ll THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE "EX nrgfffSy TtT 3-B--l-3SB 5 m AS ClASSIFIED COLHMHS : 5rrUATiONS WAITED Wfc ! 'ra. L tM tB 1 flWl aPaflW : r -I p n J Tin, n ,.U RlEc ROOMS. ?rTMr.Tt. - f.i- If il . .. aJ rtWT i . - -5 FOR SALE OR TTIADE -at ad r tT t$rw AAA-- 1 i - W AVTT' T WaeSefceiwers Cb- vie 4 Salt-. SS Mte- -tf AVT"I ;trt far c-tmtsi! hw I XI i 'ookmr Mr J '. I aV -' '" f'r-Tfn 1 f KELP WANTED rrR FHH I -:' fiO F' T 1- "T' ftT- "SrriB r ii - r ' . i f 'fk ! - !? WW JUULE W T-APE Caalfir. 14 rLrlr " ,M , ts. crl- nr I C a . . m&m. Ptfa Paraa Hw. 24f Wa " aW - - to f OBI-I . toot K JIB ' - t-c 0 ir f !-- M 11 O'-ry 1-tX i or .1' t' frnti asr .H I'lIl n'"thr HraM ! If KiSCEU-AIIEOUS "'A-TiJ T K-t i." '' " t.1'- fm to f-fl fT 1 ''' '! V. Ir-. HiJU-r 1 .1 :';iKL ..-- B r l :o i i-'.i !-- c j- - . " " I j,i r r 3r--- Tlniilrmtn IHif- '-'-t ---m' MV w sate e- . -j4' Ftn cr T-n MB-irr 2T , - at s d -K-iXTf "SO TOC N-- r-ge fee jc M erne, jws te 4KC-r- , soe -. FtH-r Ho-re t - ! mi s - ZT - -, 1"i ft- .- , f-raa - rKT uair r a ss t . - - rase s -f J a- -a - v rtor K r fctte" F-tmtor - it ax IT." -'tl or b -seMe r" T( rrr s r -. w t r r- !! a4 trrr-e u? i-k B l-e. Tr Sorrn 112C Kais St, Kiamatii Fall-- Sr - WASTED TO T Ofc TRADE aay -b4 a 1-98 of larniturc ! - Jf 1- " FOP. ROT OR LEAE E fe a-'Jai ar on - t- - --'- L Jri S A1E -i5scB2oe; t t- ikV - ! c i - - "J - v - - ,i year ke4 f- - sZj - '-- fc -j- - swe M it - JUrjt- o r - - j- aaa mm r-r-- i H,T(-r X. -iarac r-K- : A St- mimm. ar S a ;- KiM JS. ja; JEoi XrC a - - - 'in nilli c s-- r -e T. X Ona- -J.C- Stoek a - ? llfJL -lt !3S-T PtANU tl :- a W c as i im&9.. 5 r.ce iM ev - l - C ft ,-3 C - rtt 4-JtB-" : w 4v -- fuB -r-- lJ -a ni niM Un v.J.-l ! Mxa t Jr tcafajiiiimial iar-- -. Tbr P -' '-- juia; im - ! ffer r r 4 s Ci- a tf tt-r eat' M-n- TW(. to -" " "" -tHI hr w- f -be KB U- a -- rK- tw l'ni. r 1cl i fcn4 f -: a -. " 4" f -- - 4 paw-ram --. 3-a-f - jgtriBt-rtr aursir -an-i aWBy (" jUr r- 4cr-sr rtw -w l fc sK -"-- --r mi .-- -.-. 4aArj r tf " I rf 4u - t-- - - ' j'lMBW - -- !- - t 4c fcr -4 ' -- ' M-f - PHOKE PETTOX for "K'ood. 112R. LEGAL NOTICES enci: or mix of jkuicatjox KOTICL IS HERKBY OIVKX that ete; jwpoii wtU be -sryel till tb Uih. 47 of October A. I). l'.19 at e hoar of o'clocls In the even imz t&r the purchase of Forty Thons awf Itoliars vorth of bonds of the I M&rvrU IrriRon district of Ktaa-Ks Coantr. Oregon. Sila kee are to be dated Koicnbcr Jrt. 11 and are to draw Interest at the rate of six jer cent per annum, lnte t payable semJ-annuallj' upon the 1st. day of July and the let. day of January of each year until the matur ity ef d bond. Sakt proposal will be received by ike Hoard of Directors of said JrriEa tioa District, and should be direct ed to the Secretary of the Enterprise Irrigation District, care of Charles 1. Ferguson. Loomis Building. JOam aib Fa-s. Oregon. Tie Board of Directors resenre the right to reject anyr aU Wds offered. Secretary of the Board of Dir-ctoi s WHAT IS IT? I: i? the best paying class of advertising is e wwM if Ofi havt some-hinf to sell that belongs among littte adt Jatat 5oe si in The Herald. JU5T TRY IT G?CE II you tsve sometJuBg In yotsr attic, yosr twwfaaf, sonr ?