The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 22, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    'i ''
wniNBHMY QOTonim aa, io.f
.How shall wo iimku this trip tlio utmost viiluo to
Kliiimtli KhIIh. AhIiIiiikI, Medford,
OrnnlM I'uhh, IlonoburK nml l'orl
land'" W,1B ,l1" ll,c8t,,m ttS,l1 'y
js'atluiii MmiiiiH. chairman of tho
Portland Cliumlior of Commorco, In
tt coiifoi'"'0 will' follow boosters
In tlio i ' i " '" nl( "10 Soutli
crn OHM'" t"1'1" excursion handed
jiomottiT'l. according to Mnrelnill
N, I) mil. npi'i'liil writer for tlio l'oit
laml Journal
"Klnin tli Kails has ono piiru
inount imprest," tlio writer hiij-h
tho conference ilueliU'tl; "tlio flpooily
liiillillni: "t the Struhorn Contra! Or
rcon rnllronil Hystom nml this hi
tereBt Incliiili'ii I-ltw county."
Tlio trip developed tlmt tlio flvo
communities visited hnvo ii comporu
tivo InmliioBfl showing t follews:
Medford, f 4.500,000; Ashland, $4,
000,000; Kliimnth Kails, JO.fiOO,-
flOO; Grants I'iibh, ?G,Q00,000, and
llosoliiirg, f 1,700,00. It wll bo neon
that Klamath Kails loads.
Of HiIh lnislnoBB, howovor, Port
land secures this rolntlvo percent
age: Kliiiuiitli KnllH, 10 por rent,
or $650,000; Medford 40 por cont,
or $1,800,000; Anhlund 25 por cont,
of 11,000,000; OrnntH I'iibh mid
ifasuuurg 30 pur cont, or $5,400,
000 and $1,230,000, respectively.
"Of course," tho wrltor nnlvoly
says, wliotlior original or quoting
tho scntlniont of tlio cnnforoiico Ib
undetermined, "ono would not !o bo
crass ns to suggest that tlio IiiihIh
of Increased co-oporntlon from Port
land Is pro m I ho of IncrouBcd trado
from tlio Boutli, but tho excursionists
havo not been allowed to forgot that
people like to do business with their
Tho Jouninl story la IIIiib! rated.
ino plutogrnnh being n srono on
tho Swan I.alvo branch of tho Strn
horn road, with tho oxcurslonlsla
grouped about and swarming over
tho locomotlvo.
NOME, AlaBlca, Auk. 20. (Ily Mull)
No evidences of commercial profit
oorlng anioni; dealers of Nome woro
found, according to tho report of tho
cHIzoiih' coiiimlltuo iniinod to niuko
an Investigation. High priced of nec
okhII Iki of llfo lioro, It wiih Bald, woro
duo to high prlcoH In tho Htiito com
bined with high frolght rates to
Of Intercut In coiinectlon with
prima of neccsHiiry coinmodltleH Is
the coHt of coal. In 1002 a good
guide or coal Hold In Nome for $11
Several yours later tho pilco was $17.
Now a grade or conl mild to bo In
fiuler sells at $30 In tlio yard
TrmiNpointloii ralea on real during
Unit liilermln have rlaon fiom $0 por
ton to $20 on carload lots or $23 on
hiHH thuii carload lotH,
lltKUiATION TO Hi; '
II018E, Idaho, Oct. 22. Ai Irri
gation coiiKniHH of delegates from 12
W0Btirn' HtateB ban boon called by
Governor I). W. Davis after confor
onco with governors of other Mates,
to ineot Friday and Saturday, No
vombor 21 and 22, at Salt Lake. The
congress Is expected to dovolop Into
n formal amalgamation of western
Htntca to prmuoto tho dovolopmont
of uniiHLMl watot. roHources and to
proBont to congress tho west's po-J
cullar Irrigation needH In tho wny
of nntonill legislation, i
(Jovornor.i of flvo states havo ox-j
piVBsed a keen desire to participate
in tho congress,
States which will bo represented i
nro Idaho, Orccon, Arizona, Califor
nia, Colorado, Montana, Novnda,
New Mexico, Utah, Washington,
Wyoming and Nobrasku. '
It Ii probnblo that oach stato will
bo rep'resentvd by ton delegates, j
Chllilfon In Lns!pn and Modoc
counties, California, and In adjoin
ing parts of Novadn havo never
heard of Sunday school audi do not
know what It Is, tho Row Aco
Drldger, missionary for that district,
told tho 1'rcsbytorlan synod, which
closed its mooting in San FranclBco
Up In Lassen nnd tho adjacent
counties far frpin railroads, Rov.
