LH -THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACK FOUR Ill T, ,, The Evening Herald K. J. MURRAY Editor Fi:n seuiji: City Killtor Ronnor's attempt to appeal to ctusj fACOMA PASTOR iirttliiiHpn niul lila ulna nit nut Iht) ! poor man's rlsKla, paying eapocjtil' WILL PREACH HERE mention to tliu remarks about tho whlto collnr, tie ami whlto shut. "Why KojJtlo'iidi of '.ho Jury," ho said, "tho absurdity of ouch a con- Tho Rov Jul. Huchthausoii, pastor oC n lumtliiK l.uthcian congregation n Tnrnniii. niul n member of tho loniion uennug on uio gmu or mm.-; MM,on ,)onn, of tho Oregqn ami . . . IW ... J - " .--- Published dally except Sunday by c f lho nccug0.. l8 renit.eii when ' ,. . . . , ., n i ,7, Tho Herald Publishing Company of , f,01"0 or n"xea '"l Washington dhtrlct of tho l.v I.utli Klamath Falls, nt 115 Fourth Streot. , is sco tU1'1 ln th0 crmwl ot l,or 0ran "Mlasouil" Synod will pi ouch Eons, in una i-uri room uiuiu is miiy (U t,R( ,,Ulornn soncoi lit Library Entered nt tho potofflco at Klnm- Ono man with a whlto collar, tio and, ,... ,,,,,, ,.., Mni ... u ,. , q Falls, Ore., for transmission thru ,..,, ,,,rt .. "" 'or- a lllnl nml Mnm nl ' l "' '" a malls as second-class mattor. . "., , ., . I Sunday October ID. iiwt.. th the & . I Thon ovoryono In tho court 100m Tho ltov. Mr. Huchthausou hna Subscription terms by mall to any locked around to discover who was commiHloned to lIt tho vnrl- dress In tho United States: tho man that hold such a coiwplcu. , 0rc,.011i amI , !J2,h- ?0nS ou" honor- I,cco uU eyoa "ttor "I commit boro In order to bocoiu.- mddress Ono Ono fe r ' m W ' Member of Uio A-sorlntcl-ITcs, l' centered on tho dignified Ju.Iro hnthoran8 d chinch loiuli mi. . i t.. i A.,.i..nt..ni.. Vnlrtnn. Hvnrv nrftft'KSimiiil bus 1UU vRUL'lillirn iiia la uk;iuanuij ..-.. . --.. ,-- - .,.. vniiiieo 10 ine hso tor rcpuuiiciiuuii mess nuu umur man mini mu juiik? of all news dispatches credited to It 0m,or Woro neglfgoo bhirts or un or not otherwise credited in this pa- per, and also local news published starchod collars herein. . j o clardUpclVsS Sa " remarkable vital-, rfelnmnlh a 801. IMirM kj. , Ity. A naturalist onco revived somo U1,. IS-lt 1 specimens after they had apparently CLEARANCE SALE Mnny good things yon may roo. Friday Oct. 1". 10 a. m., cor. till; fripav, ocroitint it, it)t HICKORY SHIRTS FOR COURT CROWD i . .. . I l..,n,. .!.,. 1 f,. 1 K tnnn nml nno llnrllll- llin Ildlllo ARCS mill 1110 : that had been slued to a card in a 'licnaUainco period brides wor crlm- museum returned to llfo after bolnt' son to tho exclusion of nil ether col- i immersed ln warm water. Peter Boclo a logger in tho Chilo- quin district, was acquitted on two $ charges in the U S. district court nt Medfonl last week. In ono case he was chargea with bringing liquor from Doris, California, into Klamath last May. Doris at tho timo was "wet" territory and Klamath was "dry." The other chargo alleged n sale of liquor to Indians of tho Klam ath reservation. In connection with tho Beck case the Medford Mail-Tribune tells tho following stery: An amusing incident occured when Beck's attorney, V. H. Itenner of Klamath Falls, in trying to in - fluence the jury in favor of his clientN ' dwelt on the fact that Beck was "a poor lumber jack who spent his life working and living in the woods and was not able, to wear a starch ed collar, necktie and white shirt like men in other walks of life." His argument finfshed then B. E. Haney, United States district attor . ney opened for the government, and in addressing the Jury sought to counteract any effect that the de fendant's attorney may have made on the jury. .Mr. Haney 'ridiculed am: mkt sr I j gn.s WM 8fH I' mmm 1 .i.,vi4iii : ' I ,a,.TW, IrT, I I I IPs! I I 111! Come and show how you can knock out old II tr I Hicostofliving fri H ti C H H UUUU 1V1U0H UUUU lltVlC H , 'IXH 1 S Mfty . : wewa ffiMPMia-afcdfflgff f- - v w1 m in ' Am-? f 1 tmPi-j- T QSf 'finiCH!-. 