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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1919)
rZiWtt. 'i s Tr 1 ,AV.)CTOB."1010' THE EVENING. HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON wu TH.KVyi-M-i Vsrrrr- ' '. ir Hannon was vlaltlnB about . . nf Knno In In town f and Mrs. W. Orliilii or roo ,.S were trnnwitcliiB business at .utouniy B"v ' . fiin.ifi from tlin I III V Jo t cniP, lonvlnn soon for Hi. "tiw. I.HalnnHH 1111(1 I) OllHlin). r-sfilCO o " u Mo Ottorboln, nccompiinlod m' ............ Mm. I.nvv McDou- i i In Hoimnwi on business for the M ......f ..flinr mill stockman Oeo. uou, -- . uiy onit roml HiinorvlBor In Unit district, m b umn ycHlunlny on Bittera of business. Mr. and Mrs H I. Nopvuo iiromo- I I. ..lilt lllUIIItt fill 111 tl I . torlnff tlirouB" noimu i"" . icrs In connection with tbo insunico tjuloss of Mr. Nopvou. - . .-.,,.. ...tin .una rrmfnt til Mm J. U. UCaui "" "" " Klamath cntrnnco of Crntor Uko uiih Mrs Iloiilly. baH como to Klamath Falls to llvo . Anton. I'olltkn, who Iiuh lutoiy ..! ...llli ,llr limnl flriut. oflcc, la IcavlnB In tlio morning for San Francisco villi bis wife and fam ily, whero they oxpect to nuko tbolr tcrac. - Androw Ilynn, ono of tho old tlmore In this county, wiib In from bin ranch In tho vnlloy yesterday.) Tho old plonoor Ih still working ener getically, and roportfl n modortito nniount of hiiccob for his orTortn. T. U. WnttorH Ib In town on mat ter of business from tho Crnno & Wittors ranch on tho Merrill roud. Afr. Wuttors hIuIoh that thoy uro eut tliiK tbolr third crop of alfalfa this Honson, nnd Ms cutting Ib unusually i;ooil nnd heavy. A. NIcIioIh, representing Patrick & Co., stationers, of Hnn Francisco, ih in luwn inr n row nays in tho in terest of bin firm. Ho roporls that Klamath Fulls Is ono of tho iiiohI pro line Hoiirecs of business for him of liny town In Hoiithorn Oregon or Northern California, Fred Ilrown of Crystnl Is In (tie city, nnd,. ho vmys that the northern part of tho county ban felt tha first touch of winter during tho recent Hlorni, (ho hills holiiB envoi od with a i;ood full or biio. In tlio vicinity of Crutor l.uko tho Biiowfnll wns quite heavy, but It Is untlclpiited thul It will rapidly molt with the rising temperature U. V. Johnson, who ownod tho old Honglnnd rnnch near Bonanza, nnd who rccontly sold to Cbnrllc Mc Cnrtlo, Is hero f-om Ileno on business. TO PROTECT HUH, DING Contract to phico underpinning bo nonth tho Kcarns bulldlnB to provent Its sottlliiB Into tbo exrnvntlon thnt hi heliiB niitdo for tbo new thro story CollliiB hulldliiB, corner of Fifth find Main streetH, wai let to day to Al. (Inilmn, contractor The Job requires tho bulldlnB of u num ber of concrete piers to support tho Kcurim bijJIdliiB on tbo sldo whore tho now building Is going up. FIRST FOOD SAIiH GERTRUDE & CO. IIuIh for ('riming GliN From threo yeurs up. Comploto lino of volvelB, plush, beaver and vo lour hnts. 3-2G avAvviwui: a. ro 527 Main St. The lltRl. ronkoil fnnil nnln nt tlin senson will bo hold tomorrow at tbo' .lobiiBtono Furniture store It will bo under tho auspices of tho Kplsco-! pul (iulld Thoro will be a i;roat xnrlety of cooked foodc contributed by somo of tbo best cooks In the city I'lio prlcoH, us ul way i, will be reasonable 3-lt TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ( FOIt BAIjK 8 room hoiiso near high I school. $240(1, must sacrifice Ami leaving city. Ilox 21, Herald U-Gt w.:..