W'XIIMVt,KT.. PACT FOCB in THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON TheEvening Herald! Conod Now tead of Human Lend on Sub-Inf eied Ocean 4 ' .""". ' g;.H ft S -r' IROOSEVELT WAS PUNY AS A BOY ;. J. MTJRKAT, EdKor JAMES S. SHEEHT City Editor TOD ATS EV NTS Published daRy except Sunday fcy The Herald rnbHririiiE Company of EbunatB Falls, at US Fourth Street . - Entered at te posteKiee at Klam ath FaHs. Ore., for transmission thru the mails as secand-dasis saatter Subscription terms by man to asy address in the TaMed States One year J3 0f One xnentfc SO Member of the .-ociated Irc The Associated Pre Is exclusively entitled to the use for repaWicatloH oT all sews dispatches credited to It r not otherwise credited in this pa per, and also local sews published herein. All richts of repabttcatlon or spe cial dispatches herein are also reserv ed. 1VEIY1IA . OCTOKKIi 1, lfl jirzzuxc Tim pkiiss r'aln l.ertrta lyt c a r ioi new it just i-iun. old eon! a nod on a tc.caVy "t.wiiurr a! his farer at New. r-midland N J Oaptaia llave .miBjinJd the haf H- r tran-I-ort the OIvror4c. " tferoiichout ar period rotVlnc hundred m Jrtrw amra. the uHariHe In vii!H! Atlantic He ti l-en dec- o:d t.i the KrHtfh Hh lh- It S O for raontnc down and dnk- i x a Ccrman atBiarlnc Thlx ttie fj tacatton he ha had !nr. , mr Ktared in 191 f llr rjpd thousand' of ail.ier am a.:d lr;3 n. cross miihovt ihe SOMi f a (Ifr The latest scheme to control ! news and edo'irl columns f t. press of the country has just co:r to the attention of The Herald I: is in tie fora of a contract for t!. advertising of tie Catena ei Baking Powder. It is earn through a Chi cago adrenisras agency. Stamped on one comer of :t the csstract is the following provisien: This contract, or order, is fesaed with the understanding thai yea are sot to ran any copy or adrerxise xneuta that in any way, shape or ! hSflHBHPS"" ?2 'r'aln IMrtrta Uy cv a J "&SHE2 V tti & r jvjm -j t - r if 3g "Ilooserclt ns one of the most puny VliU that I ever mw." remark ed Henry I.. Pollard, who knew the Colonel at Oyster Hay At Hint time lloosevelt and his pan'nts Ihed on an etate xery mvir the water, and the flrst Hummer outiK Itoone teM and theloy In the tielRhtHtrliooil would co in hathlnc from ttio old j Mititi iMiat dock. i "Roosevelt was then about sixteen, 1 yeim old." said Pollsrd. "Mo watt ! came to the core and woulil follow an Mronj; hoy. They used to piny stamp the leader, and althoucli I Itoosevelt was not as stronc as the i other lwys. he manaced to do Just 'what they did. I've seen them In bathing many a time. The Iisldor would make a fancy dlrn off the docit and Roosevelt would follow. Often (.,. I thought ho would never come to the narfaee. hut he did. and swum hak to the doch. ready for tho noxt staot " liollard watched tho younK man (trim ap. saw how he improved each war. and whes he returned from th WVj.t jtald that Bo oBe t-o bad sen tb- oudk mas before would never hair rwogalied llltn. "It waa Just grit asd determina tion, asd these qualities no had all throuEb life " commented loitnd ' This In St Dtinnlon's l);y for Mm llllud. Centt-nnry of tho 1Ir1 It of Kdwurd A. Itrnckett. iinled Amcrlcnn Hriilp tor Mr. and Mm. William JimiiiIiirs Itryait relelirnte their .tfitli woilillm; aiinUeranry. II It. II I'rlnro of