ra two - y""' . Umm THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON aafc P & VbaJsdJk AfMATM i T I tit Tin ii i m mill' ! iw imiiT M in tm 1-wmnMr m - mam i mniim n ! rniw im innfcl LATE BRISCOE GOOD ORDER; AT A BARGAIN a lira a. One of the most sensational fights ever staged for the camera takes place in "JUST SQUAW" the highly dramatic screen play starring ,? ULa&JXtmmlSj MIGHEI trs: a & Om VdlU K"MA PLACE STATUES AT GRAVES People of Budapest Have Odd Method of Perpetuating the Memory of the Dead VU Me nil cltlllwd nntloHi cUlKr hurt 'ln-lr dead or place them In vaults 0 i iitoloutas, there Is a cHrtwia t- ii n led ABt by the ptople "" Ite&i ! m I in, is found In jIip large cotnr t.t in that 1tj which is known ns tin KT-ifs Knxiniern. where nnarly tr f tmiljr in lindanes! burte ilts d id It Is verj large and vnitaln n tit ihImt of ItHtxIwiaip monuments. -. p. Il thi one to Kossuth, who 1 kn nn h. the (.forge Washington of llun. it 1 hr a iMtor Jo that elty of Jbe dead will llml at the jnivo a pbolograplt. 1 i ti tinir or statue of the rterww who Ik 1 urn (I-Im'Ih nth each stono. no exfliangr si. 'tis When the faintly Is wealth ' tl en l tin- tniMt or a tvrutulietit fieure i f the dead niitn or noitian nudr fmss 1 ' nr Iht latest plitun . bile tie-dde It r M iihN tin iutue of the nearest Mn - r 'ntlte hi in or tt.miun. ared i h'i. I i inn- In-tr.ti'-f the firarea of -ii i il llxlns metnhem of a fttmlly alt I - H. tlw grave of a parent But ) I - tlin moM IntrrrK nc of ait are t . u r s etntMiIded la the srnveatotie.. r.n. ml with ehisi. aud tliuti prutwuil fn ii the ncattit-r. M II aiiuther pi'i'ullarity 1 the hron.-'- or inm lump pt on tim cravtw and ' the huge niher hallo srt np oa mnuv . The latter nre lite the colored clu-" I I hulls u up.ui our OiriMtnas tr exeetit thp.v nre alm slivered and mndi larrr. Tliere to tip no vmy of Hgliilns the laaipa. aud Uie oul Inference Is that tln are used to Ilcht the dead to heaiei) or Hliere candles may he ilaeed xrhen relatlres or friends are offerlnc prajers for the dead. Howie Garage H, A. M. A sper'al nnet'ni: of the Tloval Arrh Mpo i-. Iiereh called for THPKda. eientntt 8 ptenifcer TPth for work is the Rol Arrh Ie:r'e All memherti reawit to 'n1 VhrttHg txmpnloa enpeelally it ' iiA. C.KO 3 WALTON, v. ii 1 K K MAOUn. StvreUn VICTIMS RESCUED im hMr t Tin, a'nlrH r w.pnt of Aluxka f,i,j , v here Hi. M . , ,',;tTntv '" 1U1U 'J Ov "owi-rkb TJ "Vfee foreel re traTrt all aisht th' Slliertan oat I von nal.e a prartirr or atonpfag JBKt liefro saariae atitl allow Isg their Aag$ te aleep The arsae that if a Aee nor to cleep while it to rot dark, and waVe up In aa hoar and 8d the sea saiaiai; lip will aawiflSP that ho has had a ful oirtt 8 reat. and win travel all day without tatnkiBs of brisg tired Fuinev. liver, bladder and one suit : M.M troaXMca are most Oanccrous be cause of thetr insidious attacks Heed the first warning they ntrc that they need attention by taking MRS. L. B. HAGUE GOLD MEDAL aS Qt I'MliHr v Ni.tarj lab!( isEsanaa nv tm iin-icr. Tt worlJ'i sundard remedy far thru o4rirr. will often ward off thrte li ruts and BUenctrirn the body agaiaR furtbar attacks. Three aim, H dr3cciu. LmL far IV. nun CoU Maal B to -M Will.t. m. Klmtli 1 all. If ma win a ThI p. f0 The Paalilii, I'oo! roi "i Op.i,''d Mr Cana. litf tiu I r I n. 2 m lien a shoep wan lms i Amliilm fjr i ii on 1 1, , 1,1 mm ra i I 4 4. . Typw-wr'tlBK sold, r iuh. rial ratr . , rttint ;.. It.. h 'T J f-y, . I2fl , I, -IT' mil IliiWil n mil i . iiih, ,itj.,ui. PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY 'J' JiJiA Z.iL-Jii J Full of Thrills, Punch and Emotion T! "h. m vmvn m "(, ii- n "otfSZ Ry B P.ii i. licaio IW?L aJIBSSva -THP!v 3HHH Exclusive Portraits SiUDJC 1136 Main St VCTI TUESDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING REGULAR PRICES W.JIt.m: ' HT.7J..'