v xtpr lAy, 0(710111011 17, J MO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON I'AGB TVB '' illwl mill AAVAAASASAA Personal .Mention - " .. ..((ntllltV. loft yon "3 for n wook or ton lyH " u!rnf Kimball, local roproaonttitlvo , ;,! WcyorlmuHor lumber Interest.. oft'10 " ' i ii... i.iiinliariiiaii'n i . I'rolcclivo nsnorlutlon, Ih Iicii no J"""10" r.iuv.mt lumbermen. wrcsV. nni,.i by Mm. Klin !".. Thoy wo awuy novornl weeks T ... Marls. Iciulor at tlio county , uliural npunlH of llio state. In In k.dfy from (.'ornvniiw. no he .pnrpoBO of looking over tlio 'or!".. . ,. i.,,i,.a Meno by County Z t THonian Ho will attend tlio JS, bureau meeting which l lu bo ttld at Kcno "ii" v M.iniON HI'IT I'll.KD Bull has bci'ii lllfl I" "", clrc"11 cJort W "10 Clilloijuln Mmmiitllu tompany walnut Hon- Blimlloy mill die to collect $182. alloir.nl to bo dn0 f0r .inorcIiniullHo Manning d Gjnnons are attorneys for tho plaintiff. 1WIII WARNING ftiirlns lite past few jonra, tiuilor- Elof H UniN. " " "" M,i,r ,m .....ii. .I....I.I...I In in lie. mill .( I rood nwiir Klllllllllll folltM HIV rarry.ni; iiiu wwi" " " " -"- ... i..iii.il.uri. fiirnJliirtt. n(H'I(n. jure "" ........... . - f(c. A flro would iiiwiii ii wry iter. lout I""".. "Oiiiiini ii is i tliWK up mill gel MMiii! imiiiiniiiiii protection... (il'tu STANDARD IKillry from Ctillroto Hinltli. ': Mnlrt Kt., l'liono CO and ho will do llio ivnt. 17-at Standard Phonograph Bargains A number from f 3C up for cash or tcrmi. Sco our window. Kurl Shepherd Co, GO" Main St. 17t tkr A 327 Main Street l'liono 30 WHB & SST v f! Ul trrai P'nl Imvo your llttlo kIH with yqu can you tako prido In her 1 musical ability. . A child's success in nrtistc doponds firstly upon having u good piano llko our nohr Bros1., for instances, and bocon.dly, upon a food music toachor. For the welfare of your child, why not call at our store and "nu out our roasonnblo prices and terms. New Store HOUSTON Metropolitan Aim mem emu 'VVVVVAVAAVSAViAVWiVVWVSAAA, HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DAM'INM Wednesday At Haluntiiy Mglim. Popular .la. Orchestra STAR THEATER TODAY Alll'lllft J'lUMl'lllH MARY IMOKKOItR In CAI'TAIV KIDD, Jr. A I NO Tint IVmiilo ('has, (.Impllii of '(li Hnix'ii t (JAM, henry Ill KTUNG NEW MIDDY BLOUSES Many new and staple styles, including Blue Wool Serge. Prices $1.50 to $7.50 HiIMmhmHiI Hinmmai "i ihwhiiiiiwiIi inn iih HECTOR 'S DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, WOMEN AND CHILDREN'S GARMENTS NEW VELVET DRESSES Just received by express, charming models that you will like. Prices rEMPLETHEATER TODAY ' I'ariiinoiiiil I'm-sciiIm nia.Nni Hwi:i?r And HOUSIJ I'KTKIW III Till? WARRENS OK VIRGINIA Also I'KTE MORRISON In it. Thrilling We-Meni Driiinii In Two 1'artH MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION IMCTUREb TUKHRAYH AND SATURDAYS Merrill. Orroron GERTRUDE & CO. Vol! and Veiling Splendid assortment of veilings and drapo volls, GiytTRUDE & CO. lG-2t W7 Slain St. Surety bonds while you wait. Chll coto .M Hmltli. Between friends a photograph t: i , J. Giving People a Little More Than They, Expect Is food Business The cost of production and raw materials is constantly increasing. Never before were foresight and live merchandising methods so potent a factor in the lives of the buying public. EtJreseeing present conditions, I have strained every effort to keep down the cost of wearing apparel and keep up the quality and style values at the same time. Believing that I have solved the above problem, your inspection is earnestly so licited. Comparison of our qualities and price 13 urged that you may be assured without doubt that our styles arc correct, quality unsurpassed and prices reasonable. An Extensive Showing of New Coats and Suits Recent express shipments have brought us an exceptionally fine lot of coats and suits that will be offered tomorrow. i $19.75, $24.75, $27.50 i 'AX,' .