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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1919)
THE EVENING HLRALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON .., -q CHEESE ENTITLED TO FAME THEIR DIVORCE ACTION INTERESTS NEWPORT OWNCS VIRTUES WE WMX Tb- rwt i r1 mi. n'uim. A 3 Cases m OmtrUtsrmtm, wSB fUrctjr W. Ml. MI e ' JK SIX Ii' 18 IT AD DUIISf 4 'f Take ou the Carbon. Give 8&&B. Aats Acesssj & IfiUlUil lifljCUiflii I IDlfl - -rie Engine More Pep 1.MSW , -- . Jt fc&m&Q) hIk -mi ""'"" -T T-V' - mm&- b. '. m ggy " - : ftw ltd l'ttTgfyy r r ,Trave!er Asserts Product cf Northern France Has Any Like Edible ' Dcaten a Block. . If porchnnce we tind fared Into oni i of tnc northeastern protlnces Franco we were rciisonubly certain , tlic meal would lie rounded not with helpings of a certain kind of cheese tlmt Is Indigenous to those parts. It comes lu n flat cake, which invariably Is all cated In mid qu.ihed out. as though the owner h-id upon It while ' bringing it Into the uuiket In his two wheeled enrt. Likewise, when Its temperature so" up It becomes in re of a liquid than n solid; nnd It h-is nn aroma by vir tue of which It secures the attention ' nnd command the respect of the most casual passerby. It i- more than Just cheese. 1 should call It mother of cheese. It I? to other nnd lesser ' checsc5 ns ciet cuts are to canarj birds If ou set w tint I mean: and in its couipau the most boisterous Brie t or the mojt oclferous Cunietnbert yon cer saw becomes at once deaf and dumb. Its flavor I? wonderful. Mainly It Is found In ancient Normandy; and. among strangers eating It or, when It Is in an especially fluid state, drink ing It comes under the head of out door sports. ISut the natixes take it ricrlit into the nrne house with them selves. In in S. Cobb, in Saturday Hvenlng Tost. Jh W $1 kguivu.i- . win i:i:r M s Recina'o. (.' i fikd suit for iTi i' It I , al'einr d"-irti ir f r t'i MAN MERELY POOR SECOND Swiftly as Aviators Travel Through the Air, the Shallow Easily f Outflies Them. 1 Doubtless the swiftest passage over n long d'stnnre ever made by man was that of the daring aii.itors who flew from Newfoundland to Ireland. They traversed a space of 1,932 miles in .D72 minutes. That was nt the rate of nearlj two miles a minute. To be pre cise, it was a mile in 30 IS seconds. Tor a much less distance a slightly ilgher sieed was made by an army airplane between I5oton and New York. The dis'nnce of 173 miles was 'made In i3 m'nutes Tliat was a mile in 2S-15 seconds, or more than ISO feet a second. That is rapid traveling. It is not, however the swlftiest aerial flight I known. A swallow could literally fly j , round and round oni of those air- I planes when the ljttir v.s at top ' speed. Carefull eonrlu'tpl t.-sts by a i French scientist have demonstrated I that the speed of a swallow In full flight sometimes goes as high as 200 ,fcct a second, or at the rate of n mile jln 18 seconds, while t!'e ordinary flight lof a swallow Is 210 foet a second or 'considerably faster than the airplane. five yea-s Newport sei! r stands that Mr Yan?rbi!t w ill contest the actios and that uo m on v will be asked Mrs Van J ?ks custody of their only c Catbleen, now in her sixteenth i Mr Yanderbilt. youngest son . f late Cornelius Vanderbilt. inl-e a snare or bis fathers estate mated at $,00fl Later Ji ceived $S,O00.000 by the i 1 o' brother, Alfred Gwynne Vane. -who perished on the Lu Mrs. Vanderbilt was Miss Cat' Gebhard Nelson, daughter c. : Frederick H Neilson. Silt lid SZtSSmSz w?? - V c - .2('rt a u4 Ixf-i. Mi- isMli fli. ssaf fsc 1f T a t?rt SB St r aaurw-al 1 m tt b4. mmmn: mk i'n-n mmtt ti fs mtmi u iM x rknaasi .mt s:I-r to Knrtsli. ah fbc tt-iTlm ii js im iiJ r- - :kmt It k - .4. f&t-i. Iia ! t 1 It . '-.2.rnl fkw BV IMBT tm It nil- mttml si fca "it mixik ?n- nrllt