''T BlTUI iv ocroiniit is, iii THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON lERSONAL... s-syyvyy .... Mrs. (Jlncomlnl jiro In Dr,ioJy 'rom tl,ulr ,,omo ."0(ir jlerrl"' . , nnnH lira " tH KH vlHll,,rH Ml0"l,,nR t0 .inn of bulnc-B. . l.llllO district, WtlH II ',;;;, t,i m y.Mor,iy. I Mr. Jimc ,ollon a"'1 Mra- f',ni1. " ' ... ii... i-iiv loilnv flhon- IP'"' . . ...... riiv Plivnlclan linn tlr A. buuiu,- ...i frnni BlHltlyOII CDllllty Wravu --- ,,,. ,ni, . .. i, onnnl i iruu J" ........ Sm. '. w" wna '"' ""l ,M leli"'.., nn.l Kriiont lirown of Rod- Jad, Oregon. are In tho city visit- Hlvu"' . .. ,w Mra ... it tho noma ui .... o.an.hio Thcso young man JUr'r fcs,(,(,(1 "l Uoun(1 Lalt0 "ni1 MM many menus m mu ......, XUi were both In tho 21st Division. Ur. anil Mrs. r. v. i-uw im.u iu ...J iMoernm stntliiR thut tholr ,od Sergeant I.loyl Low, nrrlvoil nt CtDp Mcrrltt Oct,obor H. Ho ox Pcuto be homo abdut Novombor 1. wpects to bo homo about Novombor 1 fcirioant Low was with tho army of German territory thirteen days tutor the armlstlco won signed ami staying until recently ordorod homo. c.nril I'hnnncranh Domains li number from 3G up for cash or Itermi. Beo our window. hnrl Stephen! Co., b07 Main hi. mi PRESIDENT CANNOT receive iuilehhJ WASHINGTON, I), C, Oct. 18. King Alliurt mid Quoun IJlUnboth of Belgium will not bo roeolvud by I'roHlilonl WIIhoii when thoy vlBlt Washington tlilK month, on account of tho Proiddont's IIIiiohh, IL was nn noiiiicud today Tho Holgln rulers will ho the guests of Vlco-1'roHldunt anil Mrs. Marshall. Boo Shepherd's uhlmI phonogniph ensh bargains. I7lf Surety bonds wlillo you wait. Will coto At Smith. B-lf i CLEARANCE hale Many good things you may nee Friday Oct. 17, 10 a. in., cor. fitli and Klamath ave., 201. Eut IC'M up. 11-1 1 MASONS ATTENTION Special communication Klnmath Lodge No. 77, A. K. & A. M., Monday evening, Oct. 20, at 7:30. Work In tho B. A. Degree. Visitors welcome, By ordor of GEO. C. ULRICH, W. M. 11 f I rswiW m Give a Thought to Music Winter Is almost upon us .and those lone, cold, windy lights which will soon bo hero mako us think that our own fireside won't be to bad after all, especially if wo have plonty of music. Good music on a Piano or a Player ceraltnly produces the pop In home life, quiets tho nerves, and gives culture and reflnoment to the children. Prices on our Ilehr Bros. Pianos and Players nro still moderate and terms easier than ono would Imagine. EARL SHEPHERD CO. Location Oppotrito Flrct State & Savings ISnnk Motto TIME TOLLS THK TKUTII AW mriJr Ljll"!"'" "'Iltlllilir'il fQ True ecQnomy Alocfcj. begins witlibuy Wafg ( mg a Kange ot IWJi quality always tlie cheapest in the end. fj ThaWeJgewooijpac(;cCoast mi ' ii ujx II a DO l-uel Haver. 4 EVANS & BALIN 910 Main Especially when it is a question of fuel supply more than the price of fuel. . . This ARMCO Iron "WtJgtwood Range will best serve your needs from every stand point Madeofthcsame rus't-rcsisting ARMCO IRON of American battleships. . . . PARTS ALWAYS ' OBTAINABLE. NOTION OF HAliK OK JU4AL KHTATK III tho County Court of tho Btnto of Orf-Kon for tho County of Klam ath. In this Matter of tho JiMato of Jos eph 8, MacdH, DucouHcil, Notice Is hereby jjlvon Hint, pur ntinnl to an order of tho abovo En titled court miido and entered th'jro In on tlie 18th day of October, 1019, llcuiiHlnit this administratrix to hdII tho lands and promises hereinafter ilustrllrad, I will, pursuant to tho said order, on and after 10.00 o'clock n. m., on mid after tho -17th day of November, 1919, In the olllco of II M. Maiinlni;, attorney for the nd tnlnlHtratrix, I.oomln llundlng, Klam ath Tails, Oregon, sell at prlvato sale to the holiest and best blddor tlirrufor. for cash In hand, all of tho following described lands und real estnto, to-wlt: The poulhwcHt (piartcr of tho noilliftiBt (inarter, noiilheast iiiirttr of tho northwest iiinr tnr, and tho northwest (inarter of tho southeast iiuitcr of Section Ten, Township Thlrty ulght. south, Kongo Nino, oast, Wllhinetto Meridian, In Klam ath Cnunty, Oregon, containing 120 