'. " "ii i rt fc, II 1'AGR TWO IT POINTERS VISIT ITALIAN BATTLEFIELDS MOUNT QRAPPA, Italy, Sent. 1G. (Correspondence ot the Associat ed Press) Cadets ot tho graciiuitlnt; class of tho United States military academy at West Point, who are vis iting battlefields of the world W-.r, had four daysv of thrills in their visit to tho Italian front, when they were taken to the summits of Mount Snbatlno, Mount Grappa and Mount , St.'Mli;hnel, a series ot positions In tho Italian Alps which were scenes ot mountain fighting by the Hall in army in tho war. Mount Grappa is approximately 6,000 feet high, Is a solid rock pro jecting into space in gigantic pro portions and almost perpendicular on its sides. Tho ascent is made by a series of winding roads made on tho western side in a switch back formation. There aro 39 switchbacks, each approximately 200 yards in length, curving at each end in a breadth-taking curve. The engineering work staggers tho Imagination. The bare moun tain would have convinced one of tho impossibility of the ascent by road, but the army engineers .ic complished the task, constructiug the roads in such n way that a gar rison of two army corps couldt be kept in full operation during the entlro war with supplies of ammu nition, food and equipment. "That surely was a great ride," said one of 'tho West Point cadets to the Associated Press correspond ent. "It took my breath away a number of times on the way up and I hnd my heart in my mouth many NOTICE I am now prepared to furnish Shasta Sand from the Hoey, Cain., sand and gravel pit, in any quantity that may be desired by contractors and builders. Ali P. GRAHAM. . We sake a specialty of fire, life and accident insurance. Phone 60 and we'll do tvs rest. Chllcote Salt. E-tf iMMMMajWWvwVWVWWWW HOUSTON'S "Metropolitan Amasemeats " MMMaMAMAAMaAMAMMMMMVWWWMMt' HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DANCING Wednesday & Saturday Nights. Popalnr Jazz Orchestra STAR THEATER TODAY Select Presents CONSTANCE TALMADGE. In SAUCE FOR THE GOOSE Also A Big V. Special Comedy SWEETS TO THE SOUB TEMPLE THEATER TODAV Vitngraph .Presents ANITA STEWART V in FROM .HEAD QUARTERS Also MR. AND MRS. SIDNEY DREW In A Dundy Comedy MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTURES TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS v Merrill, Oregon , . Vt - 4, I j- SSSSVbW LaV P B .KaV M, hk--BB"BB BSSSST LSsT Bf- SSST " "SHHM SM ' I BSSBSBSBSBSSSSBSVBSSSSSSBlBSSBSSSSBSSBSSBSftBSSSSBSSSBSSSr SAVE MONEY BUY THE WORLD'S BESTJ ' COFFEE M. J. B. In the Five Pound Can 'It surpasses ali other coffees in fragrance, flavor ' quality, economy Alto Packed in . Three and Onei'i Pound Cans J ' EVERT CAN GUARANTEED ' s& "time9. I wTfiTreaYly aeffor a big Jump in case that' Italian chauffeur Blurted backlnSTup. U was no placo to linger onwhen there was dan ger." i Prom the summit ot Mount Grap pa the field ot tho operations ot the Italians and Austrlans could bo seen for SO kilometers. Tho move ments of the armies during the milt tary operations of the war were ex plained by Italian general staff tac ttctans who had participated in tho engagements. Tho chief ot the conducting party was Major Stablll, who led a bat talion ot bersaglleri, Italian soldiors typified by flowing plumes, in an at tack on Mount Sabntlno, another steep, dangerous rock uiorw than 2,000 feet, high, Of a battalion of mora than I.OOD men, Major Stnblll had but 95 left when his unit took possession ot tho crag. Tho scal ing of the mountain was made in just 47 mlnutcsi after the battalion left their flrst-llne trenches. Mount Sabntlno with Mount Saint Michael was the key to Gorlzia and controlled operations for 15 uiTleB in either direction. PLANT SITK SELKCTKI) SACRAMENTO, Cal., Oct. 20. A fifty acre site near the juncture ot tho American and Sacramento rivers will be selected as. the loca tion for Sacramento's new water pumping and Alteration plant for which $1,800,000 in