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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1919)
TIII'IIHIIAY, OCIOItKu a ltllri tAQW TWO of Tractors and Farming Machinery at the County Fair. HOWIE GARAGE THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON HERB'S EMI . I it L am hi French Woman IMocm It Prlvl lege to Tcml tin liit Ko-tlug Place of Edward I-'. PrUer, UN Mother Is Assured l.v Letters On a gentle, sun-hissed slope not far from tho Httlo village of Pou tenx les Forces. Laudes. Franco, nre the graves of ten or twelve Amoricon soldiers whose love for liumanlty called for tho supreme sacrifice In the center of tho Httlo plot dedicated .is a last resting place for American heroes sleeps Private f Edward F. Parker, son of Mr. ami Idrs. J. H. Parker of IClaiuoth J'alls, lfitU Co., 20th Engineers. Not untended, however, is the hallowed bit of ground beneath tiro, plain white cross, for on days when lier duties as director of the little schcol permit her, comes Madame i Eugenie Dourthe, herself tho widew: of a soldier, to lavish a mother's j tondurness upon the grave of hiinj whose own mother is barred from' exercising that sacred privilege by tho width of a mighty continent and, the breadth of a mightier sea. It was a peculiar incident that ibrought the American mother and the French weman into communica tion. In re.nling the Saturday Even ing Post several months ago, G. II. Parker came across an article in which Madame Dourthe's name was mentioned. Correspondence ensued and the b-reaved parents received tho two comforting letters repro duced below, and a picture of thel little American cemetery where their son is buried. The Tetters rcadj S3 follews: j "Pontes les Forges, Landes, j "France, August 27, 1919. j "My Dear Madame: I am justj Teceiving your kind letter. I ami not deserving so many thanks, Ma-; dame; we must love your sons the same we are loving our own sons. They were brothers in the same Sight. "You can be sure I shall take a great interest in your dearest sin's grave, as previously. "In .a few days I will send you a ' "'" '.'Jiiii' N O use arguing about it, minor key! If you've rette makin's notion cornered it a few liberal loads of Prince ilia:,; ftps Boiled down to regular old between-us-man-talk, Prince Albert lacks the "pip" right out of a pipe! Puts pipe pleasure into the 24-hours-a-day joy'us class! Makes cigarette rolling the toppiest of sports! P. A. is so fragrant, so fascinating in flavor, so refreshing! Prince Albert can't bite your tongue or parch your throat! You go as far as you iike according to your smoke spirit! Our exclusive patented process cuts out bite and parch! Toppy red bags, tidy red tiru, handsome pound and half-pound tin humidots and that classy, practical pound crystal g'.at humidor with sionge moistener top that keeps the tobacco in such perfect condition. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C. picture. the Amcrlcin cemetery In Pontonex, which, I Know, you snnu ho happy to have. Affectionately, my dear Madame a French mother, a sister of yours. 'HUGKNIK nOl'ltTllK." "Pontes los Forges. Fr.ince, "September 1. My Pear Madame: I am send ing you the photo 1 promised you in my last lottr. "If you are desiring to write to mo sometimes. 1 will answer Immedi ntPiv I shall visit your son's Brne. There is now a mother for Him In' France. Affectionately, ' scribed as "oortn'nl.v one of the llnest "EUGENIE DOUKTHE." examples of Flemish fifteenth century "Mv husband iJ in the American' '" '""I psiinted for the rullcitliito . ,,,,,. church of St. Pierre. The piilntlni: had cemetery near a lino tree. ... ,'.,.... ,001110 down the centuries as th chief ""'" adornment of the phnrcli. ami dlKip- Tr" A nPPOsFC" i pea rod after tho ("Ionium occupation. KJlA UrrUJtJ i ,. ...... ,.Hiv..i! in have been ilesiroved. GOVT CONTROL ST. LOUS. Oct. 1. Appealing for tho return of railroads to private ownership Samuel Ilea, president of! tho Pennsylvania, railrond. In address-' ing tt convention today attacked the Cummins bill as detrimental to tho progress of the railroads. I Ho compared tho bill to the fifth p .. , . ,. , , I wheel for a wagon. Ho said it had, somo good features but discouraged initiative and incentive. . o SAYINGS OF GIIEAT MEN I'm where I am today because Ii was lied to."-- Wm. Hohenzcllern.j Which reminds of tho story ofj the man who sent word to his chum that he was in a certain hospital. The chum at onoa went to see Harry, who. incidentallv, had all the appearance of having tangled with a, ... ,, threshing machine. ; "Hirry for the love of Mike how. did this happen?" j "Oh," replied Harry, "a woman lied to me." I "A woman lied to you! What doj you mean?" j vn ,i,.. i..i,i .,. i.r i...i.r..i wni ,. ., "And was It a blue bird with sotni1 in Denver. , , j white feathers In Its wing? j "niinno." responded Willie. pocket In order to determine tho nature Ing the dime. "You can't tell their cf the work which will succeed color when they're In a pie!" their war services, thi naUonil board, of directors and the state and! local chairman of tho National j League for Women's Service ls soon to hold a conference in New York City. or making chin-music in a got the jimmy-pipe or ciga in your smokeappetite, slip Albert! ':," xrrTinrnvrr'iron?.-. HUNS GIVE UP WORKS OF ART World-Famous Paintings Stolen From Ociglum Returned no Stipulation of Peace Treaty. P.y the terms of the ponce treaty Helghtm uml (ihent HI recpectle!y reoowr priceless works of art. one of which was supposed to have been de stroyed after the tioruinni entered l.otivtiln. while I lie other has long been incomplete bemuse two liiuiortiiut parts of It were n the Kaiser I'riedrlcli museum, Uerlln. Tho l.ouvaln pulnt- Ine Is the work of hlerlol; llonts, a - i.ast Supper," which has been do but Is now Uiiowii to liave been re moved anil pruM-rvod by the luvlidcr. :ind lis return Is mi'1 of the stipulations of the peace treat v. The other famous ,,;,., ..-,-,, Adoration or the Lamb." ,.,s ,, ,.,M tiu. a, and treat est masterpiece of ilft it h century paint- Ing produced In Flanders." It was begun l.v Hubert van Kyclt. but eon tint ind finished by .Ian van F.ycl;. Time had cp:, the parts of the """" "''' " I'""" " "" ' panel remains In the chapel of St. . .mother fart Is In ISrussota, ti nil yet another 'In Merlin ltriissols will nrobably return her part of the composition, and Germany Is to Klve back the portions that have le-en In her possession, so that the painting .C .. ,.'1.1.1.. ..'Ill ....'l.' I. t.l. ..MO. til. ,,,C(, , tllL, dml)ol for whk.h lt wus painted. ; Pie-Bald Truth. Mr. .Tones keeps pigeons, and Mr. Rrown. next door, trios to keep pigeons, Mr Itrown is constantly losing birds, while Mr. Jones Is as constantly sin (, ()f tun, ,,. ,,. ,,., Mr, .,, ,,. ,, ,nlm. approached the youthful son . iielr of Mr. .lonos. "Willie." began Itrown, holding up tho coin. "11111 daddy find a bird yestoi. day V Willie nodded. AT THE I5AXK WIN'DOW " Please, mister, havo you a safo- ,ty deposit lrix for rent thut will hold i a five gallon .lug. iiWrfijVs '- .i5.jjvTJes -'-: SSJiSSSftissxgziSw mmmw ? ' "' - J K- ltiia3JiIotwil!y!ie I tt iTr"'wW,SSi''y '' I "SLOAN'S UNDENT NETCRJAELSBK Atsv msn r von-u- Un Uoi ps It 'i.mdy win '' i" lhat K.ima t'li.U T -?rri.i.I.V t'.os? freiucntiy H .,tuce. hv r'..ei:iuatic tvim;. -1 J A (, Slam's I .mi ni -nt scatters the ri'iiqeRtinn an I flic tr.,t s -'.'.' ruWnf, to tic ntilitled mrt soon relieving t'io at lie and num. Kpt l-.indy nul u'-l cvcrjwlcrc for H-lu-'iiiK ami I'ui.illy cb.iuiniitiu I lie piiirt mil n.'"H ft 1 m'uRO. ncir 'it:.'. mil I" lr en. I' "J tl(lns, upr.iim. brum, the result uf e.poMiru to' or. , , , , ... S! mo's I iniiwnt is o! 1 ly alldniR ;.... i; Tii. SI in - r W. -. v mime. g$$$8s- not in: N'otlro Is hereby given that tho undersigned linn purchased The Moadowmoto Dairy Store, 20S Main SI. All bills contracted prior to Sept 2."th 1919, will bo paid by Alien Ilolcomb. S7-.",t W. K. SMITH. r .1. C. Cl.rGIKIICN' Civil Engineer and Surveyor Office 517 Main St. Phono, Office, 1(10. lies. IIIJM. SHANGHAI RESTAURANT tllOP SI'EY AND NOOIII.K imrsK titrt Order .Meal- N'rifl "y Miln Sl i eel KLAMATH I'ALLS. OltK. ATTENTION My business Is making your homes bright and prosporous by Painting, Kalsomlnlng and Paper Hanging. Satisfaction my guarantee. W. E. KANDY 17 Mnln St. Phono 103W SAW MILL ENOINEEItINO A CONSTUUCTION CO. Dcslgncis and builder of mod ern Saw Mills, Pinning Mill, Itox Plants. Complete plants contract, ed. Appraisals mid reports made. Dredging. We con tract to build any class of a building mid install machinery of any kind. Drafting of any kind done. ISlue Prints made. PHONE 140.) Olllce In K. I). Iliiildiug i Phone SIO-J Jl'J-J Main St. O. K. Lunch ,. AND CONFECTIOXEKY Fortnorly at 45 Main St. IIomo-Mado Pies and Cakes. Cold Meats & Lunch Goods'. Ice Cream and Fruits. HARLEYJ-DAVIDSON Service Station We handle tho Harloy-Davidson Motorcycles and Dlcycles Exclusi vely. Also buy, sell and exchange all other Makes. Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires and Tubes. C. E. DISMARK IIS R. Oth St. Klamath Falls KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do All Kinds of Spring Repair ing New Ones Made to Order Axle Straightening and Dlacksmithing ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phone 250-Y 017 Klamath Ave. rz j " im .. M.urT.' i Tirw' bte i L IV J a 5H fit , 1 FVr ' .. "SV-T.. ..-Ji-,V1B'p. , USKKL'e.. ......f., ,- J1TI-. n,.Ht y((, Herald Want Ads. 1 J Hil i,il- , ,T ' J- PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY S S Vo rjrat .Meno nt Their Own dome. The III"' I baleful rhnptor of tho work of i-eleiioe In war vn llio lb-tl-odll' tlon of etieiuleal warfare. The first riis altiick, on April 'J'J. ltUA. and llio fixe others that followed within little more ilwii 0 month, found the allies unprepared, ami II was mil tin til September that lln'.V weie able l-i any wav to retaliate. I '.til Hie Inline, illiite r. ply' was one thai did honor to neb nee, line to tile spleml'd work of the lute Cil.met Harrison a tiiu of defense hv fil Hi'M'iS will osl'lhll-lleil. Ill which the iiPb's were for the uleiiter pint of the war fur abend of their ad vorarlcs. who only sneoeedod In coin tut! up to them by leartilni! uml cop tin: our methods, It was Impossible to estimate what would have been the ilel met Ion i- useil bv tole uascs but for the e .'. ...! i.-o'ires, Wo iniiko n f.pocliilty of fire, life anil accident Insurance. I'liotio (1(1 and we'll do t.'o rest. Clillcoto &. Hmltll. r.-tt RECKARD'S' RENT SERVICE K. F., Bend Stage Phone 276-W THE PAItlSIA.V HEAl'TY SHOP. Facia! Massaging, Itlenclilng null ' Facial Packs t v Manicuring .Shampooing j Sculp Ticatmciit nil) Main Phono illld irn iMiiiii'vn it.sritAivi IIMPANV r.iT Mum AHTHI'It It. WILSON .Malinger You Had Ijetter Order Your Winter Wood now Double Load Htocks $7,011 CJreen Slab, Pine .!:t..-.(l (.'icon Slab, Fir $1.30 W. E. SEEHORN CO. H'2'2 Main St. Phone 7U WELL DRILLING Voclmtzer Ilros. & Klabzuba Merrill, Oregon , Or McDonald Peel Room Klamath Falls, Oregon I r Lot your Glass Troubles bo My Troubles. Reglazlng dona in any part of tho city R. 0. HTUCKY. Carpenter &. Cabluotninltcr Phono I77W 102-1 Mnln. KOlt AXY KIM) OK FUltMTl'RK Seo Andy Mauritsch At No. 10 Main Street. TRY MB rilONE 170-J PROFESSIONAJL dARDS PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open for Mntomity Cases Mrs. 'Rosa McDanlels, 301 High St Phoqe 455 FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Loomls Dldg., Klamath Falls w T !. II t Wy? SSnsV oanarMiT 57ieah gOOdbyto I sir ibi .i. Ll I-VIMll i 01, 1 i , , 1 , and Wl c' "o Ira, tl ' iWiii.i. , ,, , fl t'i.' yl ,l,n""';. '.':,.i.:,,.rn ,.r , ,.. Mull, i ..., , . uiuaUM D STAR DRUG CO. i r Win. . i i ft i. . DU. C. A. UMII0 Dentist I D. O. I'. Ilulldlllj; PHONE (II DR. CARTER DENTIST WHITE ItCILIIlXQ PHONE ilK.-, DR. R. B. CRAVER Diagnosis .Medicine mid Surgery Otllce o.i I'miemooda Phono -'saw "Hi nml Main DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecarver phem: :t.-.i Dr. P. M. Noel PHONE I Over I'liilerwoiid' Senntli and Main Street vwvvwwwwn VWWVWVSVAAAMAAAM Oregon vvw(VNtWV.WAWVWVS .:MK-X'i H. C. SCHLEEF .JC KATHEMNE SCHLEEF Plithliiiius and Surfjcooi Office, While IHtltf. .U.AAAA.WM444MMW WARREN HUNT MEDICINE AND SURGEItf, 200 I. O. 0. P. Bids- "DR. G. A. MASSEY Successor to Dr. TrW Suit 20(1, I. O. 0. F. Dldg Olllce phono HOJ licit I'lione o. Phono 1& 'SSrtd-nr. DR. A. A. SOULE ... Kin r..... m r r-.nnnARD UK. P. v ttM (tatooiwuiie . ..,- auiio an. i. -a ' , (0ver K. K. K. Store) Phone 821 . . ?iJtr Tne only Cteoprth clan and Burgeon Falls. ) If" ' f V v Olllce Phono 385 Itcs. 135 . Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Physician and Surgeon j unite nuiiuuiH ) Klamath Kails Oregon 1 i s 'II I Let us make up your pool car Murphey's Feed & Seed 3 SULPHUR M. I1V 1 1V lO A I5III. 126 South Sixth St