',! r , ! v 1,i r FAOB TWO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, vkpi ni (v 'foiiv,u i F Take out the Carbon. Give the Engine More Pdp National Auto Accessory CoiJ RHEUMATISM 210 MAIN STREET Next to Postoflko iono 471 vU.U I MOTOR The Evening Herald K ,J. M'VRHAY Alitor FRED HOULB CltV Kdltor Published dally excopt Sunday by TBe Herald Publlsnlnsr Company or KUaattriFalls, at 115 Fourth Street. Entered at the postofflce at Klam ath Falls, Ore., for transmission thru the malls as second-class matter. Subscription terms by mall to any address In the United States: Obq year ... One month .$5.00 . .GO r Member of the Associated Press , , The Associated Press is exclusively 1 entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited In thU pa per, and also local news published herein. All rights of republication of spe cial dispatches herein are also reserv- , WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 101! PUNCTUATE PROPERLY way the traveler frequently gets lost; without proper punctuation tho reader is more frequently mud dled.. "Ono of the best stenographers this uttita ever saw grew to bo such by constant application and intonso hard work "He rightly hold that a steno grapher who knows nothing about punctuation Is net a stenographer but a machine and not a very good machine at tlut. And ho drilled himself until his punctuation be en mo illuminative and explanatory of his text. "Ho learned punctuation by studying the works of Charles Dick ens, who was a marvel of 'marvels In this lino. Any person who will read Dickens and remember that his punctuation always was so perfect that it emphasized and enlightened sentences; and never, like the punc-it." Every one who writes for publica tion will do well to consider the 'following salient observations on the art of punctuation by the editor of' the Sacramento Bee. Every ed itor has had the same experience; 'and will endorse the editorial com ment, which says: One of the Bee's special writers the other day had a short article showing the benefit, if not the ab solute necessity, of correct and in telligent punctuation. "Punctuation, like grammar and spelling, seems to be one of the lost arts. It is a matter of common knowledge in newspaper offices that rery frequently letters and com munications come from graduates of our high schools, and even from our state university, whose spelling Is laughable, whose grammcr is poor, and whose punctuation is abominable. "The meaning of an essential point in more than one letter has, been spoiled by misplaced puncta iion, or none at all which is worse. ' "Ana1 'it may seem to be quite a fad with only too many of our writers nowadays to use nothing but periods, leaving to the reader, the sometimes hopeless task of placing colons, and semi-colons and commas, and dashes where they should have been supplied by the writer. "Punctuation is to English in ef fect what 'signboards is to a high way. The latter tell you where you are going; the former Informs your reader the meaning of what you are saying. "Without signboards on the high- FEW FOLKS HAVE GRAY ill NOW . i OFF OX NUSINKSS TRIP C. S. Currin, general manager of tho Southern Oregon Drug Company, left yestordny for Portland, whom ho, goes to look after his other drue tnterests in that city and to prepare plans for tho new drug store that his company is golug to Install next April lrt tho room now occupied by tliu Klamath Falls Music Houbo. BOLSHEVIK1 DKMORAMZtiD COPENHAGEN, Oct. 7.- General Deniklno's troops are within 30 iuIIch of Orel on tho read to Moscow, u wireless dispatch received hum says, and tho Bolshevik! who have boon opposing him urn surrondurlng In grout numburs. Not a Bite of Breakfast Until You Drink Water Says a a' of hot water and phosphate prevents lllntts -v and keeps us fit. DRUGGIST SAYS liADIICS ARE USIXG RECIPE OF SAGE TEA AND SULPHUR FINE CLINDITIDN SAYS INDIGESTION RESULTS .FROM AN EXCESS OF HY DROCHLORIO ACID. Undigested food delayed in the ' stomach decays, or rather, ferments the same as food left In the open air, says a noted authority. He also tells us that indigestion is caused by Hy-p-acldltyr meaning, there Is an ex cess of hydrochloric acid In the stom ach which prevents complete dlges- tlon and starts food fermentation. Thus everything eaten sours In the stctaach much like garbage sours in a can, forming acrid fluids and gases which Inflate the stomach like a toy ballooa. Then we feel a heavy, lumpy misery In the chest, we belch up gas, -we eructate sour food or have hearthurn, flatulence, water-brash