THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, PAGE THRKD, Cr, FARM MAC Howie Garage A Complete Line Will Found at the r LEGAL NOTICES ilininlNti-atoi'H Notice of l-illni: of Final Account In tho County Court of the Htato of Oregm, for Klomatli County In (be Matter of tho Estnto of Law renco II, Cardwoll, Deceased Niuilo lb hereby given that I have fil d my final account and report us AdmlnlBtrator of tho est-tj of Lnt. miko It Cardwoll, deceased, and tho abovo entitled court has fl-seil urnn Saturday, tho 22nd duy of Novum Extra Special . Extra Special At the Liberty Tonight a 'NAAAMW OCTOBER 7, 1010 tiESI)A t ..mmrfMQMMdMMih MBMMMMMmMMMMMmm "'r n 2 'i in . n tbn H"'i M " HfFISSnll IIMNS ZfE5Z SALE Real Estate I FOR aii .i.v. Take your choice- -All ,-i.t,rirnlll8- 10n MTW, Sf under . .-..4i iinnioiiy mitivv$ Jti- ril ..! UIMI. om r 1 load htrongh Plnco; deeded fflof ny. HUPurncro, half cash. Art iwrns. lHl under Hontofly nrolect; Reed I'Ouho, Imm and out Ski. HnoKur.l-nVi.ot: on Lost Blierlqmirter mllo from Hoiinns-u. Flna stock ranch. 8 ncrcs, 1(10 under cultivation, prlvuto reservoir ill irrigate about 200 acres; .all (weed; r miles northwest of llowmzii SO acres, 00 nrron under Irrlgnllou imtll payment down, liulnnco on hut terms. ' For Information on above call nt SIT KlaniatU Avutiuo 0-!lt FOR SALE- Modern and well Im proved homo In Hot Springs Ad dlllon, seven rooms and bath, full bueraent, II replace storm porch, Una garden and largo gurugo. Cor ner Huron and i:i Dorado Avcnnts. Louise K. Ferguson, Phono 4-4 oi 117. CCP FOR SAM; thin week Lots 1 and i and 1C ft. of lot 3, Block Hi, Flnt addition to Ktumntli Tall. Telephone 122W or cnll 128 N. Fifth St. l-7t F0R3AI.1: 8 room Iioiiro ueir lilgh school. 12400, must wirrllK-o .Am leatlngclty. Ilox 21. Horald :i-Cl FOR 8AMJ on easy terms modern cottage. Call Sin Second hi., before 9 n. in. or after (i p. in. 3-31 FOR SALE Thrco head of extrn line Jorsoy Milch Cows giving milk now. Will freshen last of March and foreDart of Aurll For further In formation Phono 10F11, Olene, Ore. 29-7t FOR SALE Dandy llttlo house on Tenth St. $m.O half cash, hot on Main St. 1500. Lots close In ut $300 and J3G0, Lots on pavement 2 blks from Main st. $20 00 por foot. Terms on all our lots W M MontelliiH. lth K. D. Co. 1303 Main St. 20-tf FOR SAL1- Ilcautlful 8 room resi dence at cornor of 10th and Pine. Modern full basement furnftce part payment down Ilulnnco to suit purchaser. Attractive prlco If pur- chased direct Address. Mrs. Corn Sanderson, 312 South 10th & Joffor soa, Corvallls, Oregon. ll-2Ct FOR BALE Furnishings for room houso 122N Gth St. n six 20-tf FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR SALE OU TRADE Ono span two year old mules. Albert Barrett, Keno Itoud. 2-Ct WILL TIIADEFor renl estate, (i. i ar ln K00'1 condition, 4 now tlres.Address XYZ Herald 1-Ct FOR SALE on TRADE Burglar ErtnE !i iInfL,llro w- C- Davenport Port,7'33 Main St. 30tf PAtl n . . T '"v ham-; OR TRADE 4 modern Ilungnlow. A vory M location. Seo Perkins. room doslr- 18-tf nt mLE ou TRADE Cooking r.B. lla ot various kinds, also a 5r wV0' noarly nny Ml of, a IlwklnaFurnituro Houso. 20-tf ShlIenm,' Rubs- Watting, Pabcolln. to, ?' Betls' "attrossos and Springs Hm'J or trad0- Perkins' Furnlturo !! 20-tf WANTED TO TRADE-a NewTa JSi "o. you pay tho dlffor IJklnFurnlturo House. 