- qpt'VQ' ,u, orroni:it 17, 1010 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ritii' &r v,vmzwmBfflBB PAan Tirami ' , ' . 'V . HufV limit IvvMmWI 1U IB I " I. ' : v. rt r if nIioiiW snliHfy without surfeiting Snow Unites nro of n wonderful toxturo niul criNpncsH perfect for Hiippora. Sold fresh ovorywJicro by grocci.s. 'VT ,' Paclfie Coast niscnll Co. I& Don't 08j for Crackers yflL Wk say Snow Flakes .pj SowfiAKes IK SHARD 10 BE SET By HEALTH BOARD MUSCLES WER E TIED IN KNOTS , THAT IS Till; WAV McCOV SAYS MIS IllIKUMATISM .MADi: iiim n;i:ij. tiii ho far (i ml nm bark on llio Jo!) fcolinft lino. I run do nioro work In ii (nv now tlian I have liann nbln to for yearn and nm JiihI llko ix now uuui My iiiphIh urf) a pTcriBiire to mo fbr I run nt anything I want mid I rum! want for niy appetite Iiiih lonui lincit In full forco. Tlio Mutter ing spells with my heart havo dln upiirari'il, gas dons not form In my Hloinach and 1 haven't n pain loft I can almost rim up a ladder when I nm nl work, for my arniH and legs nro iih good an now slnco tho rlicuiua tlHin luiH boiio. I enn swing my nrmH In a rlrclo llko n ncliool hoy at play anil imvor feel a catch or a tlngo of pain and am JiihI simply a well man, so U'h no wonder I pralHu Tanlac, or iih tno oniy inciiicino that ovor noip cd mo " Tanlar Ib sold In Klamath Fall! liy tho Star Drug Co., anil In Lorella hy tho James More, Co. Adv. iiiEiHiiMMHBQigaEZEgaQBHHaaizaBB BBS a m m m n m Kd Franco Is making systematic plans to nttract tho nutomohlln tourist Under a now order nil tho villagos In tho country nro to havo their nnmoB nhown In olght-lnch lottors on poRtodlco, pollco Htntlon and tho municipal ofTlces. National roads will havo red-palntod milestones, whllo tho old-fnshlonod sign posts nro to bo replaced by largo blue onamel plates, with tho direction to tho next town, and Its distance, dis played In big white letters, so as to bo easily read from passing cars. (Dy Dr. A. A Soulo, City Physlclnn) Klamath Falls noods n puro milk supply. Tho city health board Is going to tako steps to safeguard na turo'a most valunblo food. In tak- "Tnnlnc put mo back on tho Job again nnd I'm ten pounds heavier i thnn I was whon I .started tnklng It," said II. McCoy, a woll known plaster er living nt GOG Sixth Avonuo South, Ing control of tho milk supply of Soattlo, Wash. the city Ideal conditions cannot bo .'stomach troublo and rhouniatism established nt onco, but comploto control must ho approached stop by step. No city feels ltsolf sufo unless It j hud kept after mo for six years until I had to quit my work entirely," ho continued. "From tho back of my nock down Into my arms and possesses a puro water supply. WntoriBlloulllorH tll0 pa,n8 woul(, 8trlko me Is a public question and public opin Ion demands that It bo puro. Dur ing tho Fummor months our water renenolrs havo been cloanod; In fact, sterilized, with chlorlno. In llko manner wo roust look nftor our milk supply, as tho danger to tho honlth or our cltlzons from this sourco Is and It scorned that all my muscles woro tied In knots. I couldn't lift my hand to my head nnd lnstcnd of getting relief I got worse nil tho time. In my right hip tho rhouma tlsm Bottled and I got so I couldn't movo without bolng in such pain that , lilir fisinrla nf atirnnf tvnnlt fMm nn far greater than tho danger from,my forohond. i wouId tnko n Ctttch ...' . I in my nock nnd for days I wouldn't Milk has a high food value. not1)0 nl)Io (0 turn my hcBdi aml whon. from the sugar, casein, nlbumln unci ovor t Un(1 t0 ,ook t0 ono aMo or tho i t .It contains, hut from Its digest!