nAV, orronnn n, 1010 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH 'FALLS, OREGON, PAG Goodrich ! Tires and Tubes National Aoto Accessory bap? 210 MAIN 5TREET NisXt to Pottoffice Phoae 471 HMD'S MFIED COLUMNS FOR SALE Real Estate ROOMS, APARTMENTS - .MWlAAW-r1 11"11"1 "'" """"' ,J FOR SALE- I have now cholco res- Idtnco lots A few choice Hinall uiau tracts All on easy terms. Kre5e Mni.llua Willi K. 1). Co.. H. ---- . ISO) Main St 10tf FOR SALE Moilurn 7 room Home V" - .. t .. ,.,.Anl nd lain loi ncviMiu uui Eprlnr. llarBaln. Frutl W. llyndtnun J9 Wall St., Owner. 8-Gt FOR SALE Resldenco lot. i blocks from Main. Tarty leuvIiiK city Phono 4SC. 8-ct KOIt KENT For two gentlemen, 2 comfortable rooms with bath. -407 Nelson. Phone 299J. 11-31 KOIt KENT Room over O M. Hector Htoro 35X50 feet with five rooms nbove. J. F. Magulre, 125 No. 7th St. 9.5 1 FOR RENT OR LEASE ' FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR LEASE To responsible parties that liuvo ciiulimient and cash to linunce themselves, u desirable ranch. Adress M. K. 9. Herald oinco. 8-tf FOR SALE- condition. -Dodge l'hone car; 231. II rut class 13-21 FOR SALE Ilodgo car: first class condition. Phono 2C3J ll-Ct FOR SALE Maxwell touring car, cheap: Reed shape. II. J. Jones, U6J4 Tine St. y-6f FOR SALE Or will trade for Indian . .. .1... L'l.... .(!. Xf.iMiti' itwk tie passenger, six cylinder touring ear. cylinders have been ground and new pUtons to replace the old; also . ll.. A II f 1 l...aljl D8W IUJJ. Jill n. . V.. ..;,,. Office. tf LOST AND FOUND M--M-My-w-M-wrrMruvvvJ1 LOST Between Bradley store and Pleasant Ave. I'urso containing check and money. Kelurn to tfie Herald. 13-2t LOST I'urse containing check and money, between Stukel Ilrldgu and O. It, King. Finder leave at Herald otllce uml receive reward. 11-31 LEGAL NOTICES RESOLUTION FOR SALE 200 tons of IlrBt clnsH wild hay. Adrcss J. J. Kay, Chiloquln, Oregon. 8-Gt USED AUTOS Saxon- "Six" nnd Bulck "Four", fdr Balo. Hoagland k McCollum 8-tf FOR SALE A Chevrolet, a Ford, Maxwell and an Oakland. Inquire A. C. Henllne, 327 Main C-tf FOR SALE Ono Los Angeles 1 14 ton capacity trailer ;solld rubber tires, metal lined body; cost $350; tied 30 days; will soil for $200 tub. Address P. O. Box C03, Klam ath Falls, or Phono 11F11 2-12t FOR SALE Ono nearly now Dun ham packer or clod masher, 2 3-lu, wigoni, one with box, Ilaln and Hickory; ono 3-scctlon spring-tooth barrow, ucd ono wek, ono new Oil rer sd plow.ono new Oliver break ing plow. All tho above god as now Far tale cheap. Also lot of fine ows with pigs. Address P. O. Box (03, Klamath Fulls, or phono "HI. 2-12t UPRIGHT PIANO Good condition 190 terms us low as $7.00 per aonth at Shepherd's. 17-tf .SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED Housework by hour or flay. Phone 342W 10-Ct I? YOU WANT STUDENT HELP, , 5s" lne Klamath County High 1 Bcuool phono 350. Girls for typing wiu6 anu tiling; also general i r'BMWOrk. caring for children etc. for clerking, messenger service, ' f' elc' sPedal attention Is glv- ?.!.. . ' ""vice by tho school v "l?or't,e Bnd nu effort Is to bo ?" t0 mako clllclent. convenient ..2 .pro.n,a,), both ,0 t'10 student ,na to tlioio requiring tholr services. LOST General Fund warrant No. 3 J 022 dated Sept. 3, 1913. Protested aluco date. Drawn In fuvor of Clapp Auto Co.. Howard Leave with James Ityan. 10-41 LOST Near Merrill car chains 33 4 tiro pump 2 pump Jacks tiro tools Howard Vochatzerl IJros. Merrill, Oregon. 4-12t Surety bonds while 70a wait. ObO coto AfttiiilUi. o-tc MISCELLANEOUS MAAAAAMAi) WANTED Would like to hear from some one, preferably in tho Mer rill country or near Klamath Falls, who has, a good feed yard and first class uimra nay to reed uu or &uu 2-year-old steers for February or March, on percentage basis. J. P. McAullffc. Ft .Klamath 11-tf NOTICE Is hereby given Hut my for mer wife Mrs. Anna Stankey Lubko, was divorced from mo May 10, 1915, resuming her maiden name Miss Anna Hutchinson and I refuse to allow her to use my nanio here after. Wm. Lubke, Oct. 8. 