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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1919)
WKIWIMIMV, onx,,,,.,, J( PAGB TWO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON See My Demonstration of Tractors and Farming Machinery at the County Fair. HOWIE GARAGE .n.nw .mn ntnillf I fliiiiyiw eat mem: m i: M'j:i:i: m:. topic B ILL TBI TO GHURiaflEM SUMIUITNTO, Cnl . O t 1 I'or tho purpoio of developing homo mailwl for California rlco. DETROIT, Mich , Oct 1 Gen eral John J Porshlng, commander of the American Expeditionary Forces in Trance, and Admiral Wil liam S. Sims, who had command of the Americin llects In European SN FRANCISCO. Cnl. Oct. 1 a Sin Pi.inclsco noinpnpi'i8 are glv a Ini; ronsldorablo span' to u dim 'is .!nnnnnn n.iwrtlslnir camiMlgn N ston of n inoicmcttt for tho moiiiIiik to 'bo 'launched soon l California of knickerbockers by women plny.-is rico growers and millers. It was re-, on the golf links cetl announced by the Pacific Kicej ho.NOM'I.IT Growers' Association. A million I dollars a ear fur tluoo e.irs Is to . T n 0ct ,.Tho be om.oii.Ic.1 In marines and no,. Antl.SMoon Ij0aBlK, of ,lawall papers throughout the countiy , ch ,8lMml0l, whcI, prohibition I beenmo effertlvo. Is being loorgnulr 1 ed for the purpose of assisting tho 1 tiiittiurltuH In to enfonemeut of CROWD GATHERING FOR WORLD SERIES Ti:.inii:us m:i:i:i WINNIPEG. Man . Oct 1 About ono hundred rural schools in Man! tob.i have been unable Hi re-open ntnrs during and after tho war, are, because no teaohois could tie ob tho dry laws If It's worth haling, It's worth In suring. (Jet n Standard policy from o-ir expected to addiess the delegates toulm,,i though salaries hao neer Chllcoto ,V Smith, U3U Main St. the triennial general contention of ucc sC high the proimce " L F. L BACKS GOVERNMENT --IS FORCE ICI tho Episcopal church hero on Octo ber 9 Tho contention, which October S. will be attended nnticlnated. by 3.000 delegates and hotel and other accommodations for' that number hate been arranged ' The evening of October 9 an open1 meeting will be held fr the discus- sion of the general subject, "The st I'lTUED 1'IVE MIARS (I.M.Ns Meaning of the War to the Church THIKT I'OlMis 11Y TAKIM! and the World." and tho loading TAN I.AC warriors of the United States In the world conflict aro expected to par-l yu ie tae world that this Taulao p it W a h n Til P II.' ft CINCINNATI. Ohio, Ocl. 1 Tim elt Is assuming a gala npnMiiiiuu' to uolroino Iho tlnoiigH of vlsltom who aio nirlilug on ouiry train for the opening giuno of tho worlil'M eo 'iles All of .lf. 000 seats Imio lwun hi Id Augmt lleirmaun, presldont or tho "Hods" organlzullon, toda locked tho door of Ills ollleo. bar ring ilsltots, while ho pined tho Moor lvgrettlng that Itedlind lleld did mil have mm. 000 seats to noil. CHICAGO, Oct. 1 I'orty Inter mil roioiiiio nlllceis aio undent orlng to uiind up scalpels of world's no rles tiikets and uillect fiO per cent tn for th goteriiiiient Manv 1 1 K ets hate fulli'ii Into malp'M' hands the allege , Modern Gnllnntry. I tlmll be excii cI'-ihwiI to runic It iiliiontt the miltllim Hi linns of life when III liollle ill les I slinll ni i !i mum iilh'litloiii i u lil to ngi iih Id i)illli, to himiel leiitmes as lo linn I , smiie l ''"in "i1 cninpli'vlotiM nil l( I lent to I lie woman us xlie Is II Mom till nut iin kill' Is n benlll.t, II fill llini J or n title. I slmll lielleto II lo In I mum thing nun" than n "nine wlieii n well diesNid genlleiillin III u well ill 'sh I ed uiiiipiili.i inn nil veil In the topic of female old nge without oxrllllu.' iiml Itilenilllig ID excite, it sneer ulii )i the phrases, "iiiitliiinti'il t ii ,'liiitv. Iilld siirh a one bus "otirslimd lnl" protioinued In good coin pau.t. shall inlse llinili illnle irieiist In num. or