PAGE FOUI THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TIWRHAV, oom. .. t fl P k I' ' f. V . i-qoAij iikkvitiks I VVWNWAiVAA I Mrn. T. E. Ethqrldgo Is visiting, in town from WoFden. 1 At the Theatres .fwK&itC . .. .. - i Miss Vora Duncan is n visitor In' '"on I'olly Mnralon. daughter of t tho city from Matin. ' i a millionaire cotton broker of Now , . ,-,,.. i York was compelled by her father to Yni.V v . "ftf1" ' Wo,rord ofi make n choice of oud of two men who Jalnnx nro vIbJiTTb hero. Mr. Wol- ,OTotf ,,, ouc ft poc 10 ollu)r n fordj Is a mcrdmnt. of Ynlnnx. j proMlyJtock rokoft, aho aecluos lhal John Hnwkfrthns recovered from! given nn hour's start, She would loavo n sprained nnklo and Is now able to town In her nutomo'bllo and that sho deliver tho Heralds In tho snmo good j would bestow hor hand ipon the order as fermerly: J Hist ot her suitors who-cnught her. Kr. and Mrs. ,H, It. Van Vnlkon-! T1,i3 I"cturo wUI ll0 hown ,lt tho- burg hifye gonol to' Odessa to brluB Star Theatre tonight. hack Mrs. G. A; Martin, -wbo Is vis-1 Ring her Bon,-,whq resides thoro j A photoplay with n distinct heart -vt' n'"'!! W'S'i j appeal and tenso dramutlc action Is; .... ..-,, IUK uriM,r .orr.,0lllorth0 shailow Paulino Fred- latest Paramount starring ve-' hlch will bo shown at the Tomplo Theatre tonight. tho ten ley place o flrc dopnrtinont, is away on a ,,., , i 9 ., n . cricks a-dnjliunUnsijHrlp to names vnl- ... f. ,Willlam 'North is taking his L, ". 1 Miss MyrtloVRecord and Miss Cora OIMKCT TO WORK IX Simon, teachcrs"In the local schools, spent tho'.weckVnd as tho guests ot Miss Evelyn Applegate at her homo In the Swan' Lake valley Mts. Phoebe Wells of Ashland, who formerly resided in Klamath county for a pferlod of over 30 years. KICK WITH JAPANESE MARYSVILLE, Cal., Oct. 21. Because ranch bands are balking at working for Janmeso In the rico fields thoro Is a scarcity of labor audi at the same time never have thoro is in tho cltj; on business connected, been so many unomplayod men' on with her extensive property inter- tho street, according to tho govern-! eEts ' ment free employment bureau hero. Mrs. HHJ-Gallagher ot Willows. s,,ice Jl,1' ns man? as 174G ",enl California formerly Miss Majorle havo bcon furnished employment! McClure of this, city with her two, hcr0 wlli!o ln Rutte county 3316 J. lovely childre'n, Betty .and Bob havo!sue" have becn STcn iohs- ' arrived In tho city for a months visit ' " ; with lier mother. Mrs. McClure. Mrs. ' Tao increased rates of pay for! Gallagher atended high school In this London policemen aro attracting city and has many friends who will Eonie of t"e professional men from' be delighted to welcomo hor home. a" grades ot society. j "Ef9mtwimmmikmimi'cmim TWT'WIWITlWirWI'MHBiWF'WnWW'WH iiimiim' mm I ' H I BUYING FOR CHRISTMAS NOW I in o are wondering how our stock of fine Pianos, Piny- H I'A ors and Phonrgripbs will look Chrlstmns morning, for t3 i-(r before In our history have wo sold so many iuurI- W$ cal instruments In Octobor and hnvo tho nurchasors say, KM; "This will be our Christmas presont. Wo aro buying it-V inw because wo doubt If you will havo tho variety to 5ji choose from later on." H Sl Think of tho extra montlm of enloymonl In store for H & you if you let us deliver your musical Instrument now. i! We Invito you to pnll In. I H EARL SHEPHERD CO. I mk Over no Years, One Husincs, In One Famll I m 307 Main St. I i- .....,., mnaaaMBHBHnnrsni. mII jjyjyr JVALC4CtKJM1 Mrw tw tm M iS? - i3to&toAtf&&& t WBSi rMxsm:. i95Sv $6.00 SHOES $3.00 S . $10.00 SHOES $5.00 $12.50 SHOES $6.25 $8.00 SHOES $4.00 OOF ie ,Otli THIS ! Any Pair of Store for Only PRICE Betweeh the Hours of 4:30 p. m. and 5:30 p. m. Wednesday THE REASON WE CHOSE THE HOURS IS TO GIVE THE WORKING MAN A CHANCE TO BUY RESERVED ALL ON SALE YOU CAN TAKE YOUR PICK OF ANY PAIR OF DRESS OR WORK SHOES IN THE STORE, NO MATTEL WHAT THE PRICE