bonds were voted last June. Standard Phonograph Bargains A number from $35 up for cash or terms. See our window. Earl Shepherd Co., 507 Main St. 17tf WAKE UP Why waste time talking about whet jou could have done some years ago. Big money will bo made on business property during the next few jeans. Kigftt now is the time to buy.....We have some excellent Jjuys on Main and Sixth Sts. Be name enouah to Iotik them over and ask for prices. inucote at smith, U3S Main St. Phone OO. 18-2t Chahge-bf-time service At two o'clock next Sunday morning the nation goes back to sun time. The day light saving law will be no longer In effect. This means that on going to bed Sat urday night you must set your clock back one hour. Our regulators will be set Saturday night, 10 p. m. We are in a position to fur nish the expert help requir ed in making, the change of time on Time,. Master and other clocks. Store and factory clocks should be set back at the close of business Saturday. Frank M. Upp JEWELER Oil Main St. Official S. P. Watch Inspector. BWTO MW'WMII'WJMWCTJIW, The HALLMARK Stem )-rt2uoirracKto- ' ' c" H I I Wjltsm P' A -dsss! sssfUTlMisssssI THE EVENING RCQISTEHCO IN Have your next suit and overcoat made by K. K. K. Store, agents for Ed. V. Price and Thq Royal Tailors. We will give you everything yoiTdeaire in a perfect fitting, finely tailored, stylish suit or overcoat LEADING CLOTHIERS PA1K WARNING During the past few years, mater ial of nil kinds, as well as labor liuvc nrnntinnllv llmllllivl 111 nrlcC. mill Ot a good many Klamath folks are carrying tho samo amount or insur ance on buildings, furniture, stocks, etc.. A lire would mean a very ser ious loss... Wouldn't it be wise to check up and get some additional protection... (Jet a STANDARD policy from Chllcote & Smith, :M Main St., Phone 00 and wo will do the tvst. 17-3t SAIILE BELTS Made of the highest grado of oak center, with a special tannago process making the belt more pllablo and adaptable to high speed trans mission. For Sale By Tho Klnmath Rubbor & Leather Co., 1126 Main St., Klamath Falls. Ore. 18-tt See Shepherd's used phonograph cash bargains. 17 tf That's What a Woman and that's what she gets Coal and Vood are too high to risk waste of fuel in a range ,of unknown reputation. You take no chances with a v eigewooi. On Sale at EVANS & BALIN 910 Main NOTICE TO I: WS)L .. dSBv Hn IT''r""if:' "Tiss?nf i r r- r-rnr AVE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR THE CELEBRATED BLACK LEAF 40 SHEEP DIP FOR SCABIES, TICKS OR LICEON SHEEP The Dip recommended and , recognized by the United States Bureau of Animal Industry in Offi cial Dipping of both Sheep and Cattle for scabies. IN STOCK AND READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Secure Your Requirements of Us Merrill Mercantile Co. ' v General Merchandise MERRILL, OREGON HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, .mT S PAT OTF "6 .mJ' Y K.K.K. STORE Exclusive Agents for ED. V. PRICE & CO. and THE ROYAL TAILORS ,, r-. Does .Advertising Pay? Ye! If it's truthful and you havo tho goods. Wo hnvo sold several hundred dollnrs' worth ot good used Phono graphs since advertising nur llor gains several days ago. So mo good ones LEFT. EARL SHEPHERD CO. H07 Main St. Results in Cooking! Looks For in using a " r ' WtJpwooJ Part art always oltainahh. The Wedccwood Pacific Coast Fire Box is a big Fuel Saver. SHEEP MEN rPf-f iK1!57 y XsWsWslsWsWsWsWWl' yiBrTtisl Pmv5PSbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsE3BWSIBBWBBB Mm Pacific Coast Fire Box w SD. V, PRICS CO. LEADING HATTERS WE ARE COMING I'll bo In Klamath Falls soon to install tho National Weather Strip In several ot tho now and old homos. Lot mo show you what it Is and then I'll got your ordor. It speaks for itself, pays for it self and works for you. T. L. COLLIER Watch for furthor announce ments, i MMMrVWMAMrVMrW Livery, Feed and Sales Stable . Auto Service Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable Long Trips Onr Specialty Reasonable Rates Phone 180 822 Klamath Ave i"iiirifVVVVVruUtAAAAv TEACH YOUR CHILD THE LESSON OF ' CLEAN TEETH The earlier your child la taught the valuo of a clean mouth and Bound teeth tho hoalthlor and happier ho will be in fu ture years. Wo havo a nice line of Children's Tooth Brushes and all tho adrertlsod Dentl frlcos and Mouth Washes with, which the lesson can bo best demonstrated. W fy KUMATHFAUS ORE0OM r yivjcrwood's Pharnwr v WfvL KUMATHFAUS OREOOMmWl ja R . IFJiatevcr is popular de serves attention IMPERIALLY MOVTrlPIECB CXCADETTSS were created t6 demand at tcntion. A tobacco finely blended, a mouthpiece to lake care of it to the last puff, maifl paper wrapping. Aclasey cigarette bo popular. 10 or 13c 1 The John Dollman Co. Branch M..f.iu 11 PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. CARTER DKNTIST whiti: nun.niNO 1'IIONK U89 V'MWWWMW'VMAAAMMAMsA- FRED WESTERFELD DKNTI8T Loomls DltlR., Kliunsth Kslls VyyVVWWVrWrrWMrr DR. C. A. RABIBO Dentist I. O. O. !'. Ilulldlnt I'HONK 01 VVWWWWVMWWWWArM' PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open for Mntcmlty Cases Mrs. Ros McDsjdeto, 301 High St Phone 455 DR. R. B. CRAVER Diagnosis Mcillclnu and SurRory Oillco ovur Undorwoods Phono 280W 7th nnd Main Onico Phono 38S Res. 43G Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart I'hjNlilan mid HurKCon White Iiuildlng Klnmath Kalla Oregon KATHERINE 8CHLECF lMiyHlciiin mill Hurgcon Office, White Bldg. :'4W44WM,444444441r WARREN HUNT MEDICINE AND BUROKBT 200 I. O. O. F. Bids. DR.aA.MASSEY Successor to Dr. Ttbax Suit 200, 1. O. O.'F. BIdg ' Ofllce phone 80J ltcs Phone BOM Phono- -1G1J IIouso 1C1M Rosldonco DR. A. A. SOULE Office, 420 Main Residence, 1909 Main DR. F.R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician Sargsoa Suite all, I. O. O. F. Tempi (over K. K. K. Htorc) , Phone 821 . . ' Vttf (The only Oateopathlo .Physi cian and Burgeoa la Klaautk Falls.) MMrMWywwVWWMMMWrWWr. DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecarver, PHONE B04 ' Dr. P. M. Noel PHONE 4 Over Underwood's Seventh and Mala Streets AY' wm ouaiiNESS CARno SHANGHAI RESTAURANT CHOI 8UKV anuroom t Hrt Order Mfu 8 7J M.l ... 1 KLAMATH wt ? Commillllnn P. A., .i "" auction Room Yiw, -w) buy houiehold fnr out cuuh prlco paid. 8, M' DICK 1008 Mala St. BAW MIMi K.VGI.VKEnWQ i.-unHTiiucTION CO, DmlRnrra nnd bulldm of mm. ern Hnw MllLi, PUnlng Mills. B Plsnts. Complete pUnt coabss eI. Apprntnnl and report! msk ,UrelglnK. AVo rontrset to kUM nny clni of a building sad tiiM nmchlncry of any kind, i , Drnfllng of any kind done, DIm Prints miuto. 1'IIO.NB 11W Ofllco in K. D. Ilnlldlaf """l"l'Vs"VUUlfVVWssij Phono U10-J H23 MU It O. K. Lunch AND CONFECTIOilSBr Pormorljr ot 45 Main St. Dome-Made Pies sad Ctksk Cold McaU ft Lsnch Good. Ice Cream sad Fretts, """- 'ii'vrinjvvtiVLArtnrijviy HARLEY-DAVIDSON Wo handle the Ilarley-DsridMal Motorcycles and BIctcIm Exdw Iroly. AUo buy, toll and eiehMwl all othor Makot, Fenm;lTUU and Diamond, Tires and Tub. C. E. BIHMAM IIS 8. Oth St. KUsiMarall VWWWMMNMMMrWfWWM KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do All Kindt of Sprisflbs' tag Now Ones Made to Order Axle Btralgbtealsg and niacksmltblng ALL WOBK GUARANTEED Phone 200-V 017 Hlsauta An. Lot your OIubs Trouilei b Mj Troubles. Boglailng done ip any part of tho city B. C. STUCK. Carponter & Cabinetmaker Phm,n 477W 1 J. C. CLKGIIORN " Civil Engineer and Burrer Offlco 617 Main St. Phono, Offlco, 100. Re l1 RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE , K.F.,BendStagt Phone 276-W ' ABMB4C niTV AND C6UNTV COMPANY 017 Mala ARTHUR K. wTM0" Manager v Hnd Better 0rdr Your Winter VM no Double Load Block! .-- ' U& Green Slab, ViM Oreon Slab, Fir ... reUDR CO. W. t sul prtT amammft WfL ) f ' i r dkrkfa -BLainin nLi J ...BSSSSSSSSSSSISISS Ls'1 iTaInd See , Andy MauritKk' , AtNo,10Maltr pgOl" s tJ"f 7? mui TntMN oftuc VAMVMWAWMAMA0M