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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1919)
jnff fltl "r v ? a,TlllAV, """" ' "l THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON , fmSMm FRENCH ELECTIONS ARE APPROACHING LYONS., Oct. JS-TIk oloillon of a nucicsKor to President I'olnnilro lit now only four mouth r 7i it I 'Jm. AT THE CHURCHES '"ZTwmu"'" MlMloimry Rncloty ,1 iwl.ilorlan Olimrl. mot oi l" ni tlm homo of rSor ".nl wlfa. ll.o Ilor. nml 1,10 '" J. uwrenco, for n mission- JITS ' ' " About i"" fo,,r moi,i,,orr """ ., nn-Hunt. A missionary JJLour falMcl II.. HurvlMK of rtfrtshmoiUH ,.,. Saturday Aloxto Kylo colu ,,n . ....i. i.irMiiinv with n vury K t y. which ..oniric, l.lxby CC'l-eo-"""10' honor. 1 UnlnR morn .m.l tuhlo wore l.cj 1 in Pink n.,,1 tho color "' 1 rlcl out in tho refreshments .... ..i. .,...! Icoh mill nlnlc a i.iioi.rh to glnddon m lemonade -no " "2! . M won. assembled to w..-m JS many h.pwr returns. Mr.. J n Dow assisted Mrs. I.ylo In on .'raining tlio young pooplo who 2 owned with pretty pink caps ,1 tholr arrival laden with iufut i ' th mt, JTlT,; Thaw present woro KlUnbolh nimiby, Zopha nnd Jcnn Itogoni, KI d Katharine Walton. J5 Larson, 'Corrlno IMath. Rll. Wh Oralmn., Doatrlco Wxby, Mor cjos Boyd, and llonnott Luddon. BOLSHEVIKI LAUGH AT DEATH AGONIES STOCKHOLM, Oct. 18. In ft loc toro hero Professor Outdo Schnoldor of Riga, stated Hint n totnl of 23.C32 men, women and children, hnvo been shot by tho Dotohovlkl. In many cases, ho snld, tho ox ocutlonora woro Intoxlcatod and un able to aim straight. Tlmo and agnln their victims woro only wounded, and their agony cnllcd forth lauil.tor from their murdorora. Young Klrls, elcRnntly drciwod, vol unteered to act as oxocutlonors, tho lecturer said. ' MIDLAND NOTES Sovoral of tho Midland pooplo at tended tho basket social at tho 'Spring Lake school houso lost wook. J. I. Hooper and family spent Sunday afternoon at tho oil well. James Dixon was In tho Midland lection Sunday looking after stock. Mrs. Illlbert Sargent is horo visit In; her husband, who Is clearing land on tho Miller Island for tholr future homo. Mies Selmn McRoynoIds spont Inst Saturday In Klamnth Falls. sini:itiA rouens mrruitNixu to u. s. VLADIVOSTOK. Oct. IS. Tho transport, Great Northern, nailed from hero October 7, with 100 eflicoM nnd 1400 mon returning to tho United States. dlUtiinl, yet pnillumuntnry oleriloiis to rliooim ii.KiiilioiH of tho Hcnnlo nnd oliiinilmr of deputies iniiHt first bo hold mi thorn) In Joint session nt VurHliillcii In .lanimry must olect tho tenth president of tliu ropubllr. HoHiiltH of tho ioi.iIiik election nro regarded iih n.o.o obsuuri) than any hIiiio tho full of tho empire. Tills Ik nil tho mora truo bucutiso of Mio death of ono-liulf million votero In tho war, tho coming of ago of. an oiunl number of now voters, und tho anticipated moillllrutlons of tho party lines by now; Issues resulting rrom tho war and reconstruction Hlx hundred doputU-H and three hunilrod senators aro to be choion No aspirant for any of these .touts has yot olllclully declared his can didacy. Thoro will bo no primaries or loenl ronvontlons us In America, brlt tho candidates will bo selected by party committees with various combinations of different partlos whoSo principles nro jiot too widely soparntcd. Tho Socialists nro resolved not to comblno with nny other pnrty but tho rtndlcals novo decided to form union tickets In somo districts with other purely 'republican organiza tions. Tho wldo differ on Co between pres idential elections In Franco nnd tho Unltod Stntcs is lllustrnted In tho fact that horo tho president Is chos en by parliament, whllo in America tho chief oxecutlvo Is elected by the voto of tho pooplo for electors. Con trary to what .opinions ubronil might expect from tho French, elections hero aro peaceful compared to thoso of America. .No iliiuiKCM will be miiilo In this (oIiiiiiii iniM'vt tho (opv h nt 'J'lio Mciilng Mould office lj 5 o'clock I llllll) OWIllllg. For agos tho fourth finger of tho left hand has boon choson for tho brldo's wedding ring, but fow know how tho custom originated. Tho fnct Is that tho Romans, who woro tho first to uso tho