' THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TAOB THMM FARM MAC Howie Garage A Complete Line Will Found at the v ' ,,mflruv, ooToniffl n, mio HERALD'S CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR SALE Real Estate nn bam: lileal ntocit ruticn 'nntnllW 2018. ClltH. 500 tOinU, ild liny. Pastures 700 head or cut itowS 60 liuncH. Flno utalIo inco Nino tnlloa of good fencing. Three thousand dollars offorotl for Sure for 1920. Him 15.000,000 t of iw tlmlior. Sportsman's Mradlao-liont rlilhiK. abundance of tear ilccr, wator-fowl. link and fur bMrini; nnlinalH I-nro rcaorvolr .lie (Irwit pow or pollllltlc at mail coat. NumoroiiB largo springs flno mountain wntor rising on nnmlaM. Largo Btroain of wntur ulth a fi iiiiiii"v-- . , Ith tt fnll of 300 foot in a quurtor ." "'""",l" "ul "" -"uciiiuo lie Located on tho Bhoro of Duck' Workn, 21 Main. s-3t mile. Located Lake: In tliu heart of 1110 uubciiuu mountains. (Ireut HUiiiinor resort. Thrco hours auto rldo from Ashland, 34 miles nway Two kniiM auto rldo from Klamath KallB, 20 mllOB ells tint. Abstract furnished up to dnto. For prlccB and temiB boo ownor, J. J. Chambers, at Iluck Lake. 8-2t FOR SALE Modem 7 room homo and bath 2 lots Bccoud Hot Springs, llargaln. Frod W. Hyndmnn 1629 Wall St, Ownor. S-IH FOIl SALE Residence lot, -I blocks from Mnln Tarty leaving city. Phono 4SC S-5f FOR SALi: -on easy terms modem cottago. Call 815 Second St before 9 a. in or after C p in. 7-3t FOIl BALK-- Modern and woll Im proved homo In Hot Springs Ad dition. Bovcn rooms and bath, full hasoment, llroplaco, storm porch, fine garden and largo garage. Cor aer Huron and Kl Dorado Avonuu Louisa K. Ferguson, Pliono -1 4 ur HI. C-Ct FOIl SALi:- this weok Lots and S nnil 1G tt of lot a, lllock 1G, First addition to Klnmnth Fall. Telephono 122W or call 128 N. Filth St. 4-7t FOR SALU- 8 room houso lioar klgk school. $2100, must sacrillco Am leaving city. Hox 21, Horald 3-Gt FOR SALE Dandy llttlo houso on Tenth St. $17G0 hnlf cash. Lot on Main St. $500.. Lots cloao in nt $300 and I3G0, Lots on pavomont 2 blks from Main st $20 00 per foot. TorniB on all our lots W. M. Montollus. with K. I). Co. 1303 Main St. 20-tf FOR SALU Heautlful 8 room resi dence at corner of 10th and Pine. Modern full basement furnace Wrt payment down Halanco to suit purchaser. Attractlvo prlco If pur chased direct. Address. Mrs. Cora Sanderson, 312 South 10th & Jeffor Bon, Corvallls, Oregon. 11-201 i-OR SALE OR TRADE AWNVVWMVWWWMVM niTRADK $400 equity In 3 room furnished houso nnd largo lot, for autoraobilo. Will pay dlfforonco 321 Grant St. 8-3t JOU SALE OR TRADE Burglar ;?;S5fo- In(tu'ro W. O. Davenport gprt.733 Mnln St. 80tf ROOMS, APARTMENTS "imoillJU ROOMS Onn nnlal.lA l.mSnmUh stev: sultnblo for gont !?,Han' Ono upstairs room. Phono Phono -. 118G CroBP,,,, 8-3t ,,o'V F"t nt tho Cluromont 4-tf ." rourin Women ' Made Young fright eyeo, a clear skin and a body vl, f. ryouth and heah may be K2 if ou wiU keeP your syalett order by regularly taking COLD MEDAL M Rtt5' M.IO.-lin 2mmI18 8,an,darJ remedy for Wdn.y, ;!.. l?e,nd urlc cld "oublas. thi li, - -6-"o, iiuee sues. .-S"0 Co' M.d.l on e very bot FOR SALE Miscellaneous fs-,-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. -.n.-,.,L, ,....... .......... FOR SALE Or will trad.- f..r Indian I Land on tho Klamath Mnr-,1.. on..' uvo imBHOiiKur. bIx cylinder tourim? car, cylinders hnvo boon around and (now pl.stoiiB to lopluco Hid old; uIho now top. Ilox A. II. C. Mornldi Olllco. tf WANTED Men and lounH for iitato FOR HALE 200 Ioiih of IliBt lass wild hay. Adross J J Itay, Chllo(uln, Oregon. 8-Ut vmt cjaii' mTT 7T7. ' run hAU, 1 1 I Ilalum unto- mnlilli. In II. ..t aa ,.,,,..11.. ...J ..." ":". vjno .uiiim.mlSl,nn v t ii 1 1 i.i,...nti .!.. . . .. 1 r . . FOR SALi: !i passenger Cbovrolet car Excellent condition l'rlco $550. 