Ml1 mnip,wTffr-,".Ty , vlsi)AV, orromw i, mm THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SKVKft ffK' MP'S CLASSIFIED COUIMHS ROOMS, APARTMENTS SALE Real Estate iM'vi' ri. ...... i i .1 head of extra i , ,,., t i n ... ....i. i-.. i Cows giving milk furnished 102 Mm I ii si Pl.,,m. '.k SITUATIONS WANTED VI I AM I .MUNI l.U anil t.tfmblu IIH I I III' (l("ll lOIItt' tn ! Willi i ii' i i ii nil' ring steady employment A I r'l'iincK Address I'ov I), Hi rnlil 30 2t FOMAU: Three V llfro'l" ll,st ot M"',t" "i"' , 20-Gl lino Jersey " " -III frui III ESitlon ri'""' " lormatlon 1'iir I'll fiirthor In- Olenn. Ore 20-71 ml) SA11 ID, i.'v n homo Clyn Will (roliitiiKf Modern I rill " '" '""""' ? 'n,;,:; lum waT c Ifoh hlnt M"1;t. In mini'- - FOR SAI I modern I (Mil Inqulr JZ-II House. Close 27-0t i v t mint iinii-i 1 ....... 'I, rum or 1 heap for Pine. Ht. I'liono 1". 1 1 - owner 1 . 'I in rnn sAI I' P llttl" hOUSl) Oil' Tentll -' ' ""." , ""J,"" ii-m st $ " 1 ' ' '" l f:.' lad 1310 I.o" " I'lvi-iitent 2 I'M-n (rnra Ma ti ' ' " "" i' ' """ ""' i, nil 01 r l.i U Mont el us JiihK n " "! Ma'" st ",ur roil SA1.I " .milfitl 8 room rosl-' dtnee at roin.r of lth oml Pine , Modern full ' ' "'"'" ntrnacc I part pa) mml down nuiuiu-u m nun purchaser ni i live lrl e If pur- .i...l .llrnil Vlllll.SH Mrs fll'fl Sanderson, 312 South loth & Jitffer lon.tonnlhH Or- gnu 11-2CI FOn SAM3 Furnishings for a six room houso 122N Otli St. 20-tf FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALfr One iiniill look stove, one iMk'p .ititl one donah hod mid tpilngs Til 2ivM or mil ut lit South Riverside 2'J-:u . FOK SAM fi head pure bred WIIlI&niLt t iuliv l.lncnlii Bucks and ono Iiunlol t as wo nru iiiovIiik cut of tlie i. j'iirv would rntlior hoII lheio tliaa ni si tin m out. Tin" ticks ui lir.ii Km. I.) Htul'f and In tncs'apr t ii lie to 'II at I. It. Muiph) 8 pliire v Kht miles out on the Merrill Ho id Address II. Si Neuton Own. r (jd2 A St.. Ashland, Oreorl) I) Muiplo. Kliimiitli 1''u1Ih, Oregon. 'J.:i0-10t I FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR KAMI Oil TRAliK MurKlnr ptoof Hiife Inquire W. (' Ii.iv. tiport pen 1,7:1:1 Main St. :tmf rOIt RENT I Minn front hclmm lino of hath. U17 l'lno St Jin-fit I-'Olt SAM' OH TUADi: I 100111 model 11 Mting ilow A iei iIikIi- nhle loiiitlon S. e Pi rklns IS If KOIl SALE Oil THAI)!: Cooking utensils of vnrloiiH kinds, also a rungo or two, nearly any Kind of a stove. Perkins rurnlttiro House. 20-tf l.ltioleum, Rugs. Malting, Pnhcolln, Similes. Mods, Mattrerven and Springs for sale or trado. Perkins' Furniture lloiiHi 20-tr WANTKI) TO TIIVMK 1 Now raiiRe for an old 0110. you pay thy dlffor- once Perkins I-'urnlturo I louse 20-tf Mlty ilollarM or morn anil mi old raiiso will i;et 0110 of my now ones 1'ei kins' riirnituro llouao 20-tf FOR RENT OR LEASE KOIl I.i;ASi: A traitor proposition Sim nil hundied ai.cH of burned ovii tule land In fine (oniHtion for it skim; r. miles-! i; of Midland M Mol . honhaiher ?J-tf Mil. II si IIOOI, Il'iY w fits ji r mu ni ut woik tnoinlims and .viiiin Would woik In private fnmilv for Imir.l and 1011111 .!0-tf V ANTIC O Two Woodchoppors. Clill- cotu fc Smith. C33 Main. 4-tf , W'ANTI I) tllrl Tor i;.-tieril Iioiiro- 1 work an 1 (ihikIiii; Mrs O U l.ab- iree. Illv On Kon 1-lf MISCELLANEOUS N'O'I KM or we iU tins arc iii.u'e will ini'i str.iiK .if.ilri by link 1) Iv.s Tlie SiirK.'.m, at the I Crater I. ike Tire Serine Stution, 112i, Main St, Klamath 1 il'-j. Ore 2'J-Ct WANTPI) TO IllTY OH TIIADH For any and nil klnda of furniture Per kins. 20-tf CITY C. A 11 HA (IF -When iu want (iuibiiKo remo.ed phone (Jl 11-tf IMIONI) PP.YTON for Wood. 112R. I 9 lAea.m.iumra m h & sf. ft I 1 i 1 I i1 s r. . I Aitlst r pi no tin !" wot l ( Moig m .'i liei.l Co. II .1 p''lVO I ail shop l',-12t LOST AND FOUNP I OST- Colilcu roikur spaniel pup Aii'wois to name of Miclcv Ke- waid fer retuin to .120 I.luht M , 01 phono 21 2 "t LOST lletw ecu Klamath Palls and tie He-el vallon, a's in ho iiml 1111 Inor autoniobile tuho Koturn to Mm. K. K. Chllileis, Clill outilii, O10 2'J-Iit FOH SAI.K 21 head Ilainhoulet young ImckB Sou or vvilto F. M Moyer, Merrill, Oregon. 2G-101 FOR SAI- Stock Iiokh and bows with pigs. Phono 11P11. 2G-12t UPKIOHT PIANO finn.l rnnillllnn U95 terms ns low as $7.00 per tsoath at Shepherd's. 17-tf Good 5 passenger Overland fully equipped. Prlco IC00.00. Soo Hill I.eo. ll-tt Hans Christian Andersen. Han Christian Anderspn, st.vled tho tklldren's poet, wns n celehrntod Dun I writer, linrn at Odonse In 180.'i nnd died at CoppiiluiKen after n brief Ill ness, Anmist 4, 1875. His Inst years ere unlinrnt-sspd by criticism nnd at tended by nil the honor and love that thonld accompnny genius combined Win old bko. As tho child of poor. Jblftlws parents, he lind little Instruc tion and few associates, but Ills drn jMtlc Instinct wns developed by Pon "me and tho Arabian Nights, nnd the wit of a theatrical compnnv to Ids native city led him to Reek Ids drn Jtlc fortune In Copcnlinuen. where i four jcars he worked dlllRt-ntly produced nothing of note. In 18M wwsajed the Kniry t,.r, i,y which "was to receive world wide recognl . The classic "Tinderbnx" nnd "Big "ana and Little Clans," are also of Zlrm' A s,lnrt tlmo nfterwnrds repnf 5 r" Bnvo hlm n E,lrPcnn Start Tomorrow and Keep It Up Every Morning Qet In the habit of drinking a Qlaia of hot water before breakfast. U'.tni i w 11. 1. 1:1 1 iv 1 pi pu 1,'ntll tbo caui"'tv i.f the h hool Is reach. .1, .lav pupils will he received; at the Sacie.l lie. lit Aia.l "V, whore the most careful attention will he glv 1:1 to the tin ioiirIi training of your el lid. Pull purtiriilnis m v lie "ecur od by cull ng al the Con., tit, .-eventh and Pun -,1 'I in at liu c.ideiuv Pol the pi'M-ut we ate un i'il 10 ao (onimoilate a v in. re hoaiUis hut application!) w Ii I leielv .l and 'n Kihp them is a i aney 'I will he tilled fiom the I .-t of 1 ml' mil in the onki In w 1 li tliev a til'd. (i-tf Sailed lloaii Academy. 1 Poss of the Iload Overalls and Khukls at N It Oicvv's Store , Cor. Sixth and Mala 30-3t WHAT IS IT? It is the best paying class of advertising in the world if you have something to sell that belongs among little ads that you find in The Herald. JUST TRY IT ONCE . If you have something in your attic, your basement, your spare room, your barn, around you anywhere that you want to sell, tiy The Herald classified ads and you will find a buyer. IF YOU WANT SOMETHING Advertise for it, trying The Herald's classified ads. Some one has something for sale that you want. Let The Herald find it for you. It costs you but a few cents a day. Classified ads cost you 5 cents a line a day five words to the line. They must be paid for in advance and cannot be received over the telephone that is why they are so cheap. "Vi rj&mmi 3mraTCE3K?Hvr7EK!3a taftiaS9JtA&&SlJ!Lia si &!Rsmmm$mw8mffi Beautiful Marine Oroanlcms. C i1 ,lful nmrlno "fK'inlsin which nwi i In tropical seas "Is not n single " urc, but a colony of ninny lnd Si!m ' conm'c,,l''l with each other llko llii I 'rilp ,niRP,t "n'1 "wt hrll S ro'nred Is Inllated with gas nnd whir!" !ho wn,,,r R'-f'Po. All the w menihers of the colony hang from llir, Sl,1- S'"no ",, S1" n"'1 lK.hnp"1 m,,, ' '" ffodlnc for ttrlii. ,cnll,mmity. Others nre fin S,1"" m" "t-" Still others wmMe bunches of g,-ppS. Theso 10V!? ,a,rs- Another kind nre like th, - , "ers n'"1 estond down Into Thev r.t0 m Ma "1r,"? imrtinrs." to sin! so nnwa wl111 ""tins Cl'llH" lay young llshos. whid, ti,Py nft0r- rtoVe. "W up t0 th0 hunBry mouths .. Waste of Money tumil-- hut much ni "... "", " t,u ..'""M" 'y nffulrs. V Wur money so fooltbhly knows too I hud to give n.;." ""'" 'J nuw to keep ,lle ,)llt of ,.. .. l Oh, Henry. Please Htnn Hnnn.l Wo'ro not hero long, bo let's mnke out atny acreeable. Let us live well, cut well, digest well, work vvoll, sleep well, nnd look well. What a glorious condition to attain, and yet, how very easy it Is if one will only adopt the morning Insldo bath. Folks who aro accustomed to fool dull nnd heavy when they arise, split ting hoadacho, stuffy from n cold, foul tonguo. nasty breath, odd stomach, can, instead, feel ns fresh as n daisy by opening tho sluices In tbo system each morning nnd flushing out the whole of tho Internal poisonous stag nant matter. Everyone, whether ailing, sick or woll, should, each morning, before broakfust, drink a glnss of real hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphato in It to wash from the tomach, liver and bowels tho previ ous day's indigestible waste, sour bile and poisonous toxins; thus cleansing, Bwcotoning nnd purifying the entire ollmontary canal beforo putting more food Into tho stomach. Tho action or hot water nnd limestone phosphnte on an empty stomach Is wonderfully In vigorating. It cleans out all tho sour formontntlons. gases, wasto nnd acidity and gives one a splendid ap- notlto for breakfast. While you ore enjoying your breakfast the water and phosphato Is quietly extracting a large volume of water from the blood ana getting ready for a thorough flushing of all tho inside organs. The millions of people who are hntbered with constipation, bilious spells, stomach trouble; others who have sallow skins, blood atsoraers unu otewiv cnmnlexlons are urged to get a qunrter pound of limestone phosphate from tho rhug store. This will cosi vory Httlo, but ia sufficient to make nnyono a ropnounced crannk on the subject of inside bathing before breakfast. Adv. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICK OF 8AM3 OF ITIRIGATION IMSTMCT UONDS. NOTICE IS HEREBY G1VUN that scaled proposals will be received till tlm l lth. day of October, A. D. 1319 at tho hour of 8 o'clock In tho even ing for the purchase of Forty Thous and Dollars worth of bonds of the rintcrprise Irrigation District ot Klamath County, Oregon. Said bonds aro to be dated Nove nbor 1st, 1919 and are to draw interest at tho rate of six per cont per annum, Inter est payable semi-annually upon tho 1st, day of July and the 1st. day of January of each year until tho matur ity of said bonds. Said proposals will bo received by t&o Board of Directors of said Irriga tion District, and should bo direct ed to the Secretary of the Enterprise Irrigation District, care of Charles J. Ferguson, Loomls Building, Klam ath Falls, Oregon. The Board of Directors reserve tho right to reject any or all bids offered. G. J. HILYAUD, Secretary of tho Board ot Directors of Enterprise Irrigation District. 4-?0t wnxxuBiMiM im MMMnarafjm-SAmpi.tacw.kryg.ira: irrM m nci: to cur.MTOits INCREASE FOREST RESIZRVi Notice is hereby given that the undpi signed has by tho County Couit of the SPite of Oregon, for Klamath County, been duly appointed Admin istrator, with will annexed of the es tato of John J. Lockmon, deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate are required to prebeni same to said Administrator at his law offices in the city of Klam ath Falls, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. R. C. GROESBECK, Administrator with will annexed of tho Estnte of John J. Lock mon, deceased. Dated: September 17th, 1919. 17-21-1-8-15 NOliv.. INVITING PROPOSALS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Board of Directors of the EN TERPRISE IRRIGATION DISTRICT ot Klamath County, Oregon, that tho phm" and sppclfh ntlon1- adopted and approved by said Ilnaid for the construction ot the irrigation works for the irrigation of the lauds within the boundaries of the Enterprise Ir ligation IMs rlct ran be teen ?t the oftlce ot tho Board, wltlcn 's tie Law office of Charles J. Ferpuson In the Loomls Building In tho City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, or at thu of tioo rt C T Darloy, FiiBlneor lor siiid Di.sirJci, which ss r.t me County SurvovirVi oiflco In the City nt Klam ath Falls, Oregon, and sealed pro posals will bo received by tho Board at their office up to tho hour of two o'clock In tho afternoon of October 10th, 1919 for the construction of hiiid woiks. either in portions or as a whole Continct will be lot to tho lowesi bidder but the Board of Directors re solve the light to reject any or nil btrts hi to accept or reject any sche dule Mil or combination of schedule bids nnd to waive technical defects and to tnko such action ns may be dcomed for tho best Interests of the District Any poison or persons to whom a contract ntny be awarded will be inquired to enter into a bond, with good and sufficient sureties to bo ap proved bv the Bonid, payablo to said District for Its use, for twenty-five per cum of Ut amount of tho con tract price, conditioned for tho faith ful performance of said contract. G. J. HILYAUD. Secretary or tho Enterprise Ir rigation District. 