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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1919)
MNaKHBEBB&eftMBmmK& ntrBHweaKV.i"-mzsiB9Kr;&F,WP .v's"tvt''cs v,'prtw THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ,''"',hav, )c.,ll:u National Auto Accessory Company Jin MAIM M'n ' t7 t& A M Next to Poatoffico Hlf T7'AUE.81X nV' fmwnw.wi '' ' Jii'ii'Hiwiinwwiwiw www w ii - nr8 "Lv J3L IwilftJ I Cjioodnch - 1 ir i m - one 471 ' ' i r ii lSiiU 1 11 JHJ3HI Z0r V"l Jd v"-i I rKi ILtJ-S --'Mtejri vlk.l I i - - - y07wyy 7 ' ' ! NEWS CLASSIFIED COLUMNS LEGAL NOTICES kksolutio.v FOR SALE Real Estate FOR SALE OR LEASE-J-Near Choi sea Lumber & Box Co., 10 acre tract with house and barn. Inquire Sam King, Shiiplngton. 14-4t FOR RENT OR LEASE duo north of dm went timl or point ot Block 33, of Industrial Addition (o Klanmth Fall. Orci:on; thenco tlui nun th o tho west oiul or point of null! lllock 23; thonco siiUlhwiMt ,rv to ilio northwest corner or point ot I .H .in, or iiiock za, in wim. 'Industrial Aiinuionj iiioncn HiiHiii 1 westerly alum: thu northerly niul ; , westerly boundary of mild Lot 33. cf lllock 22, to tho cenlor of Martin' 'Street; thonco northwostoily to tho' lortho'Rt corner of Lot 28, lllock in, oi mini inuiinirini aihu i, thonco southwesterly between LotH . 2S and 29 anil 9 ami 10 or lllocic iu.l !0f,siilil Industrial Addltlun, to the! 'northerly lino of Hast Muln Street:1 , thence southeatterly to the norlh- Jerly point or corner ot Lot 64, of i lllock 11. of said Industrial Aihll tlon Mlitinco southwesterly iwtween( Lots 04 ami 66, of lllock 11, or hiiIU Industrial Aililltlon, to thu southerly iwilnl or cornet' of said Lot lid. V it. indiiHtrlal Additien: thence southeasterly to tho north- enflt corner of Lot 6 of mild lllock 1 1 : I thence southerly to tho southeast t t iJ Approving tho rians, .Specifications cornor 0f Lot II, of lllock 11, of, and Estimates prepared by the'Hn( Industrial Additien: thonco FOR RENT Furnished rooms. In quire after G o'clock, C29 Jeffor son St., between Cth and 7th 15-6t ! FOR LEASE To responsible parties that have equipment nnd cash to FOR SALE I have a few choice res- Idence lots. A few chdlce small j flnnnco themselves, a desirable ranch, ocreaee' tracts. All on easyterm3. Adress M. K.' 9. Herald ofneo. S-tf v. fli. aiomeuus wuu ., u. vu., 1503 Main St. lOtf FOR SALE: Miscellaneous FOR SALE Chevrolet' 490. good condition $400.. Central Garage. 16-6t LOST AND FOUND LOST Near Merrill car chains 33 4 tire pump 2 pump Jacks tiro tools Reward Vochatzer! Bros. Merrill, Oregon 4-12t FOR SALE A real bargain 7 Pass enger 6 cyl. Studebaker automo bile, $550. White. Pelican Garage. 15-3f MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 11 head ot stock cattle cows, heifers, and early spring calves. Inquire F. C. DcChaine, Shlppington 15-3t FOR SALE One span , bay mares, wt. 2500 lbs., one .Set work har ness, one lumber wagon size 3 Vi . Inquire Sam King, Shlppington 14-4t TOR SALE Dodge car; first class condition. Phone 269J ll-6t FOR SALE Maxwell touring car, cheap; good shape. R. J. Jones, 16 Pine St. ll-6t FOR SALE Or will trade for Indian Land on the Klamath Marsh; one five passenger, six cUnder touring car, cylinders have been ground and new pistons to replace the eld: also new top. Box A. B. C. Herald 'Office. 8tf USED AUTOS Saxon "Six"' and Buick "Four", for sale. Hoagland & McCoIlum 8-tf FOR SALE A. Chevrolet., a Ford, Maxwell and an Oakland. Inquire A. C. Henllne. 