THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, PAGS FARM MACHI Howie Garage o A Complete Line Will Found at the M0NnAv. oTTonim c, mio. wHilil!iyHlJi'llll!i:'! I1',!" "SWfll HUB CLASSIFIED COLUMNS "foRSALE Real Estate I .. Dill'. I 111 wecK LOW 4 Ullil 6 ami 1C ft "f 1t 3. ," ''; nt addition to Klamath Fall. T&phone 128W or rail MS Fifth St ." ----- --- I III' ronSALK 8 riHim Iioubo mtar IiibH , aehool I74IIII. HlUDt OHiiintu ...... luting city llox 21, Herald 3-Cf FOU SAI.15 on nsy terms m .Mi.r,. Coll 8IC Second modern M., Wore a. in or after C p. in. 3-3t FOB 8AI.K Three head or ex ni I ne Jenwy Milch Cows kIvIiik milk to Will freshen IhhI of March and forepart of April Kor further In fonaatlon 1'hoiio 10FI1. Olelie. Ore FOR SAI.I Dandy llttlo house, on Ttnth St $1750 half-rash. Iot on llitn St. $t00 Lots clone 111 at 300 and J50 Lots oir pavement 2 blks from Main it $20 00 per foot. Twins on all our lots V M. Moiitulltm Uh K. Co 1303 .Main 81 20-tf FOU SAI.B lleautlf ul 8 room resi dence at corner of 10th und I'luo. Uodrrn full basement furnace part payment down Ilalanco to null porchaaer Attractive price If pur cbaaed direct. Address. Mrs. Corn Eanderaon, 312 South 10th & Joffer aon.Conallla, Orrgon. 11-201 FOU SALE Furnishings for a six room house 122N Cth SL 20-tf FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SAM! 100 pleio llavllainl dinner vet, dresseis, chalis, tables linffet, kitchen table, ,-ilcluros, tilt'. 203 Washington 4-31 FOR BAIX for each. -I prlght piano rheap 818 Oak 3-IOt FOU SAI.K- llulrk C. Iuijulro C20 Market St, I'eyton Apts. 2-f.t FOR 8AI.K Otm los Angeles 1"- ton capacity trailer ;solld rubber tires, metal lined body; ot $300: uied 30 days, will sell for $200 cn. AddrwfK I' O. Hot COS, Klum Up Falls, or I'liono II I'll 2-1 2t FOR 8AI,I One nearly new Dun bam packer or clod masher, 2 3-ln agoni, mm with box, Main mid Illtkory; one 3-serllon Hprlng-tootli larrovr, un-d one wek, ono now OH nr od iow,oiio new Oliver break Ins plow. All the ubotu god ns new Fr sale cheap. Also lot of line mi with pigs Address I'. O, Hox JM, Klamath Falls, or phono 1TL FOR 8AI.K 20 head puro bred Willamette Valley Lincoln Ducks "' we Haniliolc-t tut wn uro moving ?." 'uu country would rather noil Mae than move them out. These Snl i ro llle" K"i uff oml In &lla.P0, . Caia J ec" t ' ffiLie,,ilu Uoad' Address H. 8, 0-D "' MurP'y Klamath Fulls, 7lM0n' K-30-JOt J1"";". Beo or wrllo 1'. M, yrer, Merrill Oregon. 20-1 pt ,'0ii?!'B:Slo',k, '' airow(i 'tu pigs. i'iiOII)f mm. ir,.i BWWIIT l'JANO-,rt 'vmAMm "wial Blieulier. J7rtf A'OTH'IJ Ttoae iliroinrTT r, ,,'"vu riin-'ii goodH 'J5 VAWnutt VOOh HOOM ttJ,r"r"'' arWMPl tor ill tlBeof nJv!ry. Kluy U'"J iw !' ii a'Sr, at wiimi Kni bo. ' Wo'miuu1?.','"0 "" "'" " rtiMB,L nHMl 'J'lieru Is ' VUUU li'"1! "r WOJraWIO UIJ'J SULPHUR FOR SALE OR TRADE roll HAI.H Oil THADK tin.- muii, two )car old uiulfN Alliurlj Hatred, Kcnn Hnad 2-i;t WILL TltADI5Fur real estate. iiHi'it cur In ir wit! uiillilfiii A ttoti' ------ -.--. ... -,... vimiiuwii, i nun UruH.Ail(lrcMit XYZ Herald I-Ct" KOH BALE Oil THAI)!?- Hurglar proof safe. Iiiuiilru V. C. Davenport purl."33 Main Ht. 30lf KOH IICNT iiBit of bath. Lnri;o front hudrom 117 Pine 8t. 30-r,t roil BALE Oil THAHi: I room modem DiiiikuIow. A wi duslr- able Ideation See. Perkins 18-tf FOIt 8AM: Oil TIlADi: CookltiR utensils of various kinds, also r range or two, nearly any kind of n stove. I'urklns Furniture IIousu. 