wedding ring, selected tho finger because thoy bo llovcd that a norvo went from it dlroct to tho heart. Livery, Feed and Sales Stable Auto Service 'Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable Long Trips Our Specialty Ileasonublo Itntes Phono inn 822 Klamnth Aro I WVWV We Clean, Press and Repair EVERYTHING From a Heavy Suit to Flimsy Lingerie. We re-block Hats, and call for and deliver your goods. Klamath Dye Works 431 Main St Phone 408 First Ilnptlst Church, corner Wash ington and Klghth. Holiday school ut 10 a. ni., C. It. UoLnp, superintendent Preaching nt 11 a. m. I'ruyor sorviro Wednesday at 8 P. M. ICvory second nnd fourth Wednesday evening will bo devoted to missionary work. U. Y. p. U. Sunday ovoning at 8 p. m. A cordial Invitation ia extend ed to all to attend thoso services. Sacred Heart Churcn, corner 8th and High streets. Kov. Hugh J. Mar shall, pastor. Children's Mass ut 8.00 Adult's Muss nt 10.30. I vomug sortflro at 7.00 j in. First Presbytorlnn Church, Corner 3rd and Pine. Kov. E. P. Lawrence, Mlnlator 437 Third Street. Phono 420. Alorulug worship, 11 a. ni. Com munion sorvlco, Sermon on "Loyalty tho Ulblo." Chorua anthem, "Seek ye tho Lord;" directed by Miss Qnllls. Hvenlng services at 8 p. in.. Thomo "Tho Oospol, Has it come to you? Mrs. 11. C. Tliomus will sing a solo at this sorvlco. Sunday school at 10 a. m. A cordial lnvltutlon Is extended to any who havo no other church homo to worship with us. Lutheran survltcs will bo held at Library hall, cornor Third and Main, conducted by Ilov. M. C. Rossman, pastor, nt 11 a. in. Sunday school at 10:15 a. m. Sermon by tho Kov. Jul. Hucht hnusen of Tncomu, Washington. All nro cordially Invited to wor ship with us. Methodist Episcopal Church, Tenth and High. Rov. Simpson Hamrlck, pastor, 1117 Eas street. Phono 67W Junior League ut t'.t'O A. M. Sunday - li.iol ut 10.00 a M. Morning Worship at 11.00 A. M. Hpworth Lcnguo at 7:00 P. M. Prayer meeting Wednesday even ing at 8 00 P. M. Wo invito ovorybody to the sorvlces both morning and ovcnlng. Tho young pooplo can do no better than spond an hour with tho League from 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. each Sun First Christian Church, cornor Ninth nnd Pine streets. C. F. Trim ble, pnstor. Sundny School, 10 A. M. Sermon 11 a. to. Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m. Prayor meeting Wednesday evon Ing at 8 p. m. C. F. Trimblo. Pastor Emanuel Baptist Church, Eleventh end High stroots. Sunday School 10.00 a. m. Young peoples meeting at 7 p. m. Prayor meeting every Wednesday at 7:30 d. m. Womans Home nnd Foreign Mis sionary Society meet first Thursday of each month. You aro Invited to theso services. Tho Christian Science Society of Klamath Falls holds services, at 113 Fourth street every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and ovory Wednesday ovoning at y:3U. aii nro welcome. The subject of lesson for Sunday, "Doctrino of Atonomont." Tho Sunday school session Is from 9:45 to 10:45 every Sunday morning. Tho troo reading room and free londing library Is open from 2:30 to 4:30 on Tuesdays, Thursdays nnd Saturdays. Tho Rnttcry Doctors Tho Battery Doctors BOLSHEVIKI IS YOUR BATTERY A BOLSHEVIKI? Is it everylastingly giving you trouble? Inen come to us we are running a Peace Conference for Storage Batteries K your battery is a "Bolsheviki" tell us and we'll wake a good hardworking citizen out of it. Kegnrdloss of tho "15 V4d Und of battery you WA ivV nV0. WO can KECnARGE or PAIR It wlfh "tcr Hands. ft "T&xibe" Wo aro tho BATTERY DOCTORS Let us be YOUR BATTERY DOCTOR JUDD LOW AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. 