TWKHHAV, OPTolll;n , THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON, paob rovn 101ft THE ' DAYLIGHT STORE gEh000mtmjStor A SAFE 1'JiACE 0 THADE - H. N. MOE, Proprietor 1 r . - .! t ". VI ' -v -tr?!'' Hart SchafTner &.Marx SiS Your money Ulv tn What will it buy in clothes this fall? VOU'RE pretty sure you're going to pay a good price for Clothes this Fall; you're not so cer tain the Clothes will be as good as the price. You can be 100 per cent sure A. Come to this store; you'll get Hart Schaff-V ner & Marx clothes; all wool ,stylish, guar anteed; as .good as ever. Your money back if you think you don't get your money'3, worth. . ' - K. Sugarman The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes Many New Shades in Minerva Yarns Just Received Women who do knitting will find our iiNscitment of yartiH nt n splendid stngo of completeness. Tho now shades for tho fnshlou Ini: of sweaters offer ninny sug gestions. Seo onr window dis play. Perfect NE W Mandarin Smocks Ono of tho Biimrt nnd docldoly now nrllrles of feminine np parol Hint him already bocomn populnr in tho hast. No two nr thorn nllko ho wo hosltnto nt doHcrlptloiiB. Of lino Oriental Uopo with yarn onihroldorrd designs In hold colors. Home of thoni liuvo girdles mndu of ynrn. In old niHU. pink, green. li.vMiihir. yol low, liluo nnd whlto. Our window display Is piittloulnrly IlltOt-OHtlng. cr In the Octob Pictorial Rcviiiw Mnny dorldnll) nil,.,,, stylos In Hull iv,rk8 n?"'" In, Tho Pin ui l, Hcv(,wV10n inhor. Women iio ,, '" c" will Mud "IrmnuklnKn r"1 jjlnnmin. Hi...,. the,,, p.lU(,rnsrC P ERSONAL... County Commissioner Burrell Short Is in Portland this week on business. Al. Gould, who has been with tho Pelican Bay Lumber Company as logging engineer, left this morning for Mobile, Alabama, where he has accepted a similar position at a muc,h larger salary than ho received hero. How about' some new records from Earl Shepherd's? 2t 8,00B.ttlle,guarnteed tire at cost Save pMy The Perfection Tire. , The Asbestos Breaker Strip keep out road Beat and does away with tread separation. At cost while they lost Crater Xake Tire Service Station 1136 Malik- St, Klamath Falls. Oro. 7-6t Seat yet. Herald Want Ads. it' from says the sGood Judge Me ?3 Wise tobacco chewers long since got over the big-chew idea. A little chew of this real quality tobacco gives them better satisfaction and they find their chew ing costs even less. With this class of tobacco, you don't need a fresh chew so often and you find you're saving part of your tobacco money. dSffi real tobacco chew Put up in two styles ' RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long line-cut tobacco MUA.usmnmzt&Twnmr!axfiRMm W mltel Fit and Real Comfort in Forest Mills Underwear for Women and Children Combining oxmilslUi softness nnd perfect comfort will, allowance forfroedoni of move unit those garments moot tho requirements of discriminating womon who doiuund a poi cl hltliK undiTKsrinont woven of tho llncHt of yarns and giving unusual service. Women's Union Suits $4.50 QJorpsio Underwear AtaJcK'USU Of flno modliini-wolKht Sllkntoon and Mo rlno In high, low and Dutch neck stylos. Women's Union Suits $4.00 Of heavy-weight Sllkatcon and Morlno and medium and light weights of Morlno. High, low and Dutch nocks. Women's Union Suits $3.50 Medium nnd light-weight Morlno and Silk nnd Cotton Union Suits. In high, low and Dutch nock styles. Women's Vests $1.00 to $1.50 Of medium nnd hoavy weight whlto cot ton, In high and Dutch nock styles. Misses' Union Suits Of medium wolght cotton. Drop-sont stylo. High nock. Sizes 3 to 16 yenrs nt 9Gc to $1.75, according to slzo. Ilsies' Union Suits of heavy wolght Mo rlno and whlto wool. High nnd Dutch neck. Sizes 2 to H years, at $1.50 to IL'.CO. v Women's Union Suits $2.25 tlood giado modltim weight cotton Union Suits In high, low and Dutch nock ilylon Women's Union Suits $2.00 ' Medium and light weight Mem hod coil on ' Union Suits. High, low and Dutch nock HlylUH. Women's Union Suits $1.75 A very good grade medium weight whlto cotton Union St.lltt in high nnd low nock stylos. Women's Tights $1.25 to $2.50 Medium wolght whlto cotton nnd heavy weight wool tlgrts, anklo longth. Special vnluos. ' Boys' Union Suits Of flno. hoavy weight groy cotton. Cloned crotch stylo. Sires 4 to 14 yours, l'rlcos $1.20 to jl.GG, according to size. 4 Hoys' natural wool and heavy wolght Mo rlno Union Suits. Closed crotch; H to lfi yours. $2.10 to $2.0G. I'M ' ,. . v) uorcMfifc Underwear AUtmllgJ 4 .