1919 10-5t Anyone expecting to enjoy the privilege) of city heat may find an opportunity to dlsposo of a good big air tight heater at tho Herald Office. 1-ti C1TV aARDAOE When you want Garbage removed phono 91. 11-tf WXEDTa,rl for Konoral houso "or "id cooking Mrs, O. O. Lab- 1 " " ureKon. i.if r. t. Ift ntLP WANTED V ki.IEDMen aml t03V tor stato j?,:- 'r. Dow, 73M. 0J i.uc un aim,, Kt g.ct feE:i,-M,1(" nBcd woman as fl7,rlw " Bi'inll family for "n," Br tllreo IllOlltllH Wnrtr llvlit f-" g"d Herald office fi-tf !CAI)KMV WJUj iikcjjvu i.ij.jA Until h. .. riach -vacny 01 tho BChool Is tthe s aj!. W118 wj u received lkVSi?fI!d.,!0,,rt Academy, whoro e to VhV.i "" u"ntlon will bo glv child l,fiitboro,UEb training of your 4 by call h,S"r '.C.UlarB '"y uo Becur' M I pfnl "., n' tUo Convent, Seventh for the nriree " or nt th0 Acudeuiy. modf.nBent wo nro un8,J, o uc' Wlffin6. anK. ,noTO er, but u& tLi8,w"1 b0 rcolvol and In M from n uVttc"'cy U will be $wr In which they nro fllod. "ui-mu jieurt Acaaemy, MADAM IOINA, Palmist World's Crctttcst 'Phrenologist, Puliiilot and Mctlluiu Itn.iiln vnur entlm life nast. D res ell t and future correctly, giving names, dates anu ngures in Business, invn Inn' nmrrlnirn and domestic troubles. Tells you what you aro bt-st ndapted for and what to do to better your conditions In life. This lady reads your hand as you would an open book. A .reading by her will meet your highest expectations, nmi vnn will lm wiser nnd hannlcr after consulting her. she having thO - t ..II ....II lnll...nnni . gin- 01 reiuuyiiiK ' i"cvv.a and placing you In an "environment of happy thought and contentment. Headings: Sunday and dally, D a. 111. to U:30 p. m. Itoom C Swanson Illdg., over gun store, Main St. be tween Cth and 7th, opp. Western Union, Klamath Falls, Oregon. 10-7-2C PHONI5 PEYTON for Wood. 112H. COL'NTV THUAKUKUK'tf NOTICB Notice Is hereby given that there aro funds In tho county treasury for I ho redemption of Klamath County general fund warrants protested (presented for payment but not paid for tho want of funds) on or before Sept. 2, 1913. Interest on the above will ceaBe from dato. , Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, this 9th day of Oct. 1919, O. K. Van Hlper, 9-Ct County Treasurer. 8,000 mile guaranteed tire at cost ...,.. .nni.i Tim irfectlon Tire. Tho Asbestos Hreaker Strip keep out rad heat and does away with tread reparation. At coat while they last 112C Main St., Klamath Falls, Oro, 7'Ct ' Approving thu Plans, Specifications and Estimates prepared by the City Engineer nnd filed with the Police Judge for tho construction of tho Fifth Unit of Sewers for tho City of Klamath Falls, Ore gon, Including Beptlc tank and outfall sewer as shown In said Plans, Specifications and Esti mates; determining tho bounda ries within which tho property lies that Is to bo specifically ben efited and to bo assessed for one half of the cost of such Fifth So,wer Unit after eliminating therefrom the cost of tho septic tank and "outfall" sewer run ning from tho intersection of Owens and Shasta Streets west erly to Lake"Ewaunu, as shown upon said Plans, Specifications and Estimates; charging the cost of said ucptfc tank, outfall sew er, right of way for outfall sew er and septic tank, pnd one-half of the cost of .remainder pf said Fifth Sewer Unit against the City of Klamath Falls and tho re mainder thereof against the real property specifically benefited by said sower unit, and ordering tho publication of this Uesolu Hon: Tim CMv Ttacliifwr. niirsuant to 1 rpunlntlnn f tlm Common Council heretofore adopted, having on tho Cth day ot Uctoiior, lui'J, nieu pians. Hpecilicuuoiis anu esumuies 01 me cost of making and Installing the Fifth Sewer Unit of Klamath Falls, Oregon. Including a concreto septic tank 8D feet long by 1C feet wide liv 1 1 fpi'i ilppn. to be located at Intersection of southerly limits of Klamath Falls and the eastern snore of Lake Ewauna, and an outfall sew er running from tho Intersection of Owens and Shasta Streets westerly m l.nVo I'Iumiihii nml tho Common Council having taken