MAY BE. JUST PAY HALF OF THE REGULAR PRICE FOR ONE HOUR ONLY ONLY ONE, PAIR TO A CUSTOMER LOGGERS AND HIGH TOP SHOES EXCLUDED. a Ui.Jii'';?',ifJt,wrTir,Mjtf.;Wu $1.25 Limit 2 to a customer. We have 40 'good quality $2.50 and $3.00 Comforts. They are single size, but a dandy value at the above price. You yill have to hurry for these. They go on sale Wednesday BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 9:00 A. M. and 10:00 A. M. for ARMAN KIPPUR SALE ftJi "a- l WfaWmotisJStotP SAFETY SAVING SATISFACTION Dainty Exquisite in Color1 Durable Beyond Belief Kayser's Silk Underwear Is a Joy to Possess ' Yet It Is Economical of ItH pnrti Hllk fabric, but you It InuudurH without losing Its You lovo tho luxurious "fool" nppreclatn oven more tho way freshness or-stylo. Kaysor Silk Underwear Is beloved of feminine hearts for Its perreitlon or (It, daintiness of trlmmlmt and llultih, and excep tional wearing qualities. Ask to soo tho many Htyles and iiovmI dcHlgns on display hero, and boar In mind that Hh durability malum It highly economical. Italian Hllk WkIn ijW.ftO, $1.50 and $.1.00 Finished with Hand Tops, regular or bodice stylos, some laeo trimmed In flesh and white. Knvelope CheuilNo ijtmo. 9.1.00, 90.50 and Of flesh colored Cropo do Chine, Italian Hllk and Wash Bntln. Slmplo or laco trimmed styles, Kllk lllooiuer to 9,1.00 ,r Of bonutlful Italian Silk, Vnh .Siilln and Crepn da Clilne. riatn and lnco trimmed styles, , Crepe do Clilno (i'ouiih 8H.A0 hi 9l2.n0 Hnndsomo embroidered and laco trimmed inodoli. In mnny attractlvo otytes. Flesh color. s Cornet Covers, Special nt QO.tlO . - In whlto and flesh slmplo nnd effectively laco trlmiuod itylti. x QzumSHI iWJlr '4 -hV .it r &. X ' ' N$N In Remarkable Variety for Selection Thousands of Handkerchiefs i for Men, Women and Children The town's best showing of handkerchiefs, we' believe. Handkerchiefs of soft sheer lawn, of like linen fabric and pure linen itself and the prices in every case are exceptionally low. We mention Women's Handkerchiefs at 5c, 10c, 20c and 25c Hnndkcrchleftt of noft lawn, mercorlzod cotton nnd Fairfax, n fabric closely resemblliiK puro lin en. Thoro are plnln homtttltchcd, Initialed nnd ombroldorcd hnndkorchlofH. Some with borders nnd cornora In color. A very varied assortment nt tho above prices. Women's Beautiful All-Pure Linen Handkerchiefs at 35c, 40c, 50c and 60c noautiful Do Luxo and I.lsmoyno nil puro linen handkorchlofa. with homstltchod borders, band om broldorcd Inltluls or othnrwlsa attractively made. Several styles havo bountiful colored borders and cornor designs. Women's Crepe de Chine - Handkerchiefs Thoy aro very protty, nnd very popular, too, at presont. In plain color 'or tho whlto with bordor In nttractivqly new colored patterns. I'InIn Colorw JMc, with Fancy lJorilei-N, Women's Handkerchiefs In Boxes 'of Three - Of llnon-llko cotton matorlnl, hammond border, attractively embroidered cornor design; 10c box of threo. Of pure linen, homstltchcd bordor, colored em broidery corners In buttorfly design. $ 1 . 2 Tj box ot throe. Men's Handkerchiefs at 10c, 15c, 25c and 35c In nent hemstitched nnd Initialed ttylea, mide of soft llnen-llko mntorlal. Full Mzo. Women till do woll to contpnro the values we offer, when milking purchases for men. Men's Fancy Border Handkerchiefs 35c Of soft mercorlzod ootton, with arosi-birred satin strlpn bo'rder. A very attractlvo 'ktrcblet 3fie or .1 for 1.00. Children's Handkerchiefs Attractively Boxed These dainty little handkcrclilofi male IM gifts for tho children. Of soft, sorTlccable lwi, with protty colored borders and cunning chirtctw cornor designs. Boxes of Two 10c Hnirdkorchlcfs of soft cotton material with dainty, dellcutely colored borders. Boxes of Three 'Kerchiefs 19c, 25c and 30c Of soft cotton material with colored border and elthor Initial or nursery charncter corner dew- In sots of threo one each In lavenaer, Dim ao pink.'' T PICTORIAL REVIEW FOR NOVEMBER NOW ON SALE d LORELLA LOCALS L0HELLA, Oct. 20. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Grohs wori surprised by their many frlonds last Frldny even ing, when they woro honored with an old-time charivari. Mr. and Mrs Grohs aro occupying their new hoino on tho south side of tho vulley. Mr. nnd Mrs. Will Kollor havo re turned from California, Itftor an ab senco ot two y'oars. Mr. Kollor has entered 'tho employ of C. C. Lorenz, the plumber, ln Klamath Falls. Mrs. Keller Is spending tho weok with Mr. nnd Mrs. Alfred Kollor,. nftor which sho will return to tho Falls, whoro thoy will makatholr h6mo. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Campbell woro pleasantly surprised by a num ber of their friends last Friday ovenlng. '"Flvo Hundred"- waB tho pastlmo of tho evening, and refresh ments woro sorved boforo tho guests departed, H. B. Wlnnard, road supervisor, has begun work on tho construction of a bridge across Miller creek noar tho Gerber ranch, Tbo old brldgo Is practically falling down. ' Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hamnkor aro leaving for Ashland to spend tho winter. Mrs. Hamakor wishes to bo noar her mother, who is ln poor health. ' Mrs. Alfred Keller ontortalned a few ladlos Saturday aftornoon In honor of Mrs, Will Kollor. Things are certainly, looking up in this part of the country since ir rigation is an assured thing, R. F. Tuttle Is planning to mpye the house from tho ranch ho Just sold to Marshall Orr to hla place on Adobe Flat. The Ladies. Aid society Is plan ning to 'hold a bazaar In Fordnoy's Hall on the evening of November 8. They will servo supper n't tho samo time, V I1IO COFKKK CHOP HONOLULU, T. II.. Sept. 27. (lly Mali). ArrniiKomontH havo been mado In, tho Kona district ot tho Island ot Hawaii to obtain tho help of school children In harvest ing nn unusually largo and early crop' of coffeo. During the picking season tho schools will bo closod for cortuln porlods. . NOTICJ-j The Womnns Benefit Association of tho Maccabees will 'moot. tonight at H.00 o'clock at Mooso Hall. I)y ardor of Mrs, Edith Johnson, 21-lt Record Koopor KOTICK OF FINAL 8ETTLKMKNT Notice Is horoby glvon that tho undersigned has fllod ln tho County Court of tho Stato of Orogon for Klamath County, tho Final, Account or hor administration of said Estate nnd said Court has by ordor fixed Novombor 24, 1019, at tho hour ot Z!3U o'ciocK P. M. as tho time anu tho court room of said Court In tho Cljy of Klamath Falls, Orogon, ns tho place for tho hearing of said Final Accpunt. Dated Octobor 20, 1019.. AGNES II. ESKBLSON, Administratrix of the Estate of Or- vlllo J, Eskolson, Decoasod. 20-27-3-10-17 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED To buy small homo in good neighborhood. Some cash balance terras. Write full, particu lars 27 Herald. FOR RENT 2 unfurnlshod roonib, 7th and Main. Inquire C. B. Crlsler, 326 Fifth Bt. 21-3t HOME FOR SALE Modorn bunga low, 7 rooms and sleeping porch;- narawooa noors; peamed callings; exceptional conveniences throughout; superb view. .For further particulars see Ownej;, Mrs. Qurcelon at Court House. 21-Bt MONEY TO LOAN On nutos,. fur- nituro, real estnto, XYZ Herald. 21-Bt Prmicii iiiithorltics eitlmati IW one In every thirty of the allied . (Horn who entered tho couslrr ' rled u Froncb brldo. v , . - HTAH TIIKATRB T0XI0HT Monday Bargain night, pouHjM Pnnatnnco Talmftdge In 'puttw tho Gooho" and Wallace Reld ' .. Mllllnna." " 4UUI1 .i.,...'... TEACH YOURCHILD THE LESSON OF CLEAN TEETH The earlier your child to Utt the. value of a clean mouth i sound teeth - the healthier . . h In (1 nnd happlor ns turo years lino of W hate slct Children' Tooth Bruhc .dwrtlM Jw. w Vnd all thP a ii. TV'nshM frloos and mouw. - , which the le0B can he demonstrated. m IKKKft.fWBDf ' ..TiirAUiOKtBy" 'r-7 vjiSgrtST ansas -.: .