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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1919)
THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON SttSft&t !!- IlLiUlTiA 1 Dill the Engine More Pep afatoR,2SKS,r I WONOEt? VUtAT T OH GE, MOTHER, WcCAKTliYS ARE ES.T KHOW DCAR-TT'iAl flfet Tfirif CBPbwOf 1 . IS' - ir V4QIM TO TtLU , HEW BABY -Jtlfcl-TriE JTOKri IIO.UE V"ilri rOTHCR ernw sometwn' BROUitin 2HV iikst Miu 5 SWEET yj3gp ' Ji i tr iv'i O II i HOME FS1- 3 - r&ax ax MOTOR JI Nrb Iff jCs&rv jTil -J 39k itai7 n r-m cpjiua u B'v ? I " "" H X I 1 . "VL u u .1 rsir As ill ft l-ufnn1! 'j.iImi " m2. tfESUS3ii-$n-- v. V2soa (sJB.?'A'T"' 15$ W? v i" " J" r P;i 5w.JSai.eJt5 (. Li LJA 1 - lW.t- -si " im Xrl.-J'iW &w mu25 -,& Hiis' . rmm iwy,-! . iatB!r " -ti -LJiit tFW( MJBJ.IL 7 J rL - --fT. .1 r T.4--'- -. i .i'lAPU5. JC- Vfl -Wi" Kfrwr J(U' . 5a25!IS252EIIIIEIinSIElBiBEIIKHaZS121!IQElSII!l!llll 2 8 Palace Market H 13 m u S B S 0 a H B m s n u n M m u FOR SERVICE AND QUALITY The only meat market in the city operating its own cold storage rooms for the proper handling of fresh and cured meats. NICE JUICY CUTS OF KLAMATH COUNTY BEEF, VEAL AND MUTTON FOR YOUR SUNDAY DINNER S E aa u Nice, juicy cuts from Baby Beef Choice Round Steaks FancyVea Shoulder Roasts 22c Leg Roasts Rump Roasts mOC Boiling Beef 15c to i7c Our Own Rendered PURE LARD Veal Chops 22c to 28c Veal Stew 12V: No. 5 Size $1.75 No. 10 Size $3.40 Special Price on Spring Chickens 35c ib Hens 30c Klamath Packing Co. 524 MAIN STREET PHONE 68 i it's grid' i i. e ROGERS SWE 'C(TM.VT HAT aillAT'OU J 1 1 1 1 Ci I nut two yi:aus l'Or.VIlS TAKING TANLAC m m VilINt J1 )llM lrf tbttttHT 'IllltW I JMMI ImmjuU' H Ij-t1lllirH"W IMHi "HIM- "In ArM .r tbi yow ar hm dltUiu Imoiti.- ih mhmwi -Aim v 1 ail H) Uhk 04 bu Mwl g -" ( whs )Hiiaii44i 'Ur -a fc'imi '4- "No uno coulil seo the wondwWl , "H,Mr' '' awl change that lain taken jiluoo In ont 39: 1'ktt,t i'1,'u-. "VMR- 3 aitwte Inrlnir tlm nnat tow wmiku ant! iluubt ' -T ! JWtfMWHT Hhf . (Tnnlac Iiolng n Rrund iiiedioinc." ' -wwatli-. in ttlre &? am t Hiiimm Baiil Mrs. Lou lso Honors, who ruttdet 1ltl,iC h ' JtuMowl! a tiitLm tfnr Ikr at -101- Urooklm avonub. Lw J"" 3 w . mm WM- ''AtiRoIus. ral.. In an Intervluw, t- af TiMitaf mu4 Juh mmmMt ..nirttn contly. Mrs. Ilujcuro livml ior tetou &mm. TM) m.uWat.i Imw yoam In Wauutahac. M'aabluRtou , Jw W T ami hur many IrlundB tliurc, uk wtill i a Mb j iittlTurm as those hi Cullftiruln, will he j;ll 414- J -w ; w J ia lonrti if lint fnMTi1tn ciimVArv i JtaH tiqp 3f "1 havo liean in i.erfootly wrewh-' "" artkfe Wft i (8ho continued, "and had become ul- . 