THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WKDNIMDAY, (Km)nHn Georgia Birthplace of Martha Bulloch FAIR PLAY Utility Problem mm: PAOR TWO X I .. z mother's h js ieiobiiil to roosevelt TGIEM ! GBEflT SURPRISE I a minute. JONES IIAI NO IIKA ANV MED ICINE COULD DO FOB HIM WHAT TANIiAO DID, EW Y6rK, Oct. . Loading "Well, sir. the way Tanlac has Waterspouts spin with enormous snood, Their tiloolty nt tho Hoa level has hceu estimate at six miles' ! T T T r t t Standard Phonograph llurgnlus A number from $35 up for cash or tormi. Soo our window. Karl Shoplicnl Co., 607 Mtiln St. 17tr Si Does Advertising Pay? Yes! If U'b truthful and you have EARL SHEPHERD CO. 007 Main St. southerners. Including United States overcome my troubles and built rne senators, have Joined in an organ- up js wonderful"," said H. P. Jones, u ized movement to make the birth-, wen known ship fitter in tho employ place'' of Theo. Itoosevelt's mother, j0f the United States Government, j the famous old Bulloch homestead who lives at 752 East Thirty-Ninth' at Roswell ,Ga , a permanent Rooso-; Bt i,og Angeles, Cal., tho other day.l velt memorial. i "The truth of tho matter is," con-j "Both the Georgia senators, Hokotlnued Mr. Jones, "I took Tanlac as' Smith and Willlim J. Harr'B, us well a last resort, for 1 had no idea nnyl 3 former Senator Thos. W. Hard-' medicine or treatment would do mo, -wick, all of whom were active po- Rny good. I had a general break-' lltical voppsnents of the late Presi- down in health last December, and I ' -dent, are leaders in the movement, have been in mighty bad shape ever The Bulloch committee is com- Blnce. My stomach went back on' posed of one membur from each me, and everything I ato disagreed the E00ds. southern state and is headed by Dr. with me and I would suffer for hours Wo 'have sold soveral hundred Tloyd W. McRae of Atlanta. It has after meals on account of being all dollars woith ci good used Phono- the co-operation of C. W. McCiure. bloated up with gas. I would have $toj dago.SoTe good a Roosevelt Progressive, who is the worst sort of cramping pains In one3 left. state chairman in Georgia for the the pit of my stomach. My nerves -Rooseelt Memorial Association, and were in such awful condition that I tI E. Y. Clarke, director of the Geer- would often go for seventy-two hours (la. campaign of the association. , without a wink of sleep. In fact, I , The birthplace of Martha Bui- was almost a nervous wreck. I loch, a scuthern gentlewoman fam- just kept getting worse all the time, ua for her beauty and charm, who and I finally gave, up all hope of ever supported the southern cause in the being well again, sixties, although the wife of a north- "That was the condition I was in erner and living in New York, Is a when I hcaid, about Tanlac and -venerable mansion of the southern while I had no idea that it would do colonial type in. a typical Georgia me any good, I just thought I would' plantation setting at Roswell, near make one more e'iort any way. Well, Atlanta. The old mansion' was or- sir, you can imagine my surprise en visited by Roosevelt. , when I commenced to feel better. I) Roosevelt was alwas popular in Just braced up and took a new lease Georgia. His devotion to his south- on life, and stuck to Tanlac until I em mother had much to do with am now a well, iobti3t man again. I this sentiment toward him, but his have gained eleven pounds already principles of Americanism made him My nerves have quieted down snd I many admirers among those who did sleep like a school boy every right. not belong to, his party. I am getting ready to go back to work again, and that is something I fl l"s TRADFMARIf ' never expected to be able to do again. KJIAJ 1 KAUtrVlAKfw . my appetlte Ia fino and j can eat jut IS ABOLISHED anything I want without suffering afterwards. AH my friends and 1 neighbors are as much surprised at A Miiht