PAGE TWO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WKHIMV, Orion,,, W ' 1 1 " . rv ' HIT NEEDS WORLD MARKET MIST hunger for goos where It can be uUvantageously satlsfled. "People are nccualnc u ot again having recourse to the 'dumping Bystem.' We- Co nbt merit this uc cusatlon, and I must deny It most energetically. I hare the hope that, In splto ot all hindrances, we will soon climb up to prosperity It work nnd constructive power, raw mato-j rials and coal are placed at our dls posal In sufficient quantities. "We need the world market. Tho pressure will be removed from Qor- tnnny, and we will get credit abroad Wot must bo convlncod that wo are again to climb. This people Is not to bo destroyed economically. If nil energies revive I hope that wo are not at the end of our rope, but thnt Gorman people will overcome these sad days and that the Joyful times will come again. I am build ing on the never falling creative power ot our Industry, our techniquo and art nnd science." VVAMMAMMWMMAMVMAVM .ggggggggggggmmggggg ft TULE LAKK NUWS CONDOIt BKLT LKIPSIC, Sept. 23. (Correspon dence of tho Associated Press), llbbort Schmidt, Germany's food and economic minister, In n speech at the Lclpslc fnjr, said Germany was "sick with two diseases, lack of raw materials and fuel. "During-my visit to" tho fntr build ings," he said, "I henrd constant complaints about- the lack of coal Wo havo tho workers and wo have tho orders In plenty, we can easily get millions, oven billions of ordors. But when I nstted ench individual exhtbltor why ho did not accept or ders he replied invariably that ho lacked raw material and fuel. It is lruu iu ovr, euon w oems ' Tho or,glnai Rcd prfction Surface to force Germany back Into nn in- n0iti Guaranteed to glvo moro sor- ferlor placo, not in tho usual way vice for the dollar- than any other of competition, but through pollti- rubber belt, fnl moftinrla Harmnn frniliv hnic- rOr SAI6 13Y u..ii i . . ,...i.i The Klamath Rubber & Leather Co., .:., ... uu..u i a, ... u.. U2G Ma,n stt K,amatn TaUa, ore trade, for no power can prevent tho 18tf "Get this straight" says the Good Judge The tobacco that gives you the most lasting chew is the kind that saves you money. You don't have to take so many fresh chews. The rich tobacco taste stays right with it. .That's why you take a smaller chew. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW put up in two styles RIGHT GUT a short-cut tobacco W-Bv CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco TULE LAKE HOMESTEAD, Oct 21. EvcVott Grlllith ot Mt. Lakl was In tho vicinity recently attend Ing to tho threshing nnd hauling ot grain from his lake land. Mrs., llodllcld, Mrs. Elliott's mother, sp!nt Inst week oh tho home stead. She returned Tuesday to Klamath Fulls. Joe and Mnry Kotcrn went toDor ris Saturday with u party Including tho players ot tho Mnlln orchestra, tho boys play there Saturday even ing. Mrs. Ereor spent the week end In Klamath Falls. Win. Freer nnd his mother, win Is visiting here from Michigan, came hero frpm Portland Inst weuk. They will visit with Mrs. Freer nnd sons tor several weeks. Mrs. Crnndnll spent tho week end with Mrs. ltubb in Merrill. ' STAB THEATKE TONIGHT HOUSTON'S Metropolitan Auinncmenu HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DAXCINU Wednesday & SMurdrtjr MRhts. Popular Jufct Orchestra STAR THEATER TODAY Adolpli Zukor Prenenti ItlLLIK 1IUHKU Monday Bargain night, Double 11111 Constnnco Tnlmndgo In "Sauco for tho Gooso" nnd Wallace Held in "Too Many Millions." 20-lt NOTICE I am now prepared to furnish Shasta Sand from the Hooy. Cam., sand and Bravel nit. In nnv nunntltv that may be desired by contractors and builders. AIP. GRAHAM. :Qf "& SJ J. Between friend, a photograph -"TV. 4T, I ."Ml Wt u ' ir s ; V SbW Bra??' "t " 327 Main Street Piiono 30 WHEN YOU SUFFER FROM UIATISM Sloan's Liniment should be kept bandy for aches and pains WHY wait for a severe pa!n,ran ache, a twinge following ex posure, a sore muscle, sciatica, or lumbago to leave naturally when you should keep Sloan's Liniment handy to help curb it and keep you active and fit? Without rubbing, lor it penetrates, apply a bit today to the afflicted part. Note the gratifying, clean, prompt relief that follows; Sloan's Liniment couldn't keep its many thousands of friends the world over if (t didn't make good. That's worth remembering. All druggists three sizes the largest for utmost economy. 