lit . ltd IImi itcias 1 V -! f' - - ' Is- tbp 1 '.; ilwia. T l"-.tfl. a Mt ;4ir B MB ,- -L . mU urn. Wfc fin . t aiI 4-1j naagaVs U-' - strt ii Mil - '. ifc,,' UMinCBI SfclSM BMBI r- 1. Issssvsssttr IVSMST fflSBl i m L f , 3MI imu li ssil " , 1 1 am !' in wmf "" m'jik ssft mimyittm IB ! s w rssTsT- bwM hr atnnfllniii nmwji . J 'ss i- T fsw artr ssrtsMsVw - -sb 1 fctim Hi -wrgtessiIliHsini airti - X sjoi jpi j'MWr Urnmwi as any Z ?1 " s w r - (hat stmi'. (tan at ssasae Mf aoa S rx - " tar -fastri aafl a al im uyn'f J Tfc AwiM-- aaol ss 1 Tjti- f "" " r- WATT! "''illaua; :i .- , j Fiatinum Wonderful Metal. Tlie American Museum of Natural History has issued a bulletin giving many Interesting facts relating to platinum, one of the inot striking of "which relates to its ductility. The raanelous ductility of platinum may England's "Mad Poet-" The name "Mad Poet" was applied to Nathaniel Lee, an EiicM dram atist who was horn in Hatfield iu 1CG3. He was the son of a IiWye rlan minister of Hertfordshire who conformed to the Ileformation. He was educated at Westminster school and Trlnitycollege. Cambridge. Tor a time he was on tho strge. birr biter devoted liimself to writing tragedies, of which he pro iuced about a duzta. His first suecess'ni niay was tbe Ri al Queens, tlCl) Liwwn afteru arns as "Alexander the Great," in which c enrs the famous line, "VVbpn iree joined Greek then was the las of war." He collaborated with Irjdeu .u Ta Huke of Guise." (1C&). Let- becsuue insuue In 1G84, tu.d was cuuUud la the asylum for file jears. heace be was stj led -The Mad Poet" He died in a fit of imoiicution at Luudoa is 1092. Wmat CsR cl tntrnef s -rsjd luisw b trtms d s.ili not trtw mr ma - - -- iii - - imIsbs foauri a- l. l m'Uim d. ji si vtatf - ' tm-ier mm tmimfai i- ajan - HI" Tiu- vimdrrftH Sttt at fBMttact mie l--iir iiiun) ifd. and -Hit , ti4 at ll ttrar iltor w Ui- aw in! Hwc." . I tmauwt ..- i m S asBvHnR S -attix9 u aiU Vm4H IL far It W tatataav ary aktd aw Ifw u It mf. rra-aauac an tanrl; u ua at mt St. Vti'iiHi a aaaa miB -n att au4iT sxmnnc fa- 4f l'arj 1 Is SBafW ' 4eRs 1- r wtta rbiarMr 4ST aaaK. orsixil tuut7- ot arnattMa- isi OKr aNnath-' ti t Ma i . aii. ji -ru&t&p u ui " til, JO.C la rs. t u 1 cl 1..H4. LATE so i -wrss 32HJI 3KUSE iHii Ats fciw ihii inTTit)ir mrr'Tirf Aamtt -jasaial c3HQDeiK 2v reform ,., GaJ)lS&L FrsiiiHTf B2ni- aarfir bL- " tfia- " -sr ry-rg. '-' - . I a-eal -xitsea. .T' , -.a."ns r : ja- Bird is Terror la Sujj-e. A diff csatknr aiU eat a traoinaTifl flit. m-ju...r. -klm:-Ui.das r becti s tlia1 itijwTv frail tm aa a 4aqr aad. th n. Ivt . uv t ir -iks. say- lb" Aimprir-iu Fre-ar tJon rf V. as'ui .j. Tb' 'r' i- " ' 'f - --stmllagr benram- M e-a-G-rrc ft ob tie :side ui a itarti or "-! r i-c.-!ng nji owJer tlr -wrw. "lmj- f ser-tml txiuu-OMsd mill fcnoiiJ iu-j" lis.--l-ajMh -r c tM- cKk f a t3j1L 1 - Dr-ats. kaH)d ULt- a aatt-rSMid pward r axler--bottle, lire tusad-r af J. f -hj sxdied iaW jtrflets aas lutrd ita ar a lvsthers. Tbl bird viaitr ia tit tJIBJC-i. tatted a aa-T lml tag as it fxa er.-i puaai if -: ttuat'.nt t-rtu-9 la" ax- i twaar -alam. cxrad aw atiaj. susr limn af a a-u-!2k--. aVi. a aoaoai avnn; - --1UKI Ian at Iwiaaif U taw --as "5.A tsI 171: ? fisT-lO5 c SI Xbr-Kdd sa4a -Msaedr 'lfer-i J-mr -W-ri A-' aa! aK oC -wm.itii a am at aamtumm-. aJl r- I - J-afM-ffkaa) SsaibBawV c-Tdll' -C1SmUjd. i-"'''" Sv;ft-Mcving Crcztures. Leaping on skis is donbtlefs the swiftest method of loeoumtion yet he conceived when we consider that 1 practiced by man. But e.i that Is slow wlun compared with the speed of some otli creatures. It i" out of a single troy ounce of the metal It would be possible to make an al most infinitely slender wire that would reach from Santiago, Chile, across -the continent to Hlo Janeiro, a distance of the liare and the deer, and