1157 Main or 1'hono lt!) C. L. McWIIllaniB. S-3t UBED AUTOS Saxon "Six" and Hulck "Four", for Bale. Jloaglnnd & McCollum 8-tf FOR SALi: Hnvo two 1910 miidol live passenger uutomohlles and hnvo use for only one Will Hell very clump for misIi Chllco'to & Smith, ;:i:i Main. s :u FOIl SALi: Slightly ubciI furniture I'rlvato puny. No dtalois Call ! ll Fourth St. Pliono 485. C-Gtt FOR SALL' A Chevrolet, a Ford, Maxwoll and an Oakland, liuiulro A. C. Honllne, 327 Main G-tr FOR SALE for cash. -Upright piano cheap SIS Oak 3-10t FOR SALE Ono Los Angeles 1 ton capacity trailer ;ro1Ii1 rubber tires, metal lined body; tost ?.'!50; used 30 days; will soil for $200 cash. Address P. O. llo 503, Klam ath Falls, or Phono 11F11 2-1 2t FOR SALE Ono nearly now Dun ham packor or clod manlier, 2 3-lu wngoiiB, ono with 1ox, Haln and Hickory; ono 3-scctlou spring-tooth barrow, usod ono wok, ono now Oil vor sod plow.ono now Ollvor break ing plow. All tho abovo god ns now Fnr salo cheap. Also lot of line sows with pigs. Address P. O Hox 503, Klnmnth Falls, or phono 11F11. 2-12t FOR SALi: 2G head puro bred Wllllamotto Vnlloy Lincoln Ducks and ono Rnmbolet as wo aro moving out of tho countiy would rather sell tkeso than movo thoni out. These bucks aro high grado stuff and In flno Bhupo. Cnn bo seen at I). 11. Murphy's plnco eight miles out on tho Merrill Road. Address H. S. Newton. Owner, CG2 A St., Ashland, Oro or D, 11. Murphy, Klamath Falls, Orogon. 0-30-10t UPRIGHT PIANO Good condition $195 terms as low us $7.CK) por month nt Shophord'H. 17-tf LOST AND FOUND LOST Elk charm with nnmo and Lodgo No. 383, Missoula, Mont. Findor return to C. H. Williams, Washington Hotel and lecclvo liberal rownrd, G-Gt LOST Noar Merrill car chains 33 4 tiro pump 2 pump Jncks tiro tools Rowiar.d Vochutzorl Bros. Merrill. Orogon. 4-lgt .Surety bonds wlillo you wait. Ckll- cntn & Slllllli. C-tf Liveiy, Feed and Sales Stable Auto Service Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable IiOiiR Trips Our Specialty Reasonable Rates Phono 1!) HtiS Klniuatli Avo HELP WANTED highway Phono Mr Dow, 73M, or cnqtihc 017 Mnln St 8-Ct wA'Vru Miiltlln aged woman as ' ousnkpppcr In biiih,I1 family for !."" or lUrcn '"ontliB. Work llfiht W"BH K" ""raid olllco C-tf WANTED lliickorB, swampors! trackmen, carpenters. Steady em ployment, good wn'ges. Write or apply, Modoc Lumber Co., P. O. riilloiiuln. 4-Gt SITUATIONS WANTED IF YOU WANT STUDENT HELP, n ,i. in .,. ., ... .,. ". l"" """ muiuy mgii -phono 350. Girls for typing . copying and filing; also general - . - ..... housework, caring for children etc I Hoys for clerking, messenger service, , chores, etc. Special attention Is giv en to this Borvlco by tho school authorities and an effort Is to ho Hindu to mako olllclent, convenient and profitable both to tho student and o thont) requiring their services 2tf WANTKI) Girl for general house- worlcnnd cooking Mrs. O. G. Lab- areo, Hly, Oregon. 1-tf Vo mako a specialty of fire, life anil accident insurance Phono OO nnd uo'H do t,'o rest. Clillcoto & Smith. B-tf MISCELLANEOUS VVVMiSSMAM MADAM IOI.A World's Greatest Phrenologist, Palmist and Medi um Rends your entire life past, present and future correctly, glv lug names, dates and figures in bus iness, love, law, mnrrlago and do mestic troubles Tells you what you are best adapted for and what to do to better your conditions in life. This lady reads your hand ns you wculd un open book. A reading by her will moot your highest expecta tions, and you will be wiser and hap pier after consulting her, she hav ing the gift of lemovlng all evil in fluences and placing you in an en vironment of happy thought and i ccnteutmont. Readings: Sunday and dully, !) a. m. to !):30 p. m. Room 4-5, Su.uiHon iJldg,, over Gun Store. .. S-tf WANTED A good anvil, 100 lbs. or over. H. M. Daniel, Bonanza. S-2t WILL tho party who picked up tne packago of dry goods In Klamath Dopt Storo Friday morning. Please return. Rowaid 4-5t An) one expecting to enjoy the pilvllqgo of city heat may llnd an opportunity to dlsposo of a goo(J big air tight heater at tho Horald Offlco. 