8 1 Iljffp' ". fAQk KioHT - ' THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON , "'"""l!!' '""" n ' E, ' - THE TEST OF STREMSTH J ' " ' ---raramraii! & v- neetllowork and dollcious ref resh- fej - li A f 0 f 1) raents were sorvcd. In addition to p.j, ' " I " I jf needlework ttho club enjoys a book .W I oxcliango and tho books being read tL'- ' (Continued from page 3) b tho mombors thU year aro as f x follews: "Tho Ro-Crentlon of Blnti m 1W AAHS : .i i yg. p , x i'i" p rWS tfUM-i.. t rt i to. Lv i. ri !Pjt.- - 5"- STl r P-: $x,f ?t svsi F K" PR, r;r : . M. &fe m mwi ?, - ' Jf .T ' I if I? v P i ' if MBfc 37 VFJ fcw y ' 1, JTi2' r '? 'a J i ; r Kent,", by Harold Hell Wright: ;., . 5 S,5 ' T ? fl&" If r K Several pleasant home parties ana elub events marked the passing of the week in society circles. As win ter approaches the outdoors ceases in InrA as strnnirlv n In thn lnniror and sunnier days and many morel by. Julia Lipmnn: "The Triumph" by,; ntpnint nffolr nr lln nlnnn.!. Wl "BPbln: "Tho Castaway Halllo Ermine Hives: "Mr. Dingle wi.i. i.ii- .t 1 .Jhy McCutcheon; "Tho Perch of tho iuo "uu ciiuiu iiuici wua iuk . . uevu- uyuertnuie; xne awaiiow by Ruth Dunbar; "Dawn" by Eleanor Porter; "IJob Son of Battle" by rere the guests of the Klamath Falls' Alfred 'vant; "Winning tho Wlld- , "Life and Gabriel" by Ellen Glasgu, I "The Winds of Chanco" by Ro Beach: "Tho Indian Drum" by Ed win Palmer; "Flexible Ferdinand" scene of a ball Wednesday evening when the Portland business men who Yisited the city early in tho 1 people. The beautiful dining room was filled with merry dancers until midnight, when the visitors left on the special train that brought them from Portland, all declaring that the evening was tho most plestant of their entire" trip. Mrs. R. H. Dunbar was hostess to the Art Needle Work club at her home on Jefferson Street on Wednes day afternoon. Thafternoon was pleasantly spent In conversation and erness by JMargarct Hill sicuarter; "The Bent Twig" by Dorothy Can- field; "Tho Desert of Wheat" by Zano Grey. The club members present wore Mesdames George A. Wlrtz. George Hayden, K. G. Cummings, G. W-. White, George Chastaln, James Brat- ton, R. E. Wattenburg, C. M. Rams- by, A. G. Piel, S. E. Martin, Jennie Hum and R. H. Dunbar. The gueste of the club during tho afternoon were Mrs. W. A. Del.ell, M0) j First, as Usual! The New Broadway Hits Phonograph ' Records On Sale Now Here they are all new records of the latest delight ful Broadway Melodies Daddy Long Legs Henry Burr) 22148 I Know What It Means to Be Lonesome Lewl8 James) Hawaiian Lullaljy Jame3 and Hart) 221C8 Sweet Kfbses Acme Male Quartette) Tulip Time, from "Zlegfold Follies of 191D" Henry Burr) 221G1 Mandy, from "Ziegfeld Follies of 1919" ....Invinciblo Four) You Don't Need the Wine to Have a Wonderful Time, from) "Zfegfeld Follies of 1919" Eddie Cantor) 22103 Oh! The Last Rose of Summer, from "Ziegfeld Follies of) 1919" ) -The Vamp "6'n'o-Step) 221C4 Shake Your Shoulders Fox-Trot) Will O'Wisp, from "A Lonely, Romeo" Fox-Trot) 221CG Honeymoon Waltz, Vocal Rerfrain by Harry McClaskey) Castle3 in Spain One-Step) 221C8 Jerry Fox-Trot) Some Beautiful Morning (I'll find you In my arms) from) "Sinbad" Ernest Haro .Baritone) 22170 That Lullaby of Long Ago, from "Sinbad"....-. ) - Ernest Hare, Barltono) Carolina Sunshine ., Sterling Trio 22173 Oh! What a Pal Was Mary Henry Burr, Tenor) I'll Be Happy When the Preacher Makes You Mine ) . - -- v Storling Trio) 22175 Give Me a Smile and Kiss Arthur Klelds, Baritone) Breeze(Blow Back My Baby to Me) ) Premier American Male Quartet) 22177 You Didn't Want Me When You Had Me ) : Irving Gillette, Tenor) You can play Pathe Records on your 'ma chine (DOUBLE DISC) ALL 85 CENTS EACH And while you nro making your record select tlons let us play them on tho 'Pathe Phonograph, You will enjoy tho full, rich, liquid tono produced by tho wqndorful Pathe Sapphire Ball that round polislted jewel that lias replaced scratchy needles. P,tho guarantees Its records to play 1,000 times, If played on the Pathephone, because the Sapphiro Ball doesn't wear out records. For Patho Phono graphs nnd records seo us, Mrs. Chas. "Moore, Mrs. Lou Rogois, and tho Misses Helen Shlvi, Edna Dunbnr, nnd Mary Jano Moore. In honor of Mrs. J. J. Joslln o( Minneapolis who Is tho guest of Mrs. Gilbert Fleet, Mrs. Herbert D. New ell entertained on Wednesday after noon of tills week. Cards and i.cedlcwork entertnined the guests during tho afternoon and Miss Fran ces WIloy