1--M--i-z1i MmWMfmmti--AWS tffISH& 9 ii 'n vt Mf, ifj-w "VWiMnViPr. .' j s :irrt'vtpiii 1 BiiMf-.wt'siiii.'Wza fcftit r 1 .ttftwm P.i'lill ,L I'TIIII 'NTl,lM-.iiMMiwi'Miiiiili;i?W'1T1TTT' i JIIII. I! I'tf rvviiKi I II' -' .wknS 11 1 1. msw Just received by e:cprc3s,rt delayed shipment of fal Velour. Felt-and Beaver Eats In all the latest styles and shapes. Prices from $3.50 to $7.50 ' Will be on display SATURDAY We invite your inspection. Central Outfitting Co. "THE HOUSE OF SERVICE'' i Ninth and Main Streets Jsl'fS Are you going to paper the house or that room this fall? We shall close out nearly 1,000 ROLLS of Side-wall Ceiling and Border in the next few days, at less than manufacturers' cost today. Wall and Ceiling Paper in small lots, enough in each lot for a small room or closet, priced at 10c the 'roll. Paper for the kitchen, dark colors, at 20c'the roll. Varnish tile for the kitchen or bath room, priced fully one-third less than wholesale price today. Special at 50c the roll. Bed Room and Dining Room Paper in heavy weights, gilts and stripes, priced at25c to 50c the roll. sj. Ingrains and Imported Oatmeals in buff and greens, priced 60c to. $1.10 the roll, 30 inches wide. ' . Heavy Crepes in dark green "and red, suitable for halls and dens. Priced at 75c the roll; 30 inches wide. All paper full length 14 and 16 yards to the roll. ' ' Grocery Specials for Saturday Crisco, lVii-lb. cans 53c Crisco, 3-lb. cans $1.00 Crisco, 6-lb. cans ....,...$2.00 Crisco, 9-lb. cans $3.00 Best Creamery Butter, the pound 70c Oysters, 5-oz. cans 2 for 45c Oysters, 10-oz. cans 2 for 80c Red Ribbon 6-oz., large Oysters; reg. 35c; can 31c .Our Taste, 6 oz. large Oysters, reg. 35c, can 31c Our Taste, 12-oz. large Oysters, reg. 60c ; can 48c There is no use to pay 45c a pound for coffee when we sell the best bulk coffee for 35c the pound. Try it. , WINNER'S SPE CIAL FLOUR. MADE FROM THE BEST HARD WHEAT, EQUAL TO ANY FLOUR ON THE MAR KET PRODUCED AT $3.20 THE SACK. KLAMATH YOUTHS DRIVE TO O. A. C. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COI. LEOfc, CoravalllH. Oct 17,- 'Special to Tho Herald) A. V. McComli and A. M. Cnsg, Htudents in tho Ore gon Agricultural collocp. drove how 'In a Ford bug from Klamatlu-Fnlla , for tho opening of college. Starting from Klamath Falls at 7 o'clock Friday morning, September 19, they drove ovor Topsy grado to A..1.I.....1 ..!.. t... Qlii..!.. h.IIa.i iBlllumi, VfU illU KMflldiri V WIU From tho Oregon llnu north thoy encountered nearly 30 road-building outfits, cither paving or putting in cemont culverti. "Vo hud a real thrill cpmlng down tho Slsklyous," thoy said. "Tho nteerlng wheel suddenly camo off tho post and tho car began to de cide upon lta own course down, the winding road." They slammed on tho brakes, though, In timo to keep jfrom piling off the grade. Tho nteer- Ing wheel had gradually unscrewed Innd 1st the wheel como off, Tho car belongs to Mr. McComb intTd ho fondly calls ft ''Betsy Ro3i," nftcr tho designer of tho'Amorlcan flag, which forms the 3nnppy design of tho body. Tho bprty Is specially made for four patsDngors, with ono door on tho right side An ayerdgo of 20 miles to tho gal lon was mado on tho'trip from Klam ath Fulls, which is conslflorcd ox copti'iPlly good considering tho iRiades, both on tho highway and In f f 1 r. (fndrnilnn CUT DOWN Your Shoe Expense e T Grocery COMPANY SIV.V FEIN DKFIICS XI 113 GOVERNMENT 9 DUBLIN, Oct 17. Dofylns lho order -t tho govm nlnenj:, the tvolfth anpiml convention of tho S.mrroln wan held at midnight in the JI m- ision house. Tho complotoV order of business was scurrJod through, GERTRUDE & CO. Now An hills in Mlllliu-iy HATS Or DISTINCTION Smill roll-brimmod Bailor of Lyons velvet, ocJgcd wjtlr fur and trimmed wRlr gold luco. OKRTRUDI3 & CO. 16-2t U07 Muln fit. c Tho earliest English DIblo printed in the United Stutea was produced, in 1782. V I Yes. Cut it down. Cut it down by buying better shoes Crossett Shoes. Crosrett SM may coot you more than the kind you have been buying but you will find them far cheaper w wear than shoes which are not so high in qua'"?' A quality shoe like Crossett holds its shape better, wears far longer re-soles better. It is a fact that shoes which cost half as much seldom give half as much wear. That w v our austomors' are finding out, and that w they are corfiinrj back to U3 for theae fine - We are headquarters for Crossett Shoes. The now models for Fall and Winter ore now in. Men and women who 'want to "2p.ii j0 shoe expense down to ?ta lowest point W well to call now while the etocks are 00 cm plete. THE CROSSETT SHOE "Makes Life's Walk, Easy" BRADLEY'S SHOE STORE 727 Main Street mmmmmmmmm