20-tf ranto'lin011"1 or moro nna nn 0,d "? Will get ono nf mv n..w .mm iHS' Flirnttnrn lln,ia on. QW THE SCORES AT THE PASTIME POOL IIOOM bnntth. ""nro has arranged for tli wag i? ifnuvory. play a,ul ovo-y m- tween tfi n,r.ont has" the 0i,iS c'llcnBo Whlto Sox and o ffi2natl Carlnals. Thoro Is youwn'?'. You nro welcome and "or donnfn l,skcd t0 buy a th'"B oonato a cent. -.f FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR BALEKllghlly umd furnlturo I'rlvnlit party. No ilentem fall 11!) Fouith HI Phone -Isr, 0-Otf FOR SALE--A Chevrolet, a Ford, Maxwell and an Oakland. Inquire A. C. Hnnllno. 1127 Main ;-tr FOR SALElOO ple.-o llavll.ini dinner Hot, ilnmHoiH, chairs, tables, bulTot, kitchen tnblo, picture, iito. 1!()3 WjiHliliiBton fall for for ham: cash. -Upright piano cheap 818 Oak :i-10t 1 FOR SALE Hillck 0. inquire CBOl Market 31, Peyton Apts y-r.t! 4 KOIt HAMi ()m Los Angeles 1 V..-I ton capacity trailer ;solld rubber tires, metal lined body; cost S3D0: used 30 days; will Hull for $200 cash. AildrcHH P. (). Ilox 503, Klam ath Kulls, or Phono lll-'ll 2-12t POU HAM: -Out) nearly new nun ham packer or clod manlier, 2 3-ln. wngoiiH, one with box, Iluln and Hickory; one 3-aectlon Hprlug-tooth barrow, lined one sel, one new Oil vor soil plow. one now Olher break ing plow. All the abovo god as new Knr Halo cheap. AIhd lot of tlnr sows with pigs. Address P. O Ilox Ii()3, Klnmnth I-'alls, or phone lll-Ml. 2-l2t FOR SALE 2C head pure bred Wllllumotto Vnlloy Lincoln Rucks nnd ono Rambolet us we are niovlug out of tho country would r.Uhcr sell theso thun moo them out.- Tbeso bucks aro high grade stuff und in lino Hlinpo. Can he seen at 1). li. Murphy a place oight miles out ou the Merrill Komi. Address II. S. Newton. Owner, C(!2 A St., Ahhland, Oro or 1). II. Murphy, Klamath Falls, Oregon. 1-:J0-I0t FOILiSAM-;- 24 head young bucks. See or Moyor, Merrill, Oregon. Rmnboulel wrlto F. M. 2C-101 FOR sM-; Stock hogs nnd sows with pigs. Phono 11F11. 2H-12t UPRIGHT PIANO Good condition $195 terms ns low us $7 00 por month at Shepherd's. 17-tf LOST AND FOUND LOST Auto 'crunk, Saturday on tho Keno Road between Murdock Hunch und, Klamath Fulls. Finder lenvo ut Gnfleh's Grocery und recolvo rownrd. 0-2 1 LOST Elk charm with name and Lodge No. 383, Mlssouln, Mont Flndor return to C. R. Williams Washington Hotel und iecole liberal reward. C-Ot LOST Ono whlto Alrdalo dog en capod from crato at dopot, notify American Railway Exprosrf Co.. $5. i award. C-3t LOST Noar Merrill car chains 33 4 tiro pump 2 pUmp Jncks tiro tools Rowtird Vochntzoij Bros. Merrill. Oregon. 1-121 ROOMS, APARTMENTS ROOMS to rent nt tho 228 Fourth Claromont I'tf FOR RENT Comfortnblo bed roomr. for working mou at ClC.Klnmuth Ave. t-3t MAN'S BEST AGE A man is as old as his organs ; ho can be as vigorous and healthy at 70 as at 35 If he aids his organs in performing their functions. Keep your vital organs healthy with COLD MEDAL The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and 'uric acid troubles since 1696; corrects disorders! stimulates vital organs. All druggists, threo sizes. Look for tfio nmo Gold Medal on " v and accpt o imitation NAVI'LI) Middle aged woman as I'otiM'ki epor In hid. ill fiunlly for two or tlueo months. Work light Wages good Herald olllro fi-tf WANTED - Hukois, swampers, truikiimu, carpenters. Sternly em- l iiioyniuHi, good wages. Wrlto or i npiily, Modoc Lumber Co., 1. O Chlloqiiln -Ct SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED To dig potatoes shares A share for labor. Alhort Barrett, Keno Road 2-Ct' on IV .YOU WANT STUDENT HELP. call tho Klamath County High Srhnnl phono 350. Girls for typing opylng and Ming; also general iiouhoworK. caring for children etc. Bos for clerking, messenger service, mores, i-te. Special attention Is glv. en to this service by tho school authorities and nn effort Is to bo made to make olllclent, convenient and piofltuble both to tho student and to tboHo requiring their services. 