woman Hint Minll hear then. cpnU n Chailes I mull -BlflrtP Little graini&f andi-uff moL good-by to i n -... ,i Bicsir ; W.'1'1' ' i rm,l ,..... Wo' iiiiiko n Mpoclnlty of fire, life mid incident Insurance. I'liono (1(1 mid we'll do t.'H) rent. Clillcolo & Smith. Dtf i;i '.H;sfti llirlia.n ..,i.i,c,7iy; Heiit et Herald Want Ads ',. STAR DRUG CO. ' WDILMM .Till l,I'tll' Ml IMIAIIlTm'iH 'IAIUT0MC KiwipiPi'WJjwvifttiiMHo I.WW1IIWIIIIWI icu n SAKS WORK A-merican Federation of Labor Will Reach 3,003,030 Wage Earners WaOil'i-: on, PC- KesoluM-mn be US diblr.b ttil bt the AmeiUaii led ration of Labor to moi- thin "2 ( on PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY ticipata in this discussion. comes nearer doing all that is claim- Other prominent men are u.- e,i or it than anj meuicine i ever sa ,l(j(iU unlon, nml th- ,.cll ,. ,., ,0 pected to attend and address the in my jf0i" sniti otto Zangg, n well -ver ;; oiXi.lOi. ta;e e-iiners tifflllated convention include Bishop Charles xnotvn carpenter and builder ivlio I th the oig inlz-itlon, contalu hearit II. Brent, chaplain general of tho ues at, ir35 Pleasant Ave., Eoslipprotal of the Ooteririient's 11(19 American Expeditionary Force's, Angeles, Cal , tho other day. , hrlft campaign.,iinn!r.inii mntrooolitan of- -i i,nlr trio.i ., i-nml mnnv differ- Hclletlng that W-r a-lngs Stamps ....... -..-.-.,- . , ...v, ..... .. . -- , . Kherson and Odessa. Russia; Judge cnt ,nedicines dining tho past llter'""; ". su "' ". b'-; , , .-,,, ,f-, .. , , ,, .., , i method for inves'incat o. satings, the Packard, of Maryland; Bradford ears. continued Mr. Zangg. but I wl lton o tp rcd,.rttl,on. t. . m . T .! j-. Tint nr I1 m ..! i a1. . ....!. ... ltnt lini I "'cKsPm Jjf i -afifiPinW cWAF JK32c&sgsP Prince, of Texas, Bishop Peter T Tanlac is the only one that lias issexubled at Atlantic Cltj, declared Itottc. of Alaska, Rev. William T measured up to its recomendution, hat t a8 a3 essential to stimulate Manning, rcct.r of Trinity church, ami is the only thing that has done New York; Rev. James T. Freeman, me any good at all. I suffered 'from St. Mark's church, Minneapolis; the stomach trouble, and oterjtlme I Right Rev William Lawrence, bish- ate ant thing I would be all bloateo op of Massachusetts, who will preach up with gas for hours afterwards. I the consecration sermon in St wis so nertous that I neter got a Paul's cathedral October 12, and good night's sleep, and jubt kept bishops, clergy and delegates from getting worse until 1 was forced to China, Japan, the Philippines, Li- give up my work altogether In beria, Cuba, Talti and South Amer- fact, I was in such a bad fis that I lea. ! was not able to got about tery much Knvprnl social features in honcr rjvorttime I saw a medicine adtor- of General Pershing and other prcm tised as being good for my k.nd of ?' f S0I-' aSu earneis and ,,,.,, .... . ,. i .... i. I Wheieas, It lb essential tc lnem visitors are ueing arrangeii. iruuuie, i wuhui i-,i n mi" n . o hrift and having In time of poaro as n time of war. The adoption of tho resolution b the body f argitilzed trade unionism followed bliuilar action b jetenil State Fcdcations of Labor Die text of the resolution, known as 'o. 171, Is as follews: 'Whereas, The war so hippll) Midcd has requited ou people to ('e iflop thrlft ancL sating vhlch to lomo d'grce has stltii'ilatei freedom jf action and Independence on the to fit I in l , il ti. thplit .mil .ilntf In lirvm nf , out I didat get an bene: U ftoa co as , of atl(1 NOIK i: Notice Is hereby git en Hint I ho undersigned has piirrhimril The .Meailou inoio Dairy Stole. 