WnUn In to ltd enterlnlnoil todny In llio HrltlHli (Nil nmlilii cltltvi of NeUon mid llnlfctir. llundrodN of kmIooiih In (Ironter New York tire expected to cloao tholr doors today tit the Im'kIiiiiIiik of tlm new license period The prohlcms mid iiii'IIikIn of -e-constrticilon wjll furnlsli llio itmi eral theme for the minimi con 'ii tlon of the llrctliiirhooil of St. An drew. openliiK today at Detroit. Ten ImllooiiK. reiiresetitliu; hIx are scheduled to compote. In the tiatl nnl linltoiin nice which Is to ALWAYS 1 J I KAN DM,;,, ((ll "rB 'r M..II ,..,,. . - rnstrnliii.. hrn.t,.r n,. no" "' "", ''"-I mm...,h.',0"H lismiiered In it.. , ...,.;.. wj,fr Cnliniriiln l.or.i.r ,,,!, M . . roM'W li'Comiiiniiilallnim f ,(,' " lk county ,,, ,,, L7'lf Jury luuioM ,., N """ T.J...,.,., uZTlA- T various .,,. a,'"on,l. aM " r-r l...r...P Jl" pormlled to op,.r.i,. nn ,h, "' H ii luturtrntt..,,,., ,H1UB.,.T.M,. -'mil i n " 1 , , , .. . . ' "" 'HUM 11 "I"' in nl. no Rrumi start ironi hi. Louis lotlny, uiiihir, notice of t li ;, urnincenient nmde liy tin. Ml8c.irl ' press mid oilmw Aeronautical ttorlety. to hsiuIiMhIi ;i At a conferonro In Dia Mollies lo- j lnteriiatloiu i day the fnrm organlcotlons and In- , Uiwer Calir.inn bor unions In Iowa plan lo launch . catnblinR. ihinl an InvtstlKatlon of their own In tho causes if llielitgb cost of living and the dlffereueoMn the uricoa that ore chargod tho consumer, oa ooiu pared with the price iccolved by tho producer. 'f I lie TRACIKG ORIGIN OF NAMES UNOOUWDi WPKWOf.t "Snoald copy of tabs nature ap pear in your columns during the life of this contract, it is understood Comforts Over a Volcano. Cp la the KHHHaiss. wlwre snow manner attach directly or indirect- covers the ground more than half the jythe whe'esemeness of alumiii J"ar aBd zere ,4"sts ""' "1 oi the north. II the town of Omudn baking powders or aluni b3tins-aI;:UMi and Jn ,Wb tovra ere Ims m-t powders. been a bealtos oi-e or a furnace for many years. a4. firewood una ca are unkoown and tliere are uo idia neys in this town of HfifiO. No. Chaudfirui is not in Ctniia. that contract can be cancelled with- it is In Auierjme. France, and the ex oat paying short-time rate." planatioo of it emancipation from soot This is cse of the boldest at- end furnace and aehes lies in the fad tempts to control the columns of the'1131 ,l ls toMt in what was the crater papers that has ever come to the "f a r",can- nJ w tb- erouud le attenUon o'f The Herald. Everyone ntb """ ""f "" In " alum is a deleterious . , ... , ,j , ...... The Calumet people ilrui-ii tiw wtr -imi uu.i.r iimu. know it and the goversaient has thnmdmw th town uHhtmt M.-t t Jeen warning the public lor yea's the re4in E Ut ili tvMt til about it. Yet tMs eo6ern seks. weather, and it zsl .rj odd ia through its advertising jwnrewge. ''-lw,wdl below sro the to keep the papws of the aat-oa liof are kept a hatey tewfHW from tiling the truth abot alum J"""" ' "W ? , , , " , . tbe floor and Jrtttaj ot the heat froaj baking powders The time has not tUe fievl,B Hatw . yet come when this paper will per- xnit any advertiser to teH us what ... . .. . . . .... . . , ,. . . , . . Lccttra by the Ancients. nhsll sot be pubMsbed in iu col- Mier ,,,. ttf rHUIiaAtiniKt nmns. And Jn thbs stajd The Her- 2. 