IPv Bfg; - -PAGE) FOUR HJp.' THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON y'"Av, (TroKll JO. 1010 Si Dae j , H& i ' 8,' 7 4 31 V p r It so; RS"- - r 1 fctJ fr 7! The Evening Herald M V K U A Y Kdltor FltKl) 8OUI1K City Ktlltor AUTO TOURING PARTY BOOSTING NATIONAL PARKS (Continued from ptco 1) rheHernld pSbftahlircSSSSr of i Governments, however, w. will Klamath Falls, nt 115 Fourth Streot. ,not conunuo to noiti our suiireiiiiiKj. The Wall Street Journal reports In -2.teedat th? po.sto"Ic? n,1 K!um" tlio current issue that 0110 agency mtn Falls, Oro., for trnnsmiss on thru , . , , . innnnn ,,, , the malls as second-class matter. ono hs bkc 100'000 BlBhlaeors for Europe as Boon as tho bars aro Subscription terms by mall to any et down, ddress In tlio United States: ''Secretary Kane's schomo to tie ?! Lc.I.r ,5,22 tho national parks toRethor Is a dip- UUU 1UUUIU iOVi, , . . 1 ,. .1 I . lomauc siroKo mr ino uuuuiu i ,,,. i ,i, k.,n of iii hluhwnvn. Tho government can advor-l Ml. ,...,...,,.,,,.,.,,.,,,.. ,,,,, Ami,rU on tho park-to-park trip, declares that Soattlo Is nwako lo tlio possi bilities cf tho National I'ark service proposition and tho entire statu of Washington will co-oporata to tho limit In dovolopltiK tho scheme, Hotter Komi Needed Horace II. Albright .suporlntond- ont of Yollowbtcno National park, and assistant to tho director of tho National l'ark service, said: "Tho government needs tho, ticttro co-operation of nit western communities In order to forward our plan of unit ing tho parks and In properly ad vertising tho northwest for tourists.; Wo especially need your co-opera- lfAHilinti nt fl.n lAitladwl tAca tWCSt. The Associated Press Is exclusively Jtlso Its national parks and tho couu- ntltled to tho uso for republication 'try between thorn. It Is willing to Ot all nows dispatches credited to It , ., ... A., , ,... ,in. ,m or not otherwiso creditod In this pa- "" """ "- " ." . " . . per, and also local nows published this tour which will ue lonvaiirou keretn. (to Washington for this purpose. Wo bellovo tho record of our trip will All rights of republication of spe cial dispatches heroin are also reserved. FIUDAY, OCTOI1EII 10, 1010 oncourago other prlvato cars to come to tho northwest for vacation and sightseeing trips." C. S. Jackson, publisher of the frMTD A rTnnc PAir uregon journal, ucciareu uiai acc-i-UIN 1 KAt I UKi rAlL. T .,. ,,.., , ,,. ,.,, iiui.il 4 J uuiiu a oi.uutiiu 10 ihu uihkuai TO BID ON ROADS, thing for tho development of tho northwest that has over como to his PORTLAND, Oct. 10. Contracts attention. Ho is sending two of his lave been awarded by tho state, Personal representatives on tho trip i cans to visit tho northwest and as sure them that they will II ml there not only scenory worth going that far to see, but also comfortable roads over which to travel and comfort able accommodations In the cities whore they stop." Fred l.ocklcy, assistant publisher of tho Oregon Journal, mged Klam ath Falls to uso every effort to Im prove the road north, which Is In a sad stato of disrepair full of ruts, dust and stones. Others accompanying tho tourists nro Joseph Harnes and llarr llal- lurd, chauffeurs; and Miss Helen ., , - .- - .. in Pnltfnvn,n IT.-, limnnnna tn nw aignwny commission lor xia.i miles " -" " """"" '" h""( Hasbrook, stoncgrapher, all of Yel of road work in eight counties, to-'as Brent publicity as possiblo to tho Iowstono purk taling $1,154,325.7S; and 7.9 miles I National Pnrk service problem, par-' of gravel road in tho Baker-Middle ticuiarly from the standpoint Bridge section in Baker county was Portland and the entire state of Ore ordered built by force account. soa. Contracts for the construction of Vacations by Highway Ave bridges were awarded totalling T- B. Miller, mine owner and cap 573,950, and the building of throe ; itallst, another member of tho tour culverts and two bridges on tho.IiB party, said: "The traveler of Amity-Holmes Gap road. in Polk and J the future in tho United States is amhill counties was ordered dono going to bo tho automobilist Of by force account at an estimated cost of 517,740. For the third time contractors course wo will travel by train too, particularly on business, but tho va cationists will go in their own cars. failed to bid on the construction of (This has been proved this season 60.3 miles