-"i 4 . PAGK FOUR THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, ' OREGON, TIIUIWIMY, OHom-i, ."" "i 101(1 ' ' "" ' 11 ""- ;1H m .HBIIHHIBHKBflv&HB9MliyKE3ia The Man fortunate enough to secure a KUPPENHEIMER SUIT or OVERCOAT has an advantage over most Clothes Wearers. It is n difficult season. There is a scarcity of the besta flood of goods below the average strange makes bidding your atten- ition. .The" name Kuppenheimer means all-wool clothes of known merit and assured value by a house that has never lowered its standard of quality. Step in and select your "Kuppenheimer" for Fall. K.K.K. STORE Leading Clothiers and Hatters BOYS' DUBBELB1LT CLOTHES KNOX HATS NETTLETON SHOES 'S8S5S25BE52SZ&g$Ef&8. P ERSONAL... William Morgan of Bly Is in the city on business. George Bradley spent yesterday fishing at Spring Creek. Ben Catlet is down from Odessa for a few days business visit. Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Bubb of Merrill aro in the city on business and pleasure. Joe Mlrandi left yesterday for Fort Klamath where he will be em ployed at the hatchery. Miss Gladys Applegate' of Ashland Is in the city for a week's visit with her sister, Mrs. Otto Klum. ' John Noud is movinghls family from tho Claremont to the Keller apartments on Eight street. .Mrs. Arthur Llvermore and child ren of Chico are in the city visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Carter. operated on a week nga at the hos pital is reported to be improving rapidly. Mrs. Charles Stemwell expects to leave shortly for Chicago and other. pastern points to visit with rcla tlves and friends for a month . Ray Bryant backed his cur into Sam Smltba store yesterday, while the engine was in reverse, and did a bit of damage to the windows. D. B. Campbell, H. H. Edmonds, Charley Riley and W. T. Shives left yesterday for . Johnson Prarle on Jenny Creek on a duck hunting expedition. Among the arrivals on the train last evening was R. E. MacCamy of Seattlo, who has come to Klamath Falls to engage in architectural draughting for A. F. Heide. mm A. Kalina of Malin was at the county seat yesterday transacting business and looking after material and supplies fcr the new building he Is erecting. This building is to be occupied by Mr. Kalina for his I He Stomach Begins digestion, but the most important work is done by the bowels, liver and kid neys. Failure of these to act efficiently allows the whole body to be poisoned. KARL'S LITTLE LIVER LIFTERS do more than produce bowel movement. Liver, skin and kidneys are influenced to more active effort with resulting in creased effect. STAR DRyG CO. J II lloblis, who operates tho! Mrs. J. J. Jo.slln arrlvud hint ovon 'general store at Merrill, an Inj InK from .Minneapolis to make an ton yostorduy en matters of lual-f extended visit with Mm. Gilbert Iness in connection with his store , Fleet of this city. Jnnd also looklnK after lntoroats ofi ' hto estate of Chris. Dlcuorfckaon, of I XOTK'IJ I which he Is administrator. NOTICE Dr. A. A. Soulo will visit tho La dies' Gymnastic Club this ovenlng to hu present pass Judgment on Its activities, wo therefore request tho presence of all members. l)-lt Tho High School INiront-Tonchurn' Association will moot In tho high school building Friday uftonioon at 1 o'clock All parents, teachers and1 high school Htudcnts aro invltud to, Commission & Auction Room Yes, w. liny household far. nlturo mill merchandise. Hlh. est cusli price paid See DICK 1008 Mnln St Mr. and Mrs. W. unclu and aunt of Jirs. K. Larkcy, Fred Garlch Mrs. A. A. Mehaffoy who was ' completed new store, and also by the Malin f, llls cIt'- a,ld Pents of Ike Lar State Bank, just ss soon a3 it lslke' of Klrk have como from tlle!r 'home in Elkhart, Kansas, to locate in Klamath county. MODERN HOMES Four room house near depot at $1000.00 half cash. Good live room houso and big lot on Oak Ave. at $2000.00 on easy terms. ! Now and modorn flvo room house 'on 10th St. at $2500.00. Vory tlcslr- ablo and will soon bo on pavomont. Now six room houso on Michigan Ave. near depot at $2G00.00 on easy terms. Neat fivo room bungalow on Jefferson St. near 10th at $2800.00 on easy terms. A good homo nt a TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY very low price , Now and strictly modern flvo room SNM'VS'V'''W bungalow on Grant St. near 11th at $3150.00 on easy terms, this win FOR SALE tandem J. D. Dervan . ..-ft. disc harrow with appcai t0 tho careful buyer, attachment; nearly new.' We h bo gIad t0 8now an, Merrill Route. 