The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 30, 1919, Image 1

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    FT V I
official IW w
GUjJEttimttm Hftmtllt
Fourteenth Year No. 3739,
Tim following report of tin; death
of Mrw. Margaret Meldrum Moon,
of I'ortliiinl, In of local Interest, hh
tho decedent wan tho mother of
It. H. Mooro of IIiIh city.
SHE 15
Object Apology Asked from
Russ General
... r.imldeiVil (!'' !' HitIoiih
" . . ... ( ' , Vlt(trflIU llWltf jiilsn l... t. .-....-.SI 4 I .. . ...
Inlcrrintloiiiil InriiU'nt iimirruiR drum. In 181G, anil liml lived In tlilR j """""" "'" " ' u "" me south. "Jt Is true." continued
I !tiiiitiiinlu f ...f .. l.-.r j f -. ... . .
A fow liourn l.-fori. tin, Urn,, pet! '. 1 .. "' ' J'"' ' -"'iJc Condition Surround- "w i- v Tsmtm s
Jill (IIJIIH'I fill ."'f'llfl'Il 1IIK1 ll t .. .... .. ,... .. -. 4n .J. - 19
ror tlio fiiiiornl of liur brother. Judge! ... ,, ., , , .7 . "KK"S r me iin unit - "
jiilin W. M..1.1.... i - ..,. , f '-KMllln ".! Dispense Jus- jH WIm Gmerncd tllc j.. j.j buiWb w na-
Icon Mrs. Margaret Octavin Meldr,.,,, I "' ,,K",,,,',i v-' j or . TJlll,M;r ,j. D. Morgan. -o -has ,
lc I
Mooro, 180H KiiHt Tentli street, died
nl her homo on Thursday. Grief al I
tho death of u,r brother Is said to I M'W Y0UK Sc,,t- 30 Changes
hiivo hastened tlio end.
Tilt- stats TtfUr is .aefise am
lop dreasisg 3mhc aBsBtoa. mammB
at the streate is -Utvm
(BBC lrfK-
to excavate tlhe (basement Snr Hue 07-, , c c
mew tueuns .t jutiu wxTt-aasrsr aiuila-
Fnr:;:rtr:cg- lest:
r wimiiQ
2 a fill tilu
Down, to
The nrlce we raid nr -thnilfr inE- 30flh amfl alum, w
In tho oporatlons of tho Federal I'nlt vra not an unusual one. and eon'911!fl a "nifc flur ai
Mih. Mooro. artlvo In tho iiffalrK ,,r,' Hoard for Vocational K.lnr.-.f inn should hare no particular influence aew fl a"Hn 3ia aa2fl aail
Hut nrnran ii...... Au..i...i .... . . . ' ui)on hp urir nf irr,i.o in t.ij. "treelfi -were nlDsefl anQ Biis wmgma; .; 11 w-f
.r,... . i....v.i .mnin luiiui 1 hi f 1 lllf V1Hrirtl l.fWin Vf..rf.r.ftf w .. ... . ...
..... I "w -..... .VM.W.. .,.. uo
crosfioil Iho idaluH to Orccoii with
her paronlH, Mr. and Mra. Moon- ,vil-l
uh CHSentlal in order that dlsahled
territory." stated -Hunter .Savage
esterday. prior to Lis .departure ior
could sot IhaUl ihe .ilfai as lit Qe sai-
Klnro th 1'iimIli'K ' Ainiirlniii
Army l Sllit'ila Tlio Awcrlriiiis
Wcro Invi'sllpillnj; Comliict of a
Japiuirju Olllri'r
VLADIVOSTOK'. Bunt. 30. Ah
the result of nlluBcd IIokrIiik of it
corporal of tho Aniorlcan troops In
Htato contln'uoiiHly nlnco that time. I tnniIeil for them are recommended Mr. Savace. "that the price tvb paid
Sho wnn tho widow of JiiiIro William ,n t,1! Becod InHtallment of the Le-,does. at first glance, seem high, Tiut
H. Mooro and tho mother of MaryK'0"'8 Investigation of the board. ' when you take into consideration -the
Ilorthti and Henrietta Mooro ofl'ort- w"lch Is published in the American accessibility of the timber.