35c, 70c., $1.40. WE ARE COMING I'll bo in Klamath Falls soon to install the National Weather Strip in several of the new and old homes. Let mo show you what it is and then I'll get your order. It speaks for itself, pays for It self and works for you. . a T. L. COLLIER Watch for further announcements. JP' REGISTERED IN T I), mps s pat, orr. i sos Have your next suit and overcoat made by K. K. K. Store, agents for Ed. V. Price and The Royal Tailors. We will give you everything you desire in" a perfect fitting, finely tailored, stylish suit or overcoat LEADING CLOTHIERS K. K. K. STORE LEADING HATTERS Exclusive Agents for ED. V. PRICE & CO. and THE ROYAL TAILORS In IX PL'HSUIT OF POLLY Also Kxtrn AddiMl Attraction LoU Iteel "SHOWING ELK'S CONVENTION' And A Montgomery Klogg Comedy II IK liAST IIOTTLE TEMPLE THEATER TODAY JcsnIo Ji. Lntky lYfcscntH PAULINE FltEDEHICK MSBnSBBBJMBjM jjftlJIJNEFieHl U In OUT OF THE SHADOW Also Five Acts of Screen Vaudovlllo MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTURE, TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS MerrilL Orecoa 16799 DIED in New York City alone from kid ney trouble last year. Don't allow yourself to become a victim by neglecting pains and aches. Guard against this trouble by taking COLD MEDAL Specials in Groceries Crisco is advancing in price. If you want to make a saving buy this week at 33 l-3c the pound. Tin's will be the last week at tin's price. HAMS AND BACON Sinclair's Eastern Corn Fed Hams and Bacon. Priced this week : Hams, 45c the pound; bacon, 52c the pound. COFFEE A good bulk coffee is 'worth more at wholesale than we are selling it for, in small quantities. It will pay you to get a supply of us now. Priced at 35c the pound. Do You Want to Save Money? ? ? ? ? ? ; We are closing out the stock of Wall Paper at less than manufacturera' prices, broken lots as low as 10 cents the roll; good quality bed room paper at 20 cents the roll. Even if you do not wish to paper this fall, get your paper now and set it aside. You Will Save Money By Doing So We have two patterns only of Var nish Tile Paper for bath room or kitch en at 50 cents the roll. Colors blue and green tile, border to match. THE Winnek Grocery .mVfcB BB1 tlsuio f"" The world' standard remedy for kidney. Uver, bladder and uric add troubles. Holland's national remedy sines 1690. All druggists, three sizes. Guaranteed. Leek for lb name Cold Medal en Try boa and accost lailtillil COMPANY Profile portraits nro sulci to luivo boon originated by an ompuror who was blind In onq cyo, and wished to conceal It In his pictures. Dest yet. Herald Want Ada. MMrMArWrVWVWVrWW) ROOFING Now Is tho time to fix that Hoof now beforo tho rain and snow como and make it al most impossible to do tho work. You save money by doing It now, and save your property, too. Lofmo do your work and It will bo done right. W. D. MILLER Contractor Phono 203 233 Oth St. Livery, Feed and Sales Stable Auto Service Quick Service Day or Night Klam&th Stable Lobr Trips Oar Specialty Reasonable Rates Phone 189 822 Klamath Ave tll i 't jfJrxrJVuvxlruvvvnrA ' .sr w .T BY ED. V. PRICE A CO. " 'I . "Helpful Hints" DEATH REVOKES A CHECK A bank has authority to pay a depositor's outstanding checks only so long as he is alive. If payment IS made without knowledge of a doposltor being dead, tho bank Is protected. This Is yet another reason why a chock should not be held too long before presentation. Have you ever realized what little safeguards you liavo i whnn vnn net nn nttttrwllnn nt vnnv mvtre ftitiflci? j , , . . . ,. ..........,. , IS. R. Realties, Tresiaent. L. F. Willed, Vice-President Leslie Rogers, Cashier. A. M. Collier, Aast. Cashier, John M, Moore, Asst. Cashier. During hur Htny In America, Queen Kllzaboth oxpuctH to visit some or tho principal modlcal coIIckoh nnd hospitals to obtain Information that will nld her in her project to estab lish an institution for modlcal rt- search In Holglum. Dassengers and Baggage ANYWUKM2 I.V.THK CITV QUICK SKKVICB KKAHOXAIiLK IIATKS I'HONR 187 WesteraTransferCo.' Tho csenpomunt wheol of a vatek makes 781,800 rurolutloai erir; 11 months. Wo ninko n gpccUltjr of Art, lift mill accident insurance. PbonoMaH we'll do tN rest. Chllcota A Sal. G-tr WAIT! ami Mrr us show yoc OUH NI'AV TIRE Hoagland & McCoIImi Next Door to 1'ostofflee. I "liTI ' - tJohn H. Moore, Asst. Cashier. II g fiRST National Bank! KLAMATH FALLS OREGON a Pi ipjgJJJWsWssslBsWWWsjsssWWMIMMasjaM There's a Live . Wire connecting your home with our store, means you can have what you want just when you want it. You always haye the privilege of returning o rexchanging gods ordered by phone. Phone Main 37 , for anything you need. Small orders will be delivered just as cheer fully as large ones. Underwoods Pharmacy W'vL. KLAMATH FALLS OREGOHfffJ V WHERE PARTICULAR PE.pLe rpugrrvl BUY THEIR DRUO