327 Main 6-tf SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED Work by the hour, nursing or housework Inquire 216 Main, Room 1 15-3t WANTED Housework by hour or day. Phone 342W 10-Ct IF YOU WANT STUDENT HELP, call tho Klamath County High School raone 350. Girls for typing copying and filing; also general housework, caring for children etc. Boys. for clerking, messenger service, chores, etc. Special attention is giv en to this service by the school authorities and an effort is to be made to make efficient, convenient and profitable both to the student and to those requiring their services. 2tf WANTED Girl for general house work and cooking Mrs. O. G. Lab aree, Biy, Oregon. 1-tf HELP WANTED WANTED Middle aged woman as housekeeper in small family for two or three months. Work light Wages good Herald office C-tf - Klamath Lodge No. 137 I. O. O. F. Meet Friday night of each week at I. O. O. F. ball, Cth and Mam streets. P. J.aergea , N. a.; Fred Bremer Secretary; P. It. Fountala Treasurer Ewauna Encampment No. 46, 1. O O. F,, meet Tuesday night of each weoK at i. u. u. v. tin. Arue wor rel, 0. P.; Nate Otterbeia, Scribe; P. h. Fountala Treasurer. NOTfOK 0 The regplar meeting of Aloha Chapter O. B. ft. will be held Tues day, Oct, 14tb. All members be present. VJsltorn welcome. 13-2t Nellie Van Riper, W,M. tpecteltr of tin, life iaswaaoe. Pboae M aa4 WANTED Would like to hear from some one. preferably in the Mer rill country or near Klamath Falls, who has a good feed yard and first class alfalfa hay to feed 400 or 500 2-year-old steers for February or March, on percentage basis. J. P, M'cAullffe. Ft .Klamath 11-tt NOTICE Is hereby given that my for mer wife Mrs. Anna Stankey Lubke, was divorced from me May 10, 1915, resuming her maiden name Miss Anna Hutchinson and I refuse to allow her to use my namo here after. Wm. Lubke, Oct. 8, 1919 ' 10-5t CITT GARBAGE When you want City Engineer and tiled with the Police JuilKo.for tho construction of tho Fifth Unit of Sowers for tho City ot Klamath Falls, oro gon, Including septic tank arid outfall sower as shown In said Plans. Specifications mid Kstl mates; determining tho bounda ries within which tho property lies that Is to bo specifically ben efited and to bo assessed ror one half of tho cost of such Fifth Sower Unit nttor eliminating therefrom tho cost ot the soptlc tank and "outfall" sower run ning from tho Intersection of Owens and Shasta streois west erly -to Lake Ewauna. as shown ' upon said Plans. Specifications and Estimates; charging tho cost of said soptlc tank, outfall sow er, right of way for outran sow er and septic tank, and ono-hnlf of tho cost ot Tomnlmlor or snui Fifth Sowor Unit against tho City of Klamath Fall and the re mainder thereof ngainst tho real property specifically benefited by said sower unit, and ordering the publication of this Resolu Reselu Resolu teon: Tho City Engineer, pursuant to resolution of tho Common Council horetoforo adopted, having on tho 6th day of October, 1919. filed plans, specifications and estimates ot tho cost ot making and Installing' the Fifth Sewer Unit of Klamath Falls, Oregon. Including a concreto septic tank 85 feet long by 16 foot wldo Garbage removed phone 91. 11-tf, by 11 feet deep, to bo located at intersection oi soumeriy nrauo ot Klamath Falls and tho eastern shore of Lake' Ewauna, and an outfall sew er running, from the Intersection of Owens and Shasta Streets westerly to Lake Ewauna, and the Common Council having taken the same un der advisement, and finding said plans, specifications andv estlraatcH satisfactery: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that said plans, specifications and estl- MADAM IOINA, Palmist World's Greatest Phrenologist, r. Palmist anil Modlnm -'"' -- Reads your entire life past, pres ent and future correctly,- giving names, dates and figures in business, love, law, marriage end domestic troubles. Tells you what you are best adapted for and what to do to better your conditions in life. This lady reads your hand as you would matos for tho making and