and Morolnrf. IGIC Have Chan.,L Eyi. K they Tire, Itch, Smart or Burn, if ?vw Ynim IVCC im-tl. Inflamed or lUUR HYE..J Granulated. uMnrln often. Soothes, Refreshes. Safe for Infant or Adult At all Druggists. Write for i f e Eye Book. Htrtst Ejt barir Cs., CUa(s Illinois business men's organizations are taking a definite step forward in effecting a business-like settlement of the public service questions aifecting their home cities. They have been brought to tho realization of the fact that the business life of their communities would be crippled without efficient transportation, electric, gas, telephone and. water service. They admit that these services cannot be rendered at a loss by public utility companies and that capital for a permanent in vestment in the upbuilding of their cities will be driven away by unfair actions upon the part of irresponsibles. A number of Commercial Associations are making exhaust ive investigations .with a view of reaching agreements equitable to both the public, the companies, the employees and the investors. California-Oregon Power Company It was once the custom in Itussln thnt u man was not allowed to at tain the dignity of trousers until ho married. A bachelor was forced to wear skirts as onu who possessed no doflnlte position In sccloty. More ovbr, tho law prohibited murrlngu unloss the man uas able to support a wlfu In the station to which shu was used, so thnt tho skirl ulso served as an index to Income. NOTICE TO SHEEP MEN CONDOK 1IKLT Tho original lied Friction Surfaco! ni, .. M. .i . i... ' vlce for the dollar than any other rubber belt. For Salo Uy ' Tho Klamath Rubber & Leather Co., 112C Main St., Klamath Kail OrU. 18tf VtSlll4tl' HOUSTON'? lf iriiitohnin AiniiHfiiiciitH LONDON, Sept. 24. (By MalD- my wonderful improvement as I am. The once familar "Made in Germany" an(J , Bpend md8' Qf my Ume n(JW is not appearing on products of Ger- pasglng the Bood word along t0 man manufacture since the arm Is- ,hra VLrhn Kllfrr nH , ,,, Tv,n tice which are finding their way in to continents! markets. An Ameri- Ih a blessing to the world, an1 as long as I live I will praisa It for tho .,. o?ilA0vri'i n'hn hnn lnut rnhirnoil . .a. oc.o..... .w.u ..-o j- .v ...... g00(j jt jas rt0ne me to London from Italy has several Tanac , 80(, , KIamath Falu samples of the goods German firms ,.v ,hn Rtnr nrll r nrl , ,.. by the James Merc, Co Adv. SAHM3 ItKI.TS aro distributing there. Each boars some symbol but none he three old t words, A cutlery firm has its name in a semi-circle at the base of thoi "blades and under it is btamped a Hon.' Made of the highest grade of oak The salesman told The Associated center, with a special tannage process Prp- "I saw manv new Gorman maMnK tlle 1,elt nl0re VUnhle and lress. I saw man new t.orman adaptahle t0 hgl, Bpee(1 trans. made articles in Italy priced far iJe-, mission, low what American manufacturers . For Sale By can produce them for. I was T,", Tn.'""ath Ruhhor f Leather Co,, surprised to find that the Germans 112C Maln St" Klf""alh Pan5'8.fre- were offering from twelve to elgh- 4 nan mnntlia -ml tt ' ' & m a m &. . . m KLAMA1H t ALLS PKUUJf Klamath leen months credit - GOVERXAIRNT All) ASKKI) Should Convlnrp Evrrj Falls Ileader FAIRDANKS, Ahska, Aug. 30. (Dy Mail). Numerous Alaskan or ganizations are exerting every ef-j fort to have the government keep open the signal corps wireless sta tions at Brooks, McGrath and Idlta rod this winter. Failure to provide these isolated districts with 'com- The frank statement of a nelglj- uor, telling me merits or a remeuy, Bids you pause and believe. The same endorsement By some stranger far away Commands no belief at all. Here's a Klamath Falls case. A Klamath Falls citizen testifies. Read nnd be cenvinced, W. H. Bell, Eberiein Ave , says municatlon. it is oolnted out. mlKht "I used to have attacks of llimbago have serious results