2UK Main St All bills contracted prior to Sept 2'.th 1919, will bo paid by Allen Ilolcoi'ib. L'7-rt W F SMITH .1. C. CI, I OIKMtV Ciill Engineer nml Mirvcjor Office 517 Main St. I'lioue, Office, tdtt. Ites. IDUM. RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE K. F., Bend Stage Phone 276-W THE 1'.AMSI. ItEACTV SHOP, I'mlnl .Miissii;hi4, Itlcnc lilni; ami Turin! Packs ! Mnnleiirlng .-iliairpciolng ; Scalp Treatment K. C. ItXMIlO Dentist 1. O. O I'. IIiiIIcIIdk 'ium:oi DR. CARTER ni:viisT uinii: m I'lioM. :iHr, " -i-yyyuj LTUWIJ .-III Main I'liono :kui J c in tu ioin itiit ici (in." i 7,17 Muln AUTHElt It. WILSON Manager IVAIt EILMi? PROFITABLE I ?ny of It. LONDON. Oct. 1 war office realized upwards of $250, 000 on its exploitation of British of ficial war films, it has been announced. 'Well, when Tanlac came along I The British thought I might as well give that n Whereas. The Inauguration of the national hstim of War Savings anil Thrift Stamps has affoided to bum A LITTLE BIT HELPS trial, too, &o I bought a bottle andisf small earnings a safe, bound and commenced taking it I really guaranteed method of Got eminent In laughed when I first heard about "-stment of their hard tamed sav inns; uieruiorr, ue u Tanlac, for I thought it would be like all the rest, but I want to tell jou that Tanlac fooled me, for It just simply knocked my troubles right out, and I am as well and hearty now as I ever was. Why I have actually gained thirty pounds SAN DIEGO, Cal., Oct. 1. In ac cordance with prohibition regula tions now governing the import ofjand wnen I go to bed now I .sleep wet goods into the United States,' until time to get up in the morning, customs officers are sealing all bot-Jyes, sir, you will liHve to go a long ties, kegs and hogsheads of liquors' ways to find a medicine as good as aboard steamships calling here for Irankerage service, with the excep tion of a small allotment sufficient to appease the thirst of officers and crew while In port. Tanlac, and as long as I live I will praise it for the good it has done me. Tanlac Is sold in Klamath Falli by the Star Drug Co., and In Lorellt by the James Merc., Co. Adv. I'll Tell the World We're on Our Way To the Diamond Tire & Vulvanizing Co. to get an outfit of tires that can be depended upon to cany us right. With a 6,000 mile guarantee on the Diamond Squeegee Fab ric Tires and an 8,000 mile guarantee on the Diamond Cords, you can't do better than to put the Diamond slippers on the good old car and go on your way in peace and confidence, and that's what we are go ing to do right now. I'll Say We Are That's No Dream Diamond Tire & VulcanizingCo. MARPLE & SMITH, Proprietors 120 S. Main St Phone 167 'Resolved, That this contention do ipprotc of the continuation and etcn lion of the War Savings and Thrift Stamps Inbtltutlon, or the substitution of a National Savings Institution akin In character and method, which shall prove helpful to safeguard the earn ings of the tolling mastcs of our :ountry." Thomas E. Burke, general sejretary treaeurer of the United States Associ ation of Plumbers and Steam Fitters of the United States and Canada, has promised his abslitance In the work of forming War Savlnss Societies, And has invoked aid from other union officials. Mr. Burke in assuring the Govern ment of his cooperation, said in part: "The labor organisations and fra ternal societies arc a very fine medium through which to educate the peo ple of the necessity and usefulness of lupportlng our government and at the same time helping themselves. "One of the unique features ex plained to me was that it is the In tention of our government to make War Savings Stamps and Thrift Stamps a permanent institution. Such action would be a very progressive one, and I believe would be heartily acclaimed by, nil our citizens, especially the workers, becaube It would be in keeping with the great cooperative and democratic spirit that now prevails throughout our great country. "From a psycholotical standpoint, It