mam ni&Knsc noiunuHss
(Ciimjis. Brfsicc TBnC Urn: W3
i TOiiu 1Iiraae- DmnaniDi- Are? Jast
j IbiQiirsinC DtneDipmiiSf- In. SCrila
SitauHhin XCilE CnOhwr Cnnvrnia
off Hafliirr DtTfS3t WBn Arer to
land unil Ilufiis Mooro of Klamath, ''CBlon'B legislative committee in cheapness of handling it and other ' t "lie eoune laic, -sras On 3orjn jh6- JmniE TdiJiinron; Conference
Chas. 3J. airecc. -flio asvoi ie H2D-
lhe Core utneh, Tauci lie 3b 3e sBie sahe
KiiIIh. Washington., The article says: important facts, the jirice is sot iigi. "terdav. 2e -states -tiiat afll dhs fa
llor elder brother. John W. Mel-1 "Heforo the Federal Hoard for The value of a tract of limber is ,eTB are 3- Oimg:, afaredhins OHiinE
drum, died nt tho fnmlly homestead I VaUonal Kducatlon can hope to dependent upon Jts accesslbllitj' lo 1 oreogxesB on afae gnnrmrmrg. amll EBITSSlCHri. Ssr 2flj Anpar-
nt Meldrum station on Tuesday 'redeem Itself In the eyes of the na- market. Every sUck of this -timber "IheyOiave aiol yet gotten Jesmnnite nr!fe- efia; scebB striSs has: settled.
tho provlnco of I'rlamua, anil Indlg-lTwo Hlstors Mrs. I). V. Thompson of,11"" aml tht! disabled veteran it has lies within three miles of -thein Just -flie shape arfiiuih ub cflisfirBfl (Dura: x inEstinn: of eadnranea.
..., 0(r,.rt.,l ('apt. I,. I Johns, II. rortland and Mr.i. F. O. McCuwn of "'"Sleeted, it must cast the beam Southern Pacific. The slope of -the r "the Sair. -aiiiere 3b tHnBJiB'raflne' affier- riHis va&iT g7ig- aar erf-
S. A., Mnjor Oenornl WHIInm OriivcH, j Oakland, Oil., as well as another ! from lts own cye. Congress has , ground is practically all tovrards the o we .done yeu Qiul Bb aflisBB aE -dlsiiie: ofT weaJfenins-. Carpatatfoa.
commnniler of tho Aniorlcan forces lirotlior, Henry Meldrum. who lives , I"n" "H uinenus, taruy inougn tney main line. 11 can an ie Jianaiea at (-"- jjKr exu, -can e senursii anors otSHmfe atflE rTfif-rw gj. navnt taev heat
at l;nrlo, Oro. .Mrs. Joseph N ( "e anu lla3 I'laceu in tlie hands of a minimum cost. Jiiese are tne ' " e no uruHuie atunui mnmUns mis a ma ftfmrrTrr. The -trrrirr,, as.
Teal and Miss Ccnovlovo Thompson tho 'o"rd a workable law. The War , reasons governing the jirice -we -exhibits. tBis atfiisr fianriV aajr tfiar hare; erfn-
of I'ortland nro nieces. Ulsk Insurance Uureau. at whose made and the same reasons -would j ..DllaB DnwCicafinx uaiffy aaT ia. some
Mrs. Mooro was horn nt nioomlng-dcor has been laid the blame for govern the value of any tract or tim-i .GElUVtniBS.rJlSa assess msei x enmnfeta anntda-ra
ton, III., In 18:!C, and when liejlnucn of the l'U"BlIng Irijustice of , ter anywhere." i ' -HHatir ubuCiee 35- tfesx ae prepareil.
crossed tho plains with her parents11'0 oId regime, no longer is a psrty fnder tlie terms of the contract & jOaji.-TViai3inDvnisnii!aniaiu. feJr Einjcauisa amf nare everr coar
was 0 years old. Her parents. John'10 tne rehabilitation of crippled into -which the Crosby-Savaffe 'Co. yesterday a-eseiven an ttepnnn an-Miiiffie ia: eneniaai! triaaiDfe.
and Stisanno Depew (Cox) Meldrum ,j flBhting men. j lias entered with the government, it aiouncing tlhe .fleolh frif Ofis mntflisr alt
wero pioneer leaders In thu north "T,'o road to redemption is broad will have until April 1S.21 to Tjegin fCohnrs. (Ore. 5)aafli sfstibtsO Ifann 3cAW "ZQEK Spr 30 TTictorr
Wllllainelto valley and nftcr them Is'and plainly marked. The board cutting. Mr. Savage stated that le rthe auniEsfl fflengr BHraj-ta aflmm e- sSis srrifiins steeE workErs -was
mimed tho Meldrum station district;""181 hew "B wa' tlirough the jun- did aot know just -ivhen they -woulfl liyage. he :wa yeait oOfi. 3Q. nnHJlciiid Ebeb; By jmrnaf Gampexa
In Siberia, has deinanded Immoillato
apology from (Jonoral Hozanoff,
commandlni; tho Russian troops In
Prlamua province.
Captain Johns and Corporal Hon
Jamln Spcrlln wore nrreslod by Rus
sian solillorfl from tho command of
General Kalnilkoff, Is tho charge
Cossack solillors severely Hogged
Corporal .Spcrlln, according to 11 ro
pnrt to tlio Auiurlcan commnniler.