-? room, your bara, aroend yon anywhere !; yew W3: H) sell, t-y The HeraM ci2sied ads and yoa" wiH find a beyer. IF YOU WANT SOMETHING AdvertSse for it, trvicg The Herald's classified ads. Some one hzz ethiEg for sale that you -rant Let The Herald find it fm yon. It costs you but a few cents a day. Classified ads cost you 5 cents a line a day five words to the Uae. They naicl be pid for in advance and cannot be received are co chea). "2 i i.. .. k. w... , -..--- - kvr .-a ., i-v i -wtii-,i i-----i--"-'' tie 14 ' t Of t'u i i ee. to- tie ? 1T fr. . ii i '.-) at ''IV'jO C. T i;t"- i c - - I- ' BiH IS I11ETE1S 55 fc . a-e xuw. - - " J f--rm-f e FS at w- rwl 15 t b4 i-K - T c nu. 4-v r Me tfarvw e ! at twWnff t .- i&w a wumAni jzu, TJTJZ?Z u mover by her paid for the care and management of saic preiafcec. EtiBS to $176.se; that the costs a-i disburses teals of this suit, and aocraing eoets and charges lnclug harsts for Beferees and prospective paiiog acfiesEtenU upon High and Second Streets in said city, be divided equally between plaintiff and defend ants; that plaintiff be allowed t25(U attorney's fees herein; that if .sale of said premises be made, the decree of this Cosrt award to Plaintiff her 'jse-balf part of all said taxes, charges, and cost of suit, including attorney's fees and if sale be not ord ered of said premises that plaintiff be gives a wen upon uj jwmuu v said premises awarded to defendants for her said one-half part of said taxes, charges, expenses, attorney's fees, costs of suit and accruing costs VrrPtarroftheBoardofDircctoJS -- - - - Md that suea otner ana jbtix.t -- S2rD-jl irrigation District. In Th- C5-it Court uf tb Rate of le aardwi piainUff as shall seem of enterprise r&-- " ........ u-. rf, rvuuii f " o.rxhi iuitr. vt . tb. This Summons Is served upon you. -lairmc " Emma g. Plaintiff 12S?fEKK SSS: Hilda Cooper and the unknown belrs a newspaper published in Klamath of Hilda Cooper; also all other Falls. Oregon, and of general drcula persons -or .parties unknown tlon in Klamath County. Oregon, once Claiming any right, title, estate, week for six successive weeks, the lien xr interest In or to the real first publication thereof being mffe. . rt ?... --. t.j ,c l,o .ninnMnt ....e 91 1 19. And the l6t PUbli- esiaie iei:uou r-. "?" .''i' Tito w rtrr of f?5--" Itr,. 