''V ' m- V Wty jV. T 1 ' i'49 i m V OfTTOnKH 4, 101 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE UHVHM I r Everybody Come Have a Good Time FIREMEN'S fi t i ii m CLASSIFIED COLUMNS SALE Real Estate TTT! l- rnnm llOIIBO llOUf Illill F"RfAlV(no "HiHt itiirrlHoo Am .. i.,n..u tiwiilnrn jAtB-on w "" '' "'Tm orri,.rOi.m. 3-3f 'rTHvCTIirof bend t extra PU. t.r.MTMH'11 Cows ",v,nB "" . lPeW lU lnt of March and rw Anril Tor further m HmL 'lion- lol H. Olene. Oro. formation imni 20-7t "TT... ti iu imin Iioiiho on FOR BAurr-y- . .;,. , ot on In a f 600 Lota close in ill .WOO K"i0 U.W en mvcino.it 2 li ks Cr Main St. $20 0U por nml.. lurinn Ifrom Mai" " ,- .., ,. Monte un. nir 'uin.., mi r. an.tf tllhK. V. w. iow - i cAKK Ilcnulirul 8 room rcsl- ... .mnr of 10th and IMno. .'..- ..ll l.nanninnt ftiriiaCC Z ynicn down Halnnco to fiutt pwn"i" .., iv nriPn if nt r- S direct. Address. Mrs. Com ELn. 312 South 10th & Joffor- lon.CorTallls. Oregon. 11-2M IrOR 8AtB-Furnl;J.lnM for a six mom house ." - FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR 8ALK Upright piano cheap for cath. 818 Oak 3-10t First chock for $30.00 buys now 1144.00 baby carriage. Call 11 4 0 Mtin after 8 p. in. l-3t IFOR SAU-3 llulck G. Inquire 020 Market St, I'eton Apts. z-ui- FOR SALE Ono Loa Angeles 1 li tem capacity tral'i-r ;30im riuiiior tires, metal 1 ncd body; cost $350; i.n.i so iinH! will riiII for S20I) cash. Address P (). Box 503, Klatn- to Falls, or l'liono urn. s-i-i FOR SALC One nearly nuw Duu- barn packer or clod nmshur, 2 .mil aeons, uno with box. Bain and Hickory; one 3-soctlon Hprlng-tooth barrow, used one wok, ono new ou ter sod plow.ono now Ollvor break ing plow. All tlio ubovo god as now, Far salo cheap. Also lot ot line iowi with pigs. Addrcs3 1'. O. Box. 103, Klamath Falls, or phone I1F11. , 2-121 FOR SALE 2 G head pure bred Willamette Valley Lincoln Ducks and one Rambolet as wo are moving t of the country would rather sell uese than movo thorn out. These tucks aro high grade stuff and .In 'foe shape. Can ho seen at D. B. Murphy's place eight miles out on tit Merrill Uoad. Address H. 8. Newton, Owner, GC2 A St., Ashland, Ore or D. B. Murnhv. Klnmnth Fulls. -Oregon. 9-30-lOt FOR 8ALE 24 hen,d Ramboulot "oyer, Merrill, Oregon. 2G-10t WR BALE Stock hogs nnd sows "u jiigs. i-nono UFll. 25-12t DpK'0IIT PIANO Good phndftlrfn 9195 terilia na Iaiu no 7 Aft nni - - uu It'll no y I UV 'UI pcath at Shepherd's. 17-tf Cood C passenger Overland tuny Wulppea. Price $G00.00. Seo Bill Loo. il-tf NOTIOU 'ihl. 1 ,wh0 ,iavo ordered goods Shd' " ncttor from thoMinn .S . f W.1OIon MlllB' lIcnso call or S Jm" th.om nt tl10 Klamath FalLs '"""""- J. U. HnMnp i.1 I Comfort m Service i iftiihtRP tha S"nt i ,- mwn n ralru ,,iimiT, IffiWFDv, -Mmt I ilEr rtfflBa'il H.n?e Tft36soqa ViB i ly a j ;towiir co. Whmrl FOR SALE OR TRADE TOR HALE Oil TRADE Ono spun two yuar old iniilcB. Albert nnrrott, itono itouil. 2-Ct Ik. WILU nwuji-l-or mil estaio,, .Ha.aavaa . . I uhoii cur in goou coiuiiiion, i now 4 tlres.Addrcfls XY5! Ilornld 1-Ct 1 FOR HAMS OH TIIADK- Burglar proof H.'ifu. Inqillra V. O. Dnvuiulorl port,733 Main St. 30tt FOIt UI3NT Lnrgo front bedrom iibo of bath. 917 IMno St. 30-5t FOR SALE OH TRADE t room inodurn Bungalow. A very desir able locution. 8co Perkins. lS-tf FOR SALE OH TRADE Cooking utensils of various kinds, also a range or two, nearly any kind ot n stovo. I'orklnB Furnlturo House. 20-tf Linoleum, Rugs, Matting, Pabcolln, Shades. Ucds, MnttrcPos and Springs for sale or trado. Perkins' Fumlturn House, 20-tf WANTKD TO TIIADK a Now range for an old one, you pay the differ ence PerklnB Furnlturo Mouse. 