21C B. . in wblcb the tomiua aid J jaot an exception to the rule, wi-re totally defeated bi JiunaUal the COULD I.'OT SEE THE FUTURE Oldtime C!cvelanders Rebuke of "Vi sionary" Makes Interesting Read ing at This Time. A Oeietaud man who lias Inherited a maw of asMi)t crreijKtndjce ran acre the UAUtviv" letter -oie time uz aixl fousd In It a tittle sermon on tiowV (nutations. It was written in 1S53 to an aao.tor of Id, a dtlzn of ' f"ion knows th!t substance. many activities, tlw writer twine Hon. John W. Allen, lawyer. wHtor. oon rresraaan. the first president of the So ciety for Savins. It jjwar. that the reciplest of the l4lr bad Hritt',n to Iris nntsrwtman su-evtins a railway geivi. th rowtl ueut. an HrJnr i-Mo in !8T3. IW Cittxrttntti .Ml take kindly to !' M?KeMloi'' He did fiot- On th VVcil.Kncvvn Surnjmcj of Cngllth Fsrtilies Had Their Besinning at the Bjptfunal Font. Many KnstUh siininmxi lm1 their origin In baptlMHal nattiet. The ful Inn In: well-klioun Uaiiie are of tills kind: Adam and AddlMin. from Adam; Atkins and Atkinson, from Ar thur: Andcrm ami Ui-nderivoii. from Andrew; Snndfrs and Saiiuilers. from Alexander: Klkln and i:ikln-on. from Allan: lU-mum. from IUnJnmln: Mitten and Itartti-tt. from llanhelmiiew: Kel ler, from Charles; Pnvtdon. Pntlson and Djuhiii. from Il.w'd; Kills. Klllwm and raiiott. from Kiln: mil. fllljiin. Clbbs and OIliMin. from tMlliert : Jef- and Jeffrie, from Oi-offrey: Cum cut Inns Opeuliu; Toilny Itoswoll. N J Oiarlt Trtilla As saciatiott. Cleveland. Ohio - -Nntlunil Safo , ty Council. W'lchltn. Kansas Innnrli of tho American Leelnu. (Jreat Knlln. Mont. Montnita Oon creijBtlctial ChurchoH. Detroit. Ilrolherhooil of St. An drew. Milwaukee. Wlsroiihlii Medical Ho lety. rosort." The priiiiiilil. M "W heri-.i. nii li llfhed . nitiM , A morion ti motii i . will prey upon i Women, iim the j,,.,,,, Ix)vor ( aliform 'u m i "7""-- 'mo 'I llnxv o!5c!a purpoi, " tl ' "portltj There is not a reeoectable oaoer In Cartliacinlan leader ord-r-d that the the United States tbat would do cth- !d rin: -bould be taluai Wia the &Men erwlse. and we believe that if tte ,l"n5' t,1? d$ ains and lfit Calumet people make this a condl-'"p ,u "je '' " irtrs. in nt r .- . ... , ..Enough were collected to m a bui-hej !S ih f Btra " J fiad MM, nd tliey were sen, to Car- that tbe ad.vertJi.toe columnt. of a!L tljag,. Dot flg iflJuaMe HoM)( t) VUt tt cearJy all, the vx of the na- Lut us proof of the jyeat siauxhter tlon wJJI be cJowd against it. tmou tlie Jtoman patrJcJuns and i knlslits, or at that time .nvne lx-Jvw THE yillE HCHVHY " rank of knight, and only tlioM of highest fUtnilttg among tliem, tliose .... , , , tirovided with Heeds by the state. Jiad One gratifying result of the fire ,v ,,, MA ffM survey Js the favorable reception n, D JaV national wourjjlug Klven the report of Westrs Stokes fbe old rlnja wt-re Jald alde as a and Allen, Jn onJy one instance nark of sorrow and reM and irou can exception be taken to any part y)nUf were -ubMJtuted. 'J'Jds was the f Jt, and tbat Js where Jt refers to co' bfu'r i"' J""t t 'jinriae and the CJty Recorder. We believe that '" ' ' Auguhtus Caeaar tte gentlemen were laboring under A' ,4' a wltapprehanslou. Tiie CJty Jlec- etrry ie zsve the amtfir of the iorl wiM wiiie a ( dre'H down. "Why do o 9t at your e." be wrote. iw4 Mh frjerty etioopb for your ofort ad the weH lei: of your rtit'dr'-a. to ruAmrk In '-b a Tuzy Hd"riaklir? . . . When you are weH dm't take ibyslc Truly your frJitJ J. IV. AHen.