- othor( x wouI(, l(lvo to turn my Willy and Its peculiar usefulness in wholo body Mjp Htomach wns , n feeding the young. Ono quart of terrblo 8,lnpo. Aftor ovory moal milk Is equal In food value to three- my f00(, wcu, 80Ur nnd form gas quarcrsofapoundof loan bcof, or'whlch croW(lod ,, lnt0 my tllroat thicken CBB8' r t0 tW PU.n,,B f I nn(1 chocke'1 mo Unt" ICO,,,l,n,t Bf l ,. ' In deep breath and my heart would IM milk Industry Is said to ho sklp nnd mmor imt j wns nflald i me backbono of ncrlculturo. Amonc .., . ...i.i t .. .u n ... " I1UII llUill I IIUIIWII. I .IO UlAAJ .HI fli .1 8 0t th a" COrn come3'tho tlmo nnd my head would swim aw, then hoof, then milk. unt1 x C0ll,dn.t wnIk nIoI1K thn Btr0L.t vJZVi. . th P0P, f thQ without holding on to r nnethlng. I Unite. States use 30,000,000 quarts , V'M half.Btarvod 1 ecauso I couldn't mi k, in nddltlon to condonsod 0l1t anythliiB to build m up nnd was milk butter and cheeso. Four mill- fe0nB down ,,, ui, ,ho tlmo. Jon oalry cows nro mllkod each day. .. actually l.ollrve Tanlac saved uairylng Is a groat Industry. It1,,,, f0i for T couldn't hdvi kept up m Close to tho pockotbook of ovory' lnucl, IonRor uku I xa I fuw Tnn- wmer and close to tho health of lao ndVortlsod In tho pnpor and ery consumer. atartod taking It nnd commenced to a clean dairyman can produco mprovo boforo I had flnlshod tho n milk anywhoro. A small- flr8t bottlo. I havo taken eight bot- nonthed pall to k?ep out tho dirt, Plenty of boiling wntor to keep pnlls ,m cans storllo, n tank of Ico to'' Hnnd-mndo paper is produced In Japan principally by farmers as a secondary 'occupation which thoy can purbuo In seasons when thoro is nothing to bo dono In tho Holds. Thoro aro no fower thnn 60,000 families engaged in this Industry. The origin of playing cards is one of tho things enshroudod In mys tery. There Is a pack in tho British museum known to bo over a thou sand years old, and there were Jap anpso and Chineso playing cards In tho twelfth century. MANY CASES OF RHA M NOW SAYS WK MUST KEEr FEET DRY, AVOID EXPOSURE AND EAT LESS MEAT keep milk cool. Thnsn imn thin 'one will produco wondorfully clean milk. A little calf can run Into any cow We and tako Its dlnnof nnd run again with certified milk In Us '"He stomach. Naturo has protoct- tno calf from dirty barns, milk- and milk delivery, whoro milk wntamlnatlons tnko place. f.n0"6 eran of table dirt has boon nd to contain 32,875,000 bncto . or tiny plants. Dirty milk con- millions. Cloan milk contains "V a few hundred. Clean milk Is lng its flght and dirty milk Is 10S'ng ground ovory day. ei!.T.BUbJect of m"k w' bo con iUdoa ln two other articles). Tho natlvo womon pt Morocco"a?o JJ Particular about tho proserva- '.. i tholr complexions. Thoy u,i. r fac08 ln roso wate'' in 'ch nprjco4 korno,s baked nnd tic!, Cd aro 'ntroducod. Tho hp servl rn0,s nro supposed to pro vS0 naturaI Uno ot th0 com- Plttih? "ah Juno PaUoon of tlnimi u Who Wn8 "warded tho DIs urln7nd Sorvlco modlil I work in .. . War' lm boon nPl'olntod i n fnt ,n th0 Qm of Secro or War linker In Washington. Phone 4G0 729 Main St. Ice Cream Candles PASTIME .Jack Monrow, Prop. Cigar, Tobacco, Soft Drink,! Peel nnd DUlittrds Barber Shop ln oCnnectlon OUR MOTTO "Courtesy and Service" Livery, Feed and Sales Stable Auto Service Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable , Long Trips Our Speclnlty Itensonnblo Rates Phono ISO 822 Klnmatli Avo I btay oil the damp ground, avoid ex posure, keep feet dry, eat less mtnt, drink lots of wator and above all tako, a Bpoonful ot salts occasionally to keep down uric acid, Rhoumatism Is caused by poison ous toxin, called uric acid, which is generated In the bowels and absorbed into tho blood. It Is tho function of tho kidneys to filter this acid from tho blood