Del Marto, who has chargo of tho
mission work thoro, told of walking
24 miles a day In pursuanco of his
lbors among tho people
Tho synod passod a resolution of
thanks to thoso mon, commending
them for tholr dlllgonco and fidelity.
Tho Italian child Is novor allowed
to rub its eyes. If u bursts into
tears it is not roprossod, but al
lowed to havo tho cry out. This, it
Is claimed, bcautlfloa tho oyoa and
makesthorn Jcloor, whllo rubblng
tho oyca Injures thorn In 'many ways.
ta,hB. f 10I!llord'fl USC(1 Phonograph
wsn bargains. 17tr
Crandmothor kept her hair beauti
fully darkened, glossy and attractive
with a brew of Sago Tea and Sulphur.
Whonovcr her hair took on that dull,
faded or streaked appcarnnco, this
Hlinplo mixture was applied with won
derful effect. Ry nsking at any drug
etoro for "Wyeth's Sago and Sulphur
Compound,' you will get n largo bot;
tlo of this old-tlmo roclpo, improved
by tho addition of other ingredients',
all ready to ubo, for about 50 cents.
This slmplo mixturo can bo dopended
upon to restore natural color and
Beauty to tho hair. ,
A well known downtown druggist
says everybody uses Wyoths Sago and
Sulphur Compound now because it
darkens so naturally and evonly that
nobody can tell it has been applied
it's so easy to uso, too. You simply
dampon a comb or soft brush and
draw It through your hair, taking one
strand at a time. By morning the
gray hair disappears; after another
application or two, it Is restored to lte
nntural color and looks glossy, soft
and beautiful.
! i-H-H- l . M'4h-HH'H4'H'
you have wished you knew
just the right place to enter
tain your friends at dinner!
We invite you to take them
Jesse Bailey, Prop.
Phone 185 " f 610 Main St.
, - i oithv -Att vSz-ZV Ti'WlMTiiWMMy 6 QES &&. Ms&l &M IttfllMJi VI
r- MmrP flp
wjp mm wp m m m.G
Best Patent
Success in baking need be no ac
cident. Good Bread is the result of a
good recipe andgood flour. (ofWfiutiMS Flour has
uniform quality; every cupful is the same. Full,
deep, crusty loaves, smooth grained, tender and
tasty, are usual where it is regularly used.
Say "OLYMPIC to your near grocer, and ask him to mail you each'month
the beautiftilly illustrated recipes for insertion in your cook book or recipe file.
These tested recipes are tree.
' UWaiMJj iimv
emu ,
v,C' vv;, 1?v1 v-', V"-' &
Try this tested recipe for good bread:
Shot Method
S Loaves, or 2 Loaves and 12 Biscuits
1U Pints tepid water 1 Tablespoon salt (level)
tH Tablespoons sucar (level) 2 Cakes compressed yeast
1 Tablespoon shortening;
Olympic Flour, well sifted, enough to make a smooth donah, about
1M quarts.
Methed: Dissolve yeast In portion of water, salt and ansar In the
remainder. Put together,- then add flour enough to make a smooth batter.
Beat well until free from lumps then add remainder of flour sufficient
to make a smooth dough. Add melted lard or oil. Knead well and put
In greased bowl to rise until double In bulk. Knead down again and allow
to rise to about double in bulk. Mold into loaves, allow to rise until light,
bake in moderate oven.
t.s ...
KISHINEV, Bossarabia, Sopt. 3,
Vina Paris, Sopt. 22. Tho lepors of
Broasa saw their first Americans,
smokod their first American cigars
and received their first American
shoes when two Red Cross men visit
ed tholr nnclont colony recently
Broasa In a villago west of Odessa
which was formerly an important
Russian medical contor for the care
of leprosy.
Major Charles E.. Spratt of Now
York City, and Major Lionel D. Har
gls of San Francisco, brought with
them to Broasa a supply of food,
clothing and medicine Tho cry of
"Unclean- Unclean!" which met them
at tho gato did not doter tho Amorl-
ment of shoes were spread before
"Which aro tho mon?" Major
Spratt asked the Mother Superior.
A group ,of the shrouded figures
moved forward.
"Do you men smoke?" ho asked
through an interpreter. An eager
chorus came from beneath the roods.