20-tf Kilty dollars or more ana an old ran go will get ono ot my now ones, rurklns' Furnlturo House 20-tf MISCELLANEOUS WILL the party who picked up tno package of dry goods in Klnmnth Dept. Storo Friday morning. Please roluin. Howard 4-1f USRI) TIHKS Save Money Two 32X3 '(. S. S. Ono 32X3 Clincher . Ono 30v;ji, Cl'nebor One 30X3 Clincher $C 50 and up Half Soles 15 per cent off HetroiulH $0.00 and up TAYLOR & RETTEL Crater I.nke Tiro Service Stntion, 112G Main St.. Klnmnth Fnlls, Oregon. Anyone expecting to enjoy the nrlvileco of city heat may llnd nn opportunity to dlsposo of a good big air tight heutcr ut tno iioraiu uiuce. 1-ti WANTED To got use ot gooa milch cow for feed and enro. H. W. Barton, Mlllor Hill School Houso, R. F. U. No. l i-iH- WANTED Cattle or horses; to win ter at reasonable prices. Call 19F23 l-6t WANTED TO BUY OR TRADE For any and all Kinus ot lurmiure. rer uns. 30-tI CITY GARBAGE When you want Garbage removed pnone vi. ix-w PHONB PEYTON for Wood. 112R, IN OLD RECIPIE TO SAGE TEA AND SULPHUR TURNS CRAY, FADED HAIR DARK AND GLOSSY. Almost ovoryono knows that Sage Ten nnd Sulphur, ( ptoporly conv nonr.dod. brings back tho natural color and lustro to the hnir when faded, streaked or ray. ears ago the only way to gotthis mixture was to mako it at homo, wulcii is in ussy and? troublesome. v Nowadays wo slmp.Iy aalc at any drug store for "Vfyeth's Sage arid Sulphur Compound." Yo-i will get a Jorge' bottle ot this old-tima recipe Improved by tho addition 01 omor in gradients, at very little cost. Every body uses this preparation now, be cause no one can possibly, .tell 'hot you darkonod, your hair, as it does it so naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this thru your hair, tak Ing one small strand nt a time: by morning tho gray hair disappears, nnrf attar Another application or two your hair becomes boautlfully dark, thick and glossy aurt you iook ye rnaiiger, Adv. Suetr boada wnile tob wait 0!i coto Smith. DARKEN ill FOR RENT OR LEASE FOR LI AHl' A trnrlor proposition. Sovurnl liundrcil ncrca of burned nvor lulc hiiid In flno condition for iliflkltu' . ini'nfS. i:. of Midland. M. AIttHclirii , i Jirr. 22-tf ROOMS, APARTMENTS FOH Iinvi' 9 Mr,,,.,.t.,i,...i i .. --... M UIK 111 1MOII UU llUUnU Keeping looms for rent. 220 S.ll til. 2-t SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED To dig potatoes on share. A Hlmro for labor. Alboit Barrett, Keno Uoad 2-Gt IF VOU WANT RTTDFuNT HI3LP, cnll tho Klamntii County High Srhool phono 350. Girls for typing copying nnd filing; also general housework, caring for children etc. Hoys for clerking, messenger service, chores, etc. Special nttontlon is giv en to this service by tho school authorities nnd an effort is to bo mndo to mnko eincient, convenient and profitable both to tho student and to those requiring their services. 2tf HIGH SCHOOL BOY wants perma nent work mornings nnd evenings. Would work in prlvntc family for hoard and room. 30-tf WANTED Two Woodchoppors. Chll coto & Smith. C33 Main. 4-tf WANTED Girl for general house work and cooking -Mrs. O. G. Lab "ireo, Bly, Oregon. 