3alr aw I I most u uurous and j)hyloal wruak. ,,',,, lenc Kbt- a ilirfIL I Buffered from nurvous IndlResllnu. la01- :a" :i'11 .mrwiw &v mt m llvor trouble and dlBordorod kidnojw,! l(erWKSt aiuMAAal mt and 1 don't holloa e I had a wall dy, wi,m 'Iw - fcr.tal in all those four years. J hud in-1 Mnt - dlEOstion in its worst form und oiury. "H: - " ninnmwi Tm- tlm.. I ni ntn-tliliif T irmiltl lilnnt -tin Iff "tb iHT XirHC Co. :Wtfi 0 with Bas uiltH I sa8 mlborahle. Oor 'ly' 1Ue JB :Mcrc- 4 'over two years J did not bread, milk or meat, and JUHt had to live on the very Highest of foods. J fell off twenty pounds iu wolcht and Buttered no with pain and nervous ness that sleep was almost impossible " iWM m "Trrnw - - -acet I'lWHJl . JMlH4tltQMi Alv qcC IU Tm - - -m ia. a BW tn win i i eanr fIlMHb zr J did not eat itny, ,-,,,, .-,";., -,.J,, To 1e irteli 1s XttlHic t-uSlt Auxlar3- ciT aaumutb 3fHi. Mion AVkjhc jour -oldest .flutfc IWu 44HI be .Rivm tor 3ualel tar. JM oordially juritofl 7nuatfn fluArn tUniuin Tlbtejl.. A r for me. 1 was under treatment for Admtoaieu SS txmlB atufo KEEP URIC AGIO OUT OF JOIN TS TELLS KHEOIATEUr SCFrEItCKS - TO E.VTLESS MEAT AND TAKE SALTS Bifeumatfem s enaier te avoid than , fs aec6ei tote tl btecd. It Is the ta ae states a. wll-kwa authority, I We are adfeeI to (isej warmly; I t tfce fefet dy; avU esyMwre; ' eat Ias meat, bt drik plty of ot water. iLa.en3i3tfim fa a if rp"; - u t cf C " 'OIL 'iE ' 1c - J foods that produce uric acid which function of tho kidneys to filter this acid from the blood and cast It out In the urine; the pores of the skin are also a means of freeing the blood of this Impurity. In damp and chilly cold weather the skin pores are clos ed thus forcing tho kidneys to do double work, they become weak and sluggish and fail to eliminate the uric acid which keeps accumulating and circulating thru the system, eventually settling in the Joints and muscles causing stiffness, soreness and pain called rheumatism. At the first twinge of rheumatism gt from any pharmacy about four ounces of Jad Salts; put a tablespoon-1 ful In a glass of v. a tor, and drink be-' fyro breakfast eaIi morning for a " r Tills Is fc'aid to eliminate uric i m m M PI si . Let Me Do Your si Concrete Work i USING II SHASTA SAND 1 1 -EXCLUSIVELY i I I Wiien you lutre your wo& dome i&kShasU I Sand you JknowyoH have Ae begfc there fe H I AL. F. GRAHAM I jjljj acid by stimulating the kidneys to normal action, thus ridding tho blood of these Impurities. Jad Salts Is Inexpensive, harmless and Is made from the acid of grapes SOME SHIP FIRMS GRANT INCREASES PORTLAND, Oct. 2. Union lead ers said today that 2, COO shipyard workers were out on tho strlko af fecting local yards. Operators of tho plants declaro not more than half that number are Idle. Throe hundred employes of tho Standifer Corporation walked out or tho Vancouver yards today aud tho Peninsula and Coast companies huv shut down. ssnuciea, '-.' . is -MSKi -J.DC ac'j&Ti " SENSES, MocaouT '" i-t amaflr-i