Installa an open book. A reading by her, , . i,ipifh Snwcr Unit. In will meet your highest expectations, cidlng said septic tank, outfall and you will be wiser nnd happier Bewor ana rights of way for said sop after consulting her. she having tho tlc tnnk nnd outfall sewer bo. and gift of removing .all evil influences tno Bamo ieroby aro .approved, and anjl placing you in an environment nE jT FURTHER RESOLVED, ot nappy tnougnt anu contentment. thatthe Common Council heroby do- Hoitthcrly between LotH 27 nnd 2R, of lllock 12. of said Addition, to tho southwest cornor of Lot 27. of lllock 13. ot said Industrial Addl tlon; thonco easterly to tho south east corner of Lot 23, ot Block 12, of said Industrial Addition; thonco southerly along tho westerly side of Gordon Street to tho southeast cor ner ot Lot C, of Block 12. ot said Addition; thence easterly to tho unrthonst cornor of Lot 1. of Block It, ot said Industrial Addition; thonco southerly botwoon Luts 1 and 2. of Block 14. of tfald Addition. and Lots 31 ami 32 of Block 7, of said Addition, to tho southeast cor nor of Lot 32. of Block 7, of said Industrial Addition; thonco easterly totha southeast corner, ot Lot 21, of Block 7. said Industrial Addition; thonco northerly between Lots 23 and 24, of Block 7. of said Addition to tho northwest cornor of Lot 23, of lllock 7, ot snld Addition; thonco northeasterly to the router of the Intersection of Orchard Avnnuo nnd Owens Street: thonco northerly to tho southorly lino of Home Avonuo; thonco easterly along the southorly lino of Home Avonuo to tho north east corner of Lot 339, Block 112, of Mills Addition to Klamath Falls, Oregon; thenco southerly botwoon Lots 338 and 339 and 346 nnd 347, of Block 112, of Mills Addition, to tho northeast cornor ot Lot 387, of Block 113. ot said Mills Addition; thence easterly along the southerly line of Orchard Avonuo to tho north cast corner of Lot 371, of Block 122, of Mills Addition; thence southerly In a straight lino to the southwest cornor of Lot 10, of Block 303, of Mills Socoiid Addition to Klamath Falls, Oregon; thenco west erly along the northerly line of Eb orleln Avonuo to the southwest cor ner of Lot 10, of Block 201, of Mills Second Addition to Klamath Falls, Oregon; thence southerly to the southwest rornor of Lot 7, of Block 205, of Mills Second Addition to Klamath Falls, Oregon; thenco east erly to the southwest cornor ot Lot 9, of Block 205, ot Mills Second Addition to Klamath Falls, Oregon; thonco southerly to tho southeast corner or Lot 11, of Block 206, of said Mills Socond Addition; thonco westerly to a point 150 foot, duo west of tho ccntor of tho intersec tion of Owens and Shasta Streets to Readings: Sunday and dally, 9 a. m.'ira i,a ininniinn to mako and in to 9:30 p. m. Room 5, Swanson' tnii --,,1 pif.h Rower Unit, inclml-' Bldg., over gun store, Main St. bo- in ri,i Rnn(tc tank nnd outfall' a neint: thonco northerly narallol tween 6th and 7th, opp. Western sawer anii to acquire said rights of and 150 feet distant from Owens Union, Klamath Falls, Oregon. u.ayp jn accordanco with said plans Street to Sixth Street; thonco north- 10-7-26 specifications and estimates. Said easterly to tho southwest cornor of ' Fifth Sewer Unit shall consist In Lot 10, Block 2, Industrial Addl- PHONB PEYTON for Wood. 112R. raying Bewor pipes, "y" branches tlon; thenco northerly to tho north- nianholes, Iamplioics, sump amii'.vcsi corner or stun j-oi iu; inoiice ACADEMY WILL RECEIVE PUPILS Until the capacity of the school Is reached, day pupils will bo received nt the Sacred Heart Academy, where It n mnrr nnvnful n rr I f irt1l lirt C f lilC 11IU31 WUIC1UI UklL'UliUU If til IJU & f , . : n ftfl 4 1. All en to the thorough training of yourumP esumnieu i a,uuy, mo iuiui building and septic tank, of tho dl monslons and kinds' of materials shown upon said plans, specifica tions and estimates, zt a total 03tl mated cost of $50,735.00; that tho total cost of said septic tank aim child. Full particulars may bo secur ed by calling at the Convent, Seventh and Pine streets or at tho Academy. For the present we are unable to ac commodate any more boardere, but applications will bo received and In case there is a vacancy it will be filled from the l!t of applicants In the order in which they aro filed. 