the same un der advisement, and finding said plans, specifications and estimates satisfactory HE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that said plans, specifications and esti mates for tho making and installa tion of said fifth Sewer Unit, In iln,llni' srilfl nnntlc tank, outfall sewer and rights of way for said sep tic tanK and outran sewer oe, anu the same hereby aro .approved, and HE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that tho Common Council hereby de-i-lnrm llu Intnntlnn tn make and In stall said Fifth Sewer Unit, includ ing nnlcl Rpnllc tanK anu outian sower and to acquire said rights of way, In accordance with said plans. speculations anu estimates. oaiu Fifth Sewer Unit shall consist In laying sower pipes, "y" branches, mnnhnlpa. Inm nliolps. Kiimn and building and septic tank, of tho di mensions ana Kinas or materials shown upon said plans, spcclflca- llnna nnfl ocl Imflf PS. nt !1 tatul esti mated cost of JG0.73C.00; that the total cost cf said septic taiiK ana sump estimated at $9,000, the total ".to, nt cnl.l nntfnll unu'Pi heretofore mentioned, estimated at $5,714.00, the total cost of said rignts or way fnr aanllp link :ltl(l OUtfall BCWCT estimated at $1,200.00, and one-half of tho total cost of the remainder of said Fifth Bower unit, esumaieu at $13,145.00, Is to be borno and paid fnr hv Hip. Pllv nf KInmath Falls: and the remainder of tho cost of said sewer unit estimated at $21.- C70.UO, to do oorne anu paiu jor vy the real property specially benefited thereby, and tho City of Klamath Falls not to no name tor sum amounts abovo mentioned unless the nnnnio iliprpnf hv nialorltv vote shall authorizo the Issuance of bonds of said city to un amount necessary to pay tho Bald city's portion of the itA.1 nf snl.l Rmvpr 1111ft. Renflc tank. outfall sower and rights of way as aforesaid. AND HE IT FURTHER RESOLV ED, by the Common Council that the property hereinafter described bo, and tho same is, hereby declared to bo benefited by Bald sower unit to-wlt: All the roil property embraced 111 the boundaries of tho following de scribed Fifth Sewer Unit ,to-wit: lieglnulng at tho intersection of Michigan Avenue and Esplanade Street, thence In n southeasterly di rection following tho Bouth bound ary of tho U. S. Irrigation Canal right of way to tho easterly point or comer of Lot 2, Hlock CO, of 2nd Hot Springs Addition; thenco west erly along tho southerly line of Bald Lot 2, Hlock C6, to tho center of EI Dorado Avenuo; thenco south along tho center of HI Dorado Ave nue to a point In the center of said uvmniA lniuigltA the southwest cor ner of Lot G, of Jllock 4, of Wil liams' Addition 10 jviumuiii yuua, Oregon; thence due east to u point due ncrtb of the west end or point of Hlock 23, of Industrial Addition' to Klamath Falls, Oregon; thence duo south to tlio nest end or point of said Mock 23; thenco southwest erly to the northwest corner or point of Lot 33, of Hlock 22, of said Industrial Addition; thnncu south westerly -along tho northerly and westerly boundary of said Lot 33. cf Hlock 22, to the renter of Martin Street; thence northwesterly to the northeast corner of Lot 28, Hlock 16, of said Industrial Addition; thence southwesterly between Lota 28 and 29 and 9 and 10 of Dlock 16, of said Industrial Addition, to the northerly line of East Main Street; thence southeasterly to the north erly point or corner of Lot 54, of Block 11, or said Industrial Addl; tlon ; thence southwesterly between Lots 54 and 55, of Dlock 11, of said Industrial Addition, to the southerly point or corner of said Lot G5J Hlock 11, Industrial Addition ;j thence southoaslorly to the north cast corner of Lot 5 of said Hlock 11; thence southerly to the southeast corner of Lot 11, of Hlock 11, of said industrial Addition; thenco southerly between Lots 27 and 2R, of Hlock 12, of said Addition, to the southwest corner -of Lot 27, of Hlock 12, of said Industrial Addi tion; thence easterly to the south east corner of Lot 23, of Dlock 12, of said Industrial Addition; thence southerly along the westerly