- It will le tuAfi tiiat the world ind the railways iiare advanced a sood deal Wn:e that fcoleioo wttralng wts Tim1iii( Calendar of Spin tx Racing: Kail imatliiR of Mary land State Fair Association opens at liurel; continuation of mcetlngx' at Jamaica and I.atolila. I Trcttlng. Continuation of Grand ' Circuit meeting at Lexington. I Mam 'lull: First game of world's champfonHhlp serie-, ut Cincinnati ' Gelf: Women's national cliampl-1 fierce and IVrkltm. ! 0l,Bn'n ""mnient, at Slia-Aiiee, I'a fr, Aulomebllo: Truck races at Cln-' cluuutl. ' Uox'ng. Kenny louunl vs Char-i II" Metrle, lo riiunds, at lit troll. ' ' ' '"'ii tsicj ' " r' i'i:u, '"I'Pntted I, '"' ' ni, Ml " r1' ill mpn ,-j ',1, "ill rr:opi(,r 1" "liullr ib oiiuato to MippoM ..r maintain tuts , Mon to Carl... or in, tutton tj "Whereio, ,, irim..nui and de- gra.llng efTect, , .,,, a rc80rU fall moHl heatih upon nur iconty mid city resultiiiK i .,jfh nDfMr tihlii iinirlety i.ii.I .rcpute Hj ninklng our itv ,.i,.i ounty the ttB. doivous of Inui,... .lotncntj, locurr Ing the liur.l.Mi of taxation to main. lain public order Harris. Han-loon, llnwklu and Hull ! (sometime), from Henry: llcu-son. from llneh ; Jinn. Jfnnlti:. Jenklu i end JackMin from Jehn: I.ih-jh (l.nt- In), from Luke; MhiIIkoh an. I MiiIm.ii j from Mattlien- from l'-tr: I'ollmk and I'oik t l'anl : I't't i-Min tind I'; ttlwn. front I'atrlH:; p'ek. Il"kon fl.oti fVls. ili IMrkliiwiH (lker."n nni! It'.-li- IIAIII) 'I IMI lUXCi: To bo given by y0unB Lsdi,, Auxiliary of Klnniiitli Falls, OrfrW Wear your oldest ,uj8. rM m bo given for hardest timer. All cordially Invited Houston Opera House. Frldiy Oct S Admission ".'. rents :9-:t from KM.tr.l; :..'.li..n Rol.- bins. II'iIkti., t. ..,! Il.i ii.i unit Hf1'fi frmii U'ert: IIih'v n rui-l IJMlgem fci lt..tfr: SIii)i.ii from Mumr: TU'tHifi-im Tomwin Tomkln. front TbeiiHik: U'atwm. U'ntk'ii" from Walter: Wilkin. WllkluM.u. Wllllnm. Wllwm. Wilcox, Willis Wlle. from William; ud. of course, nil CbrUtlnn tiaun-n t-uiHiig In oii. Mich as William son, Jobnwli, Robertson, and the like. Anyone expecting to enjoy tin prl liege of city heal may Hud an opportunity to dispone of a good big air tight heater at tho Herald Oftlre 1-ti urinr bed but one occasion to ox- eutif(d American Bird. Tn lllw AiulitllMMAlnilitll 1.1.1.(1. ,.n f.A ( rclse bis authority for the onforoe- orrtwwJ uui ymtf M the ihrout, th, j went f tbe orUnanx when a Warlond nHow-hroat is ne ,f $u number of unable vmse wade for most JjeautifuKy marked of ny .njeiu- ', failure to Jean up tbe alleys Jn ber lit Ids rWe and gles mi a;jx-i)rr i fiijB partwular Instance tbe Jiijjai ' JfniMi jsrundeur. euys jiie iiosuiljou f . no iuMaking ' II Want Ads bring results. HAL ..,.-. - V9D4jJf iX HlBtraaaaaiaaaLKaiHalHBHaW wmKT . F LH aLB ei . e . wr . 