and cast it out in tho urine. Tho pores of the skin are also a means of freeing tho blood of this Impurity. -In damp and chilly, cold weather tho skin pores nro closed, thus forcing tho kidneys to do double work, thoy becomo weak and sluggish and fall to eliminate this uric acid which keeps accumulating and cir culating thru tho system, oventually settling in tho Joints and muscles causing stiffness soreness nnd pain called rhoumatism. At tho first twinge of rheumatism get from any pharmacy about four ounces of Jnd Salts; put a tablespoon ful In a glass of water and drink be fore breakfast eacfx morning 'for a weok. This Is said to eliminate urio acid by stimulating tho kidneys to normal action, thus ridding the blood of thoso impurities. Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless and Is made from tho acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthla and Is used with excellent results by thousands of folks who are subject to rheumatism. Here you have a pleasant, effervescent lithla-water drink which overcomes uric acid and is beneficial to your kidneys as well, Adv. I A.F.Graham I I General I I Concrete I I Construction I I Shasta Sand Used I H Exclusively Palace Market FOR SERVICE AND QUALITY The only market in the city operating it3 own sold storage sys tem for the proper handling of fresh and cured meats. BIG SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY KLAMATH COUNTY MEATS CANNOT BE BEATEN FOR FLAVOR AND QUALITY. WE HANDLE THE BEST THERE IS TO BE HAD a tl Nice Juicy Cuts BIG SPECIAL ON Klamath County FANCY VEAL iBEEF CHOICE LEG ROASTS " ! 28c CHOICE RUMP ROASTS CHOICE RUMP ROASTS 25c . 25c FANCY SHOULDER NICE JUICY SHOULDER ROASTS STEAKS 20c to 23c 24r VEAL CHOPS AND STEAKS 31 22c to 30c FANCY SHOULDER . VEAL STEW 1 ROASTS . i 18c to 23c 15c CHICKENS PLATE BOILS FOr YOUR SUNDAY First Cuts 18c DINNER Second Cul lSc Speringe'rs"'"""."".'.".3Sc i We now have the local agency for the FAMOUS SINCLAIR FI DELITY HAMS AND BACON, strictly an Eastern product These goods are stamped with U. S. Inspected No. 141, which means that they were cured and prepared at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. All goods marked with U. S. Inspected No. 138 means that they were cured and prepared at Swift & Co.'s plant at Portland, Ore., and never saw the Swift & Co.'s plant at Chicago. We slice. Fi delity Hams. Klamath Packing Co. 524 MAIN STREET PHONE 68 3 IS The National Woman's party has started a drive to obtain ratification of the suffrage constitutional amend ment in order to allow women all ovor tho United States to vote in Novomber. FIRE Insurance J. H. Driscoll Loomis Bldg. Phone 432 When a Japanese maiden desires to show marked attention to her lover she use3 the sharpened point of her finger-nail in writing to him. A number of French girls have taken up business as official guides to pilot tourists desiring to view the great battlefields of the late war Hemstitching Have your gowns, blouses, waists and wearing apparel hemstitched. It gives them that smart look that nothing else can. Curtains, towols, dresser scarfs etc. beautifully dono. MRS. L. A. BURGESS Phone 214W 131 N. 4th St. NOTICE TO SHEEP MEN WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR THE CELEBRATED BLACK LEAF 40 SHEEP DIP FOR SCABIES, TICKS OR LICE ON SHEEP The Dip recommended and recognized by the United States Bureau of Animal Industry in Offi cial Dipping of both Sheep and Cattle for scabies. IN STOCK AND READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY WKttSBmS' Secure Your Requirements of Us 151 Men ill Mercantile Co. General Merchandise , MERRILL, OREGON rt . H f A w j .(a j V M m w . v,', , '- it Jmii&