THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WWWKHIih, PAGE pocn p ERSONAL... M ''t v to A 1 efor COMBINING exquisite softness and perfect comfort with an allowance for that freedom of movement so nec essary for active youngsters. , Forest Mills Union Suits for Girls Aslio to fit every nfic from 2 to 16 years 2022 Heavy cotton, white fleece lined. 2030 Heavy merino, white. 2032 Heavy silkatecn and merino. T All above fabrics may also bo obtained In vests and pants Forest Mills Union Suits for Boys A size to fit ctcry age from 4 to 16 years 2042 Heavy cotton, white, fleece lined. 2044 Heavy cotton, gray, fle ce lined. 2046 Heavy merino, gray. Above fabrics may also be obtained in shirts and drawers Forest Mills Waist Union Suits for Either Boys or Girls k From 2 to 12 years 792 Heavy cotton, white, fleece lined. 793 Heavy cotton, gray, fleece lined. 692 CHILDREN'S Sleeping Garment. Heavy cotton, white, fleece lined. 691 In gray, same as above. N i orestcyill$ Underwear JdademUSJ.' IAUB.MT J 11. Colllnnn Is In town from his ranch near Swan Uiko. v (1. K. Anderson, nccompanlod by his daughter, was In town Monthly fiom hU ranch In (Meno. T. N Cnso anil family woro visit ors at thu county sent yesterday from thulr ranch at Mt. I.akl. I). A. McComb, who has a One place In tho Valley, wan transacting business at tho county seat Monday, ! Till: IlltAT TOMfllll' Hy special iirrnngomont with Oil ver Morosco, Maud Mullen's delight- i ful comedy "Tho llrat," will appear at The Opera House tonight. Tho story of tho play hinges upon tho evolution and development of a child of tho tonomonts Tho llrat," when sho Is transplanted from her original surroundings to her real home. Tho llrat Is for tho most part laughter, but now and then como a few serious moments that tond to J heighten tho effects. With bright 1 tics, particularly amusing situations and pur.gont little opIgramB and up to date Flang. Mli-8 Fulton carries the play to a successful and satisfactory conclu sion, there Is n strong appeal In tho comedy that Is thoroughly appreciated. Cfor oresi Underwear C(aJc utlLSli. RU.K.PACVI . 8,000 milo guaranteed tire at cost Save money The Perfection Tire. Tho Asbestos Breaker Strip keep out road heat and does away with tread separation. At cost while they last Crater Lake Tire Service Station 1126 Main St., Klamath Falls, Ore. 7-6t How about some new records from Krl Shepherd's? 2t NOTICE I am now prepared to furnish Shasta Sand from the Hoey, Cam., sand and gravel pit In any quantity that may be desired by contractors and builders. AL, F. GRAHAM. m Blick Bear Macklnaws, Loggers Shirts at N B. Drews Store 6th and Main 6-3 1 NOTICE St. Paul's Guild (Episcopal) will hold Its regular meeting Thursday) 2.30 p. m., Oct. 9th, with Mrs. G. It. I Manning, 931 Lincoln St. Evory one interested in our church, wel come, especially strange! s. S-lt MODERN HOMES rVinr r"om houso noar dopot at I $1000.00 half cash. Good nvo room house and big lot on Oak Ave. at 12000.00 on easy terms. Mcv nnd modern Ovo room houso on inth St. at $2500.00. Very desir able nnd will soon bo on pavement. New six room houso on Mlchlgnn Ave. noar depot at $2600.00 on oasy terms. Noat Ave room bungalow on Jefferson St. near 10th at $2800 00 - fpP1,,q a good homo at a very low price. N'ow nnd strictly modern dvo room bungalow on Grant St. near 11th at 3ir.o no on easy termB. This will appeal to the careful buyer. We shall bo- glad to show you any of these houses. Chilcoto & Smith, 633 Main, St. Phone 66. 8-2t " UJ Tf umi mi ill ill ii iiiiii in i unii n EpSlBHIIiBiik I HriiiiHB r tlnlTililiiiHMilB I hi r.n7mnimKmamhim i , , Music a Necessity MuhIc IM ii noci'HNlly In all homo f jt ...... fines, Hoothon tho tired ndrvwi ami keeps itway t!io bl W" Any family tluil linn once enjoyed gmd music i ,., , homo would make moat any wierlllco to nK uin 1 1 , r ploaBuro. h "" ni111 lt Earl Hiephurd'H nluniliirtl lustruinentH are "Nidlnn.n priced as well iih Nationally Advertln.