or . He' tells us to lay aside all diges tive aids and Instead, get from any pharmacy four ounces of Jad Salts aad:.take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast and drink while It la effervescing and further more, to' continue this for a week. Whllf relief follows the first dose, it li Important to neutralize the acidity, remove the gas-making mass, start th'e'lfvar, stimulate the kidneys and tfeas' promote a free flow of pure dl geetlvejuices, ji Salts la Inexpensive and Is made' from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with lithla and sodium phosphate. This harmless sakajs used by. thousands of people fer'itomach' trouble wUh excellent reeiti: Adr. ' Hair that loses its color and lustre, or when it fades, turns gray, dull and lifeless, Is caused by a lack of sul phur In the hair. Our grandmothers made up a mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur to keep her locks dark and beautiful, and thousands of women and men who value that even color, that beautiful dark shade of hair which is so attractive, use only this old-time recipe. Nowadays we get this famous mix ture, improved by the addition of oth er Ingredients- by asking at' any drug store for a 50-cent bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound," which darkens the hair so naturally, so evenly, that nobody can possibly tell it has been applied. You just damp en a sponge or soft brush with It ana draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morn ing the gray hair disappears; but what delights tho ladles with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound ig that, besides beautifully darkening the hair after a few applications it also brings back the gloss and lustre and gives it'an appearance of abundance. Just as coal, when It burns, leaves behind, a certain amount of incom bustible material in the form of ashes, so he food and drink taken day after day leaVes In tho alimentary canal a certain amount of Indigestible ma terial, which it not completely elimi nated from thesystem each day, be- omes food for the millions of bacteria which Infest the bowels. From this mass of left-over waste, toxins and ptomaln-llke poisons are formed and sucked into the blood. Men and women who can't get feel ing right must begin to take inside baths. Botore eating breakfast each morning drink a glass of real hot wa ter with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate in it to wash out the thirty feet of bowels the previous day's ac cumulation of poisons and toxins, and to keep tho entire alimentary canal clean, puro and fresh. Those who are subject to sick head ache, colds, biliousness, constipation, others who wake up with bad taste, foul breath, backache, rheumatic stiff ness, or have a sour, gassy stomach after meals, are urged to get a quarter pound of limestone phosprate from tho drug store, and begin practicing internal sanitation. This will cost, very little, but is sufficient to make anyone an enthusiast on the subject. Remember, inside bathing Is more important than outside bathing, be cause the skin pores do not absorb Impurities Into the blood, causing poor health, while the bowel pores do. Just as soap and hot water cleanses, sweetens and r freshens the skin, bo hot water and limestono phosphate act on the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. Adv. The hour was divided Into sixty minute because tho number 60 can bo dlvldod by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20 and 30. An elephant alcups only live bourn a day. , VVVWM'' HOUSTON'S Metropolitan Amusements " VWWMWWMWWAAAAAAAAAs HOUSTON'S OPERA-HOUSE Comliijr October 8 OLIVER MOHOSCO Presents The Delightful Comotly THE HRAT Not A Moving Picture JSBIlBMMHBBBBBBBBBBBmTW9cSC CNr- rmsl' "and from there we went to Japan" Talk about adventures ! Men in the Navy come home with the kind of experiences that most chaps read of only in the books. Here's your chance! Uncle Sam has, as you know, a big Navy and gives red blooded young fellows like you an opportunity to step aboard and "shove off". What will you get out of It? Just this: A chance to rub elbows with foreign folks in strange parts of the world. ' The chance for good honest work on shipboard the kind of work that teaches you something real; the kind of work that puts beef on your shoulders and hair on your chest. You will get 30 care-free vaca tion days a year, not counting thore leave In home or foreign ports. You will'have the kind of com radeship in travel that sailors know. You will have regular pay; over and above your meals, lodg ing and your first uniform outfit good stuff all of it. You can join for two years. When you get through you'll be physically and mentally "tuned up" for the rest of your life. You'll be ready through and through for SUCCESS. There's a Recruiting Station right near you. If you don't know where it Is, your Post master will be glad to tell you. To any Fathtr and Methtrt In the Nary your boy' food, health, work and play, and i moral welfare are looked alter by reipomtbto expert; Shove off !