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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1919)
SBC1, 1 WHS 4B 'J7 ' iA11E SIX THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 'Hum, oci 0111:11 6 vtmK $&. r VANKEES SELL GEIfl TRUCKS g.-1 r. oi K now v T"M1AT Oregon wool nml woolens are sold throughout the world? That New York's larccst hotel makes a specialty ot Oregon fruit beverages? $lrhat Oregon lias ;i rubber mill which sells its product all over the Pacific Coast; South America and the Orient? 2That Oregon candies are nationally advertised and sold? 0 (That Oregon lumber products are among the finest produced anywhere? then why not Buy Home Products and Boost Home Industries WITH AMERICAN rOIlCHS IN GERMANY, Sept. IB (Correspond ence) of the Associated Press). Tweho hundred motor trucks aban doned by the. German army In tho area taken ocr by tho Americans w part ot armistice material woro sold recently to a syndicate ot Ger man automobile dealers. This deal htually completed the work ot tho Coblons branch ot tho United State Liquidation commission which has been under the direction of Junius G. Adams ot Ashvllle, N. C, special commissioner of the American Army of Occupation. Continuation ot disposal ot sur plus army material in occupied Ger many will hereafter bo under tho direction of a general sales board of tho American forces In Gorniuny, of which Lieutenant Colonel T. H. Kruttschnttt has been appointed as chief. The army board will bo un der the supervision of the liquida tion commission, with headquarters in Paris until the final stocks are sold. The sale of surplus property of tho American army at the Antwerp base, which has been completed. lii.r,frht (n flio envprnmnt S 1 4. 00.000. most of the goods disposed rnth street. Portland. Mrs. Octavla hr, ,0Wn doat,h- Thoro nro, sls Kr; , nii i,,n i,ri. .Ut .,,. j... s f,Jchlldron ",d flv grvat-grandchll- Ul IU IMC UUI&IUU bvni.nuui.H - (UWUI f . 1 IIU UIUI kJVl'iUIUUUl " 4L Ing a better price than could havo been obtained in tho United States. By the sale of a part of surplus stocks ot the American forces in Germany, much of which was sold to German , civilians, the sum of $11,000,000 was realized. Among the material sold recently to Ger man dealers was 2,000,000 pounds of candy of a kind net particularly In demand among the American soldiers. II A T 4T TsT T.4 44 . A T ' 'VV 70 toff & nirnnrn ?V PftFr WiJf IX U. K' J. illo MfutttM Phone Eight-Thr FROM PRODUCER TO CONSUMER. Associated Industries of Oregon OIUTUAUY On Sunday, September 2S, 101D, at her late residence 1S0S East Tho Shah ot Persia, who is ex pected to visit America next spring, has one ot the most valuable col lections of precious stones and jew elry In exlsence. He possesses among other, precious stones the fa mour pear-shaped pearl valued at 300,000, which forms part of the Persian crown jewels. Lift off Corns! IDoesn't hurt a bit and Freezone costs only a few cents. er an illness of 17 da 3. Intormont took place in Mountain View como tory, Oregon City. Mrs. Mooro belonged to an old. and well-known pioneer family, be-) Jng the eldest daughter of Mr. rfud Mrs. John Meldrum, who drovo across tho plains to Oregon in 1S45, when only a log cabin marked tho site of tho city of Portland. Then a child of 9, sho grow to young wom anhood amid the privations and the joys of pioneer life. Possessed ot D. P. Thompson and Mrs. S. M. Mc Cown. Henry Meldrum is tho only surviving brother, John V. Meldrum having diod two days previous to dron Mrs. Mooro was a member of tho "First Preshtorlnn church of this city and wns active in church af- filrs Hor passing was a peaceful one and sho loft behind hor tho memory ot a llfo full of cheorful, optimistic service and family dovo tion. Oregcnlan. the beginning of civilization. Ira Cole, 90 years old and an employo of tho government printing an unusually keen mind and a ro- mco ln "Washington sinco 1S7G, Is lentlve memory, Mrs. Mooro was able to recall tho details of her rich experiences with unfailing interest lo her family and friends. On March 12, 1S54, sho was mar ried to William S. Mooro, a ploncor of 1847, who was identified with the upbuilding of the common wealth, especially In Marlon and Klamath counties. Mr. and Mrs. Moore became tho parents of the late Charles S. Mooro, banker of Klamath Falls and for two terms state treasurer, and of Mrs. Estella O. Bellinger and Mrs. Frances Ham mond, now deceased. Rufus S. Mooro of Klamath Falls, Miss Mary Bertha Mooro and Miss Henrieta Moore are surviving chil dren. Mrs. Moore'a sisters are Mrs. believed to bo tho oldest actlvo pross man In tho United States. "ONLY ONE THING BREAKS MY GQLDI f V t t r ? ? r f t ? ? T t t t f T I t T t ? t Tunc, mam v lilJu i JjV Phone Eight-Three ree COMPOUND SALE TODAY Absolutely Pure Pig Pork Sausage, 35c lb. This is especially nice for breakfast Sunday morning strict r fresh. We have small shoulder hams at 28e. Cotlugc hams" ot more than 1 ounces of bone, 38c. ' ' ly not COMPOUND FOR THIS SATURDAY: NO. 5 $1.00 NO. 10. 