2tf WANTED Olrl for general house work and cooking Mrs. O. G. I,ab- nrce, 131y, Oregon. 1-tf AVo inako n hpeclnlty of fire, life anil iiccldent Insurance. Phono OO and uo'll do t'vo rest. Chllcoto & Smith. Ctf MISCELLANEOUS VAVI.WV WIMi the party whe picked up tne package of dry goods In Klamath Dopt. Store Friday morning. Please return. Reward 4-f.t LADIES of tho Gymnastic Club will meet Monday night from 8 o'cIock to 9. Ilrlng your friends. Visitors welcome. 4-2t Anyone expecting to enjoy the privilege of city heat may find an opportunity to dlsjioao of a good big aii tight heater at tho Horald Ofllco. 1-u WANTED To got uso of goop milch cow for feed and care. II. W. Barton, Miller Hill School Houso, R. F. D. No. 1 . l-5t WANTED Cattle or horses to win ter ut reabonablo prices. Call 10F23 1-Ct WANTED TO BUY OR TRADE For any nnd all kinds of furnlturo. Per kins. 20-tf CITY GARBAGE When you want Garbage removed phono 91. 11-tf PHONO PEYTON for Wood. 112R. FOR RENT OR LEASE FOR LEASE A tractor proposition. Sovoral hundred acres of burned over tulo land In fine condition for dialling, C mllesS. E. of Midland. M. Motschonbachor. 22-tf Jf ..'-.. ...jy.v.illw.tHrttil WAIT! AND LET US SnOW YOU OUR NEW TIRE Hoagland & McCollum Next Door to Postofflce. Passengers and Baggage ANYWHERE IN THE CITY QUICK SERVICE REASONABLE RATES PHONE 187 WesternTransferCo. County Court House of Klamath County, Oregon, In tho City of rua .. nth Falls, In said county, as tl i mien und wliero uny person may present and objection or ex ception to anything dono by hi in us Administrator, and that at mich time and plnco tho abovo entitled court will finally pass upon und set tlo said nccojunt. E. II, CARDWELL, Administrator of tho Estate oi Law rence 'It. Cardwoll, Def-en""! 7-14-21 28 4 KOTICJ3 OP SATiK OP IRRIGATION DISTRICT IION'DS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ocalod proposals will bo received till tho 1 1th. day of October, A. 1), 1019 at tho hour of 8 o'clock In tho even ing for tho purchase of Forty Thous and Dollars worth of bonds of the Ilntcrprlso Irrigation District of Klamath County, Oregon. Said bonds aro to he dated Nove.nbor 3rt. 1919 and aro to draw Interest at the rato of six per cent por annum, Inter est' paynblo semi-annually upon tho 1st, day of July and the 1st. day of January of each year until tho matur ity of said bonds. Said .proposals will be received by mo uoaru oi Directors or said Irriga tion District, and should be direct ed to tho Secretary of tho Enterprise irrigation District, care of Charles J. Ferguson, Loomis Building, Klam ath Falls, Oregon., Tho Board of Directors reserve tho right to reject any or all bids offered. ' O. J. HILYARD, Secretary of the Board of Directors of Enterprise Irrigation District. U-?0t NOTICE INVITING PROPOSALS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Board of Directors ot the EN TERPRISE IRRIGATION DISTRICT of Klamath County, Oregon, thnl tho plan-, and speclfkatlon adopted and approved by snid Board for the construction of th' Irrigation workF for the Irrigation of tho lauds within The