rendered sovornl delight- by ful solos. A beautifully decorated ii'uiu Kii'l'iuu wiu ijui'aw ,11 UtU LIU9U of tho afternoon and most dollcious rofioshmeuts woro served, lied car nations wore used for decoration. Tho guests were Mesdames J. J. Jos lln. Gilbert Fleet, Herbert Sutclirfe. H. h. Stewart, Charles Magulro, Fred W. Baker, Fred Fleet, and tho Misses McMahon. Frances Wiley, and Mil dred Colnhan. Mnryollyn Bradfordd illttlo dau ghter of Mr, nnd Mrs. Louis Brad ford, entertained nlno littlo frlondn at her homo last Saturday nftornocn In honor of her ninth blrt'i an niversary. Two of her I'ttle guests vero nine years ild, tos, so thorn wore cakes with pretty candles on for each of them ir.d dollcious Ico cream. After a happy afternoon aho quests departed wlsh'-i; Mnryollyn many more happy birthdays. Thoso present wero Dorothy Skllllngton, Helen and Ruth Coffer, Vera on 1 . Alice Sweetman, Jane Grncolon, Hopo Cordon, Joy Evnns, Veronica Mc Andrews, and Mnryollyn Bradford. ' I Misses Ivo McLaughlin and Honel Guest entertained tho Kedron club' at tho homo of Mrs. Ludden o'n Sixth, street, Tuesday evening. After n' luslne33 mting a social evvenlng was' spent and refreshments served. Thost I present wero tho Misses Augusta nnd , Gortrudo Parker, Anna M. Mn and Jennie Jonnslon, Fayo Hoguo Bondv 1 1 th Patton, Alice Palmer, Fann'o Virgil. Ruth Avery, Waive, Dro'v i:va Hanks, Vnndcnburg, Russe'l .Uniy Bnjl, Helen GuM Ivo Mr Lai'ghlln, M3 tamo Mplliv, TJr'lnk- er. Orvn Cumest, W. S. Slopgh, Rnd cllffo and Ludden. Miss F"yc Hoguo entortaincd tho Five Hundred club cf which she Is n member, at hor homo on High St. Saturday evening. A very pleasant evening was spent nt cards. Miss Minnie Barnum winning tho high hcoro. Dainty refreshments wore served by tho hostess to Mrs.' Orvn fcarnst, the Misses MInnIo Barnum, Anna May and Jennlo Johnston, Jesslo and Elslo Ford, Ina Oraham, Nellie nnd Either McAndrows, Pearl Leavltt, and Waive Drew. Ready for Immediate Service ALSO Ready for Immediate Service Correidales The best sheep in the world for crossing on Me rino ewes. They give at once weight and quality of wool, and quantity and quality of mutton. t For rough country, from sea level to 8000 feet altitude, and from Patagonia to Wyoming, they have proved themselves su perior to the Merino. With the legs1 and face clear and wool packed about the body, the NEW SHEEP OF THE NEW COUNTRY have proved themselves superior, for rustling ability, hardihood, ability to raise good twin lambs, and quantity and quality of both wool and mutton. Dt?Y 17 .L. .LhbhLml L J. CO.VDOIt HKIT Tho original Red Friction Surface Belt. Guaranteed, to give more sor vlco far tho dollar than any other rubber belt. For Sale By Tho Klamath Rubbor & Leather Co., 11 20 Main St., Klamath Falls, Oro. 18tf TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Six Rhodo Island Rod hens and rooster, 2445 Darrow Ave., Mills Addition. 18-lt FOR SALE 9 room modern house, furnaco, lawn, fruit trees. Good torms, 219 Jefferson. 18-3t Pntlio Knppliho , Bull . H. J. WINTERS 706 Main St. Klamath Falls, Oregon s WANTED Woman for gonornl house-work for small fnmllv. Tiild dlo nged woman preferred. Perma nent work. Apply County Agricul turist offlca, . 18-Ct FOR SALE 3 in, farm wagon 'and now buggy tongun with doublo tieo and yoke John N, flohnltz Arthur Lewis' place on Big Ditch, Klamath Falls. 18-Ct FOR SALE 15 A Milk. cows all of tnom coming rrosn soon , 3 dozen chickens and 18 turkoys, will nlno soil 3 or 4 'horses cheap. See Rob erta, V, mllo west of Mlllhr Hill ae3a9 OLENE, OREGON December Is tho favorite month i Tho length of silk In tho cocoon for marriages In France, Spain and of a Hllkworm Is about a third of a Italy. mllo, 1 . .. ..j... Ml i . nitu s or me num.. -. mis uvciukc .1 foot 11 lwtol m A nAiinll I vu woi'li under iy v'- ' "Millionaire Special" to Fly Across Omtihen V ? i s fr7TiBivH9mHva s ( ;j?,rr;zvK-vvr5WMtimmi!mixMmm:m III Pf IIMI 1 1 ' '' During a trial trip cast irom Milwaukoo, tho"LawBon 20 paflsengcrs. Tho ehlps to bo used In this sorvlco nro 60 foot m?L fim,l01nn,!,,oul,wUh BtP8 at Chicago, Olovoland and iiH.5 lnU'. ,ha. Now YorU th0 WrBt trans-conttnontal "mil lionairo apodal" Is schedulod to loavo for San Francisco with' paBsongerB. Tho ehlps to bo need In this sorvlco nro CO foot Jong, equlppod with twin LIborty engines and hnvo a luxurious Inclosed cabin nttod up llko a chair car. Later regular -scbedulo will bo malntalnodj "" C3 school hotiso, t8'3l to-.. i 't.4 ' w- i