6-tf Sacred Heart Acadomy. ROOFING .Now Is the time to fix that Roof now before the rain and snow come and make it al most Impossible to do the work. You save money by doing it now, and save your property, too. Let me do your work and It will be done right. W. D. MILLER Contractor Phone 203 232 6tb Si. We and accident we'll do tfve rest. CUleot A BaaltJa, 6-tf , P assengers and Baggage ANYWHERE IN TBB CITY QUICK SERVICE ' REASONABLE BAtI , PHONE 187 Western Transfer Co. cost of said outfall sewer heretofore mentlonod, estimated at $5,714.00, the total cost of Bald rights or way for sentlc tank and outfall sowor estimated at $1,200.00, and one-half of the total cost of tho remainder or said Fifth Sewer Unit, estimated at $13,145.00, is to bo borno nnd paid for by the City ot Klamath Falls; and the remainder of the coat of said sower unit estimated at $21,' 676.00, to bo borno and paid for by tho real property specially benefited thoreby, and the City ot Klamath Falls not to be liable for said amounts above mentioned unless the people thereof by majority vote shall authorize tho Issuance ot bonds of said city to an amount necessary to pay the said city's portion of the cost ot said sewer unit, septic tank, outfall sewer and rights ot way 'as aforesaid. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLV ED, by the Common Council that the property hereinafter described be, and tho same Is, hereby declared to be benefited by said sewer unit, to-wlt: All .the real property embraced in the boundaries of, the following de scribed Fifth Sewer Unit ,to-wlt: Beginning at the Intersection of Michigan Avenue and Esplanade Street, thence in a -southeasterly di rection following the south bound ary of the U. S. Irrigation Canal right of way to the easterly point or corner of Lot' 2, Block 66, of 2nd Hot Springs Addition; thenco west erly along the southerly lino of said Lot 2, Block 66, to the center of El Dorado Avenue; thence south along the center of El Dorado Ave nue to a point In tho center of said avenue or-iioslte the southwest cor ner of Lot 5, of Block 4, of Wil liams' Addition to Klamath Falls, Oregon; thence due east to a point ALL RUBBER ARCTICS irl JrA 5cm! REO RUD3U sou CORN BELT ARCTIC No cloth about this Corn Belt nrctic to Rct foul on I ill-smelling. It is nil rubber from toe to" toinUr long-wearing rubber. The sole is miulc of loim-WM? Mr IaH MtihKMt l- .!... II " ...ti vm tiuuf.... iiiiuiciiKc nny miiker in wnici liglit out n better arctic It is wntcr-proof to the top of the bellows tongue. it s strength and durability. as is consistent with KKOtvfAUS Top Notch Rubber Footwear Tho Corn Delt Arcllc U strengthened, reinforced, protected at die "train and wear ncinta." The heel ia extra thick and toe ! an "armor pinto" toe cap. Wear it over regular ahoca. 1 las four bucklei ttronclr Attached. 1 1 in. high. ' This is an Ideal shoe for formers' touch, wet. sloppy work in stable, barnyard or Held where n high rubber boot is not needed. Drop In and handlo this good arctic. You'll like it. K. K. K. STORE Exclusive Agents embraced In tho Fifth Sowor Unit doslro at any tlmo In thu futuro to form another sower unit, partially or wholly within tho said Fifth Sowor Unit, tho proporty ombrncod In tho said Fifth Sowor Unit, shall not b exempt from assessments for such other sewer units to the ex tent of benoflts received therefrem: thatsald sewer is to bo completed on or before October 1, 1920. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLV ED, that Monday, tho 3rd day of November ,1919, at tho. hour of 8 o'clock, p. m., at the Council Cham ber in tho City Hall at Klamath Falls, bo fixed as tho time and place for tho hoarlng of objections and re monstrances ngainst tho said pro posed Fifth Sowor Unit and the Po lice Judge bo, and ha Is horeby, di rected to cause notlco of Bald hoar lng bo published us by charter pro vided. That said Fifth Sowor Unit Is to bo laid nt, In, and along tho follow ing places In Bald district, to-wlt: westerly to tho southwest cornor of Lot 11, Block 2, Industrial Addi tion; thonco northerly to tho north west corner of Lot 28, of Block 2, of said Industrial Addition; thenco easterly to the southeast cornor of Lot 30 ,ot Block 2, of said Indus trial Addition; thenco northerly to tho northeast corner of Lot 0, ot Block 3, of said Industrial Additien: thonco , westerly to tho southwest cornor of Lot 11, of Block 3, of said Industrial Addition; thenco north crly to tho northwest corner ot Lot 33, Block 3, of said Industrial Ad ditien: thenco westerly to tho south oast cornor of Lot 21, of Block 4, of said Industrial Addition; thonco northerly to tho northeast cornor of Lot 6, of Block C, of said Indus trial Addition; thonco westerly to the southwest corner of Lot 7, of Block 0, of said Industrial Addl tlen: thenco northerly to tho south oast cornor of Lot 26, of Block 8. of said Industrial Addition; thence northwesterly to tho southwest cor ner of Block 9, of said Industrial Addition to Klamath Falls, Oregon; thence in a northerly direction fol lowing tho west lino of Blocks 9 and 10, of the said Industrial' Addi tion, to tho northwest corner of Lot 36, of Block 10, or said Industrial Addition ; thence northwesterly to th esoutheast corner of Lot 9, of uiock do, or tseconu hoi uprtngs ao dltlon to Klamath Falls, .Oregon; thence northwesterly along the westerly line of Block 68, and 64, of said Second Hot Brings Addition, to the northwest corner of Lot 1, of said Block 64, of Second Hot Springs Addition : thence northeast erly to the place of beginning; and that the real property above describ ed ana embraced within the said boundaries of said Fifth Sewer Unit be, and the same Is, hereby declared to be assessed for Its proportion of the cost of said Fifth Sower Unit and hereinbefore set forth and in proportion to the benoflts recolved by eaia property; PROVIDED, that should property owners on other streets than those center oaBt and wot line runnljr through Block 111 ot said Mill Ad dition; from points In the centlrof , Owens Street west ot the center ewt and west lines ot niocka 101, 103, 104 and 105, Mills Addition, ud Block 200, Mills Second Addition, . easterly to tho southeast corner cl ' Lot 488, Block 109, Lot CIO, Block 108, Lot 672. Block 107, Lot 711, Block 106, Mills Addition, end Lot 1, Block 212, Mills Socond Addition, respectively; from a point In tit contor of Owens Street west ot thi east and west center line ot Block 201 ot said Mills Second Addition. easterly to a point In the center ot Division St root east from the center oast and west line running throurb Block 214 of slid last mentioned Addition; thence northerly slocc tho center lino of Division Street to n point In tho center cf said street . easterly from the center cast tnd west lino running through Block 114, Mills Addition; from points la the center of DIvMon Street east of Mm rnntnr niist mill west lines run- On Michigan Avonuo from Its nlng through Blocks 115, no saa junction with Esplanudo Street or, 117 of mild