boundaries of the Enterprise Ir ligation Dis.rict can be teen at the office of tho Board whlcn 's tio Law olfieo of Charles J. Ferpuson In the Loomis Building ln the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, or at thu of t!"e of c T Darloy, Engineer lot said Disirlqi, which ss t inu County Survevor'a oiflco In the City nf Klam ath Falls, Oregon, and sealed pro posdls will bo received by the Board at their office up to the'liour of two o'clock ln. the afternoon of Octobc 10th, 1919 for the construction ol bald works, either in portions or a$ a whole ,Contiact will bo let to the lowesi bidder but the Board of Directors re sen o the right to reject any or al' bids or to accept or reject ny scho dule Mil or combination of schedule Lids nnd to waive technical defects and to tcke pueh action as may be doomed for tho best interests of the District Any peison or persons to whom a contract may be nwarded will he loqulred to enter Into a bond, with good and sufficient sureties to be ap proved by the Board, payable to said District for its uto, for twentyflve per cem nf the amount of tho con tract price, conditioned for the faith ful performance of said contrnct. G. J. HILYARD. Secretary of tho Enterprise Ir rigation District. 2i-12t, FIRE Insurance J.H. Driscoll Loomis Bldg. Phone 432 Liveiy, Feed and Stable Sales! Auto Service Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable Long Trips Our Specialty Reasonable Hates Phone 180 822 Klamath An "HIS BIG THE "The Lone Star Ranger" At the Liberty Tonight Extra Special Extra Special NOTICE I am now prepared to furnish jhasta Sand from the Hoey, Cam., ianii and gravel pit, ln any quantity that may be desired by contractors And builders. AL. F. GRAHAM. v Get those Hip boots for the next hunt nt N. B. Drew, Cor. Gth and Main. 6-2t Bilious Headaches pOno of the most common sources of headache Is the stomach. Biliousness, indiges tion and similar aliments are mighty apt to cause headache. NYAL'S HEADACHE . REMEDY will quickly overcome any kind of headache and do It without causing any serious after-effects. Price 30c V 'v IUJUTAI n rftLia unt-uuii Whcnt PABTICULA0t (K33 OUT 1P.IH U.UUB jndcrwoodsPiamufY ' KLAMATH FALLS OREGON mS?" SESSUE HAYAKAWA in; BIRTHRIGHT" CENTURY ANIMAL COMEDY ? 7 " Lions in the House h AND IN RESPONSE TO POPULAR' DEMAND GREAT WILLIAM FRANUM IN . -. iANNOUNEGMEN)THfe . - I jr ,h 4 ti ft r m H , We bavetpurctaasedjthe RED CROSSlDRUa STORE, located in Merrill. . '$ H And in the future it will be conducted by us, ' H with ourMr. .Will Wood, in charge. We bid for . ' 'S ' -fj'-' I ft' ycur patronage on the basis of prompt and em- H clent service, courteous treatment and fair prices. H Thank; youj - .' V .'-v . H"' I - H I SOUTHERN OREGON DRUG CO. , I "New Men New Methods" l-s - - .' I x pnone 4u 72s Main St. .1! Ice Cream Candle 1 1 PASTIME Monrow, Prop. ( Cigars, Tobacco, Soft Drink, Peel and Billiards Barber Shop In oCnnectlon oun MOTTO "Courtesy and Service" Jack l 'Tt,H j vkj Mi t-' -A w S- v; ? tj -WMsi5t v'S&&? Vrtt. fW! ml J ROOFING Now Is the. time to fix that toof now before the rain and snow come and make it al most impossible to do the work. You save money by doing It now, and save your property too. Let me do your work, and it. will be done right. ' W. D. MILLER! Contractor 1( .. . Phone 293 x asa Othjlst. .i t -u .11 M j5 4 ii'- ;, ; &$!, S SULPHU First Car Has Arrived Murphey's Feed & Seed Store $fc 126 Soutk Sixth St I V i( J! ' r a lMj A,