.T '.-IT-J-gTlUffll EASY TO SEE ONZ'3 ERA13I BRICKS AND CEMENT SWELL Dust Is Very Danserous. .!! kind of dust form dance's to lr.i i:in helnSN. Not onl lmi dust -s- ' ereiM- a dlriTt haruiful Influenee oa the t'sues of the orzanlMH. hut It 1 the ehlef tniaimrtinc acnt of senna of Infection and contagion. f Iust Is composed of liillnUe-lina! r: rtklen if street mud and of refuM of eery deseriptlnn which lies on the v. st -faie of the soil. I Ii. cttrlolnslKii! t-ay that the' par'ieht. when dry. are disseminated , In the itiuosplicro. tosther with all .the Iniiiiiritieo and ni'erolies Mhlh t? y n:n eontalti anJ to which they une a. tr.inp'rflng cents. RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE JC F.f Bend Stage Phone 276-W DIL O. ) riioM "- i:mro Dentist I' HuIMler 01 J. c. ci.i'f;iioitv Cliil Ittistiietrr and urtejor Office 17 Main SU Tliune. Offire. ICO. ISe. ltfI. thi: iMiimi.w iir.uTy shoi. facial Iaasin2. lilearhiu- and . j I aria. 1'iirJ.o J 1 Uanlrurlns ShampeolBC Scalp TreatiseiH SI 51 Mala I 'hone SOO J DR. CARTER OIATIsT unnr i;i iiin.o I'llMM. zk; """ -i irniiinianin im p,r &44r4vS-4 I l-J-.-S-K-v SHANGHAI RESTAURANT 5 in li HHMl MLIUti! RIT tUin AKTiirn i:. wii.vr.v 5I.ill.C"r DR. R. B. CRAVER Diagnosis M.-'I . I'll one 2h" ifErr i taooi :th atii Via HOI -l'1-.V AMI .NtKIIHJt llrs. You Had Eetter Order V.! Dr. Is Absorb Moisture and "Grow" to a Con-1 siderable Extent, According to 1 English Publication. f.tbU NOT TRANSFER GERr.iS Scientist Asserts Thtt All That Necessary Is a Candle ?nd Some Perseverance. ' flow much has jour houe or the "IIae jou eer spen jour hrala?" 'wa" ot f'e bottom of jour garden ! Is not such an oullandli-h question na trown? one might suppose. In fact. It io quite i Houses and nails. Indeed all thlncs possible to see one's own bruin, acton!-, mode of brkks, do grow, and this fact lag to Dr. Fraser Halle, says London J 1s known to architects, who sometimes Tlt-nits. j bate to allow for It when making , Iany years ago Purklnge startled j Pluns for uulldlng, says lxindon Aa the scientific tvorltl bv unnounciDir tlut 1 8ners- in me old dajs, D.seace Vill Net Be T-ansmitted a Soiled Hands Arc Kept Away Frem Mojith. 't lirt Orier Mrj. r--rtl. 72 Mjin -.iiv-rt KI.AM.UII r.LL. OI1K. I -C-.K--.i-5S-v"5-.r5--:--o-. by passing a candle to and fro set era! times by the side of the eje, this might be done. The air In front, he declared, was transformed into a kind of screen on which was rellected what he sup posed to be a magnified Image of part of the retina. ' This started a research motement among the scientists of the period, and a control ersy began. 1 Sir C. Wheatstnne thought the pro-J lessor was sHghtly out of his bearings. He. declared that what the latter had Been wns merelj the shadow of tho vascular network. Then Dr. Fraser Halle returned to the attack, and stated that he had suc ceeded In Ulentlfjiug the picture with the representation of the "anterior lobe of the cerebrum." The caudle should be moted to and fro about four inches below the eye and three and a qunrter Inches from the face. If the motement Is suspend ed, the Image disappears. Night Is the best time for this experiment, but It can be seen fnintly. In any daik place eteu In the dj.itlme. In the old dais, when the clav of which bricks