-d." nnd m, J ,uf loiiNCii ho many poopln In our atnru imy, "Why ,i, i your lino haven't gonn up much M ln EARL SHEPHERD CO. I'Iiwkim - V kit ohm ItcconU Oppnidlc I'liht Htnln A SiuIng ii,,,, 007 .Main w . -t-..,1tttM How about some new records from Earl Shepherd's? 2t TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Taylor llottol of the Crater Lnko Tiro Service Station have Installed a now rib re-tread mold nnd are now prepared to turn out tho finest re troads In tho county You "bo tho Judge of our workj 1126 Main St., Klamath Kails, Ore. 7-Ct Sarety bonds while yon wait. Chil cote A Smith. S-tf The Man of the Future Must I Have Physical as Well i: As Mental Fitness '- JfJte W H -For this reason Mothers should make sure that their children re 4ceive the sort of nourishment that makes for physical welfare. vtVve make a specialty of FOR SALE 1916 Halnea auto mobllo ln first class condition $1400. Klamnth Auto and Machlno Works. 21 Main. 8-3t .FURNISHED llOOMS One outside room with stove; suitable for gent leman. One upstairs room. Phono .393. 1185 Crescent 8-3t FOR SALE 5 passenger Chevrolet car Excellent condition Price $3B0. 1157 Main or Phone 169 C. L. McWIlliams. 8-3t FOR SALE -Modern 7 room homo nnd bath 2 lots second Hot' Springs. Bargain. Fred W. Hyndman 1629 Wall St., Owner. 8-6t FOR SALE 200 tons of first clasB1 wild hav. Adress J. J. Ray,' Chiloquln, Oregon. 8-6t ' TO TRADE $400 equity ln 3 room furnished houso and largo lot, for automobile. Will pay difference 321 Grant St, 8-3t FOR SALE Or will trado for Indian Land on tho Klamath Marsh; one five passenger, six cylinder tourlnc car, cylinders have been ground and new pistons to replace the eld: also new top, Box A. B. C. Herald Office. , etf I BIG DANCE I I AT I I MERRILL I I FRIDAY. I I THE D I 10th. I I MUSIC I I BY I I MALIN I I ORCHESTRA. I I ADMISSION fl $1.00. LIBERTY THEATRE THE I'ICK OI' THE PICTUHKS" H. W. Poole, Owner Matinee Every Day TONIGHT MARY MILES M1NTER IN ' "THE .INTRUSION OF ISABELLE" MR. and MRS. CARTER DE HAVEN IN ' "AFTER THE BAWL" Kinogram The Latest Screen News THURSDAY PRISCILLA DEAN IN "THE EXQUISITE THIEF" DOORS OPEN AT 7 P .M. vssnss 5 '. ' - r JT FRESH INFANT FOODS If your child does not seem to thrive on the food you are using, then select something from our stock. We order these foods at frequent -intervals and guarantee fresh- ness. f t We also handle Remedies for the baby that are Safe - ' 'K. 8UC1 a8 WH not shock the delicate system. ; . In fact we cany everything in Foods, Remedies, Nursery Sup , pJiesiEtc, that may contribute to the little fellow's' health and 'comfort. I rwoodi pharma 1TI AM ATM THAT T O HDOnnu & WHERE PARTICULAR' PEOPLE m U WATCHES FOR MEN We try tp have our watch stock the kind that eVery man would be glad to look over when he's. In the mar ket for a watch. WJ know that 'some men want Inexpensive watches, others medium priced, and tnat with others prlco Is a secontlary matter, provided they can get the watch that satisfies them In every de-1 tail or accuracy, 'style and durability. So we have selected the makes experience has taught ub are thoroughly reliable, and offer ln each of them choice in all gradeu and slzoa, handsome ly cased. You are certain of complete watch satisfaction when you buy hore. 915.00 to ST5.00 Frank M. Upp JEWELER 511 Main 64. Official S. P, Watch Inspector. iKMM$Ki The HALLMARK Store T J t t t t t t t T t z t t T t T r f t T t t T t t t T s OPERA HOUSE TONIGHT ONLY By, Special Arrangement With OLIVER MOROSCO Maud Fulton's Comedy "THE BRATW WITH THE ORIGINAL COMPANY Prices, Adults - , - . -Children - - - .' v . Reserved Seats Now on Sale $1.00 50c A t t T T f T i T T T i t T t T T T T T T T T I T T t T T T T GElZ BUY THEIR .DRUGS Iaccupacv I fc$4rtrt&&fr&M&WW&MW K WITV I