acres. Terms of salo arc as follews: Cash In hand, abstract at cxpenso of pun baser, salo to bo made sub ject to tho continuation of tho abovo court, all bids for said lands muBt be inado In writing nid shall bo loft In tho olllco of my said attorney as aforesaid. Dated nt Klamath Falls, Oregon, this 17th day of October, 1919. SAItAH E. SEEDS, Administratrix of tho Estate of Jos eph S. Seeds, Deceased, j 18-25-1-8-15 WWWWVWWWW HOUSTON'S Metropolitan AmuAemenU " yMVWWWMMMMMMl HOUSTON'S OPERAHOUSE DASClSU Wednesday & Saturday Night. Popular Jazz Orchestra STAR THEATER TODAY Artcrnft Presents MAKV PICKFOItn In OAITAIN K1DD, Jr. Also Tlie Female Chns. Clinplln of Tho Screen ; GAIL HKNHY In KTUNG SUNDAY Select Presents CONSTAXCi: TALMADGE In SAUCE POK THE GOOSE Also A Hlf V. SHHiitl Comedy SWEETS TO THE SOUH rEMPLE THEATER TODAY Paramount Presents IILANCH SWEET And HOUSE PETERS In THE WAHHEXS OP VIItGINIA Also PETE MORRISON In n Thrilline Western Drama In Two Parts SUNDAY' Vltngrnli Presents ANITA STEWART In PROM HEAD QUARTERS Also MR. AND MRS. SIDNEY DREW In A Dandy Comedy MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTURES TUK8DAY8 AND SATURDAYS Merrill. rtpBO TEACH YOUR CHILD THE LESSON OF CLEAN TEETH Tho earlier your child is taught tho valuo of a clean mouth and sound teeth tho healthier and happier ho will be in fu ture years. Wo have a nice lino, of Children's Tooth Brushes and all tho advertised Denti frices and Mputh Washes with which tho lesson can bo best demonstrated. . Merwootfe Pharmacy V'1 KLAMATH TAILS OR EOOM vrto? W v LATVM n ru-u untuuil I WXIK AIllCUt. no-L rEZQuD uy iruu ow Jl i, -. u , ; ' f fi. . ' ,T Saving Earns Credit By saving a little money each month you will establish a reputation which will make it easy to secure additional capital when necessary. Men who have really succeeded spell it S-A-V-E. You can succeed along the same lines. Let us help you. , We pay 4 per cent on time deposits. PAGE FIVB 3i!mfflGm -r- 'eSS ' - 'T. '. N St y " V " 1 r j '9 rjr s e '. ' m Klamath State Bank jfe";: "THEf DAYLIGHT BANK" f fef -t:n v 4, Wf i. i W " it- , ) .. Corner Sixth and Main. , fkl- 4-'' c, ' vi' ? .flV tnr- " H,. '&. 1 fif ) ." SAULE BELTS Made of the highest grade of oak center, with a special tannage process making the. belt more pliable and adaptable to high speed trans mission. i The Klrmath Rubber & Leather Co.. 112G Main St., Klamam vans, , y. PETITION POR SALE OP REAL ESTATE In tho County Court of the State of Oregon for Klamath County. In the matter of tho Estate and rciinnUinshlo of Albert Hop kins Pierce, a minor. This matter coming on to be heard upon the petition of Agnes Pierce. guardian of the estate and person of Albert Hopkins Pierce, a minor. 1 praying for an orderof this court licensing the said guardian, Agnes Pierce, to sell at private sale all of the right, "title and interest of the said Albert Hopkins Pierce, a min or, in and to the following described lands and real estate, to-wlt: I The south one-halt of the nortn west one-quarter, the east one-half of the southwest one-quarter and Lot Three (otherwise known as the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter). In Section 2, In Township 35, south, of Range 6, east, of the Willamette Meridian, and also an undivided ond-fourth interest In and to tho southeast one-quarter of the southwest one-quarter of Section 35, rr..t,ir. 34 annth. Ranee 6. east. t-ha wiiinmnttQ Meridian, in Klamath County. State of Oregon, and It appearing to tho court from tho said petition inai me sam,iumi Hopkins Pierce is a minor and that tho said Agnes Pierce is the duly ap pointed and qualified guardian of his estate and person, and tljat the following named persons, to-wit: Agnes Pierce, of Litchfield, Connect icut ;Mnrgaret Applegate, Ashland, Oregon; Lena Smith, Klamath Falls, Orogon jAlice Pell. Ashlnnd, Ore gon; Mowy Applegate, Los Angeles, California; Charles Pierce, Ashland, Oregon; Albert Piorco.