1-ti CITY GARBAGE When you Garbage removed pliono 91. want 1'1-tf PHOND PEYTON for Wood. 112R. FOR RENT OR LEASE FOR LEASE To responsible parties that have equipment und cash to llnanco themselves, a desirable ranch. Adrcss M. K. 9, Horald ofljco. 8-tf How about soiiii) new records from Eail .Skepki'Ml'h? 2t Klamath Lodge No. 137 I. O. O. F. Moots Friday night of each weok at I. O. O. F. hall, 6th and Main streets. P. J.Gorgoa , N. G.; Fred Bromer Secretary; P. L. Fountain Treasurer Ewaunn Encampmorjt No. 4G, I. O O. F., meets Tuesday night of each week nt I. O. O. F: hall. Arlie Wor rol, C. P.; Nato Otterbeln, Scribe; P. D. Fountain Treasurer. GET THE SCORES AT THE PASTIME POOL ROOM Jack Munroo has arranged for tho bulletin of every play and ovory In ning of tho great baseball game bo tweon tho Chicago White Sox and tho Cincinnati CardlnalB. Thoro la no charge. You aro wolcomo and you won't be asked to buy a thing nor donnto a cont. 2-tf LEGAL NOTICES "1'iK.i. i.vin.)ii ritoi'ua.ii.ii. NOTICE JS HEREBY GIVEN b the Doard of Directors of tl o UN TERPRISE IRRIGATION DISTRICT or Klamath County, Oregon, that the Plan'' and fcnnolfl ritlun :.ririntrr! and approved by said Ilon'd for the sulci Hon' d for the i" Irr'gntion works f -jss.a'r construction of th for the Irrigutlon the boundaries of ligation DIs rlc ran ln teen .it the offlco of tho Hoard, whlcn 's 1 10 Law offko of Charles J. FerptiBun In tbe l-onmls Building In the' ( I'.y of Kliimilli Falls, Oregon, or at thv, of-t'-e r( r t Darloy, I ngineor ioi nitl l)i?ir)ci, which :u it tnu ( ounty Survovtr'.i oiflco In tho Cit of Klam nth Fulls, Oregon, and sealed pro posals will bo recolvcd by the Hoard at their offlco up to the hour of two o'clock In tho afternoon of October 10th, 191 0 for tho construction of said works cither In portions or as a whole Continct will bo let to tho lowesi bidder but the Hoard of Directors re seivo the right to reject any or all bids or to accept, or reject any selic dale Md or combination of schedule bids and to walvo technical defects and to tr.ko suck action as may be deemed for tho best Interests of the District Any poison or persons to whom a cent ran may hi. awarded will be tonulred to enfpr Into n bond, with good and sufficient sureties to bo ap proved by tin- Hoard, payable to rn'd District for iLs i:-c, for twenty-five per cem of tho amount of tho ton tract prlro. conditioned for tho faith ful performance of said rontrTt. G. J. HILYARD. Secretary of tho Enterprise Ir rigation District. 20-12t NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In (ho .Matter of (lie Ks(atc of Louie It. Dixon, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given to tho cred itors of the abovo estate and all per sons havilng claims r.'Tilnst the same, to present such claims, togeth er with the proper vouchers sup porting them within 8lx montl-s from the date of the first publication bi this notice, to-wit: September 18th, 1919, to the Administrator of said Estate, Benson Dixon, at the office of J. H. Carnahnn, Attorney at Law, Rooms 4 and 5 Loomls Bldg , on Main Street, Klamath Falls, State of Oregon, and Notico Is hereby further given that any credit extended to any porson for or on behalf of said Estate, other than this Administrator, will not be allowed or paid for by this Admin istrator or said Estate. BENSON DIXON, Administrator of the Estate of Louie B. Dixon, Deceased. 