1-tf HELP WANTED WANTED Apprentice or sales woman at Schneider's Mlll'nery COO Miln 1-tf LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE OF IRRIGATION DISTRICT BONDS. NOTICE IS HEREBY' GIVEN that coaled proposals will bo received till tho l lth. day ot October. A. D. 1919 at tho hour ot 8 o'clock In tho even ing for the purchase ot Forty Thous and Dollars worth of bonds, ot the Enterprise Irrigation District of mmnth rvinntv. Oro eon. Said bonds aro to be dated Novanbor 1st, 101Q nnri nrn to draw Interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, Inter est payablo semi-annually upon tho 1st, day ot July and tho let. day of January of each year until the matur ity ot Bald bonds. Said proposals win oe received uy the Board ot Directors of said Irriga tion District, and should bo direct ed to tho Secretary ot tho Enterprise Tniimiinn TXotrict. rare of Charles J. Ferguson, Loomis Building, Klam ath rails, uregon. fni. vtnnrA nt nirntorfl rn3firve tno right to reject any or all bids offered. u. J. miiiAiw, Secretary of the Board ot Directors ot Enterprise Irrigation District. 4-?0t NOTICE INVITING PROPOSALS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Board of Directors ot tho EN TERPR1SE IRRIGATION DISTRICT of Klamath County, Oregon, that tho plan" nnd speclfi- atloiifc adopted and appioved by said Ilonid for the construction of tn- irrigation, worw for the irritation of the loads within the boundaries of tlip Entcrprii.9 lr ligation Dis riot can !n teen ?,t the office of tho Board, whlcn 'a t.io Law office of Charles J. Forfiunon in the Loomis Building In the City of Klamnth Foils, Oregon, or at thu of t'e rt V T Darley, I'mjlneer lot nld Disirlci which :s lit toe County Survevor'3 oifico in the City of Klam ath Falls, Oregon, and soaled pro posals will be received by the Board at their office up to tho hour of two o'clock in the afternoon ot October 10th, 1919 for tho construction of i,ald works.. either in portions or as a whole Contioct will bo let to tho lowest bidder but the Board ot Directors re servo the right to reject any or all bids oi to accept or reject any sche dulo bid or combination of schedule bids nnd to waive technical defects and to ts ke cueh action as may be deemed for the best Interests ot the District Any pel pen or persons to whom a ccntrnrt may be awarded will be ..,niro,i iin on If-r Into a bond, with good and sufficient sureties to be ap proved lij me noaru, yuyumu iu oiu District for its ueo, for twenty-five r.A. uin rit iiin nmf!iint of the con tract prlro. conditioned for the faith ful performance ot sam contract. G. J. HILYARD. Secretary of the Enterprise Ir rigation District. 26-121 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. MntfnA !r hnrebv iriven that the co partnership heretofore existing be tween Minerva Hunter and J. C. Hun tor at Modoc Point on the Klamath Moose Hall - - - Oct. 10th Music by. Jazz Orchestra Tickets, $1M)0 War Tax, liOc Indian Reservation In Klamath Co., Oregon, undej" the name ot the Hun-) t Trading uoinpany is mis any cio bolved by mutual consent. Dated September 27, 1919. MINERVA HUNTER J. C. HUNTER. 27-4-11-18-2D NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. (Equity No. 1093) In Tho Circuit Court of The State of Oregon For the County of Klam nth Mary E. Gates, Plaintiff, vs Claude-O. Clopton and Grade' Clop ton, his wlte, and H. L. Clopton, also known as Hugh L. Clopton, Defendants ' Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of an .Execution and Order ot Sale, duly issued out of the above en titled Court and cause on the 12th day ot September, 1919, under a De cree made and entered of record in tho said Court, on the 10th day of September, 1919, in favor of the above named Plaintiff, and against the above named defendants, direct ing tho sale of the premises therein nnd hereinafter described to satisfy tho sum of $545.83, which said sum