49 Main Street. ' Phone 22M ollattcry Doctors- Tho Battery Doctors Jump from Bed in Morning and Drink Hot Water Tells why everyone should drink hot water each morning before breakfast, Why is man nnd woman, half the tlmo, feeling nervous, despondent, worried; somo days headachy, dull arid unstrung; somo days really inca pacitated by illness. If wo would all practice inside-bathing, what a gratifying change would take plnco. Instead of thousands of hnlf-slck, anaemic-looking souls with I A. F.Graham I I General I I Concrete I I Construction I I Shasta Sand Used I H Exclusively ? ? T T t ? ? ? t t ? t t f t T t t T t t T T t T t t f T 7 - TZ frf"&SW&SwwF& If you buy an automobile, lock it up in your garage, and never use it, there will be no upkeep or "maintenance" charge for op erating it. But the veiy minute you start to drive the machine about, right there the parts begin to wear and every week, or hour, or minute, brings it nearer to the fixing shop ; and when the year has passed you will have spent a sum of money, great or small, but in ex cess of the purchase price to maintain the car and keep it in run ning condition. , Just so it is with a Public Utility, for no sooner has the installa tion of its plant been completed, and service commences, then keeping it in proper shape at all times becomes necessary, and the cost of doing so is called "Maintenance." However, despite all this renewal of parts, etcetera, there is a general wearing and weakening of the whole machine, a lost price, a depreciatien: There is generally an estimated fall in value, based upon actual experience, which will necessitate a new substitution within a given time. California-Oregon Power Company pasty, muddy complexions we should see crowds of happy, healthy, rosy cbeeked peoplo everywhere. Tho rea son Is that the human system does not rid itself each day of all the waste which it accumulates under our pres ent mode of living. For every ounce of food and drink taken Into the sys tem nearly an ounce of waste material must bo carried out, etse it ferments and forms ptomalne-liko poisons which aro absorbed into the blood. Just as necessary as It is to clean the ashes from the furnace each day before tho nro will burn bright and hot, so wo must each morning clear, the inside organB of the previous day's accumulation of indigestible waste and body toxins. Men and women, whether sick or well, are advised to drink each morning, before breakfast, a glass of real hot water wlth-a tea spoonful of limestone phosphate In it, as a harmless means of washing out of the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels tho indigestible material, ; wasto, sour bile and toxins; thus cleaning, sweetening and purifying tho entire alimentary canal before putting more food into tho stomach. Millions of people who had their turn at constipation, bilious attacks, acid stomach, nervous days and sreep Iess nights havo become real cranks about tho morning inside bath. A quarter pound of limestone phosphate will not cost much at(the drug store, but is'sufllcient to demonstrate to any one its cleansing, sweetening nnd freshening effect upon the system.-Ad stm v4 KJ "it tJ ft M fA jsliaVe I ' "r n A recent police investigation in London disclosed tho fact that moro fashionaVlo gambling placesn tho metropolis woio women. I America has 6000 women practic ing nvedlcluo. No matter at what speed you shave with a Gem Damaskeene Razor it leaves your face ?ool and refreshed. That's because the Gem has a soft, comfortable, velvet like feel and does such smooth, clean-cut work. We sell the complete Gem Damaskeene Razor outfit for SI. The outfit includes the razor, seven Gem Damaskeene" Blades, shaving and stropping handle -all in a hand some leather case. Enjoy the comfort of velvet-smooth self-shaving. Come in and get your Gem to-day I. BALDWIN HARDWARE CO. "The House of Quality" FIRE Insurance J. H. Driscojl Loomia Bldg. Phone 432 Hemstitching Have your gowns, blouses, waists and wearing apparel hemstitched. It gives them that smart look that nothing else can. i . Curtains, towejs, dressor scarfs etc. beautifully done. MRS. L. A. BURGESS Phono 214W 131 N. 4th St. NOTICE TO SHEEP MEN WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR THE -CELEBRATED BLACK LEAF 40 SHEEP DIP FOR SCABIES, TICKS OR LICE ON SHEEP The Dip recommended and recognized by the United States Bureau of Animal Industry in Offi cial Dipping of both Sheep and Cattle for 'scabies. IN STOCK AND READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Secure Your Requirements of Us wr . Aiaaa Merrill! Mercantile Co. General Merchandise MERRILL, OREGON T I X l 1 t" I -T I X ' "1 t ' I 'V - . f Of R y 1 iiiJs ''. , r t jk ': .WV-i tL.v,vwsjfcUTC "- A tMV ! iTOWBE&gK