-- Altooni, Pennsylvania; Ophelia Pierce Tay lor, Buffalo. Now York, are .the next of kin of the said ward, and it ap pearing to the court from the said petition that it is necessary and ben eficial to the said ward, Albert Hopkins Pierce, a minor, that all of his right, title and intorest in and to tho lands and premises above de scribed should bo sold, now, there fore, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED. AD JUDGED AND DECREED THAT Monay. the 17th day of November. A. D. 1919, at 2:00 p. m. on said day, In tho court room of tho above entitled court in the county court house at Klamath Falls, Klamath County. Oregon, bo and the same is hereby fixed as the time pnd place at which this court will hojr the said petition and determine the same, and it is further ordered that the said Agnes Pierce, Margaret Applo gato, Lena, Smith, Alice. Piol, Morey Applegate, Charles Pierce, Albert Pierce and Ophelia Pierce Taylor and nil other unknown heirs and next of kin and all Arther persons Interested in tho estate ot tho said Albert Plerco HopklnB Pierce, a minor, appear In the above entitled court on tha said 17th day -of Novem ber, 1919. at 2; 00 p. m. as above stated and then and there to show cnuso, If any they, have, 'why a li cense should not bo granted by this court to the said Agnes Pierce, guardian of the said minor, to sell at prlvato sell upon terms to be prescribed by this court, all of the Interest of the said Albert Hopkins Pierce, a minor, in and to the lands and real estate hereinbefore de scribed. It is further ordered that a copy of this order shall be pub lished forthwith for a period ot three consecutive and successive weeks in- The Evening Herald, a dally newspaper of general circula tion ,ln Klamath County, Oregon, printed, published and circulated daily in said county and state at Klamath 'Falls, Oregon. R. H. BUNNELL, " County Judge of Klamath County, Oregon. 18-25-1-8 NOTICE OP SALE OP REAL ESTATE In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Klamath County. In tho matter of the Estate of S. B. Gardner, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that, pur suant to an order of the above en titled court licensing me to sell the lands and premises hereinafter de scribed, I will: on and after 10:00 a. m. on Monday, the 17th day of November. A. D. 1919. at the office of H. M. Manning, attorney at law, Loomis Building, Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, sell at private sale to the highest and 'best bidder therefor, upon terms herein after described, all of the following described lands and real estate, to wit: A piece or parcel of land situ ated in the Town of Fort Kiamatn, Klamath' County, State of Oregon, and described as follows, to-wlt Commencing at a point 200 feet south of the norheast corner of Sec tion H 21, in Township 33, sou l. Range 7'&, east, of the Willamette Meridian, in Klamath County, Ore gon; thence west 200 feet, thence south 108 feet, thence east 200 feet, thence north 108 feet to tha place of beginning. -'Terms of sale are as follows, to-wit: For 'cash in hand or,60 per cent of purchase price In cash and the balance secured by th'e note of purchaser, payable four months from date, bearing intorest at the rite of 7 per cent per an num, and secured by a mortgage upbn the premises heretofore de scribed, abstract to be at expense of purchaser, and sale to be made sub ject to confirmation by the court. Bids shall be in writing and shall be left at the office of H. M. Man ning ,as aforesaid. Done at Kl3math Falls, Oregon, this 18th day of October, 1919. F. L. BURNS, Administrator of the. Estate of S. B. Gardner, Deceased. 18-25-1-8-15 M FAIR WARNING ....During the past few years, mater ial of all kinds, as well as labor have practically donbled in price, and yet a good many Klamath folks are carrying the same amount of insur ance on buildings, furaitnre, stocks, etc.. A fire would mean a very ser ious loss. Wouldn't Jt be wise to. check np and get some additional protection... Get a STANDARD policy . from Chilcote & Smith, 633 Main St., Phone 00 and we will do the nest. 17-3t -H "jsa 1 , - JrQ A Wis .sf'wl JkT I fClIhsl! Prblem of securing higher 't WJl! Sjm innn t ow w