" ' -1 ': jStKiaiaMM'f , wyif ill Y rAGB HGRT THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON HATUIlD.w, oOT0nER1(i & i m 2W ,.v ' t fc U mtW ' i- It "- J ffJ. - - v . fct r. 2t' -' 4 Afe . j i j .V saw r H H j f Society Mrs. Charles Wood Ebcrleln was hostess nt a luncheon given to tho members ot tho Musical Study cluli Tuesday afternoon In tho dining room ot tho Deor Head Rrlll. In rcconti uetlon SCIENCE PROBING OLD SUPERSTITION will bo lUigngod work. Tuesday evening Miss Lucllo llock- ln' ntilni-lnlno.l n( n nrnttv ilniirlnir party which was In tho nature ot n1 WASHINGTON, 1). 0 Oct 11,--housownrmlng. as the Ilockloys hnvoj n' "0,,,om mnM Krlcultunil but recently, moved Into their now homo on Washington street. Danc ing and music oulurtntned the young I people, nnd dainty refreshments supcnstltltons Into sclonttllr data Is being studied by exports of tho do paitment of ngrtculturo who do claro that many old mtixluiH banded down from father to Hon for gonei- i ... ... Mrnfn uncvrtil Mnrlni till) OVI.nlnt? ThtS luncheon W.IS given m llimon """ " " " . ..ilnna nrn mil rnnllv iiiinraHllnim nl .,, ,. ,.,., nn.n cm,-! W, u'Thow piosont nt Miss Hockley's par- "' " nro ,0 rot upowtUloiiii nt --"" - - . ... . . Vnill, ,,. ni, out heipnu informal on uihcon- le.ivlng tho end ot the week for ty.woie the Mioses Lcota Noud, Jo.xn, ' , 0,,s0, ....... llmNnllH Now York where she will Join her Perry,, Grace Hagland. Lilly Join-s. 0 ktenl obsennnt uoraoiiM .now orK, w litre sue win jvui im ' rwniiiinn Wiiti Everybod has heaid sonw ot the sister, Mrs. Jolhnm UWby, and, to- J-sther Calkins, Geialdlno . " ' T..,v .,.,.., ....... ...,. rnfhnr il..v ..vnect shortly to go to Peatrlco McAndrews. nnd Vera oUl MM- ihe.v ilea with ooi S?rVnco ,Th0MPn- Th0 J0U,,B n,en vnr,rty f r,".,,tu,nl "on; inns, i ranco. n.,.,.i i.-., Henn planting, for Instance, wnsi it1!!: i iirniiiu u v. i u vitinvii ituiiuin i i Mrs. Sstterloe has beeu mado n member of tho Socloty ot God fathers and Godmothers, which is composed ot prominent Americans from tho largo cities of tho United States who havw united in an at tempt to do something doflnlto to wards tho restoration ot the city of - Cambral. In Paris they will work in co-oporation with Madame Sarah Bernhardt and the Duchess ot Vcn- domc, who Is sister to King Albert of Belgium. The initial work will bo the se curing of necessary funds and, in this, prominent Americans nud the wealthy French peoplo nro assisting, both by donations of money nnd gifts of rare nnd valuable paintings, china, etc., which aro sold for the benefit of tho fund. ". Some prominent Americans have donated ambulances, hospital equip ment, school supplies, all to bo used iii tho restoration ot the homes and in the care of''tho sick, as. well as in tho care and education of the children of the devastated territory. . The junior and senior daises of the local high school entertained the freshmen and sophomore classes last eening at a reception, given at the high school, at which an in teresting program wag rendered by the young folks ,and games were played. Refreshments were served nt the conclusion of the program. The high school teachers also were present'and acted avchaperones. A very pleasant social masque rade party was given at the home ot Miss Pearl Blehn, one yjf the high school students, last Friday, tho event being in honor of Miss Pearl's birthday. About ten couples of'joung folks were present and a delightful time was enjoyed by all. i . , Miss Faye Hogue is giving a party at her home, to be the -initial ono "of a series for the coming winter for "tho Five Hundred club; which is be ing organized among, the joung folks present. V 'Mrs. John Paul Satterlee Is enter taining the Musical Study club this afternoon at the home of Mrs. F. H. Mills The event fs in the nalufo ot a farewell reception given by Mrs. Satterlee, who is leaving for, France within a couple of days, 'Where she tho forefathers of iir..ont Worn.. ITnni'V. Rl;in1nv Hnl llcnk. ''0or UOUO II) Uuxsoll McCulIum. George Carr, I h Irwont Runoratton except nt the lT.xr.nl., 1-W,,,. Pnnt Kfltlnp. Jintt .IIIUU CI UHI UHISMJIIIIIIK 01 1110 IIIIICK .Liniimn nud Martin Hnmsb.x. TRIS-P1IFIC . Fl IKHT I XT "J.OS ANGELES, Cal . Oct 11.