I'AQB K1GUT THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON GHIK., I.BPH Put on Your 0-. T Kr ;;r s and Attend ft Fair f la 34 ie X Mm wy UTv M Hi v life xs P r Kilgore Grove today and tomorrow. Everyone should attend and boost for the County Fair; also dress up for this big occasion. And, by the way, WE HAVE THE CLOTHES new suils and overcoats from "Kuppcnheimcr" snappy new mod els and patterns, for men of all ages. Also, if you prefer your clothes made to your measure, we have 1500 new Fall Woolens to show you The Royal Tailors' line, and Ed. V. Price line, America's master made-to-your-mcasure tailors, and we guarantee a perfect fit and entire satisfaction. We have the clothes you want. . 1 .. , I I V1 UMA-m . , ', : ' i Kkxtnf v wrafw; m t&i ' r. ' r & ?ft v&l fH y tf && Leading Clothiers and Hatters - i : Itumnis i" i(i!-'i' th't 1'- ni-o-, Marie, the beautiful daughter of the King and Queen of Routnama, ina somi n . l. ritii iti:s THE BBIT Mil 11 TEW IS H. I i The name company thai ha, been tuiu nre plaintiffs uttoni'-s VIENNA. Aug 2. IXpretuiion .i. 1.....-1 .......... ... i. . become the bride (f i!.e Pilnee of . , i ul worlds exchanges causes some mr- Wafes. Princess Marie is nearing ions figures in buying. In the shoi her twentieth birthday. She is windows one sees curds on mens thoroughly English in her tastes, socks reading: "75 kionen". Iteady fond of English literature, games. ' made suits of clothes or worn . t. and social life, and during her, dresses are marked "2,500 kronen recent visit to London with her a felt hi mother became very popular with while on 1w. lP..tC.l. ...-. .1 . r. .1.- Lit- . t " liusiiBu tuuri uuu society. iuiu uie mga uiousanus. i no result "nu uimt-u; Bir-n, mc rail, -,. , is a loss of tho sense of values on tho at tne opera house in this city Octo-1 "- . ... .- .. .. .. .. I... tf rnu ..i ,. . . jiuri ui me people, wnue mo rapid " " iy is Knowing in mo . Jl . .. -. . . I. r..ll.. .t . .. . fluctuations oi mo exenango mane "-u'b meniere oi mo coast by spe- it impossible to keop a correct idoa , c,nl arrangement with Oliver Mo- njtu, wi XJT1J IE iJV . i. it ,1. . uucer, under whoso d icoiiou iu - ... -.... . . -. , o ...l.. 41. - hat "300 kronen" nnd so on, P'"lng Hw Curran The t r In Sun . on real Jewelry tho cards run' Francisco will present tho Maud! l:,rV Tl"' WOUES AT he high thousands. Tho result FKon coined) su ss, "The Hiat,"' Till.: PASTIME POOL ROOM . '-!TO JBI P I 4 !Z-r un.iyi I"! 0 W3 fSTi -5-'- Jgmwi Mk, JL'j Kuppcnhcimcr Clothes Knox Hats Ncttleton Shoes Cirnnd Itapids, Mi Ii . ., . list polilVUOIIH II i i. , M,u ol Mrs I'atli.'iln.. D (iit.t(, nii:ci: si it mi, i. ii Jennie I. ("sites h ih liexun suit for divorce in the eJriuit (iiurl against 1 hoiiias S Cute Ucniier c Chas- ; I i' of actual costs. Jnrk Muiiroo has urratiRed for the' bulletin of oery play nnd ieory in ning of the great biiHbn!l ciinio be tween tho rilicnirn V'l.ll ., .,.i tho Cincinnati Cardinals There is no ciiiirR cooki:h roon sams Fascinating Bracelet Watches Very early last spring we began ordering bracelet watches for fall Tho result Ih that n:w we liave theje watches in the storo a line stock of them. Through our foresight, you can choose from many dif ferent patterns of bracslet watches, each a dependable timekeeper. In number, va riety and quality, this is a splendid collection. We suggest that selections for Christmas be made now, A small deposit will bold any watch for you. $30.00 Ut 930.00 Frank M. Upp JEWELER 011 Main fit. Official S, P. Watch Inspector. nil n i n uidfii ii .l made ita New York ,lhf ii . y wo" l ,)p ftsllw to " a thing I. " ' "" nor uonato a cent jj-tr .for a solid year nt the Morocco Tl -I ! The EpiMopxl Guild will hold a,"11"" ln Kow York' acco-dlnS to t-, . " " 'cooked food bale, beginning at 11 1 1roas age?1- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY "" uiia iieiss is me li ai; ,-.r.-.-, --.-. -.,.., .....r,...,.,,-,,-.-,,-,.,.,,. .,, . lady of the cast of ten popular u. FOR SAI.K Uulclc 0. inquire Gxo ors and uttivsu a who are travel n Market Bt, Iton Apu 1 with the comedy. Tho company r n ,lK.Z. , , , Play two n,ghts , Klamath La,, &.S 'rZL"?' .'., the second evening offering tho well lib. ' 2-iit ' Known tlrjnia "nought nnd Panf 1'or." o'clock Rallirihiv mnrnini? nt tho ; Johnetone Furniture Co. 2-lt MONEY TO LOAN FOR SAUJ OR TRADE- One span Wo will bo under consider:..,!, ' IlnrrA, . .?.'.. 