side of Gordon Street to the southeast cor ner of Lot 6, of Hlock 12, of said Addition; thence easterly to tho northeast corner of Lot 1, of Block 14, of said Industrial Addition; thenco southerly between Lots 1 and 2, of Block 14, ot said Addition, and Lots 31 and 32 of Block 7. of said Addition, to the southeast cor ner of Lot 32. of Block 7, of said Industrial Addition; thence easterly tothc southeast corner of Lot 24, of i Block 7, said Industrial Addition; thence northerly .between Lots 23 and 24. of Hlock 7, of said Addition to the northwest corner ot Lot 23, of Hlock 7, of said Addition; thence northeasterly to the center of the Intersection of Orchard Avenue and Owens Street; thence northerly to the southerly line of Home Avenue; thence easterly alcug the southerly line of Home Avenue to the north em corner of Lot 339, Block 112, of Mills Addition to Klamath Falls, Oregon; thence southerly between Lets 338 and 339 and 34C and 347, of Hlock 112, of Mills Addition, to the northeast corner of Lot 387, of Hlock 113, of said Mills Addition; thence easterly along the southerly line of Orchard Avenue to the north east corner of Lot 371, of Hlock 122. of Mills Addition; thence southerly in a straight line to the southwest corner of Lot 10. of Block 303, of Mills Second Addition to Klamath tails, Oregon; thence west erly along the northerly line of Eb- erleln Avenue to the southwest cor ner cf Lot 10, of Block 201, of Mills Second Addition to Klamath Falls. Oregon; thence southerly to the southwest corner of Lot 7. of Block 205, of Mills Second Addition tc Klamath Falls, Oregon; thence east erly to the southwest corner of Lot 9, of Block 205, of Mills Second Addition to Klamath Falls, Oregen: thence southerly to the southeast corner ot Lot 11, of Block 206, of said Mills Second Addition; thence westerly to a point ' 150 feet due west of the center of the intersex tion of Owens and Shasta Streets to a point; thenco northerly parallel and 150 feet distant from Owens Street to Sixth Street; thence north easterly to tho southwest corner of Lot 10, Block 2, Industrial Addi tion; thence noitberly to the north west corner of said Lot 10; thunce westerly to the southwest corner of Lot 11. Block 2. Industrial Addi tion; thence northerly to the north west corner ct Lot 28. of Block 2, of said Industrial Addition; thence easterly to the southeast corner of Lot 30 .of Dlock 2, ot said Indus trial Addition; thence northerly to Iho northeast corner of Lot 9, of Block 3, of said Industrial Addition; thehre westerly to the southwest corner of Lot 11, of Dlock 3, of sa'd Industrial Addition; thenco north erly to the northwest corner of Lot 33, Block 3, ot said Industrial Ad dition; thence westerly to tho south east corner of Lot 21, of Block 4, of said Industrial Addition; thence northerly to tho ncrthenst corner of Lot 5, of Block 5, of sild Indus trial Addition; thence westerly to tho southwest corner of Lot 7, of Block 5, cf said Industrial Addi tion; thence northerly to the south east corner of Lot 25, of Hlock 8, of said Industrial Addition; thence northwesterly to the southwest cor ner of Block 9, of said Industrial Addition to Klamath Falls, Oregon; thence in a northerly direction fol lowing the west line of Blocks 9 and 10, ct the said Industrial Addi tion, to the northwest corner of Lot 35, of Block 10, or said Industrial Addition ;thence northwesterly to tli esoutheast corner of Lot 9, of Hlock 58, of Second Hot Springs Ad dition to Klamath Falls, Oregon; thence northwesterly along tho westerly line of Hlock 58, and 64, of said Second Hot Brings Addition, to tho northwest corner of Lot 1, of said Block 54, of Second Hot Springs Addition ;thence northeast erly to the place of beginning; and that tho real property anove describ ed and embraced within the Bald boundaries of said Fifth Sewer Unit be, and the same is, hereby declared to be assessed for Its proportion of Jbe cost of said Fifth Sewer Unit uud hereinboforo set forth uuj In proportion to the benefits received by said property; PROVIDED, that