2.00 There is no better. BEEF PLATE BOILS, lb. 14c RIB BOILS, lb. 2 BRISKET BOILS, lb. . He You can get the best STEER cuts at the People's Market Steer Porterhouse or T-Bono Steaks, real Spring Lamb. We cut nothing but the best lambs. Spring chickens and hens. Don't forget that pail of Compound for $1.00. Phone S3 EARLY for service. PEOPLE'S MARKET c::kxkx nu; hici: vii:iii SACHAMENTO, Cnl Oct. 1C Martin Kuster, one ot tho pioneers ot rlco growing In tho Sacramento Valley, will sell his crop thjs yonr for more than $700,000. Kuster Iuih 3,200 acres ln tho Wheatland district which will yield 128,000 sacks ot rlco. Kustor is now plan ning to set out u largo acreage ln tobacco. "That's Dr. King's New DU- covery for fifty years a cold-breaker" With our fingers! 5To i can lift oft any hard corn, soft corn, or corn he- tween the toes, and tho hard V in ctl ,1uch froii- bottom of fec A tiny bottle of 'Fr-jizotu' tosls lilt'. at any drug store; apply a few drops upon the corn or callus In stantly It stops hurting, tren ihortlyi you Jlfo that bothersome corn or tal-l hu rh'ht off; root and all, without one Wt of pain or aorotii as. fru v' No humbug! Your earning power when it- rains is fflflHs s- m m0 . L bv LJ 'AW TfiWEm s '8?BRR KEFLEX SLICKER look for the Reflex Ed AJ.TowwCb. EstabUtlted I83S Boston, Mau, 4Kt.iV,' I ! wmr. rJv 1 vttsr GW12 " 1MB 4 NOTHING but sustained quality and unfailing effectiveness can arouse such enthusiasm. Noth ing but suro relief from stubborn old colds and onrushlug n;v ones, grippe, throat-tearing coughs, and croup could have made Dr. King's New Discovery tho nationally popu lar nnd standard remedy it Is today. Firty j ears old and always reli able. flnAii for tho whole family. A bottle in tho medicine cabinet means a short-lived cold or cough. 00c. uud :Hi. All druggists. Stubborn Bowels Tamed Positive ln action, yet natural, comfortable, pleasant, Dr. King's New Life I'lll.s urc u boon to bowels that need assistance. They elimi nate fermenting waste and put tho ostein In normal shape. All drug gists 20c. u bottle. We make a specialty of fire, life nnd accident Insurance. Phone OO and we'll do tv rest. Chtlcote A Smith. B-tf Ticst yet. Herald Want Ads. PRINTING BY jzlno production may bo revolution- photography; IS-' 0"'" w The make-up of tho mspilne li In no way changod, tho only differ encii hulng thnt tho stylo ot typ li that used on tpuwrltors and lj uj. form in all tho reading matter throughout tho number. The rlht hand hIiIu ot each column It Irrega lar as in ordinary typewritten copy. NKW YOK1C, Oct. 1C Kllmlna tlon of typesetting, ono of tho cohI trust operations of magazine produc tion, by the uho of platCH mndu by photographing tho original typewrit ten copy, has boon accomplished In tho October 18 Ihsuo of tho Literary Digest, consisting of 80 pagos. This radical innovation, brought about by tho printers' strike ln this city, leads tho publishers to suggest that "It is poHslblo In this ago of mar vols that tho whole futuro ot mnga- M)TICI3 I am now prepared to fnrnlii Shnstn Sand from tho Hoey, Cam, sand and gravol pit, in any quantity that may bo desired by contractor! and bulldura. AL F. 0RAHAM. ' ' Let Me Do Your Concrete Work in In is S UiM i IT 1 JLL H: ilK L MylliwfnB J!!!l!!!l'"r" nT i i:ia "Helpful Hints" "STOP PAYMENT" IP you have written a check by mistake or havo been induced to by fraud payment may bo stopped upon 'tho check if you can communicate with tho bank before It has been presented for payment. It is required to glvo written notice specifying number, date, amount and to whom check is payable. IN EVEItY CASE, STOP PAY MENT ON LOST CHECKS. You will find the First National Bank both conservative and progressive. V. It. Reauics, rrosldent., Ii. P, WlUets, Vice-President licsilo Rogers, Cashier. A. M. Collier, Asst. Cashier. John M. Moore, Asst. Cashier. HAVE ROSY CHEEKS AND FEEL FRESH AS A DAISY TRY THIS! Says glass of hot water with phosphate before breakfast washes out poisons, e?ie First National Bank KLAMATH FALLS VfViT8 OREGON fl To see the tinge of healthy bloom In your face, to see your skin set clearer nnd clearer, to wake up with out a headache, backache, coated tongue or a nasty breath, ln fact, to feel your best, day ln and day out, just try inside bathing every morning for one week. Before breakfast each day. drink a glass of real hot water with a tea spoonful of limestone phosphate ln It as a harmless means of washing from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the previous day's Indigestible waste. tour bile and texins: thus cleanslnit. sweetening and purifying the entire alimentary canal beforo putting more food Into the stomach. Tho action ot hot water and limestone phosphate on an empty stomach is wonderfully in vigorating. It cleans out all the sour fermentations, gases and acidity and gives ono a splendid appetite -for breakfast. A quarter pound of limestone Phos phate wJH cost very little at the drug storo but Is sufficient to demonstrate that just as soap and hot water cleanses, sweetens and freshens tho skin, so hot water and limestone phos phate act on the blood and internal or gans. Those who uro subject to con- sllpation.blllous attacks, acid stomach rhoumatic twinges, also thosowhoso sliln is sallow and comploxlon pallid, nro assured that ono week of inside bathing will have them both looking and feeling better ln every way. Ad, lKi i USING SHASTA SAND 'f'mff EXCLUSIVELY When you have your work done with Shasta Sand you knowyou have the best there is AL F. GRAHAM