in case of an 80 had,y hai ' Moul1a fa" t0, tne .,,.,, ,,, , , . ground, I was unable to make a epidemic of disease. Mining devel- move, as tho pain was so severe. It opment would also be retarded, felt as though my back was broken. I My kidneys during these times, were I irregular in act'on. After I began NOTICE itakfng Doan's Kidney Pills, I had vory little trouble with my kidneys I am now propared to furnish and back " Shasta Sand from the Hoey. C'hiii ! Price COc, at all dealeis. Don't sand and gravel pit, in any quantltj simply ask for n kldnoy remedy that may be desired by contractor get Doan'b Kldnay Pills the sanio and builders. that Mr. .Bell had. Fostor-Milbiirn ai. !'. UKAUAH L'o., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y, N's 65 Loganberries HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DAM'IMi V tt(lm--ila, .V Siilurday MlshtH. " Popular tuu Orchestra STAR THEATER TODAY AUoJpIi Zuhor Prcsentn IULLIE HUUKE Are used to flavor one Jifry-Jcll dessert. The juice is condensed and sealed in a vial. This is one of our best fruit flavors. Compare it with the old-style quick gelatine desserts. jwm 10 Flavor, at Your Grocer' 2 Packages for 25 Cent 4 WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR THE 1 CELEBRATED BLACK LEAF 40 SHEEP DIP FOR SCABIES, TICKS OR LICE ON SHEEP The Dip recommended and recognized by the United States Bureau of Animal Industry in Offi cial Dipping of both Sheep and Cattle for scabies. IN STOCK AND READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Secure Your Requirements of Us Merrill Mercantile Co. General Merchandise MERRILL, OREGON aMBMMMWM Tho first printers of books used to print only on one Bido of the pago, and tli(;n pasted together tho two blank puges to glvo tho lmprossion of one leaf. Banc Burkj; In IX PURSUIT OF POLLY Also A Montgomery riaj-g Comedy HIS LAST BOTTLE rEMPLE THEATER ,TOI)AV Jessie L. Lnsky Protcntf PAULINE FREDERICK 5523533'!w kByJUNEFREDfBICKft mpoatTaycrwranmjTH m 120 -III- OUT OF THE SHADOW Also I'lio Act of Screen Vaudeville MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MO'llON I'llTUHI TUESDAVH AND SATUfiDAVH Uvrrlll, Oregon Bradley's For fine Dress and Work Shoes CROSSETT MASTER-MADE BUCK-HECHT The three names stand for STYLE QUALITY SERVICE BRADLEY'S "Leading Shoe Store" 727 Main St. 727 Main St. U' lpy iri FIRE Insurance J. H. Driscoll Loomis Bldg. Phone 432 XbODSTOC I BACK f THIS KEYBOARD, Are All Tfce "Worth WhSe" Features Found ia Typewriters Simplified and Improved ThiUndtrd typewriter ti machine of bntlneee not of sentiment. It ehould be judged on Iti merlte alone not on tti nam or fame. Take the label off the bottle, taka the stencil oS the piano the true connoU eeur, thereat muilcUn can tell; apply tb aameteit to a typewriter. . The Fairest Terti Try alxttandard key board machinal, with the eyeebliiMioUed the Woodstock among; them. Let yoat sense f touch and bearing aloM tell roo. and "rSt UeWoeIstkta thb test, and thee) let your eyee behold Its many other advantane. The Woodstock must be aeen CBostbefeltand operated, to be appreciated. Giro It that chance better your type writer equipment It stays and e?rowa la favor, because It la built to fit the hand, to (it the mood, to (It the job. Simplified and Improved, the Woodstock with Its unit ' aystera of construction has 20 less parta (20 X less trouble). You set your own fav orite machine and the best features of thj best of other. In the Woodstock. r zeewmsm H. J. WINTERS JEWELER AND OPTICIAN . ..i nt Phono 4 GO 7 w '" Ice Cream ' CnndU- PASTIME Jack Monrow, I'wP agara, Tobacco, Soft Drtok Peel and Ill'llards Barber Shop In oCnnectlon OUR MOTTO , "Courtesy and Service BR1GGS AUTO WOOD-SAW Attach O.. me-U IS .rd 2"'f, GoesAnywhere-AnyAuo. DRIGGS& BURPEE CO.. Inc. JanuW 27 Hawthorn. Av j .Ur S.nd for Inlommon ? T T t t T Y t t T T t ? ? Y ? t t ? T T ? T T ? T t : k I