The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 13, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    fH.OTHioc xsti, an
Top Dressing, We Have It
National Atrto Accessary dapPT
Ffee 471
Next lo Postoffice
r awe tw :
W'vfmfr su - s r t f Ww.f v1
wyr w" S -P-fVi "v-!- V
- Pr-. VU-1
b. tract. A an. - .;.
. Tr- jli jilinlHUijai with K. B
' rjSCSlktiz-Sfc
of slid city to an amount necessary
to pay the said city's portion of the
cost of said sewer unit, septic tank,
ontfall sewer and rights of way as
afore aid.
ED, by the Ccmtnon Council that
the property hereinafter described
be, and the same Is, hereby declared
to be benefited by said sswer unit,
All the rail property embraced in;
the boundaries of the following Ue
2 scribed Fifth Sewer Unit .to-wlt:
Ileginning at the intersection of
Michigan Arenue and Esplanade
' Street, thence In a southeasterly di-
rection following the south bound
ary of the U. S, Irrigation Canal
right of way to the easterly point
'or corner of Lot 2, Block GS, of 2nd
Hot Springs Addition; thenoe west
erly along the southerly line of said
Lot 2. Block S6, to the center of
El Dorado Arenue; thence south
along the center of El Dorado Ave
nue to a point in the center of said
aTenue opposite the southwest cor-
. r t ... c mL. m m writ
Unvrtfi v aji " "l "V1-. " ui "" """-
---- --- --- -. -.- nam. AddlUon to Klamath Falls.
LOST -Pars rmiiii: ei-ck axd ' " " ,1? i' 2,' Oregon; tbenee due east to a point
""- "J-Mdue nsrtb of the west end or point
oCVe G-tf , B,ock ,3 of jndmtrjaj Addition
Klamath Falls, Oregon; thence
people thereof by- majority vote Hen: thence northerly to the south-
S shall authorize the issuance of bends J east corner of Lot 25, of Block 8,
WANTED Men zad teims for slate
n Eigaway i-bobc xr vow, ijh,
vr caiolre I7 Vain St S-Ct
mnt Ti , ii cvj nj. . .
O B Ktec Fte-r Ware at Herald "
415e aad rwrtt r-wart 11 -it
two or three iolht
B0K1 3AnB-Uuhr
ifTyr miu' - .-
7 roours hnrae
w-iiud- Hot
LOST Genersl Fssd warras No-'
525 dJted Sepc S. 15IZ.
Protests since date. Iuua fs
Carer of. Clasp Aato Co. Eeward.
".. tr II -or TTVn.lm.a - "- --' " -- ieM
awwan"?21 "T VT Lraure witti Jaaei Kyxa. lt-U
MC3S Wall 3C " " " WANTHP Hocmrworfc by toor or
HJRSiEEi asldiauvs Inc. UiJ
Biasu iiuini rar " T LOST
Efic c&am wtUt ssrre asd
Lodge No. ZtZ. Ziiumix. Jfact.
Flader rfara to C R. WilHass,
SaKHCSOi i,-1-B. S1 reward. - Ct
HSKliiSU ;:e'
LOST Near XerrM or ftalas 22-
4 tire pnmp2 pss? Jacks tire
taob &rwrd Tocfcatsie Bros.
EQE. SULE MiacrTbrif!oeaf3ferrg. OregBg. -i2t-
WHK3KCE-AI3nsrsil&cj41ndn - Sarety boadii wWse x w-- "
;v- Hy?- Ha rnadet- ia. A-t oate X. Smltft. S-tX i
,jjjIaai- juja b ma bfaa- t&aa '
IKJW ndlter. la eHtt9Pl wtfc 5 MISCELLANEOUS
ffoiltlrrs, ft rbiuU taar- rub- ttnss. ' ' " ' " ' ' ' i.i......---.
tSsutD tltTr ptuappni; bkiu. e kaiui -M bu w sot ajwes
WniirT dUsttury and! nanjpIOi oC oe ese. )rera&tr la tie Jir
iMxtcarrss TJi aor la ciaasr a rflt atr7 or aear Kfai FaM.