of roads in Klamath coun-, through tho northwest, when pas ey, and it was decided by tho com-jsenger transportation on railroads mission to readvertise and extend has exceeded Ull previous records the time in which the work must b& in volume and also the number of completed. I private automobiles flocking to tho j northwest has filled every commun- ESCAPES SEEX AT BRAY' hty with tourist money. The basis I of the whole touring system is good , Report has been received by the roads and we must build Reed roads sheriff's office that Chamberlain and .In the northwest in order to attract Barnes, the youths who .pried the the people. We must also have more local jail apart with a stick of tire wood and escaped last week, were een recently at Bray. So' far they kave not been recaptured, 9 ' hotels and better hotels." Hazen J. Titus, manager of the Chauncey Wright Restaurant com pany, and Seattle's representative or, , , . , , I BIG DANCE I I AT I I MERRILL H I FRIDAY. I 9 THE H H 10th. I I MUSIC ' I BY I I MALIN l ORrHFSTRA I I ADMISSION I $1.00. We are always on the lookout to buy Goods at prices that will save our custom ers money. This week we have received the following, and offer them at lower prices: i KARO SYRUP, Blue Label, M, V2 caniize..:. ....: ...i.f 19c KARO SYRUP Blue Label, No. 5 can size 48c KARO SYRUP, Blue Label, No. 10 can ize... 95c POTATOES, the sack $2.95 OYSTERS, 5 oz. size .... 2 for 45c OYSTERS, 10 oz. size M.L.L.l .....2 for 85c BOOTH'S SARDINES, large cans 2, for 45c jiFFY JELL, the package lCfhJlL.L:J.. 9c ' NEW GOODS RIT, for washing and dyeing goods, all standard colors, pkg., 10c Barrington Hall CofiFee made instantly by pouring the boiling water over a small portion. t We receive weekly our famous bulk coffee priced at 35c the pound. , THE T r-iwN i-vh w.s'iTJ'v m 7P ifflWfa I Central Outfitting THE HOUSE OF SERVICE I ; ' ' ' J TTt ---- ' i -!.. HHHHHHHBHHHHHIHBMBb' Think It IBCSCEM Over! A well - tailored suit of pleasinrr lines, rut n.t ) made to your order, and ' cuarantovl in !,. ... .w is.v.uai; you, costs no more than a ruit pulled from a pile of ready-modes. Let Rose & Co. make your next suit, and turn back into your pocket an actuul saving of $5.00 to $8.00. There's n bin nrrny of trust worthy fabrics to choose from and new styles. A.k to tee tho "Qrecn Hook--It wilt Mv. yoi, Breenbmk,. 10. NINTH AND MAIN STS. THIRD GRADE TO RESUME MONDAY The third grade of tho central school, which has had a week's vacn tlon becauso of a few mild cases of scarlet fover in tho class, will ro sumo work Monday, according to re' port of Professor R. II. Dunbar, su perintendent of city schools. Prompt precautionary measures effectually checked any danger of epidemic and the situation is thor oughly cleared up, say tho school authorities. Dr. A. A. Soude, city health officer, advised fumigation of the third grade room and his advice has been complied with. He give authority for resumption of stud'ea Monday. Commission St Auction Room Yes,, vre buy household fur nlture and merchandise. High est cash price paid. Bee DICK 1008 Main St. STYLE STYLE "Pep" "Style" "Go" After the serious days of war, most of us want to let loose a little. If that is the way you feel, come in and see our' new line of line dress shoes for Fall and Winter. The styles are all authoritative. Some particularly handsome leathers are shown. The variety will delight you. All of our shoes are made of the very best leather and all other mate .rials. They are built kwlth ekfll and experience into shoes that are unusually handsome and durable. When you buy shoes be sure you get the most for your dollar. We specialize iri young menrs fine dress shoes. BRADLEY'S SHOE STORE "HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE FOOTWEAR" 727MaUnSt 727 Main Sfc ::MfrM::2M3 I THE PEOPLE'S MARKET X Phone Eight-Three Phone Eight-Three !t! FROM-PRODUCER TO CONSUMER. qUALiTY X WE CUT NOTHING BUT THE BEST SPRING LAMBS X THE BEST BEEF KLAMATH COUNTY GROWS SWIFT'S BACON i SWIFT'S PICNIC HAMS SWIFT'S HAMS SWIFT'S BACKS if Swift's meU are the best money can buy. WE SLICE SWIFT'S PREMIUM HAMS - If you want something special, we can suit you in quality. quantity and price. Spring Chickens, Friers ,Hens, Salmon, Hah ' but, Eggs. The best always. Please phone you,r orders early. Winnek Grocery PEOPLE'S MARKET COMPANY T m :x