18-25-2-9-1G NOTICE I am now prepared to furnish Shasta Sand from tho Hoey, Cam., sand and gravel pit, in any qunntlt) I that may bo desired by contractors and builders. AL F. GRAHAM It takes the labor of nearly 75, 000 people to mako the matches for tho world. ALL RUBBER ARCTICS CORN BELT ARCTIC No cloth about this Corn Bell arctic to get foul and ill-smelling. It is all rubber from toe to top pure long-wearing rubber. The sole is made of long-wearing Red Rubber. We challenge any maker p put out a better 'arctic. It is water-proof to the top of the bellows tongue. It's light as ia consistent with strength and durability. m in i in MM lflaJi Top Notch Rubber Footwear The Corn Belt Ardltc is strengthened, reinforced, protected at the "elrain and wear points." The heel is extra thick and toe has an "armor plate" toe cap. Wear it over regular shoes. Has four buckles stiongly attached. 1 1 in. high. This is an ideal shoe for farmers' rough, wet, sloppy work in stable, barnyard or field where o high rubber boot is not needed. Drop in and handle this good arctic You'll like it. K. K. K. STORE Exclusive Agents Crocodiles, like ostrlcheo, swallow pebbles and stones for the purpose of grinding their tcod. ffi. - -. j$ I fl. l I b A. r. Cirahaiii General Concrete j Construction Shasta Sand Used Exclusively Bilious Headaches Ono of the most common sources of headache Is the stomach Biliousness, Indiges tion and similar ailments are mighty apt to cause, headache. NYAL'S HEADACHE REMEDY will quickly overcome any i kind of headache and "do it without causing any serious after-effects. Price 30c Xl KLAMATH TALIS OREGON UOTOOtfS Pharmacy TTTrtT"! -.IfW' -If .7- ",7,J I 1 reSo1:ebber mfl 18 Iw H lt !'S Queer uses aro made of tho ln teatlncs of the walrus and tho sea lion. The Eskimos moke the form er Into sails for their boats, and the latter they silt and stitch together to form hocded coats that aro far superior to rubber as water proof garments. 8,000 mile guaranteed tire at cost Save money Tho Perfection Tiro.' The Asbestos Dreakor Strip keep out road heat and docs away with tread I separation, At cost while they last Crater Lake Tire Service Station I 112C Main St., Klamath Falls, Ore., 7-Ul SCIATIC PAINS QUICKLYRELIEVED Keep Sloan's, luo World's Lini ment handy to allay aches THOUSANDS of men and women, when the least little rheumatic "crick" assails them, have Sloan's Liniment handy to knock it out. Popular a third of a century ago far more popular today. That's because it it so wonderfully helpful in relievinir, all external aches and pains sciatica, lumbago, neural gia, overstrained muscles, stiff joints, weather exposure results. A little is all that is necessary, for it soon pent traits without rubbing to the sore spot. Leaves no muss, stained skin, clogged pores. A bottle today is a wise pre caution. Keep it handy. All druggist" 3Sr.. 70c., $140. t4tit&MfWWrt'l'l!'1 HOW OFTEN you have wished you knew just the right place to enter tain your friends at dinner! We invite you to take them TO THE JEWEL CAFE Jesse Bailey, Prop. Phone 185 .M4 - 4 - l - 4 - NOTICE TO WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR THE CELEBRATED BLACK LEAF 40 SHEEP DIP FOR SCABIES, TICKS OR LICE ON SHEEP The Dip recommended and recognized by the United States Bureau of Animal Industry in Offi cial Dipping of both Sheep and Cattle for scabies. IN STOCK AND READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY t Secure Your Requirements of Us Merrill Mercantile Co. General Merchandise MERRILL, OREGON 1 2 WAIT! AND LET US SIIOW YOU OUIt NEW TIRE Hoagland & McCollum .Next Door to Postoffico. Dassengers and Baggage I ANYWHERE IN TUB CIT QUICK SERVICE REASONABLE RATES PHONE 187 I WesteraTransferCo. ROOFING Now Is ho time to fix that Roof now before tho rain and snow come and make it al most Impossible to do the work. You saye money by doing It now, and save your property, too. Let me do your work and it will he done right. W. D. MILLER Contractor Phone 203 232 Oth St. 610 Main St ....;...i. f SHEEP MEN JTtl h'l fe ttl r yna ctp no Imitation SULP.HU First Car Has Arrived Murphey's Feed & Seed Storf K. IW 126 South Sixth St, m. ..' M W. 'tfj i.