TAGE 'FOUR THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, "'"'", (rroilKn ; If N Personal ' Mention " I-'imri'i" proved Hsclt delightful on- t tcrtnlnmcnt, and from, cveiy stand point tho popular Judgment was ,'lhat It la ono Of tlia best pictures Wins Dctunoml Is In'tho city from '-"ro this sc.-ndn tno Junrsh. - - j Mrs. H It. Harrison Is In tho city from Pol Icon 3Jayy . Mrs. Arthur Whitman hns return ed firpm Dotrolt, Oregon, and other potato In tho stnto ivhero sho lists bceri'spondlng tho pant two montlo FEEL ALL USED UP? Lots of Kltiinnlli Falls People Do. AT TIIH THIUTltlCS Docs your back ncho constantly? Do you havo sharp twinges when stooping or lifting? Tool nil ucd up as if you could Jiiht go no further? Why not look to your kidneys? Why not Use Doan's Kidney 1'ilH? Ask your neighbor. Head the (statement to this near by resident: Mrs. J. Galbr.ilth. 13G Sherman , Ho vfliB a minister of tho gospel working In tho slums. Sho was a ,joung society hutterily, frholous nnd vain, never thinking of the serious side of Ilfo and ignoring tho ?-' M& , ?& lovo'lior husband gave her. nj. At times they acted tod freely "Playthings of Passion," tho new- land then again not often enough. est superplcturo In which Kitty Oor- My hark felt Weak and lame and I iinn to ninrri, t- iT-i. i .i was tired and languid all the time. don is starring for United Picture FmMy , bcgan tnWng ., K(, ilieatres, Inc., Is described as a 110 im ami they helped me won- startling story with tho above theme derfully. They regulated the action for Its basls It deals with tho tern- ot m" kldne9 and since then, I have ptaon W?,,U camo to tho young , J nBS SS SSIttJ." clerlq and tho momentous results uavo ever f4,nctl t0 hojT, ,, arising from tho wny he mot It. Tho Piico GO cents, at all dealers, production is saldno bo a lavish ono. Don't simply ask for u kidney &Snort0,? ,returnln,vvn,1 fa,r ?Tr2 ssua&r exceeding. It Is reported, the lavish Fostcr-MHbura Co. Mfgrs.. Huffalo. display of fomlnino adornment for X Y Ui5ch hor name is famous. War - laoa Worsley directed tho picture,1 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY which bears tbo hall mark of super- S3 of Standard Get your Musical Instrument now, for with over twice ns ninny ordered now as Inst year, we lire unable to build up anj store a surplus for Christmas trade. A year ago we had iitty more in warehouse, but now lace the greatest uemanu in our maiuiy wun no ennnce of cntchi up. Again we advise Buy your musical instruments now. , ing (oldcutoiio Plu All HeconN $9.25 or more as llrst Imp Pay mont then $1.50 a week cal selections Included. p.iy- 10 musl- Vlitiolu XA Pay J1S.25 or inoro as llrst pay ment then $2.00 or inoro a week until $llS.2r. is p.xtd. Twenty musi cal solutions included. 1 IS&l m HP iTiTanrTfJT? SSBr -xiuj, . i'VW n-gk -jgn -bm msmm TlfiWWJr-tflB &vrvA 'Taj' OlMA vision in' flint ..,..- ,.1., i.. Atnu "urjv in "-- j u iiiuLi:i-iiiiiuiik.i:i iiuir . .'o . 1 . musing or housework III lllllllll ' a. n. 21G Main. Room 1 crt Brunton. "Playthings of Passion" will bo seen 'at tho Liberty Theatro tonight Presenting her new- starring ve hicle, "The Mystery Girl" at the FOK KENT Templo Theatro, Ethel Clajton, the tho hour. Inquire 15-3t ,KOR SALE A loal bargain 7 Pnss-i ! cnger 6 cyl. Studebaker aiitomb blle, ?r,o0. White, Pelican Oarage. 1 1 15-3t I Furnislipd rooms. In quire after G o'clock, 020 Jeffer son St.. between Gth and 7th 15-Gt FOR SALE 11 head of stock cattle n1n t,c..i T, ,.L iiivs, ui'iiera, ;mu cuny iiiUK ,..,, u.uru ui.uu ueorge uair crcaves. in(,uIro F. C. DeChaine, Lutcheon s famous novel "Green Shipplngton 13-3t beautiful Paramount star, scored a decisive hit yesterday. Tho photo-, mml ctrtEiiteM; ? pacip fl f Mk W&k JM the five mm mi ym& s save must ; iftaa vw a if7k Kin I SI NKaHfei 14 MB M 6l W VS'"ffv Wv NS 51:0.2.