- FlMiig n Sopwith nil piano. Captain Eric Donaldson cf the Itoyal Brit ish Flying NCoips will attompt to secure tho ?50,000 prize offered by Thomns H. Ince, mo lug plcturo man nnd sportsman, for tho first success ful airplane flight across tho Pa cific ocean iu the ijear future. Cap tain Donaldson, tho first bona fide entrant In the contest, made a visit hore recently and disclosed his plans. Captain Donaldbon is now on tho w ay to England from his home In j Australia, where ho has been on furlough. 'Ho expects to bo dis charged within tho next GO days and will bring xvith him from Eng land tho Sopwith machine he will use. He has been flying for the British army for the past four years and is regarded as one of that coun try's best n in tors. The Sopwith machine lib plans to use will be an exact duplicate of the machine in which Harry Hawker made his flight across the Atlantic. A navigator will accompany Cap tain Donaldson and his machine will be equipped with a powerful wire less set, he says. He plans to make the Journey from Venice, Cal., to a point in Australia in five Junip3, stopping at Honolulu, Fanning Isl ands, Phoenix Islands and Fiji Isl ands. At Honolulu, he says, his regular landing gear will, bo sup planted by pontoons, which will en able him to land on the water. Although twelve days are allowed in which to complete tho trip, in accordance with the rules of the Pa cific Aero Club, which is supervis ing the contesfT 'Captain Donaldson plans to use .only ten. Ho plans to leave Venice, Cal., about 4 o'clock in the., afternoon and expects to ar rive at . Honolulu by noon of the next day. W. R ROSS NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS 906 Main Street Small line of Hardware at less than elsewhere prices berry bushes. When tho rutklum had formed on tlio mnplo treott. It i was a sign from lintuiv that yarl i (Middling might commence And tou.ud the close of the season warn-, lng of fiost was glum by the ma turing of cockloburs. i Now, tho department of tigrlcul-' turo declares that tboio Is h best' time for every farm 'and garden op eration and that some tree or shrub or plant indicates Unit time more, accurately than all tho scientific in struments can icglstcr it. It N those signs which wore noted by tho pioneers who laid tho foundations of this country nnd rocorded In tho slniplo 8sjlugs handed down to pus-1 terlty. Soon they will bo dlgnllled with tho scientific name of "phe nology," which Is tho scleuco of phe-i uomcua. i Collection of natural signs Into, the science of phonology probably was begun with a campaign against' tho Hessian lly. Exports wore on-' deavoiing to determine tho best! time for planting wheat to that tho I sowingould be late enough to pre-1 ent ruin by tho neat and yet early enough for the grain to get a start ( before cold weather It was easy enough to woik out tho general ru!oN that tho seascn vailes four days for each ono degree of latitude, flo de-' grees of longitude and 400 feet of altitude, but ns no two seasons nro Just tho snnio, tho rulo could toll only npproxlmntely when the farm er should do his sowing , In seeking for a moro exact guide. Dr. A. D. Hopkins, of tho depart ment, forsook tho cold realm of sci entific formulae for "back to nature"' Information. As plants respond to! climatic conditions and not to dates, it was decided that some natural indication would givo the informa ton desired. It Is now claimed that observation has proud that tho best J. '" .& . r , i ?, '"X : . Vs- t,Jw Saving Earns Credit By saving a little money ouch month you will establish a reputation which will make it easy to secure additional capital when necessary. Men who have really succeeded spell it S-A-V-E. You can succeed along the same lines. Lot us help you. We pay 1 per cent on time deposits. Klamath State Bank "THE DAYLIGHT BANK" Corner Sixth and Main I i T 0 G J Europe, or grown In tho United llefor.- tho war Mnntita rooUigJ .biiiies from imported stock known' importul at a cmt of about l!l ns .Maueiia nriur. inis nnor ix a thousand 1 ooIh With the ktA , natho of tho Mediterranean coun- of piuuo and tlio resumption briers, the print $10 or ISO ui tlia shortsseo.'i ta brier Is becoming moro nud moniibor in Europe perplexing. It In for this rouson The fad Unit Hill has crfir that tho roso producora of Amorlca r.'O.OOO Manitta stocks from Cl-J llnd themselves forcod to seek forj Bros . Ilorlsts of Portland, ud i n Hubstituto briar hero. I was ready to buy any numtnr p itmazod at the profiiHlon of seed pods .100.000 durlni: tho next rcir. i Did you 0if the Oregon wild roHO mid can neonates In a mcaauru tho pioBut'ii IT j try and takes root quite oanlly. 