far om i distances the comparatlielj ilon kan garoo, liut tliere is a jumping moum; about 1.S00 miles. To draw out plat- i in the African deserts, which Is cred- Ailat-luajic Lamps. A rear rirtrir lasi-p mrSS ontr Stand fit i-i-rrr it is pla-oed tm a flat snria-' I in the ! sDm ni flM-s a t-lijt a.rti amy be claiap-d Jtu ajr jma Jet'tii z '? or pact. Alan the Insaji may nO'ig a tie a-ali r fdarr-d aa a fhit urf a-ne. ttslas tbe -dip as a iatae. Since i nK-UraUjr ail arCcie aT fatxS--rere luiie eilher as djm a - r a Sat truriane. it if pusRilue t r tsus lamp nlrjMt anyTsrliere. As the clasp Is- fel' 1 ad. there is ai daae-s- jT scral-h tig or drTila-ng raUs!aed sar-Jiic Let Me Do Your !efe Loncf Woik pir inum Into so escecdingly One a wire it is eoiered with a thin layer of gold. This wire ! drawn to the thinness of the former one, and the gold is dls soled.. A small section of this sec ond wire is then given a coating of gold, redrawn and the gold coering dissolved. After this process has been repeated .-eeral times the wire finally Is still Intact, but irtually Imisible. iblj said to make eighty leaps a sec ond, of 10 feet each. That means 800 feet a second, which is more tliun four times the speed of the airplane and t'iree times that of a swallow. Nor is e en this amazing creature the swiftest known, for the common flea has in his leaping a telocity of 800 feet a second, which approximates ten miles a minute. After t wont six jears of contin uous service as postmistress of Decatur, Ga , Mrs K. W Kirkpat ricklias resigned the of1ce because, of the Government uge limit of C5: years. ! Careless Man. Smith I am getting pretty forget ful. Jones now soT Smith I haten't dipped my pea in the mucilage bottle lids week. B1OT HOT WJOU OFTFSILIIIIT USENG - Says glass cf hot wzier -with phosphate before breakfast washes cut poisons. Yow Sa Cb? ae. mtmm "JEter! H.'ii' ?yftjui43 'feixt mWoSisizm WMmm P If &$mm " foneyWMle Enjoying .the Finest: Flavored Tea isithe land vrhzs. ycniiuy BIia::u,, S5? M &.Tgl-fWt ) r A. Pound 16 oz. FuIlVelglit Half Pound 8 cz. toiSC TOUR MONEY BACK EF YOU DCNT LIKE IT If You Like BLACK TEA Ash tct CEYLON If You Ucs GREEN TEA As!; Car JAFAIi KLAMATH CASH GROCERY "QUALITY STORE" WE SELL FOR LESS Phone 420 717 MAIN STREET i If you FitJ.t- ii, -...ii u tai" afl had hrcatii and toxigue is xxuied. if your head is dull or acinus, if wiat you eat sours and forms p-as aad acid .- -w.. w ,-w- . s, ..x-j! pated. nenouj, esilow. and can't set ifeelmg Just right, imgin taslde laui jinE Drink before lireakfaj5t. a slai !of real liot water with a te&soosfnl of limestone phosphate in it- This will Hush the poisons and toxins Irom (Etomach. liver, iidneys and lowel. jand cleanse, siroeien and jrarify tLe iectire alimentary tract. Do your ln 'side bathing irnraediaie'y upon arts jing in the morniaE to wash out I tio' (system all the pr;rjous Cays poUoa- jous -waste, cas asj sour Idle lef j putting more load into the stomach. j To feed like youag folios loel; lite; jjou felt before your i4oofl. jiervta and ; muscles became loaded with bod; izo-j purities, set frsa jear pharmacist a J iguarter pound of lit4ou- ptosphatej which is lasxpooeive as almost taste 'lass, eicejrt for a feoariafa twiase waich 1 lis sot uspleasaat. ' Just as soaf) ami ut waitsr act on 'the skin, eleaasiac swttttesiBg aid , freshen inc. so hoi awer sa lime ! stose pfcoenfcate act t tle stomach. f livr, kiteeys a&4 bu;U. Xaa and jwomott who ace usually euasUpated. liiltoue, luiaJaciij- or ha aay oibsoJq idisorder should beeia this iasM bath-' i&g before breakfast. Tbey are as-, si.rcd ttry will becvee r 3 -iats on tte su jert ilortly. Adr. NsBBBBstV LsBBsflBBBBBBB M sH TsBBBBsCk LsV "S "Bl EXCLUSIVELY- Wiien you Jiaye youx rork -ctooe atiijSsa 5and you Jmoy'you liave fEe Iest liaerejg AL F. GRAHAM -sl