- F . I7J 3 ;3Cqi .7 ,' A A " iVi k JW. s ua.n i' if? VJ1 ' ! I I '1 1 M I I II 1 Unequaled Jakes on These Charming Coats Description of the new style . coats will be impossible to do justice to them, so we will ex pect you to visit the coat de partment to see for yourself. The simple, yet attractive, styles, the modest prices at tached to each garment, and the superior workmanship' is very apparent. Prices $19.75 to $47.50 Latest Styles m WOMEN'S SUITS Will Be lay on uzsp .Saturday The new suits received this week will be offered tomor- s'fgffllo row, and if contemplating a Mm suit by all means be here to look 'em over. The styles will not only please you, but the prices will remove any , doubt where you will pur- t chase your suit. mm -, hbv nin f c uin -.iiiit v mH I HIIUi Mi: IIHi ..HIK: W m-m Infants' Children's and Misses' Coats Large shipments of these above garments unpacked this week and just put on the racks. Infants' Coats Children's Coats Misses' Coats $6.95 to $22.50 $9.85 to $27.50 $14.95 to $37.50 Pure Silk Hose Black, White, Cordovan, Brown, Silver, Grey, Field Mouse. Special Price $1.65 A. Special Showing of the New Skirts v- New styles in Serges, Panamas ,Poplins and Fancy Plaids for your approval. The greater number of these skirts were unpacked today. As usual, prices moderate. Complete Showing of Fall and Winter Underwear If you will acquaint yourself with'the splendid val ues.' we are offering in Women's, Children's and Boys' Underwear, you will buy your winter needs here. Most anything you need at a saving. GERTRUDE & CO. Beaver - brimmed sailors with crowns of hatters' plush; wide bands of gros-graln ribbon. GERTRUDE & CO. lG-2t S07 Main St. CALL EARL SHEPHERD CO. 507 Main Street TEACH YOUR CHILD THE LESSON OF CLEAN TEETH Tho oarllor your child Is taught tho valuo of a clean (mouth and sound tooth tho healthier and happier ho will bo in fu turo years. Wo have a nice lino of Children's Tooth Brushes and all tho advoitised Denti frices and Mouth Washes with which tho lesson can bo best domonstratod. GARICH'S GROCERY NEWS VOLUME I, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1U10 NUMBER 27 Underwood i'SPaSIl mafY EDITORIAL Don't say we are not trying to hold down -the -high cost of living when you pnsf. vnnr fives unon our windows everv j Saturday. Please note the prices we are giving you this week. We ask you to compare them with what you have been paying for the same goods. It is because we believe that the people of Klamath Falls appreciate the efforts of any mer chant who would tiy and help them bridge over this period of high prices land difficulty in making both ends meet by giving him their patronage that we have tried so hard to find and offer to you ,j first class merchandise at reduced prices. It has been no easy matter to pick up uar- gains. We find it as ham to ouy mer-nl-mnrlifio hfilnw the market price as you j do, and whenever we can get hold of a bargain we pass it on to you in msieuu of pocketing the extra profit ourselves. In all of our efforts we keep always in mind the quality of the merchandise we nro nfWino- vnn. When a dealer savs he has a bargain to offer, the first tiling we find out is the quality of the goods he has to oler, and it it is uancn eianuaru we buy. If it is not, then we turn down his offer. That is why it pays you to buy at our grocery and why it pays me to offer you only the highest quality of merchandise, for I am in business in Klamath Falls and I am here to stay. ' CUT YOUR GROCERY BILL BY X TRADING AT GARICH'S GROCERY . -I" Sh ?'v!l KLAMATH TALUS OREGON vrju7 ' Full Cream Cheese, lb 40c St Swift's Fancy Bacon Backs, lb 40c Our Regular Peaberry Coffee 40c 101b sack Golden Red Oats 70c- 1 i 3 JUST ARRIVED BUY NOW SAVE MONEY Baldwin Apples ! Spitzenberg App'ea i Bell Flower Apples Wf Appl NEW PACK DRIED FRUIT , I ' Prunes Black Figs Raisins Peaches Apricots Currents Klamath Honey Klamath Celery XCAJ UU IUIIUG111GB MORE BUSINESS FIRST CLASS GOODS BETTER SERVICE I IB I $m I ill ' 3 CJ4? s -i ..!i , f '5 8 m B .M - "H f 4: tsm M ,f-i ja fa r.- ' mi '. )1'SsiSsBlS I Nl 'Sl wr jt-t.'MViMmimm Iv mm' 5 vsigaaii r o y'KWsSimI 0. . ., wmmi i r " i Wi , fflJM I tmMBBsm,