1 .t .f .1 H ' . Atc b9' at - Hofiii' ooi s oou tar -31a n StT4sct. Knt FBs. ftait A Ortgoa and Vt; ' et -' Jre tt av -t-t e3rt-a t ay shj-wb for or ii bel a 954 Em ' than '- Ad BiMrat-". wJ sut fee illovi-d or jwUl tor by tius Adaas trtrator or e.d rstf- BENSCK DIXOX JLdBiSBihtrato' of tlw Eatat of Ijj'e Dixoa. Deceased 18-2i-2--l "SUMMONS FOH prBUCATION. E9uity 'o. 108S &-S Z-JJ Klamath Lodge No. 137 L O. O. F. Meets Friday night of each week at IO.O F. hall. Ith and Main streets. P. J.Gerges , Jt C; Tre& Bremer Secretary; P. I Fountain Treasurer Ewauna Encampment J'o, it, L O O F., meets Tuesday night of each week at L O, O, f hall Arlie Wor rel, C P.; Jv'ate Otterbein, Scribe', P E Fountain Treasurer. IgssS (. XOTK'K IS HUtESV GIVEN by cbe Board of Dreors ol tLe 1-a- trpS jriatiox DisTiurr t i'.!aa-ttk Coaaty. Oregon, that tit- 4B' and p:f i-'"- "dojrted a provsi iy aaio .. - l!!r.Ji .,f th irr UU'B ttorkf fr .tc rrir-on of tle la fc- ir.iirifts o' tUt- Eu'. . r.L. nlj ran ?u rOll ff? .t, i-.i ..i.i.-n ' tne Eaw eifice of Charts J Fer:un In Hie I.His Building in tte Oiy of , Klaw-tb F. Oregon, or at th'- 01-V-eTl C 7 Darley, iuginr Xt . j tt.ri whlck --.t io .o"nt rrtW-n orto jierein. Defendarils. caUon October 2. , " j" Ue la-di withiD To Hda Cooper and tne unknown the Honorable V V. KuyKenoau, Eu'-H-prihe Ir bejw ai jjjida Cooper; also all Judge of the above entitled Coi" b- teen ?t the other persons or parties unknown, which said order was made, eaterea .claiming any right, title, -estate, and filed Ja said voun on .b-ueiu-i . Ben or interest & "totterf M9. .. Z3ZZtt AtVornJor PiainUff . jnttenameof the State of Oregon; - j i&Ar--5S53 B21CCS JLUTO'WOQD-SAW A2iat roofut )6w 2aaa,2S(Ab Gees Acrvi-here Abj As&. BRIGCS & BURPEE 09. lac, rjrers 27 2Uir A ltlu l fajf-IBt o tlr Otaisr' ,Sttr1ttf1ltllllltlfM Livery, Sr e. r" wfice in the Ouy X Kiam Y)U flre ehy required to appear t FaKs. Oregon, ana u: y- anbWer the -complaint tuea poaato wHJ be received by the Board n 4 tlie bove -enUUed suit aTifceir of fUe up to the hour of .two juef ore the 7th -day of October, Ccjs Jo a Different yprfd. l fk u-ielt' Luuuu liiat i.l aod ,,wl. -ui iw rctvea n iue a t .,.n in iiio 9bov imuuea suu. -- - 7eit "otlU up to ,the hour of .two Tbifore the 7th -day of October, othr loererUnX I- . i'' iu tne afternoon of October $ Jaf ,elnl the Bt lay of the -.us Ii f rg ub- Pri. JC iB " a""1000 .of ',ct?U J9J9, that Being the Bt lay of the u Ii 4rf m. T" lb. J J 9 or tL tonatruction of Jjg prescribed In tne Order of Pub- uu auythiug In top pr- 1 jjtej- jn porUons or fxs ,IcatiJn summons Berein, and If ns ulu; Jwio ln4f ut9- a lurfe . , you fail so to .appear, ulead, answer, fiu atuurtiUou rv -h rttrut will be let to the lowest '., . otherwise move therein ,, ... ,iu ug In -our xn wxjm. " iiu;Kfcib:' fr tw to form ' & mtawxri. Sage 'Tea Uw&e i Ivcave Prison. - jtar Urfclcg ',' A " lo ' - "- M yrorKs eiiner u ,j'"v " Hcation Of summons nereju, iroi i-js uu; jiu;k w.- " . "aiad jd Ak! r 4 ,J b o Mv- W- a" wvamttf- lurfe . , you fail so to .appear, ulead, answer, ,,. touueptlou of what the world ap- Jt& ZZrzZ T T -! w" CoatrMt will be let to the lowest emt fir otherwise move therein . laJ u, tht u'.tuln xmf in- --.,-rv ,WW JUK.B 9LAjC CJCAM ,. . ... ti ll a j J . . .. ! rt!lfll 111 Lfll KUIVI 0 -' . .(.( .(J ilm -rla U'fltir VflraUl. ' .. .. . ,...t .. t .... la t"-i - -" - - , ,.. .nnA Mr a"r nil ' - - T. . a . 