20-tf Linoleum, Hugs, Muttlng, I'nbcolln, Shades. Ileds, Mattretui-s and SprntcH for salu or trailo. Ci rkliis' Ftirnlluro House 20-tf WAXTUI) TO TIlAOi: a Xew range for nil old one, you pay tliu differ ence. Perkins Furniture House. 20-tf Kitty dollars or more mid nn old range will get one of my new ones, i'urklns' Furniture House 20-tf LOST AND FOUND FOI'M) Near lost river dam purse Owner may ha same by calling at the Herald ofllcu Identifying purse ami pitying for this ad. -1-1 1 l08T--NtMr Merrill car rhulns 4 tiro pump 2 pump Jacks tire toois Kuw-.ird vocjiatist'P uros. Merrill. Oregon. 1-I2t ROOMS, APARTMENTS ItOOMS to rent ul the 228 Fourth Clarciiiotit l-lf 1st, day of July aud tuo ast. day or KMIl HUNT- Coiiifortalilo bod roomr. January of each year until tho inatur for working men at MO Klamath ,lty of said bonds. ... I Ave 4-2t : - ' ..-or-f t ,,,nniiP MISCELLANEOUS WILL the party win. ilikd uj) "iei;,J "jg ' package of dry goods In Klaitiulh 'im10 Ho'ai Dept Storo Filduy morning I'l-asel . . . . . return Howard l-M ,"'-lOTOJ Dept 8tnr Filduy mornliig J'l.-ase I return Howard l-rt . LADIK8 or tho Cyiiiunstlc Club will meet Monday night fioin 8 o'chK n lo '.). HrliiK your friends. Visitors wolcoitiu. 4-21 Anyono expecting to enjoy the privilege of city beat limy Und mi opportunity to dispose of a good big air light heater ut tho Herald Ollice. 1-ti WANTUD To get uso of good milch cow for feed nnd ram. H. W, Darton, Miller Hill School House, II. V. J), No. 1 1-Df WANTKD- ler at 19F23 -Callli nr horses lo win reasonablo pilcos. ('"Ill i ANTI5D TO lUY OH THADK J'or any and all hinds of fiirnlturo, I'er- ,ih, 20-tf CITY OAHIJAOK When you want (JuibaKO removed phono 111. IJ-lf i'liojim I'HYTON for Wood. 11211. FOR RENT OR LEASE FOU JJCAHJC A Iruclor proposition. Huvurul iiuiiureu iicron in iiuiimio rw lulit land III fill" cDiidllloii for diking VmllesH, K, of Midland, M. '. k,.,.ii',M citiiiiKl inny !! inviinieil win ne AOIM.IJ lejuliiMi tr Kiilii lulu n himi). wj)i I um now prepared to furnish , ,, Bj uffMi'Mt mumlluB'tu Jio !, oIibkIu Bund from Iho Uoey, Cam, , erovi l by ibv Jid. l'lfl''o losuhr sand ami rayel pit, l "X iJimiillO jjnrin ! U " tar twmity-flvn that limy bo denliwl Y 'eanlruclort ,,cr ctu. f Hie huhiiiiI of Did ron and bulJiJen, ,,.., U'H't pib, (omlillwnMi for Ilia foltli.l nil', illininici i Hori'ly Jioii'J m'iJIo yoM.WMlt. 7III eoU) H'timlth, n'lt HELP WANTED iiii ituiiiK, Httaniporit, ti.i' hiupti, ;ii nil tb Steady oin- .iiiiihiii , kk'i'I mhkim ivrllU or .iiil. Minim- l.uinllir Co.. I. o ciiiiiniulii 4-0t SITUATIONS WANTED , WANTKU To dig pylaloes on shnre.-i A share for labor. Albeit Marrelt, Kcnu lload 2-Ct IF VOC WANT KTI ItCA'T HBM, cull die Klamath County High j School phone ttv. Olrls for typing 'copying und nilng. also general housework, earing for rhildion etc, , Hoys for clerking, messenger service, 1 chores, etc. Special attention is giv- ell to this servlro by the hchool authorities mill mi eiTort li to be 1 made to mako olllclont. rnuveiilent lnnd prolltnbln both to the student land to tlioso ruaulrliiK their borvlccH. I ' 2tr IIIOII SCHOOL, IJOY wants perma nent work mornings and 'evenings. Would urk In pi hate family for bourd rind room 30-tf WANTKD Two Woodchoppors. Chll coto &. Smith. 