-Join the U.S. Navy STAR THEATER TODAY STAR THEATRE TODAY Jessie L. Lasky Presents BRYANT WASHBURN In "VENUS OF THE EAST" An unusual story taken from tho Saturday Evening Post Other attraction) on tho Program arc A Mrs. Sidney Drew 'Comedy " "BUNKOED" TEMPLE THEATER ' TODAY Paramount Presents LI LA LEU In 5 "PUPPY LOVE" Also FIo acts of Screen Vaudeville MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTUREb TUESDAYS AMD SATURDAYS Vorrtll flwfnn Hemstitching Have your gowns, blouses, waists and wearing apparef hemstitched. It gives them that smart look that nothing else can. Curtains, towels, dresser scarfs etc. beautifully done. MRS. L. A. BURGESS Phone 214 W 131 N. 4th St. i Do You Drive W&&3&- Hycstraln may ory easily bo aggravated by driving n car. The attempt to focus tho oyes on objects which you urp passing rapidly Irritates tho al ready strained eyes. Don't glvo up tho car hut -havo your oyes attended to. Begin by lotting uh examine thorn to tltul out what onusoH the strain. Quod sight Is too valuable for your hucccks and comfort to run tho slightest risk ot Impairing It. Our equipment, togutlmr with our skill and experience, enables us to determine exact ly tho condition and iioimIh ot your eyes. Wo grind our own lensVs. H. J. WINTERS Jeweler and Optician Phono 149W 700 Main WILBR1T KEEPS MY HAffi HEALTHY I -"-- I 1 I" 'I I, ., ,1 rid O IHHsWsTOiiBFdfil uy mine wuarooc rcguiany. i kccji my scalp entirely free from the itchinit crust of dandruff, the caue of moat hair trouble. I owe my luxuriant hair the envy of my friends to thu guaranteed dandruff remedy." , iWllPBflflff THE GUARANTEED HAIR TONIC For (at here umlrr a money-back guarantee STAR DRUG CO. WIHfwt Shampoo Honp, uM In cnnrwctloa with lldruot, will lmtten llio trentinfiit. ALL RUBBER ARCTICS RED RUBBER SOLE CORN BELT ARCTIC No cloth about this Corn Belt arctic to get foul and ill-smelling. It is all rubber from toe to top pure long-wearing rubber. The sole is made of long-wearing Red Rubber. We challenge any maker to put out a better arctic. It is water-proof to the top of the bellows tongue. It's light b is consistent with strength and durability. KKOiv'FALLS ' Top Notch Rubber Footwear The Corn' Belt Arctic U strengthened, reinforced, protected at the "train and wear points." The heel U extra thick and toe has an "armor t, plate" toe cap. Wear it over regular hoe. Has four buckles strongly Attached. 1 1 n. high. "ft ' This is' an ideal shoe for farmers rough, wet, sloppy work in stable, 4 barnyard ot field whero a high rubber boot is not needed. Drop in and handle this good, arctic You'll like it. u K. K. K. STORE Exclusive Agents lilliif : I See How We Make j,' III These Famous Snow Flakes IN J1PH Visit our Mb inodurn hnliorlon ti.r , ,. i ' Snow KlaltoH uro mrulu every ilnv. ,s, r, . 'i , Mpiin Interior. Note tho wonderful mlvii , ,,'i'!,'!!! ,x ,, and tho Iiiiko brlclt oum-i. Aft.r ,,. ,,.," f linked you'll kuow why thoy'ro no e,.d. ,mr rrocP iW'T II cttn HUpply you. ''""' ,,,JJj Don't ask for Ornckcra L v fe. say Snow Flakes ll I -J " v-a;-j tf e,cs ImmamaW) WLWmWmfmWmWmWKtSKSSSSSSi '.w&svHEszmmm. ?; iaMHU&, NOTICE TO SMEE WE ARE HEADQUARTERS TOR THE CELEBRATED IN 40 BLACK LE SHEEP DIP FOR SCABIES, TICKS OR LICE ON SHEEP The Dip recommended and recognized by tlie. United States Bureau of Animal Industry in Offi cial Dipping of both Sheep and Cattle for scabies. IN STOCK AND READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Secure Your Requirements of Us Merrill Mercantile Co. General Merchandise I MERRILL, OREGON 1 Thrift and Little Things Who are the men and women that become masters over great things. They are those who first of all becomp masters over little things. Dollar bills and silver dimes are only little things, so little that they often trickle away in eveiy direction and yet they have formed the solid foun dation for many a comfortable income through the following slegan: "DON'T WASTE! SAVE!" Start a Savings Account today. First State a Savings Ban KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON