THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON ""MY.omwnn ii. i ! '5 i ti ; ' I i PORTLAND MILK PRICES RAISED rOKTLANn, Oct 2 MHk price here took a. Jnmp to 15 cents quart on Oetober 1, on payafat I advance basin ol 16 cents ea fcrrM ac counts. The dUtrtbater iU be compelled to pay tie prwSaccr J3.SS a kindred. ! Through recommendation ot the milk commission the price ot milk was ied at 1(4 and 15 H cents a quart Ut fall, the producer re- ceitfnK IS.S5 a hundred, Produc ers declare that feed and labor are biglrer lhn last year and that co&fequcntly the rise In prlco Is, necessary I A fall SHOES How much is a shoe worth that does not fit? Come to our store, select the style of shoe that you like, and it will be fitted to your foot by one of our men who is specially trained in shoe fitting. If vou have foot, troubles our FOOT EXPERT will prove to you that you can wear stylish shoes in per fect comfort by removing the cause of your foot ills with a pair of "WIZARD" Adjustable, Feather-Light Foot Appliances 7 HE BEAT THEM AT THEIR OWN GAME! "Fierce, implacable, steeled to any out come, quick like a panther, sombre as death." From Zane Grey's novel, "The Lone Star Ranger." THE GREATEST PHOTODRAMA OF THE YEAR "Hie Lone Star Ranger" A William Fox Production, Starring WILLIAM FARNUM LIBERTY THEATRE BEGINNING SUNDAY AFTERNOON August, 1919, the State Veterinary gave our coy6 the Tuberculin Test The build' fog in which the milk U bottled and band ied hat been thoroughly inspected by pvop er Mutiwritiet and pronounced in excellent condition. Think of tiw babes and call 296 J, CITY MILK DEPOT J 307 fUpUnde THE DAYLIGHT STORE . a&mm&jSfore H. N. MOE, Proprietor SAFR m PLACE TO TRADE The Best of New Fall Apparel Is Here consideration is given to the qualities of the garment ct that really desirable wearing apparel is prohibitive in e at least insofar as wo are concerned. Here vou J And the nriccs asked are indeed modest when One hears or reads so many statements to the effect price, that we are prompted to declare tnem untrue find really X S" Smart Centemeri GLOVES And cloves ploy a very Import ant part In tho woman's schemo ot attire. Centemeri Gloves ropresent tho highest nrt In Blovomaklng. French Kid Gloves $3.50 In Mack and white and whlto with Black stitching, taupe, brown, grey and tan with stitching In self shade. Sizes 5?i to 8. Mocha Gloves $4.00 Splendid quality mocha gloves with fancy stitched hacks. Sizes 6Y to 7&. Gauntlet Gloves $4.50 Of heavy French Kid In tan unil hrown. Strap wrists with snaps. A fine driving glove. Cane Gloves $2.50 In all Hiaes. grey, with lilack stitching. Another capo glovo In tan is $3.00. Black Kid Gloves $2.00 Good quility kid gloves In hlack only. Small sizes. Special at $2.00. Washable Kid Gloves In various shades of light tan nnd white. Fancy stltchlngs; $2.00 and $3.00. , Chamoisuede Gloves Washable. In mode, bilck and heaver shades. Splendid qualities at $1.00 and $1.25. Children's Kid Gloves In tan, capo skin. Somo of them are fur trimmed. 51.23, 51.75 and $200. Beautiful New Models in COATS, SUITS AND DRESSES at about the prices you have in mind to pay. Of course there are elabo rate frocks, suits and coats to sell at prices that, to the person of average income, seem extremely high. Many stores show garments to sell at 109 to $150 and when all things are taKcn mio considera tion, they are probably worth it. Our selections, however, have been governed by the requirements of the woman who has in mind a fixed price that she wishes to pay and in most cases it comes somewhere in our scale of prices. And each of these represents the utmost in value. Fashionable Frocks ..$16.50 to $65.00 m ML II W If M Smart Fall Suits $40.00 to $75.00 Cloth and Plush Coats $20.00 to $85.00 New1 Many New Blouses Just received In time for telling In today's store news. "They're sim ply wonderful." exclaimed u woman who had a peek at them whl u the) were being unpacked. This from a customer who Is very Utacrliiilnollnp h. her tastes and demands. 'Mongst thorn are to ho found dainty nffalrH of fine Georgette and Crepe do Chine, handsomely trlmnI with heads and cmhroldery. and In ever so many pretty shades. Several new models urt in tho overbloused effect, round neck, richly embroidered In bright color embroidery In navy, brown and sand-flS.OO and $20.00. Others t $G.60 to $16.50. . ... ..,.,. i.. f t..ll..i.i , i,(v WYIm tilth and Wlrlliinor wimi ni" " Kiimrt Htltf at $2.50 mill $1.30. FOREST MILLS UNDERWEAR FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN These splendid garments ccmo In high, low and sleeves and In unklo or kneo length. In sizes 34 At $4.50 Heavy-weight sllkateon and me rino nnd medlum-wolght merino Union Suits. At $4.00 Medium-weight merino and heavy weight sllkateen and merino union nuns. At $3.50 Medlum-wolght merino and whlto wool Union Suits. IVIIBSCO will"" "u'w y lleavy-welght merino Union Suits, Dutch nock, elbow sleeves, and high neck and long sl'ccvo stylos. Sizes 2 to 1C years. Prices, , $1.G0 to $2.CC, according to size. Dutch neck, slcoveless, elbow and lull-lttrih to 44. At $2.26 Medium-weight cotton Union BnlU. At $2.00 Medium-weight cotton Union