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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1919)
1 paqt: fouij .'L.l - THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, ti'i:riiav, m UNION MEN REFUSE .Personal ftention rnn u .... ' !. teatfmutro&5fori TO HANDLE RIFLES; zJL & . 1 i iV tJ. i i .i-W-WJUfJ Wy-fslonlay for San Jp'rahdlsce, felfcrc "h0 will undergo q!" fwrlous operation In L,ano liosp'tai r. ann Ains..w4U JTumplirwwin; .aiTcljlJnieilu)lIcy,. wore Mr. have. .RaMiaUnKUioavallcy .jlransactlng- business at -the- county iscnt ycstortljy '' Mrs. Forrest K. Tell Is In San UVanclsco, whoro'she. will lie the. -Kucst ot her brother find lift, wife until nftcr Christmas. v" Mr, and-Mrs.. Geo., .Devant ,ho '.pernio thclboardlng Hioufe .'ntiPell-' can Hay, hnfo 'returiietl mm H furl Wht's visit In San Krirncw. ? Dr. ErcdTUGoUdanhanA Wife V nwny on vacation, visiting f niuN in Ashland and Medford, , licre die 'doctor will become artcmher of "party on a hunting trip Mr. and Mrsflft IC Herrls hao relumed from' a ""twr WrV- Ttito- mobtle tour of California u i Mr can Bay X.urabqr company's plant. Eugene McCornn'ck nnd l Ide. who was formerly Alice. Longren of Vv couvcr, are leaving on the train for Fcrcst Grove, where Mr. McCoraaek shas purchased a larre stock r.utcb, . and where ttiey expect to make their home. . , " ; i Uuy your Fall Hat or Ca5 at"Hed- quartors. New one daily u. Drew, cor. 6th and Mam 14-2t t' Weliome, Portland business Men. We extend to you a hcartv welcome to Klamath Falls. Wc hope that you will like our little city and its surrounding country. AVE WANT YOU TO MAKE, YORSELF ' AT HOME. M.ATTI.H. Oft. K Fhe car lond of rllh-. wtalgned to Vladl-I .- ok. were "wing loaded on the! u aiuor I flight hftf todty by 60 former soWkra. follewlmc the refus al of unloa lonrhrHe to do l ho work .en the gromtd that the riilos or latewled for use against the r..l1iprtkl. ir-M Kit's fit'IU'KISKS KKIIVItS .i -rf n Make our storey yoiir headquarters while you arc herc'wc-Svill be glad to give you any in formation or assist you in any 'way possible while you arc the guests of Klamath Falls. i K. Sugarrnan TAINT MAD AT NOBODY" r T (.Ivan and Josephine Iirla- . II one of the teachers in the hlgh hnt'i nnd who formerly wa In l!ie fl' of the county assessor, were n.arri 1 at Yrrka an Saturdiy I'hi- ucddlng announcement came n a great aurpitae to tho mlatlvpa ml rrii nil of tha contracting pnrl i Nothing was known of tho mar u.iKe until the parties returned Sun i'a owning. Mrs. Clvan wfll continue at her ixm in the high school for a few . nt's r.ceonllng to tho present ,i. n .tn rlvi ont hy friend?, owing i1 e :,". alt jr at thti time of secur i' k aiy one to take her place- SAFETY SAVING SATISFACTION Almost Every Express Delivery Helps Increase Our Sh owuir of . fa.: Juracy nnd itt)iu . hk t UAMimi: nn vkhv; EmmmMmmiii a2Ji. waffBH"V-iiMtMn?Fgwra!?!gTirT.t'l!-'n'1'-'-1--'' "' t muj -- -aJi'jH I SjRambouIetts. WfSmaKflXS ' Lambs - - . . g' j?VS drfci-' 'f fej" fw '- SJI'ifSK . SkTilT H8" fWV -s- - &PJ&-')F-i&h!i2JSl inxnox. 8pt. 10. (Dy Mall) -h. is in Jormjrn and Bend Strecls. . inch cater to Tendon's ultra fafch'onable man's trade, are display ing fantastic arrays of dreaalng gewns -gowaa whose gorgeous col orings and barbaric patterns baffle de' ilp.ion. Demand for these gar Uientj is declared to have been un precedented In former seasons i They aro being offered In the most flimsy of gossamer fabrics or more substantial, bat quite 33 hlghly-cal-I ored. washable silks at prices which vary from $10 to $35. One writer, commenting on the vogue of these garments, declares ' the bnthtoom parade at fashionable t hotels U going 'to Ue worth the ontertaiamest tax. novii bids oi' The Enterprise Irrigation district will bold a meeting this afternoon for the purpose of opening bids re ceived fo? their $40,000 bond issue. If these bids arc satisfactory, it is ezpe-ted that 'they will also take . np the matter of contracting for tho construction of the Irrl J gallon canals for tho project. "Ready for Immediate Service ISest yet. Herald Want Ads. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY - h - rT-i. ALSO. 1 roil SALE Furniture Z 41 cktns. .-- MSfcJto mm ttit'2 eft ".i lV -1 head Correidale Ram Lambs At MO. per head Walnut H-lt FOTt SALK- Three speed Harley Davidson in good condition. Will stand by court house 4th and Main from 10 a. in. to 5 p. jn. H-2t FOIt SAI.K Chevrolet in good mechanical condition. New tire. Cheap If taken thkt week. Innnire at Swanson's Darber Shop. C23 Main Street. H-tf FOU SALE OR LEASE Near Chel sea Lumber & Box Co.. 10 acre tiact with house and barn. Innuirc Sam King. Shippington. 14-it :m VMi vSll L-BrgJAa. ;La'A-e-J I iW) Vf S I : I u A ! . ' i r- i SMART FROCKS $20.00 to $75.00 I llllM. I..I..M ..UI. an n' niilM II I ri II lit nr forliii:. llonutlfiil. olahoriiteh . ,?" 'n or, lirolilnrril frock of tiln.n,,.. ... . "'''" nl em. ni'W and popular frock ..r ,,., . civ,',""' "" stylod and trliniiunl with .m ... ..inrcv iretiilt . : "luum f..t. ' ImndHonifnt wo ,nvo liii.i ti, ..".cl,c,e. Ih rniii- . Panama clntii m........ . ,roi of nrlety for tho illKcrlinliniti,,.. ," . " !lrfii MANIISOMlT xl v."""'- SUITS OF FASHION dlHplllJ (if Kl. I " nliiRn of ciuiiilelciHHN tlmt nffor. . '? l tho woman ho dnimrxlH Indi J,mvch ' clover, nmarl Myn MoXi. i-f! i'." lino Htirgo. olour. linudcloii. a "'"? nrfertUi-h irinimri p"u. '" Our maU'rlalH lug quality. i i ntM our prl i-m are vnrv m-j IIMMM,,S7A.O0 X m0de,t' A KI'M'M'II) SIIOWINOOK Fine Fur Pieces ' This Is decidedly a naiiiin of fur-i ! lin faBliluiinlil) Kl,rl, ll0 ,,, J7 them In one un or nii'.thur ()ur 5i,Di;I if neckpltaoH nnd nuiffn nffeu ., 'SJ vurioiy tor satisfactory aoloctlon. indni. ox, Nutria, sU olf. Prices am ,. ?S.OO to 25.00 I nd aro Marten, Mink, I Irol, oTossuiii and Wo I lustinlly ntlractlvo ' Chlldreii'M Fur Hetn Hair Bow Ribbons 50c In pretty grndo wide. i scoro plaids, taffeta. of very Of good 5 Inches Fine Quality 36-inch Corduroys $1.85 A fashionable, servlceahln material that In round deolrnblo for to many purposes, especially for separate skirts and for children's coati This quality has it soft, sllk-llko flnlh. Tho Color urn t'roy, Circeii, Xny, Boer, Mnine, Taupe, llniwn mill lllntk A very fortunnto purchao enables tin to offr tliiit Corduroy Special at $1.85 ' An Important Problem Solved Centemeri Gloves In tho making, the quality of tho skins used, and for their umisunl stylo features, wo bollevo the Centeremri GIovo to bo the best procurable. You will And miny desirable dlslliiRtflshliiR char acteristics In lltcso gloves. Smart French Kid Gloves $3.50 In black and white and uhlto with black Htltch Ing. tan in, brown In secrnl shades, grey nnd tun, with stitching In noff shade. All hIch. Splendid Grade Mocha Gloves $4.00 In light and dark tan with attractive fancy stitching In contrast An extr.i quality mochu glove. SUm G'i to "'.. Gauntlet Driving Gloves $4.50 Of heavy French Kid, In tan anil brown. Strap wrlJts with snaiw. A splendid glovo for auto driving. Cape Gloves $2.50 and $3.00 In grey and tan with fancy stitching In black. All sizes. Splendid gloves nt popular prices. f Washable Kid Gloves In white and various shades of tan. Fancy stitched backs Good serviceable gloves