iV" &&: ' rT PAGE FOUn THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONIMV, 07r(mw 'Ml. 0 ! ! i I! ii ii r l. . i I L Pafirirk Markinawc I lUm si dlllLIl lTlatlullClVVo I fcS$-j: Map I Exclusive agents for DUBBELBILT CLOTHES FOR BOYS Kuppenheimer Clothes Knox Hats Nettleton Shoes H H Great Coats Now Here Patrick mnckinawn for men and boys the "Hi u'Bgcr that Weather" Coats. There is no other cloth just lilcc Patr; k r. It is essentially a north country fabric, made from th0 tl ' L fibre wool of "sheep that thrive in the snow." Patrick mackinaws, great coats and woolen wear higher than the ordinary kinds. See the line exclusively JL jL 1i LEADING CLOTHIERS AND HATTERS KLAMATH FALLS AGENTS FOR PATRICK WOOLEN WEAR Store TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Ford touring car. Good condition $350. Hi auk Sexton, Merrill. Oregon. 20-lt WANTED 3 passengers for Los Angeles. Yes, It's a Ford. Call at Herald office. . 20-lt ' ! ! ''''-,,'M,MlwWWM''MIII'',,'l'MI'"'MiMWWMM jj I Door business rooms, refrigerating plant in hotel, framed barn In rear, big lot, on Stato Highway In county seat, Northern California, all furni ture and fixtures go with hotel, three business rooms now rented, also vacant lots in town of Dunsmutr.l Price and terms given upon nppllca- tion to B. K. Collier, Yreka. cm 20-6t PERSONAL Information ns to the, whereabouts of A. Baxter former-' Ij of Baxter & Malone, l'lumbeis! Klamath Falls, Oregon, u wanted by; Arthur R. Wilson, phone 100. 20-3t STAR TH12ATRK TONIOHT FOR SAI..E Brick hotel, 57 rooms1 on main street, with four ground Monday Bargain night. Double BUI ' (Constance Talmadgo in "Sauce for, tho Goose" and Wallace Roid in "Too Many Millions." 20-lt I NOTICE OF FIXAIi SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that tho undersigned has filed in tho County Ccurt of tho Stato of Oregon for' Klamath County, tho Final Account I of her administration of said Estatoj and slid Court has by order fixed" Novehibor 24, 1919, at tho hour of 2:30 o'clock P. M. ns tho time and! the court room of said .Court in the! City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, as the placo for tho hearing of said Final Account. Dated October 20, 1919. AGNES. H. ESKELSON. Administratrix of the Estate of Or viilo J. Eskelson, Deceased. 20-27-3-10-17 i BOKLE DAYS . These be "Bottle Days." Any thing: that comes in a bottle that is a bottle can be bought here at attractive prices. "Bottle Days" are your opportunity to stock-up on standard, needed, household supplies of finest quality Stop in there is something here for YOU. 40 I y&awvtr ; ' REG. U.S. PAT. OFF. f !: ' HOT WATER BOTTLE wk $f. is our best Bottle Bargain. !V,V i' ?, C - No. 2 Size; just the shape $ ,v ..ii.,. of this advertisement. Pat- ";,.. ' ented Neck Construction; ''A',1'" vi t:r no seams to leak, no bifid- --S.' , ;4j.ji' ings to come loose. Finest ?V -'' ' 'y grade rubber, smoothj-sani- '.,,.. tary finish. Affords maxi- ."'S'''?"', mum heating surface. Get , . J...,. one now at ,. -' frZ&m. : ., '."!' ' GOOD HEALTH BOTTLE, No. 2 Mk'Lsitl&W NUMBER FORTY BOTTLE, 2 qt llJ&J.'.;..;. 2.50 NUMBER FORTY BOTTLE, 3 qt '. !l..l 2.75 "i j IS GRANDEST ON EM' SMS MRS. DAIiKV GAINS SEVENTEEN POUNDS TAKING TANI-AC THOUGHT CASE WAS HOP:. liESS. "They said I couldn't llvo moro than six months longer," said Mrs. Mary Daley of S30 Oak st., San Frnnclsco, Cal., In conversation with a special Tanlac representative, re cently, "but I'm still hero and feeling flno. "I'havo actually gained seventeen pounds and a half slnco I bogau tak ing Tanlac," slio continued, "and to look at mo now no ono could suppose I had been sick at all. But for sev eral months previous to tho time I got Tanlac I couldn't do my house work. I sufTorod from gastritis all tho time, would bloat terribly, and always folt miserable My appotlte was gone and my stomacli so weak that I felt nauseated most of the time. I was so nervous tho least un usual noise would stnrtle nip. I could hardly sloop at nil, had night sweats, and so run down and weak thnt tho least oxortton would exhaust mo completely. I lost weight and kopt gutting worse until I was told I could not llvo moro than six months at tho rate I was going down hill, . "I honestly bollevo Tnnlnc In tho finest modlclno In tho world. Noth ing helped mo until I began taking It and now I am Jus; Ilka 11 pta.son made over. My appetlto Is just 8nlondld and I can eat anything I want without tho least trouble from it. And I don't think 1 hnvo ever enjoyed sleeping so well and I nlwnyH get up mornings feeling thoroughly rested and refreshed. My house has eight rooms but I can now do nil tho work with oaso. Tnnlnc has certain ly boon a Godsend to mo and I feel that I would bo ungrutoful not to toll othors about It." Tanlac Is sold in Klamath Falli by tho Star Drug Co., and In Lorollo by tho James Merc, Co. Adv. STAK THKATUE TONIGHT Monday Bargain night, Double BUI Constance Talmndgo In "Sauce for tho Goose" and Wnllnco Hold In "Too Many Millions." 20-lt IiRi : 4 EXERCISE YOUR BRAINS Tho present gunnrntlon x living In nn nco ol me chanical villlclitncy which Iiiih developed n iloiilorablo lack of tir.it ii uxorcldu. Tl.o Autoplunu Is CHpcclally designed to enable the operator to exorcise the bialn In I lie Interpretation ct music. In producing music on thu Aulopinno you become -part of It and at will can innko It respond to your every .1 Lending styles of this rcinnrknblo IMtiyer piano may bo seen only at our store EARL SHEPHERD CO. "Tito Store Tlnit'H Dlireient" - .-(17 Main St. CROWDS and CROWDS Attended our sale Saturday and today; at times it was simply impossible to wait upon the mass of humanity that crowded the store. The people of Klamath claim it is our GREATEST Hi H - UftlfjSf&iJAAffe - rr ' m. I UFJITVI Faultless Mmmmm Uj . tl ' k tl w T1 -" KLAMATH FALLS WHRE PARTICULAR PEOPLE, BUY THEIR DRUGS WwiHliKY OREGON wS I KIPPUR SALE u lACcbPACVl YOM Never in our business existence have we been in such a position to offer the people of Klamath Falls and vicinity such bargains. Don't take our word; come and see for yourself. Two Big Specials for Tue sday 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., Tuesday Only We yill offer the people for one hour only, Men's Fleece-lined Union Suite in all sizes. The regular price is $2.50. 'To go on sale for $1.25 Limit 2 suits to a customer. 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., Tuesday Only You can buy for one hour only, Men's Black n Tan Sox that sell at the regular price or n , go on sale Tuesday between 4:30 and i.w , ' for 5 cents Limit 2 pairs to a customer. erGoods The StandajpdoiseroirfSfervice Rubber. Goods fey CIi riw" Z?jfemsxe Our Stock SALE HOURS WEEK DAYS 9. to 6, SATURDAY 9 to 9 arman I j I AIN'T MAD AT NOBODY