jsodl rnxzmmr tsnalUan an a. sw wko ka a good, teed yard aad nl
esxr Clwnrr baa orwpit p-jHs faw alTiKz kay to feed i or 544
tattoRMic and) 1 Oirw-ti, to tlipr- 2-jr-oid steers er Fefcraary or,
ot! bus can X We- bargaiq ac XB Stores, os perces2e iasis. J. F.j
Aiiirttsfc El Ulialonpka. TCaraa XeAaHZe, Ft JClfizth 11-tt
Seivitzi dm. -Oi-zv
rumCZ. ts nr4y gtra that csy tor-
nnw? nre-nMm ai- flraC laas' " " Jfal- Aasa Staakey
'I TOTTT t n 1TI I
I WHA1 .15 I
rnrrtlllBir:, Dbuuie ZSIOI
JJJ.6CP. Lnbk-. waa dlTorceiS Irosx se Maj-
l, l-. resaauas aer siiya caae
EOHT aiEE-Horaitun!. SSI "WaC- Aaaa Hwtrtiatoa aad I retoe
. VJiCT aHow &r to ae ey Base nere-
aoec -BTaj. Laike, Oct. . 11
nntP mrvn nnri flrafr wtaM! l-t
ecsdltltm. Ehon 2SH.
Aayoae cxpefTirsg to
pris4i'ge- or c&y beat sx
eajoy tie
ty Sad aa
WTtP ffa.TTT! 2LItrmrli ftinrinir 3TL
,m. .h- h. fTi T JimM. aapoTTanlty to diipovs of a good ts
HPi Ein- Stl EE-6f i" ic aeater at tie KereM QZxxA
EOS: SACE-TOl disc harrow wua
ttraieai attartimfar4. aKariy aew: CTXx CABBAC&
U Hi Drnsa. Merrill! Hoauj. 3-4t
SSriaea. yea wxat
Cartmge ressored yboae 1- 11-tr
due south to the west end or point
i of said Block 23; thence southwest
leriy to the northwest corner or
point of Lot 33, of Block 22, ot said
'Industrial Addition; thence south
westerly 'along the northerly and
(westerly boundary of said Lot 33.
cf Block 22. to the center of Martin
Str?t; thence northwesterly to the
northern corner of Lot 28, Block
16, of said Industrial Addition;
thence southwesterly between Lou
2S and 29 and 9 and 10 or Blftk 16,
of said Industrial Addition, tothe
northerly line of East Main Street;
thence southeasterly to the north
erly point -or corner of Lot .4, of
Block 11, of said Industrial Add!
tisn ;thence southwesterly between
Lots 54 and SE. of Block 11. of said
Industrial Addition, to the southerly
1 point or corner of ' said' , Lot CS,
uiock ii, industrial 't Additien:
thence southeasterly to the .north
cast corner of Lot 5 of said Block 11;
thence southerly to the southeast
Apprerfac the Plans. Speoscations corner of Lot 14. of Block 11. of
z.mA Kftistit M-eeared br the said Industrial Additlcn; thence
rttr Fr.-r asd filed with the.aoutberly between Lots '27 and 28,
I'oHce Jsdge for tie 'onstrcrtionjof Block 12, of said Addition, to the
of tie Fifth t'alt of Sewers for southwest corner of Lot 27. of
tt,. city of Klamath Falls. Ore- Block 12. of said Industrial Addi
goo. iaelsdiBg septic tank andjtlcn; thence easterly to the soutb-
ostfaH sewer as ssowa m saia "- """ ui ioi. , ui uiocb k,
m,. cnrientioac and Eiti-Iof s3id Industrial Additien: thence
Bates; determining the bonnda- southerly along the westerly aide of
ruxruxinjLin.iiri fr "" --- "
rie within which the property
Hes that ts to be specifically ben
eaVted aad to be ztteoed lor one
slf of the cort of such Fifth
Sewer t'nit after eliminating
tkerefroai the cort of the septic
tank aad "outfall sewer rnn
nfT froEi the intersection of
0ns aad Shasta Streets west
erly to Lake Ewanna, as shown
crw eaM FUns. Spedflcatlons
aad Estimates; charging the cost
Cordon Street to the southeast cor
ner of Lot 6, of Block 12, of said
Addition; thence easterly to the
northeast corner of Lot 1, of Block
14. .of said Industrial Addition;
thence southerly between Lots 1 and
2. of Block 14. of said Addition',
and Lots 31 and 32 of Block 7.' ef
said Addition, to the southeast cor
ner of Lst 32. of Block 7. of said
Industrial Addition; thence easterly
tctbe southeast corner of Lot 24, of
Block 7. said Industrial Addltiea:
MADAM IOINA, Palmist !