1 !.,, -vnr. Joaru 01 iireovor a- wlfhin- Kaid time, tor want thereoi, '..... ,, .,rv uituit Is I - -"- .nll pb-- - . - - - . . .. MI1I1I i.- .iagw rw - . i- abav ooc..-, , ,, , mwimi au Mf-Uw ;)8 19 yJl ..."' rr ulainUff wBl apply tor tne rw y' , . ...,r m. 2rr :??. - " ' e , a-4: : KSwnfflTe tikis' ct reIa - 7 u mk. , -. Feed and Stable Sales Auto ,g- w j gpot,, t'-c -"- jw an ae en ,,1, i 4. m taeatae Jsif (tbj -V four 1TW VV P" .Km rC ilUlVi - I . ,.. . . 1 mHK XMUap oifcsgfc, we w(t rel-df. -!-- fnmik Jb "- - I ' W. MVW& WP ---' - . " . .. . ... . , . . -- M4 - ' a o tEuL " - , j I..A ..V f (Mil UtSW JjMllt(l- 2'ff.!r' r--;r2 " A MtvM ;St(&ud utrt, Tf t & " fc tavrb ,mw aV, AaMv i, w uwutd o l M M . ..- ...aA, tnv Kmifv rr : . '' '.. t. ...(.. ..i mjuiij w w .. ie "'"-"r.r..rr;ft ws, .-, - K , M,,.l4H-1iiy ad m muI to u-Ke uf h action as niay ie " at JyQt 2 4 j; &nJ ; f iuroUy to our juood, Bt iu .jta.fcP, for the ht Interest of .the WocJc Ewauua HeJgbU A4diaon iy dlffertnt world, But .wiM.r DUtrit . o Klamath Falls. Oegon, according j. !. howu that BbJ ; i Anr w:tr,B or porsons to whom a . tiie j,y eprjed ilat of aid M' tiui u ry ixawerUtA, iall or tra nwy t. w" "'.5 4iUon, -ou file In the -office of fBf a,,,, rt Uma. us ry tw the jMuJalabe ,CM''a? o houud' Mii -of muhH, With u Woo ii l-iiiiliiaut tf. utio -our jui-v- lal IwagJ'T is larg'rf iu friiui rf .. . If. .... . Iillllal 111111 UJI1 nria no n n iu iio iiii:iiiv iiiiirii - in fivk afi a .tirii aa uiiuw .'av ""f ? 1 I-f IliYAltU. I.. j . 1 i Iiav 1il14 atn '. . a , f . .. f the Entflrrlse Jr t ie premises Be uaJ ' Wll-. ,,. , w.rI, i B to a 4 I and he proceeds derived from uc j IM!fi.na uud sJM iu- U sale Be .diylded ually Betvcn jthe T ,!', " ,, fl . , 1. . nMn lwin1 fitlil ino n UIC Ji ,av- r -' i- - ' uwmw -ou w.ttjZ:JZ? 7. .1,.. to .-uturul Hiory, Service Quick Service D&y or Nigbt Klamath Stable Jxwg 'frlp Our SueW JiVUMju,uble fiMtut PBone I JJV e2 BJ-watB Ae yyvyyyytViVk'MyMMVMMA Mlra,, or. 7o Mo f !. , defendants on jtBe -otJUer Band, accord- wJoo fffcrrllP, Aiituml 07, " ? lr xUsappesur 4,Ut alow!rtu- U4 jK fi la .j, Matt4.-r ft A 'ta t ;ule j he respect! w shares M luter, , -WtafMa.-i,,;.' B, i". Dcuvo-. g WMfSK? Jif.i.ortBBKUig,ff.wl. f H -V-CoooW, itULt - A fl'W' -'lMiMMi6tteihair ''4Mr a&alatr .l vi f w a,pK4a,ie t o p. j ArtLrtSc jtoco iiel jwwl, -P 1 -aoctta-ee. Hk .TTZT rdfiO. W?' it. Uii. ji3M'to. i-esus oj juiyuw ov jkw w-,- i .,. ,tJ- i,.., o ..-i, 4n I KotIceBBeb given tohejcred- .jn jind herM; Baf PiainUff Be e- ''S: ju-y o, Itoofeovetatend w alflB ,5W" S AWBXt , XWo b Jt - l.ntrtlntf AIII1IIIK ICillllDL '. A . 4JL Ar! HE - W -T-M- --- . bou .j,, - -- .....,. '- .-.- '7 ,.'.r.'., ' i44n "" " ...j li-iifilni' tlalUlS iUlV WW L . M A7 A J firr r-"y .9!J 'JJOmSSf. .IU9 4 lt Mt A ui .j..'.i. r.irr tnunhers iiuu- linclusive. ortlog Klthin ix iontl! from ud jU amounting to -pne-Balf arf. FJtBe o 72? Main fit, PASTIME wn Mtmo m A I 'it 1 :i -J: H i