were made was mixed with water before being baked, the amount of growth was noi noticeable; now that no water, or very little, is mixed itlth the claj which Is Ujore fore said to be dry baked, the bricks absorb moisture aud swell sometimes to n considerable extent. Some years ago In a garden at Ely a pier was built of dry baked bricks Knd the garden hose was turned onto this pier Tor a considerable period etery day for some weeks. At the end of this, time the pier was measured. I when It was found to hate grown . some Inches. Cement Is another substance which prows. That Is why jou mjy often see on station platforms and on wall cop ings built of cement one of the Joints missed out here aud there. 'I he greatest growth naturally takes place wheie cements and bricks ar" used together, as happened In a house of which the parapet was built of bricks placed endwajs and cement sup ported on it on. The growth In this Instance was so great that quite lunie spaces were tlsible between thx- iron supports and the purupet. Exterminating Pests. Uncle Sam etnplojs approximate! 300 profeis'npnl l uppers and hunti'i to assist western stockmen In exter minating wild predatory animals froiar the range cojjitrj-. These hunter hate killed 70,713 predatory animal In the last three jears. which has re sulted In u direct s.itln.1 estimated it nearly '& million dollars a .tear to 4li, t.t.is.t.fiwn tf tin TIjif.L't M.i.rt.itt " " ' .....u....,.. section. The total kill consisted ol , nolbon-dron of the present time. onU C0.-!7:i cootes. 8.00! bobcats. 1.K1S' imagine a child conducted to the scal tiolies, 201 mountain lions and 13i foul Cupid In a Cerman collhi or bears. Tho pelts of the animals klll-i fancy a butterfly crawling like a cater ed were so'd for approximately $100, pillar with his four wings pulled oft. 000, which, of course. Is of consider and jou will feel what I mean. Oliver ahlP aid to the goternmrnt In limine-' Wendell Holmes. Ing the work. In addition to mi!irml . Wlleil by trapping and shooting, great numbers of cootrj hate been klllid Joyousncss. How should It be otherwise? I car- bear a iiieluncho! man, but neter a melancholy child. Into whutetei quag mire the former sinks, lie mnj rain his e.tes either to the realm of ieiw,ti or to that of hope; but the little Hi''d sinks and pcrlbhes In a single hlutk It Is glaring! obtious that the m j ing of linger nails, the moisi-nlcg of fingers In turning the pages of a book. and similar half-conscious acts greatly enhance the opportunities for planting undesirable germs where they can mul tiply." sa j s the Journal of tae Amen can Medical Association "Oa the fingers the may he harmless; trans ferred to the mouth they liate a wide field for detelopmeLt. The soiling of ths hands Is Impos sible to avoid altogether, but thy swal lowing of germs from ove's own t-olled hands Is largely under individual con trol. "It may fairly be assumed that the most useful safeguards against thi form of disease transmission are to be found In such practices as hand wash ing and in refraining from using the tongue or the lips as a moistening-pad. rather than in hysterical attempts at atoidance of all hand contamination Children are best protected through the Inculcation of similar desirable habits at an early age. In a word. tomv degree of haud-contamlnatlon la unavoidable; but the transference of the contaminating germs to the mouth Is largely under individual control and is subject to the powerful Influence of early-formed habit" L- ATTENTION lly business Is zaakiss yonr homes bright and prosperous by