FabnicC aad Xediaaa
Reads yoer errrire Hfe past, pres-i
B"lH3CE-ar-wlII traditCjr Indian
Haiid'anitne. Klamath. Marsh-: "one
ire? jjusesgcn sir: cylinder tooring-
csx; ertfadJ-r hare- been' eroaait aad
twuiwm.jBsmie-Bjeouiiau" r , ,.. nu-nrJr. rirlaz!
OiR Biu: A Bi C Herald rt,,rrrf M fa tesias.1
love. law. narriage aad ioraestiej
rxoaMez. TeH yoa wSat yoa are
BWZ SKCZr-ZXH tun oC first rinuB
wtlal hay. Ailrca Jl I. BaK
Caloaaln. Omgom 8-C
r itfA m-t.rir linlr. njlfall sew
er rtrkt of way for ostfall sew-? thence northerly between Lots 123
,-A nr(e tanTc and one-half and 24. of Block 7. of said Addition
cf the A of remainder of said. to the northwest corner of Lot 23,
Fifth Sewer VaU against ths Cltyjof Block 7. of said Addition; thence
of Klarsath Falls and the re- northeasterly to the center-of the
tsaisder tsereof again the real Intersection of Orchard Arenue and
s-cperty spetiSciIly beneted by Owens Street; thence northerly i jto
faSA tewzr Bait, and ordering, the southerly line of Home Arenue;
the peblicatlaa of this Resolu- thence easterly along the southerly
I Tee cy engineer, pursuant io;"- " i. -.. u .,
Jrwolitloa of the Common Council of Mills Addition to Klamath Faik.
besc adapted Zor aad wtas to to to fceretofore adopted, baring on the wrogon; uience aouineriy oetween
t.,S7L.r z.'iKK. fa MJe. TfcUl cm a.t or Oexober. 1919. filed plans. Lets 338 and 339 and 346 -and 347.
- . fj , .tHtx ha
Brfc-Haurfiljiraali. Koaslaad.
.UcCMromi 8-tT
spccaUocs and estiraates of the
eett of raaxiag ants installing ine
FUtb Sewer Unit of Klamath Falls,
ladr reads roar Sam! as yoa woeld
ttSEli Mrms-Sm &r and J. .t.JL.
?n yoa wfll be wiser as kapTfercOregoa. Indadlng a concrete septic
attrr coaIllag her. ate tarts t&etaafc $5 feet long by 16 feet wide
i- nwn- M ortt is'SseseesJ br 11 feet dees, to be located at
WITS. 2A-CE-A1 GaerroiHC a. Font vuuis yoa is aa eanroaraeat iafjtrxectica of &ntfeerly limit of
UarweiL anal ani Oakland'., fnqnine r jnrfy tii'Wtbt aad ccBteaJssa.IKlaath Falls and the eastern shore
Beadiagai Saailay zso. cxaj, y a. r
s. fcwaasoa
iLCEksUmt;. 3ZT. Main.
to 3-24 j- m- Eoosx
of Lake Ewaaas. aad an outfall sew-
r rcsaiag frora the iaterseetlon of
KH HfCIE-rrprtsiiri piano, cheap 4" . gaa store. Maia St. be- Owens and Shasta Streets westerly Klamath Falls. Oregon; thence west-
ffirr caste 8I2J. Oak: ZAM ,. 7 isd tT79. ettera to Lake Ewaa. and the Common ery along the northerly line of Eb-
-J: ZZJZZ Z. ftL r-rti feartoer taken the same na-erleln Arenue to the southwest cor-
1 frMJ.M( 7Teit4( V-FW Ogga.