'm,I"B- ..'V'lurl expeiiHO In keeping tho local ...' I .., ,, .., , ,. .. . . WlVTl'll f.. .ii . i ,.,. .! , hubBiiiuiii, sam m. m. Htern. ad- V"" '". "' I'uiatoes on .. , tKu ...UUCJr ,, ,u, iiuii.e, snares. A sharo for labor v....u,,, ;uni "I or the home vnn wnnlil 111-. to lmll,l ask for particulars. If itsi home you want, now Is the time to get It. You may select your choice In most any part of the city, and I will urraiiKe easy navments tor you. day, "so wo have arranged to pin I Albert Ilarrett, Keno Road b-Ct two nights hero. Wo nluv at lie1- FOR SALE One Lom AiiireW i v.. ding, Octobor C, and. havlnc nnl., ton c"Pclty trallor ;solld rubber open date before appearing at Port-IS WVTXxXSllli If Its nn investment you are look ing 'for In Improved or unimproved properties, I have some of the best in the county. If its Fire or Life Insurance you need. I will fir vnn nn Tn fnrl If its anything in the real estate line you will do well to see me. Drop iu and talk it over. The IjALLMARKStore land, it was decided to trv out vn., local Held. If we mako a success of our two nights here, moro big plays will bo routed this way. This initial nppearanco is an experiment. If tho reception of "Tho Urat" Indi cates that Klamath Falls folk ap. predate tho better class of shows, there Is no doubt that tim ,... house will be ablo to book tho ma jority of tho bigger road successes this winter," cash. AdflreHH P n llnv r.d-i tri... " ', ,,,,,, muni nth Falls, or Phono 11F11 2-12t FOR SALE One nnnrlv mmt 11.,.. ham packer or clod masher, 2 3-ln. wagons, nno wlili imr iinin ...i' Hickory; one 3-soctlon Hprlng-tooth barrow, UBed ono wek, ono new OH vor sod plow.ono now Ollvor break ing plow. All tho abovo god as now. Far sale clican. Alnn ini nt (i.. sqws with pigs. Address P. O. Ilox ua, iviamatn KallH, or phono 11F11. 2.12t I 1V' -MWI 1 ZER0LEN SS gB A scientific service in lubrication The Standard Oil Company Hoard of Lu brication Kngineeri study the lubrication needs of each make of automobile and pre scribe Correct Lubrica tion. Uy exhaustive study nnd actu.il tests these experts hive deter mined the correct con cistency I Zerolene for ynur i .kr- of automo bile. Their a ivice anj recotnmeii lations arc tnailc avad.ible for you in the Ztr'dene Correct lubrication Charts. Tliere is a ecparnte chart for each make of car. ZiroVne ii corfcl'r " fintil I m Mltcud Ciller nia .rjde oil. Jt ltep in lubncitinji body l cylmdtr heat. liolii eompiftnon. Kivci perttcl prouction to tho moving paria inn 'i'"; laaat carbon. It la tin prod uct ol the combined re- IMU A.i,. ,rn,ritnif auipment ol the Standard Oil Company. Get a Cor ..,. I.uhrlrallan Chart lo' ..ttr a your car. r r"-1 -nr nur ncaralt Blallon. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) A grade for each type of engine fW. JAS. M. WATKINS, Jr. imiiiskk kiiops will oi)sij Phone 484 A A" harber shops wil close Friday Suite 1 Swanson BIdg. Fa,r' , 2-it In Russia an unmarried wnmnn remains under the control of her parents until her or their death. IF YOIT WANT STUDENT HELP, i-mi mo iviamnin uounty High School phono 350. Girls for typing copying and llllng; also genoral housowork, caring for children etc. Hoys for clerking, messongor servlco, chores, etc, Spoclal attention is glv- Oil to tlllfl Rervlfin litr llm l. i authorities nnd an effort Is to bo miulo to mako olllclont, tonvenlent nnd profitable both to tho student and to those requiring their sorvlfes. 2tf mMmwnm August, 1919, the Stele Veterinary gave our cow the Tuberculin Tett. The build ing in which the milk b bottled and hand led hat been thoroughly intpected by prop W tuth9iii and pronounce i in oxcellent condition Think of the bftbe And call 2MJ, CITY MILIC DEPOT 1317 Bwltfntdaf zmxffii NEW CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Finished Work Fiat Work Rough Dry Wo have riKii'i(l n felfain (1. anliijf and iJiuu.lug de pui ttueut. Wo do verythlne In nur lino. Wo Wke right price "'id fifaritntee all work. ' Try U Duct PfeOM 164 Oll.ce, 1J7 th, bttok of lt Kulluiiul Uttuk I naTWnTMnniirriiiraWMriiiiii ii" ' I kji Lti b:i j 1 1 BIG DANCE B j 1 1 SATURDAY NIGHT 1 1 II OCTOBER 4 II H I Music by the Dobry H I IB Qrchta jjl Lk l il Dl O '3 RHsW tea.! HAD BETTER SEE OUR UUE OF ojLiii. bha MACKINAWS $s.o l-UUUKKS' SHIRTS ? It vou wnnfc to aavo monev and Jutt drop in nnd e. N. B. DREW MEN'S TOGS Corner Sixth and Main 8 ml$a I . 3 I4r4Vf T.tl ii ii OLEHE wtLun $ 20.00 L AIL (M'A-Y I ?' '''. 'o Zi siaw vain?- L 1 l I8E22S3S8S rjmaxmmimmmmimmBi r-jjfiJZO- .mrz?utxytmmmi'm limn n j , iiiijiwwiwirrTf