033 Main. 4 -If WANTKU :irl for work anil rooking -areo, Illy, Oregon. general house Mrs O. O. Lab-1-tf VTo mal.o a specially of fire, life anil Occident insurance. I'liono (10 and o'll do Chi Chllcoto & Sinitli. C-tC - l LEGAL NOTICES MM'W'A XOTK'U OF KAIiH OF IltHIOATIOX IIIKTHICr IJOXD.S. ' Nnnnn is iiniinrtv oivkn timt SS-'ooalcd proposals will ho recelvotl till "' niu. uuy o uciouw. a. n, wi nt tho hour of 8 o'clock In'tho even ing for tho purchase of Forty Thous and Dollars worth of bonds of tho Fntorprlso Irrigation' District ot Klamath County, Oregon. Ham j bonds are to bo dated Novo.nbof Jft, 1911) and aro to draw Interest at tho rate of six per cent per annum, inter-1 est payable semi-annually upon the i Said proposals will ue recoivou uy l(l0 jioard of Directors of said Irrlga- I ll" District, and should bo dlrect- led to the Secretary of tho Knterprlso Irrigation District, caro of CJiarioa J. Ferguson, Loomls uulldinc, Klam- OreEon. llnnnl nt ntrnrtora rnsflrvo tho . . , . . t .. ,)I(,a oftorod. n. J. IIILYAUD. Seorolnry of tho Hoard of Directors of KntorprliM Irrigation District, 4-?0t Norici; invitJmi j'hoi'osals, NOTICIO 18 HliltlvilY (11VKN by the Hoard of lilrr-tors of tho DX TLHI'lllHi; lltUUJATION IMS 1 HUT ot KlauiHtli County, Oregon, that Hi plan" und speelfi ntlyiw iidoplfid and approved by wild Iloiiid loi the coiihtrui'tlou of tho Irrigation works for Iho Irrleatlou of tho luiids within the boutidurios of the Iluloruilso Ir ilKiitiou DIs rli't ran be icen ?t tne off li e or tho lit aril, whl n '- 10 Law ollbe of Charles J. FerMM"ii In the I in mis Hiilldlng III the 'i;y of Ki luiuiii Ilbx. Oruffon, oi at Hk of- t -p it l' T Ibirlev, I iiKlueor Jor ,m, tn-iWei, whl" l i -t tow oi"l.v ' riurvav.,r', pfTjao lu th 1 of-Klam-i t ath Fwlls. ihtpon. ami soaled pro- uouiis wJll Jiu.rou'lvnil hytliq lloiird' at their offlcvAUU a tliQ hour of two o'linek in tho aflwiiioon of October j Huh, 1 1 0 for thu jonsrulloii of sald ik. oltlior In poitlims or us( a whole Conlinfl.wlll )t hV I" U Uwei Mild, r I ul Iho lloatd of DJrnclors re serve the iJmIU lo ioJocI liny or nil l,j,'s im to aiToit ur rojtftl any fcclio diilo lid it combination of Kiiheditle; bids mid to waive loelniliiil dofucls and to u.k u ;';-;!;;; tor tbu Hllll uullpn as imiy mi1 heat InturuslH of the Aiiv pmx'jn or pdiMDiis In whom nj rni liorilll IHNIIHO l)( ! wnink'i I II, J. UIOIMH'. Uui-mtarv lit thti lillltHPriSH ll- HgMlilUI DJ(ilitl. vvrn IIUS IE SPIRIT CARES H TOVICTDRY I.'iH ANOHLIJS. Ort B Tlu lui'ii fHi or living Including tho hlcli com of traveling moans noth Jru; to Mrs Adah 1 1 rail ley, who his Just airlvcd hero with her six chll dnui .tifliT traveling from Silver Lalie. Ori'KOii a distance of l.fiOO turi' of r.O ennta. in lies ul a total financial' expend! tur ('Of CO cents. Kiislcrn Oregon having gone tjiero as orgunlsl for n band of HaptlHt inls-.ono slonarles and remaining to marry n rancher and heroine tho mother of six. More than a year ago, she said her husband left home and she Ii3ijatl, drink lots of pure water not seen him since. He left be - uiiiii li l ni an elderly liorsc und a two- sealed carriage, minus a top, but eiiulppud with loose spokes In tho wheels. Finally, In despair at her sltua Hon, Mrs. Dradley put her six chil dren, it frying pan and all tho fam ily clothing Into the carriage, hitch ed tho old horse to It and started for Los Angeles. She 1iad Just SO cents In cash, but "much courage. The duy of their departure was May 1C, 1910.. They made the trip In a little less than four months. They