H0KHMX-On- Eos. AngrfHS Ir I
Use canactt jr trailer- Killdl rubber pprnm PETTOIf 2" "Woei- U2Z.
tixaieailliaedl body-; mc J2C: 7
OM 3B) darjjj wtm iielL tor iZSQ cncZTY TZEA&CZEB& NOTICE
atfc: Hslli;, air Eseae: TTTT "-12t
i are
laaca la. tt rscatr tnaxsrr tor.
of Block 112.' of Mills Addition, to
the northeast corner of Lot 387. ef
Block 113, of said Mills Addition;
thence easterly along the aoutherly
line of Orchard Arenue to the north-
t rf.n m l loeitod atleast corner of Lot 371, of Block
- --it ' -' - ... -m a,,,- ,JJf.l .l.n..
i--, oi luuu auiuuuiii luoiiHj
southerly in a straight line to the
scuthwest corner of Lot 10. ot Block
303. of Mills Seeoad AddlUon to
Klamath Falls, Oregon; thence west-
ee arisezaeat. and finding saldiner cf Lot 10, of Block 201. of MlUa
t . .fttin mA et(ciates Second Addition to KI'math
..fhAnorr- ! Oregon; thence southerly to the
said plic-t, spedftcatlons and esti
r?e for the making and InstalU-
t"'c cf 54 Fifth Sewer un't. in
southwest corner of Lot 7. of Block
205. of Mills Second Addition tc
Klamath Falls, Oregon; thence east
erly to the southwest corner of Lot
aimT-iS-,., nnarir n- !f!?r fJSSZSl&Z f,I4 lc tank, outfall 3. of Block 205 of M.1U Second
ramnickw-or-elodliiJaMber- ZZ-io. bra', 'TiZ- -r. Eik u-m 'eer aad rigbu of way lor saiu ep-)rtu"u " u.u jrA.i-. "'".
wt , i, o-. ,d 4 -en4Jr payees, feet sot P-j?. .' . . J .,, , i,,. and thence southerly to the .southeast
JWk: an. 2ilua. priiiSloudi. TT?" fs4' oeure , feereby are jipprored. wi.B'Iif ' B'ock 206. pf
bKrawr uiU an- -k- X - ou. Set ft. W 13 . . f.1 ,, ki-RTHER RESOLVED, said Mills Second Additien: thence
Interest on. C&e asore ww ,XXXKt. tbe coaucen Council hereby de- westerly to a point -160 -feet dlM
TVCTlUI rrlm .... ..ux il,. ftMU.Cr
CflUon All tfw Uorgod:a r!-? ,s sM, Orezoa-Utres its intention to ake nd . H ?" - h ni?.fi
.'?tr:-0 Aiso ioc of fine rs- 'TCrtiSr' " s,rr LBU.' lnc:,""" ?I"".I-"- "SIT-""-TrK3.
hi ----- Hrf iw - e- - w m iaiEr nnri-iii ' a uu iiil . nrrn j. uui Luni s r ijo.1 ca.fsara
lr. j . " .i. ,.(j rfi nfianrf ICO feet distant from Ovsaa
Coaaty Treasurer. " rT,.tT. wiih ,aid plans. Street to Sixth 8tret; thence north
TOHUmsr prAtKJJ Eiod! eonditton MT-lMr IXXKtrEKt'Lto rtfIb ger L'nU ekall consist ic
JOC ternia; aa'. fiiw aa $TjU0 per ( layias sewer pJf' "J branches.
fwwlti att Siwiiiuni'f r-rr . . i. .j- - -roi u ! xhoifx. laanaolet, sump and
! Willi nln:
C HZujuuiii
. . . m -k. Rl 7J2L ALZ7 - - ' .-.. r;..- c. & r Eisr.