26-12t .NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the iirwior-Klcne.t linH hv the County Court of the btato of Oregon, for Klamath , County, been duly appointed Admin- lstrator of the estate of Lizzie May Schallock, deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate are , required to present same to said Ad- minictmlnr nt the lnw offices of R. C. Groesbeck, In the city of Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six months from the dnto of this notice. J. F. DAGGETT, Administrator of the Estate of Lizlo May Schallock, deceased. Dated: September 17th, 1919. 17-24-1-8-15 PHOENIX, Ariz., Oct. 1. Presi dent Wilson has signed a proclama tion adding 29,440 acres to the Crook National Forest, Arizona. The lands added are located In the Win chester mountains and southeast of the Galiuro division of the Crook forest. They are rough and broken in character and are not suitable for agricultural purposes. Practically the entire tract is covered with a stand of oak, juniper and cedar tim ber of fair quality. Considerable of the area along Pine Canyon is cov ered with a good stand of western yellow pine. Priests Fought as Pollus. Yesterday on the Rue St. Ilonore i met two priests, one wearing an empty sleeve, one wearing n mechanical leg nnd both vvenrlng the Croix de Guerre. "Were you In the war ns chaplains?" I nsked. "No," replied the one-legged priest, "we vv ere pollus. Most of the younget priests fought In the ranks." "But I btipposo very few were wounded?" "On the contrnry," replied the one armed one, "tho pprccntnge was high. You see, we had no families, so It wns only right thnt when there wns some thing dangeious to do we should go first." Leo Shlppy In Kansas City Star. Dassengers r and Baggage ANYWHERE IN. THE CITY QUICK SERVICE REASONABLE RATES PnONE 187 WesternTransferCo. Klamath Lodge No. 137 I. O. O. F. Meets Friday night of each week at I. O. O. F. hall, 6th and Main streets. P. J.Gerges , N. G.; Fred Bremer Secretary; P. L. Fountain Treasurer Ewauna Encampment No. 46, I. O O. F., meets Tuesday night of each week at I. O. O. F. hall. Arlle Wor rel, C. P.; Nate Otterbeln, Scribe; P. L. Fountain Treasurer. BR1GGS AUTO WOOD-SAW Attachment Ooe man cuts 15 cords; 2 men. 35 cords. Goes Anywhere Any Auto. BR1GGS & BURPEE CO. Inc., Manufacturers 279 Hawthorns Ats., Portland. Ssnd for lnfomatlon and Illustrated Circular Cotton Production Welcome. . Mesnpntumln has always grown somo cotton, which modern methods mny Improve. Of this ninteilnl tuny have been the veil with which Ilebek ah covered herself nt her first meeting with Isaac, as she Journeyed under tho guidance of Abraham's servant from Mesopotamia to Cnnnnn to be come Isaac's wife. Cotton competi tion between Mesopotamia nnd Egypt would be particularly attractive. And cotton Is one good thing of which war's tntterdemnllon, the world of to day cannot have too much. Boston Herald. WAIT! AND LET US SHOW YOO OUIt NEW TIRE Hoagland & McColIum Next Door to Postofflco. ROOFING Now Is tho tlmo to fix that Roof now botoro the rain and snow como and make it al most Impossible to do the work. You save money by doing It now, and save your property, too. Let mo do your work and it will bo done right. W. D. MILLER Contractor Phono 203 233 0th St. Livery, Feed and Sales Stable Auto Service Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable Long Trips Our Specialty Reasonable Rates Phono 130 822 Klamath Ave. rv-yiyVyvvvyy,tlyVVstV Phone (4 CO Ice Cream 729 Main St. Candies PASTIME Jack Mouroiv, Prop. Cigars, Tobacco, Soft Drink, Peel nnd Billiards Barber Shop in oCnnectlon OUR. MOTTO 'Courtesy und Service" m tfis i '3 ' ( i! ft m a : w m