V PAGE TWO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THrHNDAV, otT0ni ,n , EUMAHSM Take out the Carbon. Give the Engine More Pep - National Auto Accessory (W 210 MAIN STREET' nc,i 10 i usiuuicc MOTOR DL The Evening Herald i r E. J. MUKKAV Kditiir F11E1) SOUIii: City IMitor Published dally cxcopt Sunday by rho Horatd Publishing Company of Klamath Palls, at 11G Fourth Street. Entered at tho liostofflco nt Klam ath Falls, Ore., for transmission thru (Be mails as second-class matter. , Subscription terms by mall to any ddres3 In tho United States. One year . $5 00 Ome month 50 Member of tho Associated lrcs The Associated Press Is exclusively atitled to tho use for republication lOf, all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited In this pa per, and also local news published herein. All rights of republication of spe cial dispatches herein are also reserr- THTJRSDAY, OCTOnKU 0, 11)1" MMWWWWVWN I At the Theatres WWMMMVVVVVVVVNlVVSVVVlVVVVS Don't miss the big double bill at the Liberty tonight Prlscilla Dean In "The Esquis'ite Thief" will be the first feature and will be followed uy an excellent comedy, after which the other feature starring llary -Miles MInter In "The Intrusion of Isabelle" will be shown. This big special bill will be shown at regular prices. Taylor Holmes, the star of "A Regular Fellow," the photoplay at the Temple Theatre tonight, is one of the most human and best liked comedians on the legitimate stage, having created for himself an en viable reputation as dn actor, who can appeal to the sense of humor with refinement. Vaudeville and legitimate prod uctions, dramatic and musical com edies, have been enhanced by his jovial personality. That Taylor Holmes enjoyed great success under ..the leadership of such men as David Uelnsco and Henry Savago, is proof of tho allurmcnt of this actor's en tertaining ability. It is to bo regretted that screen enthusiasts mny not enjoy Mr. Hol mes infectious laugn. iiui mo ihci of his appearance in photoplays per mits tho presentation of his humor ous characterization to scores and scores of people, who may never have tho opportunity of seeing him on the stage. And the screen rollects to a nicety his manner and qulto irrosls- tiblo personality. "Tho Eternal Magdalene," which is presented by Cioldwyn pictures as tho attraction at the Star Theatre tonight, is the picture version of Itobert McLaughlin's famous play a story that deals with and strikes directly nt human sympathies. SPUING LAKE NOTES SHASTA VIEW NEWS SHASTA VIEW, Oct. S. This section of the county was well rep resented at the fair last weok. C. C. Garrison and family of Mer rill wore guests at the J. J. Balloy homo Sunday. Itobert Clugston of Poo valley and E. Mecham of Medford were seen on our streets Friday., H. E. Wilson and family were Klamath Falls visitors one day last week Elmer Martin was transacting business in Klamath Falls Monday. Roy Fogies' mother of Tacoma, Wash., is spending a few days with her son and family. Fred Crockett, wife and two daughters, Dorothy and Geraldine, came in Friday from Lewiston, Idaho, to spend tho winter with J. T. Ward and wife. Mrs. Crockett is a sister of Mrs. Ward. The Tule Lake country is a scene of great activity, the teams and trucks being busy hauling grain and the threshers still piling .up large stacks of sacks ahead. Everyone is improving the time while this beau tiful weather lasts. The Chinese are probably the most passionate gamblers in the world. A Chinaman will gamble as long as he has any money or any garment with which to obtain it. SPRING LAKE, Oct. 8. Miss Helen Cowglll, assistant state club leader, visited with Ruby Schroluor Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Dawson and chil dren lslted at Frank Stewart's on Sunday. Everybody is Invited to attend the hoi social at Spring Lake school, Saturday, October 11. Some of the farmers of this dis trict have started hauling tholr grain to town. BUILDING LOTS Big lot in Second Hot Springs Addition near the depot nt $200.00 on very easy terms. Big corner lot in Hot Springs Addn. with sidewalk and sewer In ut $500.00 on easy terms. Four god lots In Fnlrviow Addn. nt $250.00 each on very easy terms. Two lots on tho 11th St. pavomont at $500.00 and $550.00 on easy terms. Chilcote & Smith, C3S Main St. S-2t m An elephant sloops only live hours a day. Mint Jell Try Mint Jiffy-Jell with roast lamb or cold meats. It is vastly better than mint sauce. Try Jiffy-Jell desserts with their real fruit flavors in essence form, in vials. Each is so rich in condensed fruit juice that it makes a real fruit dainty. Yet they cost no more than old-style gelatine desserts. 