f "
raeaedaysSj wffl be receJTed Iwiidisg and septic tank, of the dl
??SeKeartA&ey.wfcre naearfoss aad kinds of materlaU
.-rnt.ecrtQowiabeeir-lsfcowB apoa mw plans, speemca
i"- - ' . - . . . I
ivm. nr. ' ' ""' a- to tie t&ocoeB traisias t yocr
t RES3ETiwaj fiimIaC led , yoa oauiealars atcy toe esr
rotcnK, 4gs .Hliimnrtii Ave- X-2 d-byeaiMagat j (CoaTest. Setrextfc
stnu' nnu ?nH Kae tceets or at tie te4sef
Z3rSiiuT f0' ffrfemen, T f oriChe pceseat we are c.T.tftla W -fftbroaiUj'rxuiuiii.
wiriu bad!. 7 awaoda aay jso JUrer, b
4umi nonej 299il JJSt appjiiationa wi be receded zaA la
as JJiere W racawc .. -
eauterly to the southwest cornericof
Iot 10, BIok 2, Industrial Addl
tien: tbenee northerly to the north'
west corner jot said Lot 10: lheaeo
westerly to the southwest corner ot
Lot 11. Block; 2. Industrial Add!
tion; thence northerly to the north-
-M? ns&F-muum rer
0 5f- failed, towa the lis iej: aypjieaat I
Sa4 lieart Ae4sr-
wraun.' 2CZ50 iesc wjaa. Jdr rie ooierla wfci $ixrf Cted
ess alunv.. n w w,n. r". c-i fxi-e Jiezes
- -. -. ii ri ,.,, , .. EiWT
JfQt kut or lease:
8 W4 flJiSe esAraafJeied tire at
e., mone Tae VrUsiM- Tire,
The AabfciiA Breaker Strip kep ptl
J ..ui tear aad oe away wit lreI!
CEtaaC-0!o A-oarfiiIe parties naoii, M SlfK.
J!ee:inbeivai a-deafraWe eaai-ii. J12-6 Xaia St,. Xltvrtrb VtSi.Of.
Seas ana tlwat. at a total esti-j west corner pf Lot 28. of Block 2,
mated cost of 5".735.08; that the of said Industrial Addition tneae
total corf cf said septic tank and
ssp estimated at f 9,0 00, the total
cost ot said owfall sewer heretofore
E-estiosved. fetimatd at $5,714,00,
Ube total oet ot said rights of way
easterly to the southeast. eeraer ot
Lot 20 f Block 2 pt said la4r
trial Addition; -thence northerly lo
the nortlieasUccrner. of Lot 9,, f
Block 3, of Mid Induatrtal AdditlM;
Se seorie tick aad ccifall aewer tbenw westerly to 'the .outhwat
nfiusaud at ?.ZM.ww, ua uwui
ot the total cost of the remainder of
said FWxb Sewer UrJt, estimated at
J13,15., is to be borne and paid
for by the City of Klamath Falls;
itzA the reasaiacer of the cost of
ld sewer a!t estimated it J21-
(;(i, to be torce aco pa" or 07
the ra propwtr speeiaiiy w
corner of Lot II. of Block 3, of
Industrial Addition:-'thente north-
erlx to the nortbweat corner fit IM
23, Block 8, of said industrial Ad
ditien: thence westerly Xo the, sown-
east corner of Lot 21, of BJock 4, f
said Industrial AddlUon ; the
northerly to the ocrtheaat -coraor
of Lot 5, of Block 5. of sild Ind-
Tir'lZ .i,' i. f Kiauiaihl trial Addltloe: thea westerly t
rS loLio he liable for said the southwest corner fit Lot, 1. jH
ot said Industrial Addition; thence'
northwesterly to the southwest cor
ner of Block 9, of said Industrial
Addition to Klamath Falls, Oregon;
thence In a northerly direction fol
lowing the west line ot Blocks 9
and 10, cf the ald InduKtrlal Addi
tion, to the northwest corner of Lot
35, of Block 10, of said Industrial
Addition ;inence northwesterly to
th esoutheast corner of L-.t 9, of
Block 58, of Second Hot Springs Ad
dition to Klamlth Falls, Oregon;
thence northwesterly along the
westerly line of Block 58, and 54.