includes interest on $250.00 since the 10th day of October, 1907 to the dnfe of tho commencement of this suit; $147.40, the amount of taxes paid out by said plaintiff to protect her Interests in and to the real prop erty hereinafter particularly acscriD ed: $125.00, attorney's fees, and the posts and disbursements nnd accru ing costs of this suit. r NOW THEREFORE, by virtue of ald Execution and in compliance with said Writ, V have duly. levied on tho hereinafter described lnnds. nnd will, on Saturday, the 18th day of October, 1919, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. m. on said date, at tho front door of the oldest Court-House in Klamath County on Main Street in Klamath Falls, Oregon, sell at pub lic auction, to tho highest bidder, for cash, all the right, title and Interest ot the above named defendants, and each and nil of them, in and to the following described real property, to-wlt: The Northeast quarter of South west, Quarter, and the Northwest Quarter of Southeast Quarter. Sec tion 6, T, 39 S., R. 12 E. W. M. or sb much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said Judgment and Execu tion. The proceeds of said sale will be applied in satisfaction of said Exe cution and Decreo including said above mentioned sum ot $545.83, $147.40 taxes, $125.00 attorney's fees, and the costs and disbursements and the accruing costs ,ot this suit and tho overplus, if any there be, win be paid into said Court to be applied as; by law required. Dated this 12 th day of September, 1919. - GEOROE L. HUMPHREY, Sheriff of Klamath County, Ore. By ALLEN SLOAN, Deputy. 13-20-27,-4-11 BALL ACADEMY WILL RECEIVE PUPILS Until the capacity of the school is reached, day pupils will be received at the Sacred Heart Academy, where the most careful attention will begiv cn to the thorough training of your child. Full particulars may be secur- ' ed by calling at the Convent. Seventh and Pine streets or at the Academy, j For the present we, aro unable to ac- commodate any more boarders, butj applications will be received and in case there is a vacancy it will be tilled from the list of applicants in the order in which they are fljed. 6-tf Sacred Heart Academy. "it'lt'm worth having, It's worth IB- mriug. Get Standard policy from Chucote Bmitn, ess mjub bu o-u FIRE Insurance J. H. Driscoll Loomis BIdg. Phone 432 WAIT! ,AND LET US SHOW YOU . OUR, NEW TIRE " . Hoagland & McCollum Next Door to Postofficc. ROOFING Now is the time to fix that Roof now before the rain and snow come and make it al most impossible to do the work. You save money by doing it now, and save your property, too. Let me dp your work and it will be done right. W. D. MILLER aS3 233 6th St. -.1.. i iiiimii m ii I hi Mm " Klamath Lodge No. 137 L O. O. F. Meets Friday night of .each week at I. O. O. F. hall, 5th and Main streets. P. J.Gergea , N. G.; Fred Bremer Secretary; P. L. Fountain Treasurer Ewauna Encampment No. 46, L O O. F., meets Tuesday night of each week at I. O. O. F. haU." Arlie Wor rel, C P.; Nate OUerbein, Scribe; P. L. Fountain Treasurer. Dassengers r and Baggage ANYWHERE IN THE Q7TY QUICK SERVICE REASONABLE RATES PHONE 187 WesternTransferCo. Lively, Feed and Sales Stable Auto Service 4 Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable Long Trips Our Specialty Reasonable Rates Phone ISO 822 Klamath Ave VJLfLnfw , i1 Phone 460 Ice Cream 729 Main St, Candies PASTIME Jack Mobtow, Prop. Cigars, Tobacco, Soft DrtokJ Peel and Billiards Barber Shop In oCnnecUon OUR MOTTO 'fenrtea-f and Barrios" VK &i h 3 rr c x l- t. i