(! ia GORDON HOSIERY for Women nnd Children When yon buy this well-known hoslory. you have tho nsHiirnnco of receiving tho very most in quality nt tho prico you pay. Wo mention Children's Hose 60c The famous "Hound Ticket" brand, and never to bo confused with tho ordinary, Inferior nullity hoso at u slightly lowor price. In black, white and tan. Mndo for long wear. Cotton Hose 50c Women's flno cotton hose with four thread heol and tee. Splendid wearing. In black and white. Out sizes of this hoso GOc. ' Silk Lisle Hose 85c We cannot duplicate this hose to sell at this price. Extra tine quality, shoer silk lisle. Extra thread heel and toe. Black and whlto. Silk Hose $1.50 A fine, full-fashioned hoso with extra thread heol and too. In black, whlto and cordovan. v Lace Hose $2.00 Very god quality hoso and very smurt v All silk. In black, whlto and" cor dovan . A Real Thrift Opportunity Tomorrow Wirthmor Silk Blouses Does keeping down the -cost of ap parel and the cost of living interest you? Then there's a splendid oppor tunity for savine;. Beautiful new Wirthmor Silk Blouses, made of Georgette, Crepe de Chine and Wash Satin, carefully and dependably made. ' Style distinction and style attractive ness in eveiy one and warranting a much higher iprice, tomorrow Your Choice at Just $5.00 And this is the greatest five-dollar Blouse value we have ever offered. The quantity is limited; no more of the same styles will be obtainable. Just a word of caution to come in early be fore the entire allotment is gone. BEDDING SPECIALS Present wholesale cnntti to duplicate our stocks aro much higher than when those boddlngH wore purchased Our Ml vlcn to innko purchases at onco nhould be hcodod. ' Cotton Blankets $2.65 Of good grndn cotton Kroy with pink border. A special valuo ut this price "WearwcH" Blankets $4.00 groy, with colored Inches Special at In white, tan ami borders. Size C4xt0 $4.00. "Woolnap" Blankets $7.00 "A vury gooil wool IImIkIioiI blanket In grey, pink nnd blue nild patterns. Comforters at $4.00 An extraordinary vuluo nt this price Killing Is. carefully carded ccitton The covering of- Jlnlnty lloral pattern sllkollne. A Part of the Service This Store Renders To those who Uvo out of tho city, wo suggest that you write to us regarding your nowdH. A return mall will bring you full Information, and, If pnxslhlo, samples. Wo prepay nil nxpresi .charges on merchandise purchased. "Wearwell" Comforters $5.00 An 'oxtrn special value llln dcslgi Comforters at $6.50 Of lino carded and seledcd whlto felt. Covorod with dainty figured silkolluo. Select cotton lllllnc. Flno sllkollno covering m prciiy leslgn, AlAAAA Auf4 lftftt.4ft4Sfc 7t W';?? TOQ LAT TQ CLASSiFY V ,1 - ' tv OPERA HOUSE i Two Nights Only Commencing Wednesday, October 8 Wednesday Night by Special Arrangement With OLIVER MOROSCO Maud Fulton's Cpmedy "THE BRAT" WVWWMMWWM WANTED Two men to store ana pile in basement twenty five cords wood; Baldwin Hotel 6-2t LOST Gold bar pin set with pearl Finder please return to Herald and receive reward. 6-lt FOR SALU fi passenger Chovrolot car Hxrcllont condition Price Sf.r.n 1ir.7 Mnln ni. Phnnn 1fiO !! ' 7-3t J tun bAi,,k on easy terms modern coiiago. can sio second hi., before 9 st m. or after C p m. 7-3t FOIt SAL.U-l.ito '17 Maxwell tour- it. O. Jones,' 610 l'lno f t i f Taylor Ilettol of the Orator I.uko Tito Service Station hnvo Installed a now rib re-tread mold nnd ure now prepared to turn out tho finest re treads in the county. You bo tho judge of our work. 1126 Main St., Klamath Falls, Ore. 7-6t WITH THE ORIGINAL COMPANY'. i Price, Adults Children m 'l tfc $1.00 50e Reserved Seats Now oh Sale ? T t X T T T T T T T T T T T I t T t i T T T T ing car treot. 7-6t NOTICE We wish to state that tho Perfection Dairy did not chnngo hands and It Is continuing tho del ivery nt the old prices. 1 quart per month 30 days $4.00 1 pint per month 30 days $2.25 Our milk is flltorod In tho most sanitary method. Your trado sol-1 kited. For other rates call 19Y C-2t W, B. Perkins. Don't miss tho big special show at tho Llboity tonight. Threo big special HnowH will bo given during tho ovening and any ono of thoni Is well worth tho ndmlsslon prico charged for Iho threo. Sessuo Hnya kawa In "His Birthright" will bo tho first plrturo shown, nnd will bo followed Jiy a Contury Animal Com edy ontltled "Lions In tho House." Tho last 'Jilcturo shown will bo "TI1U I.ONU STAll UANCIKH." star ring William Fnrniim, anil tho pic ture Is being shown tub last and oxtra time bocimso of popular de mand, tho Uboity being unable to seat tho growilB tho past two day that this plLturo has been shoan. How about Minn. p N0"1 '""" Km I ShcpbcidV.' mt Want Ads bring rcsulbi. LIBERTY THEATRE "THE PICK OP THE PICTURES" yMWWWVWWWMWMWrWMWSWWWrWV H. W. Poole, Owner Matinee Every Day ' - ' TONIGHT BIG TRIPLE SHOW SESSUE HAYAKAWA IN "HIS BIRTHRIGHT" Century Animal Comedy ' "LIONS IN THE HOUSE" AND Extra showing of the Great Picture "THE LONE STAR RANGER" STARRING WILLIAM FARNUM Pictures Shown in the Order Named Above DON'T MISS THE BIG SHOW " DOORS OPEN AT 7 P .M. NOTICE TO SHEEP WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR THE CELEBRATED BLACK LEAF 40 SHEEP DIP FOR SCABIES, TICKS OR LICE ON SHEEP The Dip recommended and recognized by the United States Bureau of Animal Industry in O' cial Dipping of 1oth Sheep and Cattle for scabies. IN STOCK AND READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Secure Your Requirements of Us Merrill Mercantile Co. General Merchandise 0 X MERRILL, OREGON v A frA A A 4 t T-l,-,,1t' AA A A T ff