of, said Seocnd Hot Brings Addition,
to the northwest corner of Lot 1. of
said Block 54. of Second Hot
Springs Addition ;thence northeast
erly to the place of beginning; and
that the real property above describ
ed and embraced vlthln the said
boundaries of said Fifth Sewer fait
be, and the same is, hereby declared
to be assessed for its proportion of
the cost of said Fifth Sewer Vult
and hereinbefore set forth auJ In
proportion to the benefits received
by said property;
PROVIDED, that should property
owners on other streets than those
embraced 'in the Fifth Sewer Unit
desire at any time in the future to
form another sewer unit, partially
or wholly within the said Fifth
Sewer Unit, the property embraced
in the said Fifth Sewer Unit, shall
not be exempt from assessments ior
such other sewer units to the ex
tent of benefits received therefrom,
that aald sewer is to be completed
on cr before October 1, 1920.
ED, that Monday, the 3rd day of
November .1919, at the hour of 8
o'clock, p. m.. at the Council Cham
ber in the City Hall at Klamath
Falls, be fixed aajthe tlmeand place
for the hearing 'of 'objections and re
monstrances against the said pro
posed Fifth Sewer Unit and the Po
lice Judge be, and he Is hereby, di
rected to cause notice of said hear
ing be published as by charter pro
Tided. That said Fifth Sewer Unit is to
be laid at, in, and along the follow
ing places in said district, to-wlt:
On Michigan Avenue from its
junction with Esplanade Street or
Arenue southeasterly to the junc
tion of said Michigan Avenue with
Main Street .and from said Michi
gan Arenue easterly along the south
boundary of Lots 4, 5. 6 and 7,
Block 53, Second Hot Springs Addi
tion, to tne westerly nounaary cr
the U. S. Government Canal right
of way; from Michigan Avenue
easterly along the south boundary
line ot Lots 1 to 8. Block 55, Second
Hot Springs Additlcn, to junction of
El Dorado Avenue and U. S. Gov
ernment Canal right 'of way; front
Michigan Arenue easterly along
Wall Street to the northwest corner
of Lotl. Block 57. Second Het:
Springs Additlcn; from tre junction
of MichiganAve. and Main St. east
erly to Poplar Ate., from the junc
tion of Michigan Are. southeasterly
60 feet .to the center of EmJIain
Street; thence .southeasterly along
East Main Street to El Dorado Ave
nue; thnce southeasterly along El
Dorado Arenue to Orchsrd Avenue;
thence easterly along Orchard Ave
enue to Adams' Street; thence south
erly along Adams Street to Apple
gate Arenue; thence easterly along
Applegate Avenue to Owens (form
erly Front) Street: from a point in
the center of Owens Street due east
from the southeast ccrner of Lot
23, Block 7, Industrial Addition,
southerly along the center line of
said Owens Street to the junction
of Owens Street and Shasti Street
or Arenue: thence westerly to the
east shore of Lake Ewauua at thej
junction of said east shore with the
southerly boundary ofjfthe City of
Klamath Falls. tAIso ironi a point
In the center of Owens Street due
east from the southeast corner of
Lot 23. Block 7. Industrial Addi
tion, easterly through thj center of j
Blocks 101. 110 and 113 to s point
In the center of Division Street due
east of .the center east and west line
running through blok 113. Mills'
additlcn; from a point in the center
of Sfukel Street east of the center
cast and west l'ne runn'ng through I
Block 101, Mills Addition, northerly
to a point in the center of said Stu
kel Street east cf the cttUf e?st
ud west line running through Block
100, Mills Add'tlou; thence easterly
through the center of Block 111 of
eajd Mills Addition to a point in the
renter of Mjrtln Street east of the.
center east and west line running'
through Block 111 of said Mills Ad
dition; from polntfj in the center of.