-, - -f- i pr--.T ".ra A Name That All America Has Learned to Know and Rely Upon Rexall Remedies are successful because of the high stand ard of quality that is rigidly maintained in compounding formulas based on proven principles. Confidence has been established because of the conservative claims made. "Rexall" does not in any sense stand for "cure-all." In fttourl there in a nature-aidincr nrenaration for everv hu- 11 wwnM .11 DavaII DahiaHiai A f a tfvl-Bivi hnrmful sliwmila .w lants or habit-forminr drug's. &'L-i'2 Rexall Remedies are sold in this city by The Star Drug Company Exclusively. Here is a partial list of seasonable preparatiens: t, Tl " " ' i ViluMmX V nwfcw f F 'J.fc F HMIIONK , Rexall Analgesic Balm An effcctlvo countor.lrrltnnt for tho relief of head ache, neuralgia .sprains, Insect bites, ate. A great ld In dissipating; congestion;- In handy collapsible tubes, SOc. Rexall Bunion Ease This preparation tonds to reduce Inflammation and promotes absorption1 of tho swelling. A cnmel's hair pencil for applying rocs with each bottlo. Price SMc. Rexall Catarrh Jelly Mealing nnd antiseptic Jolly which is very pene trating. Espoclnlly good for fresh catarrhal colds In tho head, noso and. throat. 25c a tubo. Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets They are soothing, nntlacid and antiseptic and can bo depended upon to counteract fermentation nnd sourness and stimulate nature Into proper action. 20c, SOc nnd 91.00 boxes. Rexall Corn Solvent A liquid corn remedy which, applied regularly and according to directions, may bo depended upon to get the desired results. Price 25c a bottle. Rexall Eczema Ointment An effective preparation which Ib based on Pine Tar In a cold cream base. An Improvement over the old-time ointments. Good for any skin disor der. SOc and $1.00. Rexall Cherry Bark Cough Syrup Rexall Bamboo Brier Blood Builder The Imnrovod formula with tlin nlensnnt taste. Tho Ingredients nro all of provon worth and nnr vcotlcs nro entirely eliminated. Two sizes, Sc ami o.-ic. Rexall Cold Tablets 4 A Tel'ablo remedy thnt Is freo from opiates. This a distinct pharmaceutical achlovoniont, because tho effectiveness Is not impaired by tholr absence. 30 tablets for l!3c. Rexall Foot Powder i A smocth, nntlsoptlc power which, dusted on tho rcct, prevents friction, nllnys. Irritation and nl gprbs molhturo. It Is n good .deodorant np well, bprlnklor cans, 2.V. Rexall Kidney Remedy fni!"'1! ot offoct,vo trontment. Mndo fiom cJro uuy cliosen drugs compounded uccordlng to tho aigncst medical opinion. Hub u good record for results, ,-,(. nn,i sjj.orj a bottlo. Rexall Cod Liver Oil Emulsion ' ' S'miailn8. 40 I)or cont of tbo finest Cod Liver Oil, combined wUh Hypophowhntos of Llmo, Sodu nnd 1.1,111 ' nntl tllQ fnvor Is pjensant. A great aystoin "Wider 51,23, Rexall Vegetable Compound Prepared according to a prescription which has tho i"10 aucrosfftl. A aplondld treatment for i'l11'0 functional dlsordcra to which woman ro subject. 91 u n bottlo P Rexall Rheumatic ompound LFI.0'1"00,3 rpllof without ndvoi;soly affectlnE thp. tMiDi II la mni, llftor n old-time, severely ami . P,rcsclption. Prepared In two sizes 30o anl (JI.00 a bottlo. An ofTlcIent nnd safe blood purifier which Is valu able In cases of chronic d'seascs, skin affections and general debility. lG-ounco bottles, 2.00. Rexall Eye Wash It contains the soothing, dotforgont properties of Doric Acid, Zinc Sulphate and Spanish Saffron and Camphor. ,Uollef is always certain. . It cannot hnrm the oyes. 25c n bottlo. Rexall Lesperine An antiseptic preparation In powder form, which is quickly soluble. To bo used as a doucho or wash. Contains nothing injurious to tho most dolicnto tissues. Price SOc. " ' Rexall Liver Salts An offorvescent, granular salino laa-tonIe which Is highly lecoinmcnded for rheumatism, stomach and liver disorders. Threo sizes ilOc, 00c and $1.20 a bottlo. f , Rexall Liver and Kidney Tea A horb compound tonic which stimulates tho liver and kldnoys. specially good for women, children nnd old pocplo. Put up In air-tight packages. Prlco 15c. Rexall Throat Gargle yDoos 'not contain chlorldo of iron, tho Ingredient which gives most gargles tho disagreeable taste, ot lt astringent value is always demonstrated. "roc and ."c bottles. Rexall Rubbing Oil A non-Btalning. non-sickly 1 nent to uso In cases of sprains, stiffness, swellings, iheumatlsm. and affections of tho throat and chest. !J5c and 7Se battles. Mail . Orders Given Prompt Attention Store will be closed all day Saturday, account of Jewish Holiday. Will be open Saturday Tboso almost bonelesn cottage hams al tho Peoples Murket are cer tainly nice for family use and they II uro only .18 cents per pound. Try 'I one. Also those Ilncon Hack at 4:!'E cents. 