Sn!U Women's VcstB in huivy. medium and llght welght cotton, at $1.00, $135 and $1.S0. Women's Tights in heavy, medium and Hjbt weight cotton, nt $1.25 to $2.E0. Boys' Union Suits Of heavy-weight natural merino. Wsh neck, long sleeves. In Blzes 8 to 1C yean. Pricei $2.10 to $2.00, according to s'ze Good Hosiery Is Still .to be Had Here And at such a time as this when really goo.l hosiery is scarce , and tj-e are o many makes of doubtful quality on tuo murKei, it puju iu u, ,,y.., . u I Kayser Silk Hose $2.50-$3.00 In black, v.hlte and tan, with tho patented marvel- stripe top which prevents runs. These hos3 are of extra fine quality. Gordon Lace Hose $2.00 " In black, white and cordovan. Very smart and extra quality silk hose. Silk and i Fibre Hdse $1.50 The famous Gordon make. In hlack, white and cordovan. A splendid quality hose at $1.60, Lace Hose at $1.50 In field mouse grey, taupe and whlto. high quality at the price. Very Gordon Sillc K.isle Hose 85c In black and whlto. Extra fine quality. I-ull fashioned. Holnforctsd heel and too Also black nnd whlto In tho famous Notusemo hoso at this prico Gordon Cotton Hose 50c We believe these hpse tho best obtainable to sell at this prlco, In black and whlto. Rein forced heels und toes. Children's "Round Ticket" Hose This well known, long wearing hoso needs no Introduction, Itelnforccd whoro strain Is greatest. In black, white and tan. Small sizes COc, larger sizes for boys 60c. in 1 C V t i In- Unusual Values in the Bedding Department We made these purchases of blankets and comforters, months ago, befofo the present D "" " jr .i,i .!. L. nA l.nala which mnntlK HRVlnPH to VOU. blgu wnoiesaie costs, wu iw dhuuh mem u ... -.- .., .. . ..- . Blankets Cotton niankets In grey with pink-striped border. Three-quarter bed size, $2.66. "Wearwell" Cotton Blankets "Wearwell" Cotton niankets, In white, tan or grey, with cojored borders. Size 64x80 inches. Special at $3.60, "Wearwell" Comforters $4.00 A good grade, filled with carefully carded cotton and covered with dainty floral pattern silkollne. Fine Comforters $5,00 An extra special value at this prico. Flno cotton filling. Sllkollpe covered. Wool-Fnished Blankets Of fine staple cotton with the desirable wool finish. In grey only, with the bluo bor der. Special ut $6.60, "Nashua" Cotton niankets In grey, pink and blue plaids. A splendid quality blanket at $7.00. ' "Wearwell" Comforters at $6.60, have .filling At fine white carded felt. Covering of pretty silkollne. Extra flno Comforters at $9,00, havo se lected cotton fillings and sllkollno -covering in rose pattern. Solid color border. Costume Velvets $4.50 , Very beautiful new velvets, 32 inches wide, in taupe, seal brown, navy, Burgundy and black. Spe cial at this price. All-Wool Coatings In wine, navy, black, green and Oxford grey, and large pattern plaids and checks; 54 inches wide. These prices are veiy special. $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 and $4.0Y MISSISSIPPI NEGROES ClllCAdO, Oil, 3,KxMintlomil happiness, contentment and prosper' Hy among Hie nerops of Mississippi U r-'porlcd by u committee ot Chic uko wjille and enw man after un ;)v;IItfflU"H "I loixUtloiiH In that Male, Tho coinnilMco wan delegated to W"ft Mfl8ljpl hy l)J CMruw) Mtorlaiion ot Uouunorco, to forteru! iuri-.uu o( hubor mid hy orKonlzod labor to whkh Imd hntm refurrcd u HUtaiUm ot Biding U return ot fioiithisrn horn ihktoqh to (lie Houlli. A wrJlU-H (utemt))t projturcd by the tommHlM wifdt '"J'lio liappJiii', coiileiiuieiit jl )rsperlty found among the colored raco in Mississippi Is .much greater tlmn the committee expected to find, Wo know no pluc'o whore greater happiness nnd prosperity prevail among them," School facilities were found to bu ;ooil, cliiirclicu adquuto, housing conditions bolng ini)rovd rapidly und raco relations good, according to llio report, while Hie Industrious liogro Is afforded excellent; opportun ities to become a land owner, No ,ollc oppression) Im)OMltlon or "luwJosHnesa" was found, Negro workcj In llio sawmill districts wore reported happy und contented, Many of the form laborers wore found io bo working on Hie shure system Negroes having ;io rupltul (cuius or ImiilenienU uro equipped by llio land owner, rwelvlng, usually tt half of Hie tp Ihey jirouucn, while' IIioaio with leuuiH und Im i plonieuis uro given two thirds, 'J'lie I Nlutemt'iil (onlluui)s; 1 "Wo found that llio average work er who cultivated whut Is known as tho 'one niulo crop' was able, using the year 1118 as a criterion, to pro duce a sulllclent crop to net III in, over and above ull living expeuses, from $600 to $J,600 a year, We fcund BQverul jnen who begun work under I ho tenant system und who now own ihelr own plantations and uro themselves employers of negro labor and uro worth from $JO,000 Io $176,000, Thoso facts were so. cured from tho negroes themselves und wo hud tho privilege of riding with Ihem and surveying their farmu in automobiles they own," GERTRUDE & CO, flmuii 1'uJJ Jluiu CuntlvatliiK styles, decidedly new, You will want one for immediate wear, tmimwiHi fit vh, 220 627 Main lit, I BIG DANCE I SATURDAY NIGHT I OCTOBER 4 I I Muic by Ue V I I Orchetlr I mmm