I MBit I .yWy Wwlli' ' i " i ' " , :; w ''X Ac ? &k Vt :p. 'L m. I - !a KTn... I'? V l"v,'- BV. .lit 'Mfi. IF if 1 FjA I 5SfR paur bix THE I ,"j& -' " I t " WW""'- ';JSSS .--.M-MMMMI EVENING HERALD.- KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON HATtmilAY ll,,2r11 . .0., ' if i .n fr I Domestic Science Department Conducted A' PIrs.ficfeDc fa) oncstic Science J-cctof Sfterry Your Co. MASTERING FOUNDATION FORMULA SECRET OF OMELET MAKING Omelets are usually considered. diillcuU to make. Many ot the more1 clnborato oones are never attempt ed by tho housewife. However It tho foundation formula Is mastered tho others, whether sweet or fancy can bo ver eeasily made., and even the Inexperienced housewllfe. neeS not hesitate to attempt making thorn. j The first essential Is a perfectly smooth pan, and tho careful cook will have a pan which Is kept just Low Tiro Doolrnhlo Tor First Cooklnp Cook over n low tiro for sovoral minutes, or until tho omelet la full ot bubbles nnd Is a golden brown on the under sldo. To determine this, lift tho omelet up on ono sldo with n brond-bladcd knife. Then place on tho top grnte of a modentto oven nnd bake until Just dry on top. A hot oven will make the omelet tough. Remove from tho oven, cut partly through tho center and fold over... Kemove to a warm platter, using n knlfo nnd serve at for this purpose. Great caro must. bo used in cooking. If tho pan is broad-bladed too hot the mixture will scorch, , once. particularly In tho center, and If If a sweot omolet Is desired, ono this should happen, it will ruin tho, tablespoon of sugar may bo added to fine flavor ot tho omelet. tho egg yolks when beating. All iwi Onirfpt Host kinds of leftovers may bo used for a A.Wl in Combinations filling. A few greon peas, or any There aro two kinds ot founda- cooked vegetable, added to a cup of tlon formulas the beaten or! white sauco makes a hearty luncheon "puffy" omelet, and the French dish. A cheeso sauce poured oer tho nlPt. The beaten ometet Is the' omolet gives a satisfactory moat i,of oH.nt.H n tiiA vnrltmife 'substitute dish. Tomato sauco gives combinations. It is better to make'" pleasing variety, several small omelets than to' attempt a large one as tho mixture will brown before it Is cooked through. Four eggs are enough at one time. Separate tho white and yolks ot tho eggs. Beat the egg whites until stiff and dry; the yolks until creamy add to the yolks ono tablespoon of cold water for each egg used, season with salt and pepper, and fold tho stiffly beaten egg whites Into this mixture. Melt two tablespoons of butter or butter substitute In the heated pan and pour in the omelet. Jelly, Folded into Omelet for Dessert For dessert.fold a half glass of jelly Into tho omelet, sprinkling tho top generously with powdered sugar or in tho berry season, tak s straw- 1 rries which h.ive been sweetened, crush them slight lv, and ."ot In warm place to draw out the juice; fold berries In tho omolet and pour the remainder around It. Straw berry preserves may be used In this manner. When serving a sweet omelet for dessert, remember that It Is a very Bill jm '"' -Mfa? 0JiMBS8SSSSmm gOMp and broths. Their difference lies in their fresh flavored goodness. They are delightfully crisp, satis fying and daintily salted. Sold fresh everywhere by grocers. - Don't ask for Crackers say Snow Flakes Pacific Coatt Jliscuit Co. ' & say Snow Flakes J substantial dish, and that thu main coutve of tho moal may ho lighter than usual. itut stop i Vim riuiii T Omelet Koiilllo It la but u stop from tho ll"lu omolet to nu omelqt tmunio; nnu contrary to tho general opinion, this Is not at all tuilicuit to iuiikc. run a cheeso omulot soutrio prepare ono half cup ot white sauco, nddlng ono- halt cup ot grated eheeso. Heat the whites ot four eggs until very stllT and dry, beat tho yolks until thick and creamy, adding tho white sauce anil seasonings Fold tho vgg whites very lightly Into tho egg yolk mixture, and pour Into a well buttor od pudding dish. . llako In a mod orate oon nnd servo at once. FOR EGG DISHES TESTED RECIPES heartburn, flatulence, watorbrnuh or nausea. Ho tolls us to lay nsldo nil dlgon tlvo aids and liiHtond, get from any pharmacy four ounces of Jad Salts and tnho a tablespoouful In a ghM of water botoro bronkfant while. It l otforvosclng, and furthermore, to coutlnuo this for ono woolc. While relief follows tho first doso, It Is Im portant to noutrnltjso tho acidity, re move tho gas-making mnsa, start the Hvor, nttiuulnto tho kldnoys the, ttltl noy and thun'promoto a freo flow of pure digestive Julcos. Jnd Salts is Inoxponslvu and Is made from tho ncld of grapoa and iMiion Julco, combined with llthla and aodlum phosphnto. This harmless sr!ts Is used by thousands of pooplo for stomach troublo with oxcollont ro s.ilts. Adv. m IRISH MOONSHINER BUFFALOES POLICE MOTIUIJ Inm now prepared to .furnish BhniUa Sand from thu llooy, Uiuu., snixl and (travel pit, In any nuiiiitlty thnt may bo desired by contractor! ami bultdurs, AL T. ailAIIAM. IMSHOI.l tion "'' ''tlNlUM,.; '1 Notlro In Imc ,j .,. or at m.,,1,,, i0,lor""JJ.aii,k nth s Wo nmko i speclnhy of fire, life ami ncolilenlr Iiwurimco. I'lioito (10 mid mo'II do t.N) nn(, Chllcoto & ttmltli. B-tf Ten thousand cubic foot ot gan ciu bo produced from one ton ot coal. Indian It m.i,. . "A'o Kn,, Oii'iTmi in.. i '" "Inr.itiiii t Holuid by , Z , fm Dated HotHomlier 27 iaitt 27 t-1 t-tH 2 . ,llrr'-U. TurtleH ln from HO 0 job at a tltiio '"' H4-4iMmJ.j...mjj,55hS44 r f HOW OFTEN you have wished you knew just the right place to enter tain your friends at dinner! We invite you to take them TO v - THE JEWEL CAFE .Jesse Bailey, Prop. Y"i- Phone 185 , 610 Main St 5"! ...,.f.,................M(..HHM Note All measurements are level Flour Is sifted once before measur ing. A half pint measuring cup Is used. Tho yolk of an egg may bo kept from hardening and sweot by put ting It, unbroken, Into a cup with enough cold water jto covor It. Tho proper tomporaturo for cooking eggs Is from ICO degrees to 180 do groea F; they should not bo cooked In boiling water. roaclied Kgg Rub tho bottom of nn omelet pan lightly with shortening. Fill pan three-fourths full of boiling water. Ureak an egg Into n saucer and slip Into tho boiling water. Lower flame so tho water will not boll nnd allow ock to remain In tho water three- tenths minute. If tho water does not Cover tho yolk, dip wato over It carefully with a spoon until n film forms over yolk. Remove with n sklmmr to a slice of buttered toast. Scalloped Furs Two hard boiled eggs, two cups white sauco. one cup chopped cold meat, half a Cup of buttered bread crumbs. Chop eggs finely. Sprin kle bottom of a buttered baking dish with crumbs, cover with half tho eggs, eggs with sauce and sauco wth eggsmeat; repeat. Cover with re maining crumbs I'laco in oven and bake until crumbs are brou-n. Hnm Is the best meat to use for this dish. Veal or fleh may bo used. Coddled Kgg Butter a ramekin or custard cup. Break an egg carefully and slip Into the ramekin. Plnco in a pan of boil ing water and cook until tho white Is firm. Foaclied KgK With Sauco lloanmixo Poach four eggs, arrange In serv ing dish; cover eggs with Bearnalso sauco. ' Sauce Beamalse Beat yolks of three eggs slightly, add three tnble spoons olive oil, two tablespoons hot water, half tablespoon vinegar, half teaspoon of salt and a few grains of cayenne. Cook oyer boiling water until mixture thickens. Carr must be taken not to cook a minute to? long or the sauce will curMlc. J1 Spanish Omelet I Molt two tablespoons s'lortenlnp In a heated frying pan. Coo one or Ion, sliced thin, until golden blown. Add one small can of torn- nnc sauce, or a cup of drained ( tomato, six .olives, atoned and chop I pod, and one green pepper sliced Place oTcr a slow flr and slmmor 1 until onions and peppors are cooked. j Pour around tho plnln omelet. I Shirred or Ititkcd I'gn j Drop egg In buttered ramekin or custard cup. Cook in a piy'rt of water in jtho oven. Itameklns may be lined 'with buttered crumbs and egg covered with tho crumbs. Soft Cooked KgKs Cover the eggs with boiling water, covor tho pan and set It part way back on tho range whore tho wator will keep at a temperature from ICO to 180 degrees F., but will not boll. In five or ten minutes tho eggs will be done. Or, thoy can bo put Into cold water and romoved from tho fire when tho water comes to the boil ing point. ot LONDON. Oct. 17. A Atory how ono Irish poutheon maker, as thoy call moonshiners In IJreland, manngod for a long tlmo to escape dotectlon Is so good that It Is bo Ing told all over tho country. Tho English rovonuo ottlcors had dejected so many stills by tho smoko arising from tho fires that tho man In Question, who occupied a house adjoining, connected his fluo with tho chlmnoy of the barracks of the Royal Irish Constabulary and his dlstlllory remained undetected until someone botrayed him. Watches vary In tho number of thoir parts, but tho average nu la bor Is 17G. To manufacture n watch It has been estimated to involvu no loss than 2,400 soparato and ills tlnct operations. WAIT! AND LI7T Uft SHOW YOU OUK SEW TIltK Hoagland & McColIum Next Door to I'ostofflce. Thrift and Little Things Who are tho men and women that become masters over great things? They are those who first of all become masters over little things. Dollar bills and silver dimes are only little things, so little that they often trickle away in every direction and yet they have formed the solid foun . dation for many a comfortable income through the following slegan: "DON'T WASTE! SAVE!" Start a Savings Account today'. First State & Savings Bank KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Let Me Do Your p Concrete Work USING ACID IN SUCH T SAYS EXCESS OF HYDROCHLORIC ACID IS CAUSE OF INDIGESTION t A well-known authority states that stomach trouble and Indigestion are nearly always due' to acidity acid stomach and not, as most folks be lieve, from a lack of digestive Juice He states that 'in excess of hydroch loric acid In the btomach retards di gestion and starts food fi mentation then our meals sour Kko arbago in a can, forming acrid fluids and gases which Inflate the stomach like a toy balloon. Wo then get that heavy, lumpy feollng In tlio"cli08t, wo oruc tate sour food, belch gas, or have SHASTA SAND EXCLUSIVELY -fy. When'you have your work done with Shasta 0 Sand you knowyou have the best there jg AL. F. GRAHAM t i