stopped at friendly farm houses and when they reached an orchard whero tho crop was being barvosted, she went to work. Eg liter, her eldest child, 12 years old. helped her. Homer, 11, the only boy, did the same. Hose, 9, did what she could along tho same line. Mary ,7, took care of Iris, 4, and Grace, 2, tho baby. "We' bad to suffir hardships, of course," said Mrs. Dradley, "but wo found the" hearts of all the people wo mot were big. What we want now lu a place to start life again," 'A.o great majority of Rational flags aro tricolors, hut a few, like Japan and Switzerland, aro content with two colcrs. Greatest producers ld Want Ads. known. Her- I'honu 4 CO Ico Cream 729 Main St. Candies PASTIME J ck .Mon row, I'rop, Cigars, Tobacco, Boft Drink,! Fool nnd HHIIards Hnrber Shop In oCnnectlon OUIt MOTTO "Courtesy und Service" FIRE Insurance J. H. Driscoll Loomis Bldg. Phone 432 .. Livery, Feed and Salsj Stable Auto Service Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable Loiijl '1'iJpn Our Specially J(CMMllllbU JtuU'N I'liono lilt) S22 KIhiiiiiiIi Avo 2 WWyrVVWWWrWMMrWA First Car Has Arrived GERTRUDE & CO. IlnU fur (.riming f.liN i Prom tlir-fi ar'a ua Complete lints of velvets, ptus!i. beaver und ve Jour hats (iKKTIltl)i: Ai CO., (.i'7 Main St KSIilfl KEEP FEET tells itHi;r.MATis.M sn'i'i:iti:it 'JO TAKK HALTS AM GLT Itll) OK fIC .CII Uheumatlsm Is no respecter of age,' sex, color or rank. If not the most '. ' dangerous of human afflictions It Is of the most painful. Those sub- Jert to rheumatism should eat less meat, dress as warmly as possible, avoid any undue exposure and, above , Uheumatlsm Is caused by uric acid whlcA la generated in the bowels and absorbed Into tho blood. It is the function of the kidneys to filter this DOT PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS ?'4444'K'M'4444&J SHANGHAI RESTAURANT CHOI' HITKV AND NOODLE IIOUSK Khnrt Order Mc-ils Served. 72 Main Street KLAMATH FALLS, ORB. Vyiyx.444yX4444ee4 ' ATTENTION My business is making your homes bright and prosperous by Painting, Kalsominlng and Paper Hanging. Satfsfactlon my guarantee. W. E. KANDY 17 Main St. Phono 103W SAW St ILL KNOINKKWNG & CONSTRUCTION CO. DexIgucrN noil builders of mod ern Saw Mlll, Planing Mills, Itox PIuntN, Complete plants contract ed. Appraisal anil reporlN made. Dredging. 'i coiilract to buUd any cIiihs of u building and Install oiaclilnery ofiaiiy Kind. Drafting of any kind done. Blue Priuth made. PHONK MO J OHIce in K. I). Ilulldlng Phone 3 10-J Illi-J Main Ht. O. K. Lunch AND CONFECTIONERY Formerly at 45 Slain Ht. Houie-SIude I'les und Cakes. Cold Meats & Lunch Goods. Ico Cream and Fruits. MAAAAAAMAWWWVIMMSV HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station ti.iiiiile die iiui)eyDavldsuii lotorcyi'li's aud Dlcycles JCxclus ively Also buy. sell and exchange nil other Makes, Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires and Tubes, C. K. U1SMAHK IIS B. Old St. Klamatli Falls AAMAAAAAajaAMAM i KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do All Kinds of Spring Repair lug New Ouch MiuIo to Order Axlo Straightening and i iiiaciiviiiiiiiiug ftllU LIIV J J'-IVW Phoue 250Y 017 Klainalli Ave. Let your Glass Troubles bo Sly Troubles, JU'gltuliiK ilo lii any purl of ili dly ' K. O. BTUCKY. Carpenter & Cublnotiimkor I'Jiono WW ' J024 Slain, i J acid from tho blood and cast II out In the urine; the pores of the ikln of this Impurity. In damp and