would be considered by the mass of the people, especially the wage earn ers, a great opportunity to partici pate in such a gient function of government. It would bring tho peo ple and the Government closer to gether, which Is greatly neelcd lit these unrtbtful times." wss- Flnanrlal physicians are warning against the new disease which Is ap pearing In many parte of tho country. They have named it "I'mthruenza." Persons attacked by this disease, uni formly utter the cabalistic words, "The war Is over," and decline to take any further intorest In the nutlon's affnlrs. No serum has been discovered which can prevent the ailment, but Investing regularly in War Savings Stamps and Registered Treasury Savings Cerllfi cates Is a preventative as well as i cure. SHANGHAI RESTAURANT chop sn:v and nooiu.k not si. rtluirl Order Mi-iiN s,,.r. 7J Main s,tr,.,. l LA MAI II I'AM.s. UKK M at K ! !, ATTENTION My business is making your' homes bright and prosperous by Painting, Knlsominlng and Paper Hanging. Satisfaction my guarantee W. E. KANDY 17 Main St. Phono 103W SAW MILL ENGINEERING A CONSTRUCTION CO. Designers and builders of mod ern Haw MIMh, I'lanlug Mills, Hoi I'lantH. Complete plimtN contract ed. Appraisals unci report muclc. Dredging. Wo contract lo build any elans of a building and Install machinery of any kind. Drafting of any kind done. Itlue Prints made. PIIONH 140J Office In K. 1). Building DR. R. B. CRAVER Diagnosis Mc ilirltH- and Surcery Otllc e n r I ndemooda Phono 2S0W 7th and Mais You Had Belter Order Your Winter Wood now Double Load HlocKs (in en Slab, Pirn; ( cell Slab, I'ir W. E. SEEHORN CO. Q'Z'Z Main St. I'liono 72 VWVJSSSMVMWWVW DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecarver i'Iiem: :t.-i Dr. P. M. Noel i'iiem: Oier L'ndiTtrood'i Ret ruth mid Main Strcrtl WELL DRILLING Vochatzcr Bros. & Klabzuba Merrill, Oregon Or McDonald Peel Room Klamath Falls, Oregon S7.1IO SH.50 I I , ....... ---1 Office Phono 385 lies. " I Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Phjslclnii and Surgeon j White Ilulldlng I Klamath Falls OregMJ I vSAAVWtViA Phono 3 10. J lltX! Muln St. O. K. Lunch AND CONFECTIONER Formerly at 45 Main St. IIome-Mndo Pics and Cakes. Cold Meats & Lunch Goods. Ice Cream and Fruits. t Let your Glass Troubles bo My Troubles. Rcglazlng dono In any part of tho city E. O. BTUCKY. Carpenter & Cabinetmaker Phono 477W 1024 Main. i ) mm-om-! H. C. SCHLEEF KATHEMNE SCHLEEF I'll) sic lino unci burseoM Office, White llMg. '"'''' Sfssiisiiiilusiltssl' HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station We hundlo tho Ilarloy-Davidson Motorcycles and Bicycles Exclus vely Also buy, soil and exchange ill othor Makes. Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires and Tubes. O. E. BISMAUK IIS S. Oth Ht. Klamath FaU FOK ANV KIND OF FURNITURE Boo Andy Mauritsch At No. 10 Main Street. TRX MB PHONE 17-J WARREN HUNT MEDICINE AND SUBGQff 206 I. O. O F. Bldg. I . "dr. g. a. massey Kurcessor to Dr. Tro SultiiOO.I.O.O.K.BMl Olllcc phone MJ Res i'liono ou. PROFESSIONAL CARDS i Phono KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do All Kinds of Spring Repair ing New Ones Made to Order Axle Straightening and Iliac ksmlthing ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phone 2S0-Y 017 Klamath Ave. PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open for Maternity Coses Mrs. Rosa McDanlcls. 301 High St Phone 455 - IfntieA 1B1M Residence DR. A. A. SOULE irt train inc0' " ,909 Main Residence, "" f FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Loouils Bldg., Klamath Falls nnnASD DR-lrVK:runB Cteopatmc . -,- . (overK.K.K.Sto"' , Phone 821 pWi(- (The only OitooPjthMft clan ib " - Falli.) Let us make up your pool car Murphey's Feed & Seed o SULPHUR ft1 The price is right 126 South Sixth St