Painting. Kalsominlas and Paper Hanging. Satisfaction my guarantee. W. E. KANDY 17 Main St. Phone 198W Your Winter Woodnow Double Iai! Ii!orki 57 K Gre-ii Slab. Pine &UM Grfn Slab, Tlr l-'O i W. E. SEEHORN CO. 022 JIaIn .St. Phone 72 DENTISTS E. G. Wisecanrer PIIOM 351 Di P. M. Noel piiem: 4 Oirr L'ndcrwool'a errnlli and Main Street! VMWWWWWWMMWWMAAAAMAAAMMMMAMM SAW MILL ENGLNEEKLNG Jt COXSTKUCnOX CO. DeahJtnera and builders of mod ern Saw Mill. PLtning Milla. Uo Plants. Complete plaau contract, ed. AppraUals and reports made. Dredging. U contract to baild any class of a building and tnt-tij machinery of aay kind. Drafting of any kind done, nine Prints madev PHO.VB I40J Office In K. D. BaUdlng WELL DRILLING Vocbazzer Broa. Jt KUbzsba Merrill, Oregoa Or trDonaid Peel Rooa Klamath Falls, Oregon yvxn,injjui-rLri.iini-ii''i--iJ--" m - mm j Office Phone 3S5 Ke. IK Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stevrart Phjklrtan and Kargtoa White Building Klamath Falls 0rr8 -ijX-TUXiULruiiaa,"ii, w by tlie caiefully organized poisentnt: -campaigns conducted by the blologlcil aurt ey. Best yet. Herald Want Ads. In Tibet ono son at least of exery family must Join the Church, artly for spiritual motives, partly to gain tho teinnoral nrntectfnn nf flm mnn. jabterles, the most powerfuf factor in the tountry. "OUCH! ANOTHER RHEUMATIC TWINGE Get busy and relieve those pains itlth that handy bottle of Sloan's Liniment WHAT Sloaa's does, it does thoroughly penriraits valient rubbing to the assailed part and promptly rdietcs all manner of cx ternil pjins and acnes. You'll Cad it clean and non-tJJn-staining. Ketpit handy for sciatica, lumbago. neuralgia, ovir-exertcl muscles.stin' loints. pains, oruiiss. stains, sprains, Lud wtatlr affr-effects. For 35 years Sloan's Liaimeat !'-as lidped thousands the world oter. You woa't 12 an exception, it is uaeqaJcd in producing results. All druggists 35c., 70c., $1.40. Pbone 31C-J 1122 Main St. O. K. Lunch AXD COXaTECTlOXEBl' Formerly at 45 Main St. H6me-Made Plea aid Cakes. Cold Meats A Lanes Goods. Ice Cream and Prolta. Let your Class Troubles be My Troubles. Reglazing done In any part of the city E. C. STUCKV. Carpenter & Cabinetmaker Phone 477W 1024 Main. V . , fi-M-X-S-fr--M-M! H. C. SCHLEf F X KATHERINE SCHLCCF t 2 l'ii kit Ian and Sorgeoas X Office-, UliiieWdfr HARLEY-DAVpSON Service Station We handle the Jlarley-Darldson Motorcycle and Bicycles Kxclus 'rely Also buy. sell and exchange all other Makes. Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires and Tabes. C E. BISMAKK US S. 0th St. Klamath Falls FOB .4.XV KIND OP PLBMTCBi: See Andy MauriUch At So. 10 Main Street. TRT ME PHOXE 17 wa'rren hunt MEDICTXE AXD SCBGEBT 206 L O. O. F. BWS- DR. G. A MASSEY KncrcsMir la Vt. Trasx Knit 20fl. I. O. O. P. Bl Office plBe HOJ lie Phone HOl I I PROFESSIONAL CARDS aaaaaaaaWaaiaaaaj KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do All Kinds of Spring Repair log New Ones Made to Order Axle Straightening and Blacksmlthlng ALL WORK GUABAXTEED Pbone 259-V 617 Klamath Are. PRIVATE HOSPITAL Xotr Open for Maternity Caw Mrs. Boss Mrlianlels, 301 High St Phone 455 DR. A. A SOULE Study Anatomy and f- ero has charge of my practio- .,,. 40!!S I FRED WESTERFELD BEXT18T aMWMa"aVaAAMaMAAAAAaak Loomls Bldg Klamath FaUs ' n w P GODDAKD Oateojiatljic Phr!rfa ' Mdwill.LO.O.F.TcoH (0re, K. K. K. SW Phone JfcM .. . . (The oaly OiUVfx"a cwAnn la M'm clan and Falls.) But 10 j ram. s a. t SULPHUR Let us make up your pool car Murphey's Feed & Seed 5tor a lie: ui ii.r- ? iviii ie c il crii ?. 12 Soutk Sistk St