'irado In tlitao In H "At tho present tlino," said Hill. iuIkim! to bout J L r'H'P I'roblom of Bpcurlug tlio Mniioi-'htinil bociuse of POHTLAND, Oct. 11 time for sowing wheat Is that nir. over P'ungo Into a thicket of wild no rt.floii why this brier Hhould not dumry tlnit could bo built nn ti . . . 1 ti i. ' ' iod hetweon tho full blooming ofiurtB" rosuB' "cnl "' " Kuu,ur,,,K prove to bo every bit ns duslrnblo for cultivation of Oregon brier U a uowiuui oi inu miio piiih nosers, t10 Kraftlug of now roso HhootB." proves uitinl to tlio Manctta proiu only to omerge with your itauiiB lull) tall late goldenrod nnd the time when the white, common Japanese clematis dowers are nearly all gone or the leaves aro distinctly colored on the dogwood and hickories ' What has beon dono for wheat will be done for other crops, but thq working out of tho signs will bo a fllCW prOCeSS. .Mimnwlllln. n-.. farmer and ovan the cit gardener. rive' their own guides at hand, f, they have ojes to see. Thus his M,,. thousands of dollars a year If prop- supeistltion and folklore of day.ilclJ cultivated. I caneu primitive been justified b "ULK '" "'c"0"'. in'. wiioio the advanced science of the twenti- tho JI1" nur8orles nl' counted ua, of thorns, and probably minus ono; of your Hhlrt sleeves? I If you havo had this cxpotiniio' fyou will probably dlsagreo with IJ, ' (Jurney Hlllfl said to bo tho world's j gieatcst producor of roiorf, who' claims that tlio wild Oregon ',rWn! tl at bloom In piofuslou In tlin btato,' ropresont nn actunl cash valuo of LIBERTY THEATRE "THE PICK OP THE PICTUKES" H. W. Poole, Owner Malinee Every Day TONIGHT Joseph Medill Patterson's Great Story "THE LITTLE BROTHER OF THE RICH" MUTT & JEFF '"' "OH, TEACHER" , . eth century. IXIJIAX I..VI) IHJAD - Hersnuel Edmond Dryant, (wo years old son of A. Bryant, ot the Klamath reservation, died Hero this morning. The funeral will bo hold tomorrow at ilie reservation. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOIt SALE A 191S slx-cyllnder, 4 passenger Reo roadster in A-l condition; has been run less than 10,000 miles; is equipped with 6 good tires, C good inner tubo tires, 125 auto tire pump, spot light; how Wlllar dbattery and complete set of sum covers. This car Is exactly as good running condition as a now car. Owner has accepted position hi ma ease anu is rorcod to dlspoBO of his car. A big bargain ut $1400. Address E. Chaloupka, Warm Springs, Ore. ll-2t ninojig the most Important UBsets ot thai .part of the country, Hill linn been experimenting with tho piopn gatlon of now varieties of roses for tho 1ist half a century. From his nurseries, which at tho prcBont tlmo Include ubout CO acres ot ground, nearly a million roso cuttings aro shipped every year to all corners of tho world. In the past, practically all of tho grafting -of new varieties has been dono upon brlor roots lmportod from ' H Diseases of Women a Specialty. MEDFORD, OREGON. SUNDAY AND MONDAY ATHLETIC GEORGE WfALSH ."HELP, HfiLP, POLICE" "Broken Blo33om3" Is Coming DOORS OPEN AT 7 P .M. LOST Purse containing chock nnit money, between Stukel Dridge and O. II. King. Finder leave at Herald olllco arm iccolvo lew aid. 11-IJt WANTED Would llko to hear froni some one, preferably in tho .Mer rill country or near Klamath Falls, who has a good food yard and first class alfalfahny to food 400 or COO 2-ye,ir-dld steers for February or March, dn percentage basis. J. p, McAullffo, Ft .Klamath 11-tf FOR ,SALE Dodge car; fiist class condition. Phono 209J 11-Ct FOIt rtENT Two furnhhed bod , rooms. 415 Klamath Ave. ll-2t FOIt SALE-nut. -Fuiiilturo. CC Wnl-11-lt FOIt SALE Dodge car; Jlrst class, condition. Phono 281. ll-lt FOIt HENr For two gentlomen, 2 coinfortablo rooms wjth bath. 407 Nojson. Phono 209J. ll-3t FOR SALE-1 Maxwell touring caiv cheap; good shapo. R. J, .Tout's, CIC Pine St. ll-6t Bradley's For fine Dress and Work Shoes CROSSETT MASTER-MADE BUCK-HECHT The three names stand for STYLE QUALITY SERVICE MEN NOTICE TO SHEEP WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR THE CELEBRATED BLACK LEAF 40 BRADLEY'S "Leading Shoe Store" 727 Slain St. 727 Blahi St. SrliLSLiL FOR S.CABIES, TICKS OR LICE ON SHEEP Tho Din rorommnr1erl and recognized kf J United States BUreau of Animal Industry l r; ' ilL oi A PnU e for SCaDl" uitti Ltpping or uuui oiicwp uiv w.- IN STOCK AND READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Secure Your Requirements of Us Merrill-. Mercantile Co. General Merchandise MERRILL, OREGON Mb'MU-k