuburn of omlgiants and lay our pliutH for vn rloim enterprise!!, wo shall ultimate ly find n fringing f wl1 "" oc curuul In tho United Hlntiui of Noith America. "Although on tho American con tinents Canada and tho United i States of North Aiiwrlca refuse to' admit -our Japanese, Mexico wel comes thom, Oiiatciuula wuIcoiiiohI thorn, and llnull and Chill greatly, welcome thom. Should not tho Jap anese go eminent nnd people great ly oxort themselves In those vast I and foitllo llelds? "To bo sure, In tho mattor of wages for Immigrant laboiers,' wages In those lands do not com-! paro with thbso In tho United States of North America. Hut ceitalulyi when compared with wages in tho I homo country thoy uro not nmall. If one Irs it little mental onorgy, a little strategic ability, enn he not en- uiuiisu ll uuaiiivaa tia kivui u iiu i wishes?" -rw - It Reaches You Fresh. Vacuum Packed Remains Fresh Indefinitely "nr rfwAM. .fe-'.v Most Economical Coffee r wwntffl WhI 1 Ifc MWvlwMh'sMA Gocs gj Further Today's Anniversaries & Tho Japanese pross continues to supply proof that It Is tho set pur pose of Japan to Hood all tho coun tries of North nnd South America with tho surplus hordes of Japanese omlgrants, first, for tho oconomlc re lief cf Japan, ami, second, us help ing to make Japan n dominant pow er throughout tho world. Tho following editorial from the "New World," a Japanese nowspa-lAnd oven If wages hu insulllclont por of San Francisco ,and tho sub joined cable dispatches from Japan, recently published by that p.ipor, throw a clear light on tho Japanese aims: "Our Japan must adopt a policy! of wide-reaching nnd oggresslvo overseas emigration for tho reason that vast numbers of Europoan emi grants nro about to pour forth and occupy tho most desirable lands. "It is a fact not only that tha United States of North America dis likes our Immigrants, but becauso of a tacit pact, tho gentlemen's agreement, wo cannot arbitrarily send emigrants there without a breach of international morality. "But to places like Mexico, Cen tral America nnd South America, where our immigrants are heartily welcome, wo must send them with out tho slightest regard for uny body else. "At present the various peoples of Europe who have suffered cruelly by the great war, and who, If they reman at homo, will bo so heavily taxed that life cannot bo sustained with their small Incomes, naturally! will take tho first opportunity to flee to other Innds. England and Germany are snld to bo about to send great numbers of emigrants to Mexico. A telcgrnm yesterday reports that probably thirty to forty millions of Europeans wilt emigrate to South America. Wo can by no means regard this as a false or distorted report. "Thareforo our Japanese people also must now at this Juncture fore stall thom and lay our foundations "When Japanese first camo.to Cal ifornia land was worth only 50 cents an acre on tho plains and 25 cents in the foothills. Ifomcsteads could 1S.11 First rail or the Lexington j Ohio railroad laid at Lexington, ' Kentucky. 183G Gen. Sam Houston was In augurated president of the Kopubllc of Texas. 18C1 Delegations of Odd Fol lows gathered In Baltimore for the funeral of Thomas Wlldoy, founder of tho ordor In America. 1891 The widow of Sir John A. Macdonald, the Canndluu (dalesman, was created a peeress. 1895 rrcsldout Cleveland and members of tho cabinet vitiltcd tho Atlanta oxposltiou. 1900 John Sherman, former Ohio senator and secretary of Htute, died In Washington, D. C. Horn ut Lancaster, Ohio, May 10, lSi::i. 1914 Special war tax meusures approved by President Wllsom 1915 King George appealed to men of nil classes to enlist. , 19 1C Roumanians and Uusslans continued retreat before von Mack enson's forces. 1917 Field Marshal Halg report ed success of British attacks in Belgium. WRIGLEYS 5c a package before the war 5 c a package during the war 5 c a package NOW THE FLAVOR LASTS SO DOES THE PRICE! 0 1ST Tho day chosen for marriages In Greece Is usually Sunday,, but the day of all days It) tho ear Is tho Sunday preceding Chribtnms. exi: vi:ak acjo tooav in wak immis British crossed tho Scheldt miles north of Ton run I. French and Belgians mado progress In ndvanco on Qhont. flvo good President Wilson awarded Distin guished Service medals to principal allied commanded). Born, Tuesday, October 21, to ,.V.r. and Mrs Harry Ootller, Flnt and Pine utrcots, a diughler. 1 Borrf, Tuesda), October 21, t Mr and Mrs K V Smith, First and Main Htrrois. a daughter Try 'em llurnia Want Ad. J iff.' . Our Guarantee Your grocer will refund the full price you paid for M.J.B. Coffee, if it does not please your taste, no matter how much you have used out of the can, You Save More money when you buy M.J.B. Coffee in the 51b, Can i Also Packed in One nnd Three Pound Cans 1 wSpflftl a: ?jpraivwoer.r Xi W-flJi.!f - ! Ett r.V fi.MSRSMrH- Vrft'WlKCP'BSt jSBScBffinswiQfSJaev Style Comfort Quality And Get a Shoe That's Comfortable While Crossett Shoes for Men are unusually handsome in appearance, this handsomeness has not been achieved at any sacrifice of comfort. All Crossett Shoes are made on lasts which are de signed with" the human foot in mind. The inside finish of these shoes is smooth and this contributes in a large way to the comfort you will find in wearing them. x If you have thought that you could not wear handsome shoes and still have comfortable feet, we would like to have you see some of our Cros sett Models. We know that we can give you both handsomeness and comfort' BRADLEY SHOE STORE "EXCLUSIVE AGENTS" B $ f mm rw - i&tesmf', 'Rr t FL.-- i riG- y y " ViV(!'.wt x( 1 i A OW-ffmi 5 y wmTit x&&'Aimxx&iZ - mfw? J s Give the "world the orice 1ISTEN, fellows, to some j straight talk. Mpny a man when he gets to be 40, missos come thing. He may have lots ot money, und a fine family but He never "got out and cow things". After he gets settled down, it'a too late. "Every man wants to oee the world. No man likes to stand still all hi8 life. The best time to TRAVEL is when you're young and lively right NOW I i.!iSht ?W JKW Undo Sam iicaMng,,'ShoveorTI" Hewanti men for his Novy. He's inviting you It'a the biggest chance you 11 ever get to give the world the once overt 'The Nnvy r.ocs oil over the wcrld sails the Seven Sea t mints nt the six continentsr , tnatsitibuimeaa. Youstwid U stc more odd sights, wonder ful scenery on.l strange pcop ti.an you ever dreamed "l. You'll work hod wJ? vork. You'll play hard whi eyou play. You'll earn wl" You'll get. in ndd-tion to 'ho leave", a 30 day straight vaca tiqn-which is more than nvcroec bonk president can count on. You can join for WJjSJ When you Ect through you W physically and mentally ' up" for the rest of your m You'll be ready through M throuEh for SUCCESS. . There's Recruiting ftg right near you. If y St. know where It Is. Z. master will be glad to te y Show off f -Join the U. S . Navy n m ' 727 MAIN ST. KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. ' gTCrewESMraTOM v ,