-. Tablo Victrolas ns low as $0.23 down and $1.00 a week, Including 10 selections. n This JU'llnhlo Xh Piano S-UtntMltl Pay n fair paymont down, then ns low 11 h $10 00 lo $12.00 u mouth. i ' it uuitrmwon Ttajo Mark Nutlnmlly Pilc,., ,lll,i. ,.nj(T Pay as low iih $05011 ,),, then $20.00 u month. Tw.-ho uiiK8 ami jiopulur ioIIm ami lmiii'li Included. Used Pianos for Less in Price and Terms Sonoru Uraiul .'lOO.OO Purchase on crop payments or by tho month. S5& TKI IKjTtUUIHT ff QUALITY 0lt0C -jLi'' CLCAH A3 A ILL C s " I I I JTlic Auto Plnno Sovbrnl.BtylCH In stock nt $750.00 and $S0O.OO Undo Srtm'u cholco for tono. durability and finality. TtirniH may lio nrrnngod and nlleiit plnuoH takon In as part payment. Knaho Oijttid, !?I,IU.1.()0 Thoro Is no bettor piano wo be Uovo In tho world today than tho Kimtio. Other (IraiuM In liiingalow nlzcs an low nH $72r..OO. Ottiur plnnos takon In part payment. Period Model Phonographs Prices from $225.00 up nnd terms as low as $15.00 per month. Call and look them bver. Thrco Sononis nt !? 100.00, SloO.OO, 5200.00 Most pooplo think that becauso Sonora rocelved tho Highest Award for Tono that tho prices and tenuis might bo high. ' I EARL SHEPHERD CO. Direct Factory Distributors of Pianos, Player Pianos, Phono graphs and Records Opposite First State and Savings Bank 507 Main Street 3S2H3SX2 I jrJLiJLi IlkiheBe5lCofIeeMaGTi3aj )$ It GvesHrflier EVERY LWi , 6UARANTEED aS0 -faS&vM el 1a II I I lllll llll Ill I !!! mill I I .II1MM IMHII Mil III 111 IMWOTiTl I ' "- tt-ii,! rti-rnail.ftifcld.lLI... In ii illT -ITTi ilfnTT iirr.M laBB . ' ""'" ja I MONEY TO LOAN If you nt'oil mouoy on vour hoiuii, or tho homo you would llko to build, ask for particulars. Huy your Pall lint or Cap at Head quartern New ones dally. ,N. II. Drew, cor fith and .Main H-!t HOW MUCH IS A SHOE WORTH THAT DOES NOT FIT? Como to our store, solcct tho style of shoo that you llko, and It will bo fitted to your feet by ono of our men who It) specially trained in shoe fitting. If you already havo foot troubles our Foot Export will provo to you that you can wear btyllah shcoa In perfect comfort by remov ing tho cause of your foot ills with n pair of If IU a homo you want, now Is ilio tlmo to got It. You may Holect your I cholco In most any part of tho city Wizard Adjustable Light Foot MMi .J:vi:d,:;:.,;;:ISI., .... ., aslii lK B H ' ((fty Gordo a 'tothins of Passion AT THE LIBERTY TONIGHT UmVtd FiCTUrc nieatrtfs o America inc. 1$ l! Women's Beaver brown, Havana brovnt field mouse, grey and black, with light hand turned soles and welt soles, made by the best shoe manufacturers. Cor rect fit guaranteed. PRICES $5.00 to $6.00 Big line in Low Heel Shoes for school misses. II' I , TYUlicr Jf y Appliance 'J ( "c A H ..I i Jij m wiaw m H'M I SPORTY HIGH TANS Classy Shoes for Smart Dressers If you want to see some real style in shoes, just take a look at these narrow toe tan high tops we have just received. As far as style goes there is nothing any newer on the market, and we think you'll say there's nothing any snappier either. As for good wear, we back up eveiy pair that goes out of the door. $6.00, $8.5V$10.00, $11.00, $12.00, $14.00 and I will for you. urrnngo easy paymentH If its an Investment you aro look ing for in Improved or unimproved properties, I lino hoiiio of tho best In tho county. If Us Flro or I.lfo Imiuniuco you need, 1 will fix you up. In fact, If its anything In tho real citato lino you will do woll lo seo mo. Drop in and talk it over. JAS. M. WATKINS, Jr. Phone 484 Suite 1 Swanson BIdg. Ulack Jlcar Mncklnaws nnd Stng Shirts, Doss of Hand Overalls and Work Shirts ut N. II. DroWa Storo cor Gth and Main. 1 l-2t mi' ' 8 t&k " ill j ffl m I BIG DANCE B DORRIS I SATURDAY R NIGHT Ed OCT. 18 :B MUSIC I' MALIN :I ORCHESTRA LIBERTY THEATRE "T1IK PICK OK TUB PIOTUKK8" H. W. Poole, Owner Matinee Every Day TONIGHT CHARMING KITTY GORDON IN "PLAYTHINGS OF PASSION" ' CHARLIE CHAPLIN IN "THE DAREDEVIL QUEEN" Kinograms Latest Weekly News Events Big Special Wednesday and Thursday Coming Sunday Tom Mix in "THE WILDERNESS TRAIL" W&$" DOORS OPEN AT 7 P .M. 'n' "A ill r...,r. VIMMVh wvvv PP S ' I