Mills Addition, wester!; Avenuo southeasterly to tho June-; to tho southwest corners of Lot 755. tlon of said Michigan Avenuo with' lllock 117. Lot CCS, lllock 116. v& Muln Street .and from sold Mlchl-j Lot 671, Block 115. ot said MH gan Avenuo easterly along tho south 1 Addition, nil of said streets, ve- boundary of Lots 4, 6, 6 and 7, nues, alleys, lots ami uioc, Block 63, Second Hot SprlugH Addi tion, to tho westerly boundary of tho U. S. (lovernmcnt Canal right of way; from Michigan Avonuo easterly along tho south boundary lino of Lots 1 to 8, Block 66, Second Hot Springs Addition, to Junction of 101 Dorado Avenuo and U. S. Gov ernment Canal right of way; from Michigan Avonuo easterly ulong Wall Street to the northwest corner of Loll. Block 67. Second Hot Springs Addition; from tho Junction of Michigan Avo. and Main m. east erly to Poplar Avo., from tho Junc tion of Michigan Avo. southeasterly 00 foot to tho center ot East Main Stroet; thonco southoastorly along East. Main 8troot to El Dorado Avo nuo; thonco southoastorly along El Dorado Avonuo to Orchard Avonuo; thonco easterly nlong Orchard Avo onuo to Adams Street; thonco south erly along Adams Stroet to Applo guto Avenuo; thonco eastorly along Applegate Avenuo to uwons iiorm orly Front) Street; from a point in tho center of Owens Street duo east from tho southeast cornor of Lot 23, Block 7, Industrial Addition, southorly along the center lino of said Owens Street to tho Junction of Owens Street and Shasta Street Or Avenue; thence westerly to the east shore ot Lake Ewauna at the junction ot said east shoro with the southerly boundary of the City of Klamath Falls. Also from a point In the center of Owens Stroet due east from tho southeast corner of Lot 23. Block 7. Industrial Addl tlon, easterly through the center of Blocks 101, 110 and 113 to a point In the center of Division Street due east of tho center east and west line running through block 113, Mills addition; from a point In the center of Stukel Street oast of tho center east and west line running through Block 101, Mills Addition, northerly to a point in tho center of said Stu kel Street east of the center east and west lino running through Block 100, Mills Addition; thence easterly through the center of Block 111 of said Mills Addition to a point in the contor of Martin Street east of the uun, ,,, . , ,-, ...,. I tho location, sizes, Kinus 01 '" and method of construction of saw Fifth Sower I'nlt Icing wore par ticularly described and set fortn tho said plans, specification! 1 and es timates lllcil lr H10 City Lpginxr with the I'ollco Judgo of ni. cw, October Cth, 1013, reference which by alt persons or parties 11 torostcirin said sower unit Is hereW 1 .. m . .11. Ln1Ic CR City 01 iviauiuui '"" 7 ... ., I A L. Leavltt, Police Judge tho' City f Khimath Falls 0go, l" hereby certify that ItcftM is a duly enrolled eon ' gJJ. tlon adopted by tho Common Co ell on tho Cth day of October, , 1 declaring Its Intention to 1 cooiinw tho Fifth Unit of Sewers for the w of Klamath Falls. iMtof ? Tank nnd Outfall Sewer, ut J proving tho Plana X estimates of cost tbereoi su by tho City Engineer 13-lQt A'J NOTICE TO CBEWXOf in..o,MnUcrof.hoJtteofI Notice is hereby gveo to twr. iters of tho above csBteani sons havilng cla,m Sf, W same, to present such claim-,y er with tho Wr,JooDtW'rt", porting them wllbln MX n c, the '.date of tho ," Sr 1 this notice, to-wlt. PW f 1010 to tho Administrator ((W Estate. Benson 0l ,t U of J. H. Cornahan, Attoroe 0 Kooms 4 and 6 JjJ Main Stroet, Klamatn of Oregon, and ltWtW Notlco Is hereby furine'j , any credit WilofttsM. K for or on behalf of , .4 M ban this Administrator, J' allowed or paid t or W l istrator or said jgjjfo, p,,0jrf 18-26-2-9-ie SULPHUR First Car Has Arrived SSiS ';!