chilly are also a meant of freeing the blood I cold weather the skin pores are clos I ed thus forcing the kidneys to do double work, they become weak and sluggish and fall to eliminate this uric acid which keeps cumulating and circulating thru the system event ually settling in the joints and mus cles causing stiffness, soreness and pain called rheumatism. At the first twinge of rheumatism get from any pharmacy about four ounces of Jad Salts; put a tablespoon, ful In a glass of water and drink be fore breakfast each morning for 'a week. This Is said to eliminate uric 1 acid by stimulating the kidneys to normal action, thus ridding the blood of these Impurities. c, I Jad 8alts Is Inexpensive, harmless and Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with 11th la and Is used with excellent results by thousands of folks who are subject to rheumatism. Here you have a pleasant effervescent llthla-water drink which overcomes uric acid and Is beneficial to your kidneys a well. Adv. J. C. CLKGHOItN Civil Knglneer and Sorreyor Office 517 Main St. Phone, Office, 100. Res. 1B2M. RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE IC F., Bend Staga Phone 276-W mmamaMamM THE PARISIAN' BEAUTY SHOP Facial Massaging, BleacblBg aad Facial Packs Manicuring. Shampooing Scalp Treatment BIO Main Pboae JM mm0 CITY AND COUVTV A1I8TRAOT COMPANY B17Mala' ARTHUR R. WILBOW Manager You Had Better Order , ' Your Winter Wood now Double Load Block $7.00 Green Blab, Pine .98.80 Green Slab, Fir .84.00 W. E. SEEHORN C0$ 022 Slain Bt. Phone 78 FOR ANY KIND OF FURNITURE See Andy Mauritsch At No. 10 Mula Street. rRY MB PHONE 178-J, PROFESSIONAL CARDS PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Ones tor Maternity Caaea f Urn. Roaa McDaslela, 301 High St Phone 455 FRED WESTERFELD DENTWT Loouila Hldg., i Klawatli Falla ffAwwfWrayywvyvyvw PK. 0. A, RAMRO Dentist I, O, O, V. HuUiUbm PHONE 01 V-AW AttT-tyaV-waaiy MurpheyU Feed & Seed Stqla 12 Sovlli Sixth St The greatest thing in thq world is the plain truth IMPEBIALES MOUTHPIECE CIGAQ&TTES have a great reputation be cause they tell the truth about good tobacco, finely blended. . You cannot buy a better cig : arette.for the money and that is a fact accepted everywhere as true. 10 for 13c The John Bellnaa Co. Braach KMafunm t ti DIRECTQRY ljWrtrVVV,lrYlft,ll mmmmmmm I DR. CARTER DENTIST WHITE BUaXDHKI PHONE 885 t iV J DR. R. B. CRAVER j Diagnosis ? Medicine and Surgery Office over Underwoods Phone 280W 7th and Mala WWMMMMWWMWWWVMWWW' DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecarrw PHONE 854 Dr. P. M. Noel PHONE 4 MMMMArMMrWMMAMVWMaAVVMaM IrVWWyWWMVMMWWWMrl Office Fbone 385 Res. 435 Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Physician and Surgeon ' ' White Building Klamath Falls Oregoa' Ak000WW0WWWWWWW0mi ft. . SOHLCCP KATMERINC SCHLEEP 1 Pliyalciana MBd Surgeona -' Office; White Bid. Wrr4&M4'fnrMi WARREN HUNT MEDICINE AND SURGERY. 806 I. O. O. F. Bldg. r DR. a A. MASSEY BHrceaaor to Dr. Truas Bult 80S, I. O. O, F. Bid Ofllre phone H6J Hem Pboae MM Phone 1G1J House 1C1SI Reuldonre DR. A. A. SOULE Offlcu, 420 Slain Resldenco, 1909 Slain DR. F, It GODDARD v tifoiHMtU PhftteUm Uurgttn H 811, I. a, Q, r,Tmp (ovar K. K, K; Ikara) S PWrapajF MBra' a a (Tits ly OstaoMtble Pat Ia and Bttrtttu Is r'iTrklr f ( -. nm mmM"i-M i. :. "f ; Orer Underwood's fc 1 Beraatli ud Mala Btreeta " " i mm'mmmmmrmmmmmim J I M J i ( li It 1 rtnj 0 tt-. . f-il 1