should propeity owners on other streets than those embraced In 'the Fifth Bewoe Unit Are you going to paper the house or that room this fall? We shall close out nearly 1,000 ROLLS of Side-wall Ceiling and Border in the next few days, at less than manufacturers' cost today. Wall and Ceiling Paper in small lots, enough in each lot for a small room or closet, priced at 10c the roll. Paper for the kitchen, dark colors, at 20c the roll. Varnish tile for the kitchen or bath room, priced fully" one-third less than wholesale price today. Special at 50c the roll. Bed Room and Dining Room Paper in heavy weights, gilts and stripes, priced at 25c- to 50c the roll. Ingrains and Imported Oatmeals in buff and greens, priced 60c to $1.10 the roll, 30 inches wide. Heavy Crepes in dark green and red, suitable for halls and dens. Priced at 75c the roll; 30 inches wide. All paper full length .14 and 16 yar,ds to the Oregon products and the Oregon delegation are with us. roll. WEDNESDAY We offer specials in OREGON PRODUCTS Wittenberg &. King Dehy drated Fruits and Vegeta bles. For this day only your choice of the entire line priced at 25c. Tillamook Cheese, the best cheese made in the world. Priced Wednesday 45c the pound. Winnek's Special Flour, made from best-hard wheat priced at $3.50 the sack. Your money back if you do noUlike it. The Winnek Grocery Company desire at any time in thu future to form another sewer unit, partially or. wholly within the said Fifth Sewer Unit, the property embraced In the said Fifth Sewer Unit, shall not be exempt from assessments tor such other sewer units to the ex tent of benefits received therefrem: that said sewer is to be completed on or before October 1, 1920. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLV ED, that Monday, the 3rd day of November ,1919, at the hour of 8 o'clock, p. m., at the Council Cham ber In the City Hall at Klamath Falls, be fixed as the time and place for the hearing of objections and re monstrances against the said pro posed Fifth Sewer Unit and the Po lice Judge be, and he Is hereby, di rected to cause notice of said hear ing be published us by charter pro vided. That said Fifth Sewer Unit Is to be laid at, in, and along the follow ing places In said district, to-wlt: On Michigan Avenue from Its Junction with Esplanade Street or Avenue southeasterly to the Junc tion of said Michigan Avenue with Main Street ,and from said Michi gan Avenue easterly along the south boundary of Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, Block 53, Second Hot Springs Addi tion, to the westerly boundary of the U. S. Government Canal right of way; from Michigan Avenue easterly along the south boundary line or Lots 1 to 8, Block 55, Second Hot Springs Addition, to Junction of El Dorado Avenue and U. S. Gov ernment Canil right of way; from Michigan Avenue easterly along Wall Street to the northwest corner of Lotl, niock 57, Socond Hot Springs Addition; from the Junction ot Michigan Ave. and Main St. east erly to Poplar Ave., from the Junc tion of Michigan Ave. southeasterly 60 feet to the contor of East Main Street; thenco southeasterly along East Main Street to El Dorado Ave nue; th'ince southeasterly along El Dorado Avenue to Orchard Avenue; thence easterly along Orchard Ave enue to Adams Street; thence south erly along Adams Street to Apple gate Avenue; thence easterly along Applegate Avenue to Owens (form erly Front) Street; from a point In the center of Owens Street due east from the southeast corner of Lot 23, Block 7, Industrial Addition, southerly along the center line of said Owens Street to the Junction of Owens Street and Shasta Street or Avenue; thence westerly to the east shore of Lake Ewauna at tho Junction of Bald east shore with the southerly boundary of the City of Klamath Falls. Also from a point In the center of Owens Street due east from the southeast corner of Lot 23, Block 7, Industrial Addi tion, easterly through the center of Blocks 101. 