that wash perfectly. Frices are $2 00 and $3.00. Chamoisuedc Gloves A good ivashuble glovo In mode, buck and hea ver shades. Splendid qualities at $1.00 und $1.25. Half the Pleasure of Knitting MINERVA YARNS UecntiKo Minerva yarns c v in Imll form 1- cuubo In Quality, Weight nml l'rire thcycprcicnt n greater aluo than found In any other )nrn. Scores of attractive new (olors nnsuro )ou of the opportunity of selecting llio sluule or shadcj of yarn that will fashion Into a lieuitlfiil knitted gar inent. Tho Mlueru Knitting llnuk gliea full In structions ono nhould he In eiery homo where knitting Is done. The price 35c Children Kid Gloves In tan cape skin. Some aro furtlmmcd. sizes $1.75 and $2.00. Children's fur-trlmmcd mittens, $1.25. All TJNDKRWEAR. jor WOMEN An Assurance of Perfect Comfort and Satisfactory Service Wont'cn who are particularly discriminating In tho matter of undergarments will find In Korvst Mills I'nderwear the helglitli of perfec tion In lit and wearing qualities In tho vari ous weights of ccttnn wool and Mlk and wool. In high, low nnd Dutch netk utiles Prices $1.75, $2.00, $2.25, $3.00 up to $4.50 Union Suits for Misses Iloivy weight Merino Wool I'nlon Suits, Dutch neck, elbow sleu.eri and high neck, Ions slfovo styles. , Sizes 2 to lfi years. Prices $1.50 to $2.05, according to size Boys' Union Suits Of heavy weight Natural Merino Wool. High neck, long sleeves, closed crotch 8lics 4 to 10. Trices $1.90 up to $2.05, according to NOTICE Is hereby given that Mrs. FOU SALIv One span bay marei wt 1 ( lbs . one set work har- Anna Lnbkn who was formerly ness. one lumber wagon size 314 known as MIes Anna Hudglns was Inquire Sam King Shippington given a divorce May 10 1917 This 14 4t notice to give name correctly. 13-lt i ' Ready for Immediate Service ', . CoiTeidales The 'best sheep in the world for crossing -on 'Me- ,rino, Qves. .They give at once weight and quality of wool, and ... .'- ' ' i quantity .and quality. of liiufctons- f,f'.' " .',f,o v. For. rough. countiy.itoVsea level to 8000 feet altitude, and ''from Patagonia tp. Wyoming, .they" have proved themselves su- K'iv; V. It,-;. , . ', . .,,' -.- , . . . rjenpr rame Merino. (vitn -jne;iegs ana lace clear and wool t; n.nnf-lcpfl about, flip hnrlv. rl Ttpv ,v',T',' ' C it if .)' ... wil - 4?J 'r: - NEW SHEEP OF THE'iWE'vlCOUNTRY "H-9F ,tte IW VKf ..' A" ;J"i.', 't1 v "V 1'' ,.L ', ,.-. - nave,piuvui-uiemeivus B4jJttriui'(iui. nulling auuiiy, narumoou, " abijfty'to ra'ise good winkrnJg and quantity and quality of-both ,,wool;and;niutJ:on.' -n f. Iks 'KM'x 'H WE i Ar r prK Rs i. ,'cs T rfrK "Sf15 TR8 '-OliENE, OREGON ,-, v I WeSM r k- jwjBMF&3m mm mm i SHI mm HACK I'ltOJI AUTO Tll Miss Ida Momycr drove her now car to Crater Lake Saturday und htought hack her mothor, Mrs. II. K. Momyer who has been spondlng tho sumnior therewith her htiHbnnd who Is chief ranger of Crater I.ako Nat ional Park. Mrs. Momyor will spend tho winter In Klamath Falls. Chief of I'ollco Wilson returned finturduy night from Medford, where ho was among no oral local wit nesses subpoenaed by tho U. 8. 4 trlct court last week. Ulack Hear Mackinaw and SIM Shirts. Iloss of Itoad Overalls anj Work ShlrtH at N. H. cor. 0th and Main. Drew's Store H-.t tWfty Gordo a in Playthings of Passion At The Liberty Tomorrow Night United Picture ThefcVrO o America ru. LIBERTY THEATRE THE TICK OF THE I'lCTUHKS" H. W. Poole, Owner Matinee Every D7 TONIGHT BEAUTlVuL BILLIE RHODES IN "THE LAMB AND THE LION" COMEDY t ."BROWN EYES AND BANK NOTES" Big Special Wednesday and Thursday KITTY GORDON IN "PLAYTHINGS OF PASSION" 3i f A .A I yt t X' f ti DOORS OPEN AT 7 P .M. T -kj jTISi 3e: m.