9-,of thc90 ll0U6C3. you any YOUR HOME CAN NOW HAVE FURNACE HE The Quaker Pipeless Furnace offers clean, even furnace heat to the thousands of homes that here tofore have been forced to rely on inadequate and 'dirty stoves. Many times the ordinary type of furnace installation is out of .the question on ac count of tearing up the floors and walls for regis ters ana stacKs. Again, tne basement is too small to admit of the furnace or the home owner has vnot felt justified in spending the money required for an elaborate pipe installation. "" Whatever the reason provided, the" home own er has, nevertheless, longed for clean, healthful, even furnace heat. The Quaker Pipeless Furnace Meets This Demand The Quaker Pipeless Furnace has no pipes, no bulky cold air returns. Your floors and walls are not torn up, no cellar is too small. The installation is extremely simple. Anybody can install the ' Quaker Pipeless Furnace. An abundance of clean, pure, warm air, sent to every room. Simpler than a stove to. operate, cleaner, more saying of"fuel, and much more healthful. Sends heat to eveiy room in the house. Venti- L late3 as well as heats: Changes and purifies the 'air in every room. Taylor Rettol of the Crater Lake Tire Sorvlce Station have Installed a new fib re-tread mold and are now prepared to turn out the finest re treads In the county. You be the Judge of our work. 1120 Main St., Klamath Falls. Ore. 7-Gt Hon- nlmut some new records from KjiiI Shepherd's? at CLEARANCE SAL? SATURDAY Phono CG. All k mis or goods. 201 6th St., . cor. Klamath. Salo 10 a. in. 9-2t r FOR RENT Room over O M. Hector storo 35X50 feet with five rooms above. J. F. Mugulre, 125 No. 7th St. 9-5t I Chllcoto & Smith, 633 Main, St. X 8-2 1 season of pearls At tho national convention of retail Jewelers, Miss Hello Archer of New York, foremost authority on Jow elry fashlcns, tMd the Jew- elers that this winter would see pearls worn by more women and on moro occa sions than over bpforo. "Not to wear pearls will bo a social fault," Miss Archer declared. Tho price of real pearls Is enormous, yot It buys no greater beauty of color, sheen or form, than one as sures in lino artificial pearls. 95.00 to SKO.OO, BEST I1UY IN CITY Half a city block with live good houses, one a two-apartment house; good-size lots; I good location, houses would rent fo j I SI. 200 nor vnar. nr morn. Will sRlrll for S18.500. S3. 000 cash, balancoi Ion terms to suit tho buyer. Mrs. Mto Otterbein, 527 Klamath Avo. 9-3t COL'.NTV TKKARUKKK'K .NOTICE I Notice lo hereby given that thoro aro funds In the county treasury for the redemption of Klamath County general fund warrants protested (presented for payment but not paid for the want of funds) on or before Sept. 2, 1913. Interest on tho above will cease from date. Dated at Klamath Falls, Orogon, this utn day of Oct. 1919. G. K. Van Ripor, 9-5t County Treasurer. BIG DANCE AT MERRILL FRIDAY. THE 10th. MUSIC ' BY MALIN ORCHESTRA. ADMISSION $1.00. LIBERTY THEATRE "THK PICK OF THE I'ICTUItKS" WMMAMMMMMAAAMAMWMAAMMMWWVWWWWMWMM H. W. Poole, Owner Matinee Every Day TONIGHT BIG DOUBLE BILL AT REGULAR PRICES Dainty Priscilla Dean in "THE EXQUISITE THIEF" and Mary Miles Mintcr in "THE INTRUSION OF ISABEL" ,'ou Tlio pictures nil) Mmun In the older imimd, preceded by laughable comedy Regular Prices Tonight "Broken Blossoms" is coming to the Liberty DOORS OPEN AT 7 P .M.. Em J QUQKfdUEQHT ARMY j;MOB BLACK, GUNMETAL, MAHOGANY CALF OR INDIAN TAN CALF A r ALL DEALERS Frank M. Upp JEWELER Till, Main Sr. Official S. P Watch Inspector, SE S CTllfrrn-wrfr"!-rtf.-fwtt. -,. vm: Tho HALLMARK Storo ffiwymi mix yrrjm B9i '"'$1l gar m XBS'JJisSa'" From toe to heel X life X the Buckheciit Army Shpe is every inch . man's choel Worn by men in all walks of -at all times, in all climes, A shoe built for unusual comfort and extra Marice. Get a pair today I IUtADLEV'S SHOE STORE 727 Main St. Mndufncturer. BUCKINGHAM & HECHT San Francisco Correctly refined Zerolene is correctly refined from selected California crude oil. It is the product of the combined resources, experience and equipment of the Standard Oil Company. By exhaustive study and actual tests the Standard Oil Company Board of Lubrication Engineers has determined the correct consis tency of Zerolene for your make of automqbile. Their recommendations are available for you in the Zerolene Correct Lubrication Charts. There is a senarate chart for each make of car. Get one for your car. ,At your dealer's or our nearest station. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CrtlfornU) rf grade for each type ofieng " " "" , ,. Arf. jT. J. MONTELL, Special Agent Klamath a' v m t-j.