'H onasta oanu used I Exclusively H aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVl' tfJZVa ' ' : rrr-r. n ; evidence necemxry wae' Missing, and -Awejtoo VMttiry is. there was oalv one tiling u. ,, WaxJditjO.n. There Js ,.,:,,. d-no: Ju i surthiy if way wjileh dismiss tlw; .cases For 1JJ no one V T . T . i " " ' f .' J as riaiJIy eubiec. to ritioi. i. "".w " " "?" '" ":? i ' " " niOKe ii bouuf jiU' any ne m ine tot. -wins tJie UtfcUmUtK of a rusd to ab- jjWjn jorce ;'(, and Mme thjag Jiad to be Joarnod. Is the Mr uture Jt In utte yrrtWoa tm.t ,lu?ru will be no Ji4;ntar.l "WJiMi-Ja-ltr r "y.'Jiat-a- nltv. H-iuW-Urtiilv' or ''VVhlrii.wiiy, lr? wWeb-way-sW or -"JjewuKh j ou, J4nid) our r "iraihir1, wJldr, wMwry" ')lw h) J jm A to ii;e ;wM.)diiwn of ie tUsauurin otid tt tl'JtUM hy the tilde Fln. tbe J4inl wi(t ths rWHiluz iU-jr, pwple vf tbe eity J J iyr iti -sf pitit do;dOB. It I; tujtiMxH that Jt is u lot iiniw ur tl- iy tu ymyttut ft fire ihnu Jt J to toiuro) Jt pmr Jt UtriU. J'ro t , mui-M Jv (aJtw lo adopt tke mcii!ny,.i i,,r Yj) proiMlon ut tlio ;. ii'ji m' on .PicWJ: Amount i fAycb 7henf filumu wii. h'mMim it Jtb iouwr hrtAlmr iibtut Jow huuh Jie was wu-n Jie w n 'W Xld. "J MVli) witiy. MU" I tun Hif Jmuy," tut kry&4, v)Mf Iux I a mx." "Mt' tfjiiii v,tw J doliix tlu'iiy in- 2j4h Waul, p vuHsutU) Urrtt'ny lOired JVJille, "iJd i rtiu an Jump. , HW imnmr M liruwHV jufMmury in vw property )mMe tlw vmrV. jj tlic "fw MAjtyu't Av umliUtyJ' wa Jb iloDurliiwjl At luam two in.i. "'" ruliUije mAy, "-ju wnn j;oojd jWWCdJa iiddLd W U W.lLTZfim 'l nrx d jJio tjior wo w, JW m M V"" M m tustjutHHy t-m idtuutjot; tummm iiuujina a pi. A vlute H vm yspjendld Aw WJjIU koiii tliuieh l .was letalo- i ihu fifty t)i)Uhlruilou U) )iw a4 Py iru-tvi, pud vjw f Mrrfrt-4 ' IUjJk turviy piu4, )l furuMm a , lUr i ate, fvr t)ur potuiur fttUiWiuitt foundation upon wUlU fin-udy pnMic M & tUmt vf My i my iw Mud m Pre jfiupmtnml f 'wJJ ")t" tf tlml wm iuuto vuui will) iU rnuld Ju"b Uii Ms wu 'My t fu..Ti fx , t io f WUAypm)otiilf. tm Mlvnf ip llio ftxniuiouMlou nmdv. wii Uout l MviUHMs-Kvduwx, J International 816 Kero sene Tractor PHIS is a zlronz, light weight tractor A ujat yon will like, Ovners of the International QIQ arepkuzed with iJie way it per- ors both at tle drawbar and talk , Fuel Economy O cy two tractors of trm nuality ond use tutncee, ilvi one tJwt operates on llw clieapeflt uel YJ fc 9 mo A economic. The amount oi tnvina to ew es be definitely detennined rj the diflcrr.nrjs (,n (?; &, 1?;e InUrnnilont. opr-rulta eucceetfully nn yMW&WJe nJ yi tcyteri ovtfiUpiiccd fuel where thty cr, he obtained. As compared with ,&noline, the CYAKivnvi in iv. vrzv.nl prize of llicce fuel meant n t-frinz q from W to () per cent to u;i Inlvrnullonui ii'tOvwzer, Used to Advantage Any Day International Mfi U Wih to do belt vorie, vdl a 4r'orwodc, find h dependable for tutivfector uervica every day in tit year, ovr U 0)f Ivwt to vhee yrAtr order. The toont-r ym &t w,ti9 htMtr cimneo Ut vrt yovr tractor in Ume pitmnAUt u Urvt part of your farm work Jt a went &Y)n, m luisor, uwv ind money. PINK AND PRETTY If you w'sli lo hit tu n skin that Is pink and beautiful, tr; NyaPs Vanishing Cream U is a wonderfully refreahlne beauty requisite Delicately r tented. Try a mnall Jar- for e are FatlHtled that after you rare tented It yen will want a more KcnerouB (uuntll)' Price 65s nnderwoftPiHitf ""'Vjrt,- -! Ba LIBERTY THEATRE 'TIIH VU'M 01' TJIIJ 1'ICTUItlCH" H. W. Poole, Owner Matinee MnMMAMMVWWVWWSrWAMMAM Every Dy TONIGHT EDNA GOODRICH IN "REPUTATION" Two Big Comedy Pictures COMING SUNDAY WILLIAM FARNUM IN "THE LONE STAR RANGER" Ik DOORS OPEN AT 7 P.M.