110 and 113 to a point In the center of Division Street due,! east or the center east una west line running through block 113, Mills addition; from u point in the center of Stukel Street east of the center east and west line running through Block 101, Mills Addition, northerly to a point In the center of said Stu kel Street east of the center east and west line running through Block 100, Mills Addition; thence easterly through the center of Block 111 of said Mills AdditUn to a point in the center of Martin Street east of the center east and west line running through Block 111 of said Mills Ad dition; from points in the center of Owens Street west of the eenter east and west lines' of Blocks 102,- 108, 104 and 105. Mills Additton. and Block 200, Mills Second Addition, easterly to the southeast corner of Lot 488, Block 109. Lot 580, Block 108, Lot 672, Block 107, Lot 764, Block 106, Mills Addition, and Lot 1, Block 212, Mills Second Addition, respectively; from a point in the center of Owens Street west of the east 'and west center line of Block 201 of said Mills Second Addition, easterly to a point In the center of Division Street eaat'from the center east and west ,Une imnnlng through Block 214 of -sa.idf last mentioned Addition; thence, northerly along the center line of" Division Street to a point in the center of said' street easterly from the center east and west line running- through Block 114, Mills Addition; from points in the center of Division Street east of the center east an d- west lines run ning through' Blocks 115, US and 117 of said Mills Addition, westerly to the southwest corners ot Lot 766. Block 117, Lot 6 6 3. .Block 116. and Lot 571, Block US', ot said Mills Addition, all of said, streets, ave nues, alleys, lots aifd blocks, and the location, sizes, kinds of material and method of construction of said Fifth Sewer Unit being more par ticularly described arid set forth In the said plans, speciflcations and es timates filed by the City Engineer with the Police Judge of said city, October 6th, 1919.- reference to which by all persons, or parties ln-i terested in said sewer unit is hereby I directed. State of Oregon. County of Klamath. City of Klamath Falls, as. I; A. L. Leavitt, Police Judge of, the City ot Klamath Falls. Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a duly enrolled cepy of Resolu tion adopted by the Common Coun cil on the 6th day of October, 19 If, declaring its' Intention to construct the Filth Unit of.Seirersforthe City of Klamath Falls, Including Septic Tank and Outfall Sewer, and ap proving the plans .specifications and estimates of cost thereof submitted by the City Engineer. A. L. LEAVITT, 13-10t ' PoUce Judge. Administrator's Notice of FlUa of Final. Account In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Klamath County. In the Matter of the Estate of Law rence R. Cardwell, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that I have filed my final 'account and report as Administrator of the estate of Law rence Bs-ardwell, deceased, and the above entitled court has fixed upon Saturday, the 22nd day of Novem ber, at 2 p. m., as the time, and the County Court House ot Klamath County, Oregon. Jn the City of Klam ath Falls, in sald county, aa the place when, and "where any parson may .present and objection or ex ception to anything done by him aa Administrator, and that' at such time and place the above entitled court will finally pass upon and set tle said account. E. R. CARDWELL, Administrator of the Estate of Law rence R, Cardwell, Deceased.. 7-14-2128 4 35 "Don't Cheat Yourself ay the Good Judg There 's nothing saved by chewing ordinary tobacco. A little chew of that good rich-tasting tobaccogoesalotfarther, and its good taste lasts all the way through. Little chew lasting -satisfying. That's why it's a real saving to buy this class of tobacco. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW Put tip in tw itytm RIGHT GUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B GUT is a long fine-cut tobasso I I ' M xm ,M I graBasasswsgBBBssMisssssssBsasBssBBBnsssnsssnssBs SULPHUR First Car Has Arrived Murphey'i Feed & Seed Store IMSmlliSbtfi'St.