uwtins Direei eti.oi me center easi
and 'West lines of Blocks 102, 103,
104 and 105, Mills Addition, and
Block 200, MIIIb Second AddlUon,
easterly to the outt-east corner of
Lot 4S8. Block 109, Lot .580. Block
108, Lot C72. Block W7. Lot 764,
Block IOC, Mills AddStipn. fl'Jd Lot
1, Block 212. Mills Second Addition,
respectively; from a point 1u the
center of Owens Street nest of the
I east and west center line of Block
201 of said Mills .Second Addition,
easterly to a point in the center t
Division Street east from the center
east and west line yuunjng through
Block 214 of slid last mentioned
Addition; thence northerly along
the center line of Division Street to
a point in the center cf said street
easterly from the center east and
west line running tluough Block
114, Mills Addition; from points in
the center of Divitlon Street est of
the center east and west lines running-
through Blocks 115, 116 and
117 of eald Milla Addition, westerly
to the acutbvtest corners of Jxt 7.55,
Bloofc 117, Jxt 63, Block' lip; andf
The Quaker Pipeless Furnace offers cleaii, evea
furnace heat to the thousands of homes that here
tofore have been forced to rely on inadequate and.
dirty stoves. Many times the ordinary type of
furnace installation is out of the question on ac-
count of tearing up the fioors and walls for regis
ters and stacks. Again, the 'basement is too snail
to admit of the furnace or the home owner has
not felt justified in spending the money required
for an elaborate pipe installation.
Whatever the reason provided, the home own
er has, nevertheless, longed for clean, healthful,
even furnace heat
The Quaker Pipeless Furnace
Meets This Demand ,
The Quaker Pipeless Furnace has no pipes, no
bulky cold air returns. Your fioors and walls are
not torn up, no cellar is too smalL
The installation is extremely ample. Anybody,
can install the Quaker Pipeless Furnace. A
abundance of clean, pure, warm air, sent to every
room. Simpler than a stove to operate, cleaner?
more saving of fuel, and much more healthfui.
Sends heat to every room in the house. Venti
lates as well as heats. CHanges and purifies the
air in every room.
Addition, all of said streets, are- Task and Ontfall Sewer, aad zp
nues, alleys, lots and blocks. 2nd proving the plans .spedSeatSess aad
the loc tion, sizes, kinds of material stiraztes of cost thereof scbsiitted
and method cf construction of said by the City Esgiseer.
Vlfffi CAfor TTt t.4r ,ia
ticularly described and set forth in! 12-lGt.
the .eaid. plans, specifications and -1
tlmates filed by the City Engineer-
wrifh tlio Tnltri JnHrp nf finM ritr ?
a, l. EEAvrrr.
October 6th. 1919. reference to
which by all persons or parties in-i
terested in said sewer unit is hereby
State ol Oregon. Countv of Klamath, J
City of Klamath Falls, ss.
I, A. L. Leavitt. Police Judge ot
the City of Klamath Falls. Oregon,'!
do hereby certify that the foregoing
Is a duly enrolled copy of Hesolu-1
tion adopted by the Common Coun
cil on the Cth day of October. 1919.
declaring its intention lo construct
the Fifth Unit ot-Sewers for the City
of Klamath Falls, including Septic..
Phone 4 CO 725 Xa&B SC
IceCreatsa Cad4e- . ,
Jade Xobtow. Prop.
CSgzrs, Tobacco, Soft Rrtefti
Peel aad Bi4iirds C.
Barber Shop ia oCsseetls
Certesy aad Serrtoe
t '
K9Cr ''
i UTa
JKSf sKrisr .
mt2wlw lH----M---------V ' 4
jCTtf iss-EMVMgHB' bFjb-w a 1
tuore weclioced unless th1 Block , ef said IndustriU A4V-Lot 671, ! 115, ot mmil
Qt-t m sturdy Vaughan and 151 H. aw your wc4 tor
-s '
than i cents a cord. Takes 1o?r in R a'i,.... . .JT'7T?i?
men's sawing, it operates other X&riu mcciiiuerr w'i'inTfn-S'
pa for jUelf In a single season. l'mvI
470 E. Main St. ' WmSSfd,
t 1
I 1
j. ,
- 1
it j
ti;l&raituii!, Ht
First Car Has Arrived
Murphes Feed & Seed
,&W 9