0 m mm 10 Honor, at Yoar Grocer 2 Package for 2S Cant ill 3: United States Tires are Good Tires JHEL t. UMMMmifW mbs mm m iteMtril&fegS. 'Royal Cord' . Most Economical Wear life service mile- values means greater econo acre safety comfort. These my less cost of maintenance -. -.. are the things "that count m a tire. These are exactly what you get in United States Tires . general all-round tire satisfaction. less repairs and depreciation. Car owners who do their own thinking prefer United States Tires. Their merit is recognized everywhere. We have thema' type and size for every car. This greater total of tire NOTION Anyono who witnessed my arrest or 'hoard anything that passed be tween me uiul tho policemen, please see me or Address mo at Box lOGfi, City. T. AmhroKettl 9-2t ' ACADKMY WIWi UKCIUVK PUPILS Until tho capacity of tho school is reached, day pupils will ho rocolvod at tho Sacrod Heart Academy, whoro tho most careful nttontton will bo Riv en to tho thorough training of your child. Full particulars mny bo socur cd by calling nt tho Convent, Sovonth and Pine streets or nt tho Academy. Por tho presont wo nro unnblo to uc commodnto any moro bourdon, but applications will bo rocolvod and In enso thoro Is n vacancy it will be flllod from tho ll.it of applicant) In tho ordor in which they nro filed. 6-tf Sacred Heart Acadomy. VWVrVWWVWrrVWrVrM HOUSTON'S Metropolitan Am us omen U " 'WWVrrArWrrrWrrAAMrrMMrrrl HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DANCING Wednesday & Saturday Nights. Popnlnr Jnzz Orchestra STAR THEATER TODAY Goldwyn I'rettenM TI1U KTDIINAIj MAGDALENi: Slurrlnn MAXIM: KIjIjIOTT Supported by n All Star Cnt Also . A Kcj stone Comedy Tin: MoojsiiiNi:its $sk AH' t-'.i"-. &HB V T Vl! . m m vn m iw)fv. &r- -- yLrruf i j TEMPLE THEATER TODAY Triangle Presents TAYLOK IIOLMKS In a itrxjuiiAit fi:m.ow Also A Tijon? mid Morun Comedy And Hearst International News MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTDKEh TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS Hemstitching Have your gowns, blouses, waists and wearing apparel hemstitched. It gives them that smart look that nothing else can. Curtains, towols, dresser scarfs etc. beautifully done. MRS. L. A. BURGESS Phono 214W 131 N. 4th St. mi i Jili nun I, TREE TEA. If You Like a Fine Flavored CEYLON BLACK TEA ' TRY Tree Tea Ceylon . on our Recommendation 49c A Pound ' 16 oz. 'Full Weight Half Pound "8 oz. OEfl' Full Weight ZDCV Is? You Prefer GREEN TEA Ask for Tree Tea JAPAN Cttyttgtit 191V JbrtScbafrjcr &Marx ".Hart Schaffner & Marx Style that 's what I want for Fall" IF YOU'RE a young man, you know pretty well what you want in the matter of style in your fall overcoat or suit. Maybe you can't exactly describe it in detail ; but when you see it, you'll say "that's what I want." You'll say that when you see our Hart Schaffner & Marx overcoats and suits They've designed for us some very unusual new models for this season; and we have a most attractive lot of new things to shov you. Overcoats with half and full belts; single and double breasted suits with belts or plain; with many new features in sleeves, lapels; in various pockets. We are prepared to satisfy the requirements and tastes of every man who comes to us; and you know that Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes are all-wool, finely tailored, and satisfaction guaranteed. K. SUGARMAN "I ain't mad at nobody" Greatest producers known. Her ald Want Ads. Phone 460 Ice Cream 729 Main St Candles PASTIME Jack Monrow, Prop. Cigars, Tobaccof,Soft Drink,! Peel and Billiards Barber Shop In oCnnoctlon oun MOTTO "Courtesy and Service" NEW CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Finished Work Flat Work r Rough Dry We, hare opened a stoain cleaning and pressing de partment. We do everything in our line. Wo make a right prlco and, guarantee nil work. ' Try Us Once Phono 154 Office, 127 4th, back of 1st National Bank B AND 7 MAIN .W .$2-' MLi LauMAtir' I Ml 1T V 1 PWJS7 f i .... oiio with a jno matter at wnat specu yuu - - , Gem Damaskcene Razor it leaves your tacc cool and refreshed. That's because the Gem has a soft, comfortable, velvc like feel and docs such smooth, clean-cut worn. Wcsell the complete Gem Damaskcene Ra?or outfit for . The outfit includes the razor, seven Gem "'""IgJJ Blades, shaving and stroppine handle -an ' 6omc leather case. Enjoy the comfort of velvet-smooth self-shaving. Come in and get your Gem to-day lk BALDWIN HARDWARE CO. "The House of Quality" I We know United States Tires are GOOD tires. That's why we sell them Southern Oregon Auto Co. Klamath Cash Grocery ."QUALITY STORE'! WE-SEIX FOR LESS m