"Then hero you nro! Light up!
And Major Spratt passu 1 around a
box of Havanas of his own stock,
8ay we will both look and feel
clean, sweet and fresh
and avoid jllnesa,
fermentations, gases, waste and-acld
lty and gives one a splendid appetlt
for breakfast. While you are enjoylnc
hot water and limestone phosphate oa
your breakfast the phosphated hot
water is quietly extracting a largo vol
urae of water from the blood and get
ting ready for a'thorough flushing ot
all the Inside organs.
(The millions of people who are both-.
ered with constipation, bilious spells.
Sanitary science nas or late made stomach trouble, rheumatic stiffness;
"And hero's a box of Bucharest rapid strides with results that are of others who have sallow skins, blood
candy for tho women," added Major untold blesslngto humanity. The lat- disorders and sickly complexions ar
Hargls. lest application of Its untiring research ! urged to get a quarter pound of limo-
As tho Americans left the colony, is the recommendation that it is as itone phosphate from the drug atorsx
tho inmates ran after them crying necessary to attend to internal sanlta-Tlls will cost very little, but is BUflU
out their thanks. jtlon of the drainage system of the hu-;c'ent to make anyone a pronounced
'jman body as It Is to the drains of the crank on the subject of Internal saa-
(IIOUSO. iwiiuu, u,
i m '
Those of us who aro accustomed to
SACRAMENTO, Cal.. Oct. 22. feo1 dull , and heavy when we arise, MOVE TO ritOTECW
nr. o. R. Simmons, cltv commission- "PHttlng headache, stuffy from a cold
or of public health, scratched his foul tonSue- nastr breath' acld Btom
head and nut on his glasses for a ".'. "tead, feel as fresh as a
second look whon ho received tho aalijy b opening tho s ulces ot the
LONDON, Sept. 14. (By Mall).
A movement Is beincr lnnuciirnin.1
nirot rro sn ila vi nvnf n r nnrs fldnhtn n AiaeV..
ocpy of the city's birth statistics """"" """' """"" ""-". " ln London to bring about the com
for September. Of tho 134 births l ,e whole ot the ,nternal Poub ellod needing ot managers ot BrlU
I- Gn.,.or..n,.n .li,(nr M,n mnntll StagnOlU niattOr. I isll musical COlllfirlv nr lllirlooniin !
cans, who Introduced themselves to , nr.iinnriiv. Snv8' Everyone, whether all!ng,s!ck or ntrIca. COinDanlea whlch ,rnvol wltK
!h .VlJZ nr. Simmons, ono Pr of twins to " ? ? l?f, peruses of more than Ave girl
low luiuuiua iiufiu.. i..u ... ..w.. ,,. or .ii. )o ,,. nrnn " - - - "- " " , snonsors of the oninnnlin oro .
uuuiti, -uv u.u i ."" ....o-. ,.., ,,,1,1. ...,.., Il ' - - .--... . u.
. uM.a.,.uu,u,us,,.ui thorjtjeg f0r Watomonts that girl
phosphate in It to wash from tho m,i,0 ,,-.,... ...... hl
of tho American supplier from a Red
Cross automobile. t
With nothing, but tholr oyes show
ing through silts in their ull-eno)np
inggowns, tho lopors watched tho
proceedings at a lespectful distance
Surgical diosslnga, antiseptics, band
agos, American cannod goods, sev
eral dozon shirts, pajamas and suits
of underclothing with an nsaort-
All Rnsslans, both men and worn-- ,,. mdlgostlblo waste, sour bile and :;... ","i . l"T u.urIes(l
beautiful nlRnnnllB tnylnS! , -!-,.- - "" v.cumizeu by
en. have a weakness for uoauuiui polsonous toxins; thus cleansing,
footwoar, and tho result is that there' tomach, llvor and bowols the preyious
uro moro showy boots worn in uus- sweetening and purifying the entire
sin than nnywhoro olso.
scrupulous managers who ' pay tho ,
girls less than ?B a week.
nllmontary canal beforo putting moro
food Into tho stomach. The action of! " ,.n,nK " specialty of fire, ltf,
.London' consumes about lS.QOO.-'an empty stomach' Is 'wonderfully in- "oV'sto'trlo Satotoi?
000 tons of coiil yearly
i vlgoratlng. It cleans out all tho sour E-tt
Cliilcoto A Smttfcv
miOl H"Ni