3-lt evening. I B i 1 y 'd Sjfc. 4 1 Do your shopping today and tomorrow. ? -T, K. SUGARMAN "I AIN'T MAD AT NOBODY' H I i . HOUSTON'S wrntmnnlltan Amnsementa Metropolitan Amnsementa iLruTrLn-rLn.ri.nriiiririi-i-- ---wwl HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE Coming October 8 OLIVER MOROSCO Presents Tho Delightful Ooiaedy THE BRAT Not -A Moving Picture STAR THEATER TODAY Art craft Presents WHjTJAM S. ILVKT 1 In "T1II2 POPPY Glltli'S HUSHAXD" A Story of tho Unclerwoilil life Em tho infimious llnrbiiry Coast of Old Son Kr.ncisco Othe:' features on tho Program ISmtoii Holmes Tr.ii clo;ue Ami Hray I'lctcgraph mid Cartoonc. TEMPLETHEATER , y TODAY , . v .Tessio Ti. Laslty 1'rc.scnts 4 . ,MARGUi:itITE CliARIC f X In "STIIJj WATKRB" Also Prttho Xchh Tintcst Clin cut Invents One French n's Sacrifice. Thirteen son dead, thnt represent Tftirt of the war's cost to n French fnrmer who lived at Rpiilnghe. near Tpres surely n record. He hnil .'50 rhlldren. nnd 20 of his 22 sons fouirht on the various fronts. In 1917 the widow of one of the sons wn killed by a Oermnn shell nt Dunkirk. The farmer himself nnd'one of his daugh ters met a trnglc end. In October. 1914, they went to Lille to tnke pnrt In celebrating- the hundredth birthday of a relnthe. They were met on their return h' a German patrol and were shot. . Making Mother-of-Pear. , The secret of another German kry ndustiy tins been discovered, the nnin ufactuie of artificial mother-of-pearl. J. H H. Dew." a fellow of the British Itoynl Society of Arts, found the proc ess after much patient experimenting. Doctor Dew was engaged during the whole pei led of the war In recon strivtlni:. step by istep, the method of ninnnfui'ttue. Artificial imi"lifkc' n arl Is used for ninkliiu fiiuei luur.-'s iltess iilimrilu-i-mid iiiiuiy mlier ninele--. I'.efure the war innM of 11 ii' frmn !enininy. Some Good Bargains in Real Estate I have for sale at the present time some Tery good buys in IQam ath County real estate. Including ranches, lota in Bonanza and Klam ath Falls and improved city property. Some of these are exceptional bar gains, and every piece listed Is sure to prove a profitable investment. Mrs. Nate Otterbeln, 527 Klamath Avenue. 27-3t New October Records. Shepherd's. GERTRUDE & CO. Complete line of veils and veil ings tho fashlonablo long veil two yards In length, also square and cir cular 4n all the new shades. GERTRUDE & CO., 3-26 ' 527 Main St. Hemstitching Have your .gowns, blouses, waists and "wearing apparel hemstitched. It gives them that smart look that nothing else can. Curtains, towels, dresser scarfs etc. beautifully done. MRS. L. A. BURGESS Phone 214W 131 .N. 4th St. P -1 HW 'I IIIIMWiWff'P1 ",'j MERRILL OPERA HOUSE SIOITOX PICTURES TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS , viArrll OrcBmi a r.lectrlcal UndcrlakinDs In Jcpan. There me 715 electiieal iinileilnk !:iks In Jiipnii. ineludliiR O'J.'i power plunts. ii electilc rnllwnys, nnd 48 companies openUUiK Ijoth power plnntH nnd ti.uYiwiiy4. TliU Is an Inciense of 40 companies ovoi last jour. The to tal amount of invested c.iplttil In these enteipilM." Is iilimit 83SS.Ml,t)tR). In cludlUK SIIKI.DOO.ODU for power plantH, $'J2,00I.OOU for r.illwuj.s. and 817:ii)0l, 000 for those lemlerlng combined service an liierenso of about $$,O0tV 000 over hibt j ear. A. F.Graham 1 General Concrete Construction Shasta Sand Used Exclusively at D. O. TAYLOR'S Three-quarters of mile northwest of Malin, Monday, Oct 6, 1919, 120 tons of alfalfa hay -will be sold, and all other belongings. MOORE & MERRILL, Auctioneers Pale starts at 1,00 P. M. Standard time. Freo lunoh at 12 00 M. Terms cash. 5 1 1 i u M !- 4 If M m Best yot. Horald Want Ails. 'SZTrimvmM 111 tmmaff"rr-rnryrr-r-r tsrS7yT,iR:m.wm,,th,mmiaCiUiilsa