IleadinnrttTH dcclaro that tho
American olucors wxro on an olll
clal mission when arrested. They
aro said to havo heun iuvesllgntlug
the conduct of a JnpnnoHO ol'lcor,
who threatened to tako n stand on
the Russian Blilo In caso Iroublo with
Iho American military forco devel
oped. Tho arrest and Hogging aro al
leged to liavo occurred on Suptom
her 5, ninl aro considered tho most
serlcus nfr.-ont offered tho Aniorl
can army alnco It landed In Sihorln.
south of I'ortland.
T T -
111 I hi 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1
UL I 111 I I il!! lied
gle of incompetence, negligence and begin operations. The contract Davis 3eft sH. amee Snr Ciflurs an nmsHHsw. aC && Xi"rf"nTV Federa
martinet adherence to the minutia calls for & cutting of 1.000,000 attend the aunenfl. 6hm off Eafiar. can t&e eve: at his: da-
of self-imposed and petty regulation leel a year uul tne present plan calls o "nainre Bar- VCaafiingxnm. Ha aasert-
that now enmeshes it, and dispense for erection of a mill that will cut j -..,;- -srancrv !" Snc tSa atriBa "In; alT prnnahir-
justlce, not alms,
veteran disabled. To achlee this, a day. Ho site for the plant 3ias as '
cs it, and dispense for erection of a mill that will cut j -,, - n nrjp-
s, to the nation's10 tne neignoorJiood 01 100.000 Teet, .itf" wffll Be d&cnsaed: at tne Indns-
HiRACIS .A22 SSJEJ5 -"nfi?rgnca 6m heg&t hx Waah.-
l.'finsam can QcmBer 6u
'' TEde siEall wacaErs? wQT win: ne-
six principal steps may he suggest-J 'et Deen selected, hut it is aot iav.
1 probable that it will he located close
"1. Decentralization of the hoard 1o- Jf not in tne center of the tract
organization. Uroader powers and 1 r timber just purchased.
Itllulitlilc l'nliig on Many
.Streets Will Itet-chc Hie
Dresslun Within lViv Dajs
Wuil; I'MiKi-essinK H-ipiilly
responslbllties should bo given the
(.j 1 district ollU-es, and duplication of
TThe 3SieBB6 aafinrsHHin anC 30r. """g aur aatiBe- is, justV" safd" Gonr
"WBfl 4g Eanffl aaOJjsr job oSud Dbhb. Bfe esneemSBf; oufiife apfnfoir
' " ' .U ! ' niSBR, mJCTK " ' "
Laying of tho hot stuff on the
city streets, which aro being pnved
by tho Warren Construction Com
pany, coninit'iiced yesterday morn-
Annoimccnipnt Is mndo today 01
the salo of tho Charlos (1 raves res-
inco on tno corner of Wnshlngton ling and will ko forward rapidly
and Second streets to Kd. A'nimico of
the Golden Hulo store
from this time on.
This will hn cooil news to inanv
lr" a"ilco has disposed of his of tho residence owners who liavo
iwiuenco on Jolforsou Street to , been seriously handicapped getting
Jackson Kimball who will unil from their hemes for the
mereirom his homo on Conger Avo. ! past sovoral weeks. Having so many
a SOOn as It Is vacated bv thn'nf llm lrnls nnilnrirnlnir Imnrnvn-
work by tlieso offices and the cen
tral ollico at Washington should
"2. Closer and earlier contact
with men in hospitals. This will
strengthen their morale and shorten,
if not eliminate, the tlolay between
the time men leave the hospital and
the time they begin training.
"3. Redemption of old promises. ;j:,u,,1"""CI,t As-ociaUim Formed jit
The glowing pledges tho hoard made (
ifc "tin in inn
m- tiii urn
muluuii ulill
"4nuity High Schixil to jynd 2Uat.
for Those "Who Have to iHiiiaiieo
Own Educjitional 'Career -i
'oiew ia hhui iraea :&a iaSkg ifee siiE Mnsecraal: erofiaemeais in. the
pxsarrr off sBi tkmm jmrtiirT Hmi: S- 3k" BStcn& fcargniafng and.
I jaat 3en jkOS. sneeC stibaaxSss. -warn- ancieipaxeii hx
1 The 2isgdbsf3im aaia & use 'Waaflftrwg. c&fe- wefc Tne iewering:
x.r.r. t n.S.. x wr u . -
bto jictqe in SBUent. al ansa &e w- -11 : wwiara wauih precipi-
-j Tiuson.. wniKSi atftiDaE Ou amausm a && (cfamfr" fee stidetL
-1 eonM- jHin nr anag; auwjfc. aafl BBfc aff a wwr owain aecned tae at-
JTFeyefl anfl -flte obs&be .hos BtoB- fcr aat aff tin Boaci a direcrars of the
itihe aG& off ifis 1 1 n.iiii' Kkavtiii Steses 5tes Cocgaratiaa, ai
' nimirafflmtf ehacges? at the ai-rikT
Vannlco family,
Tho consldoratlon of nolthor doal
hecn made public.
p- ". Mills, upon rotiiiest of tho
ymy court, made a trip to Mod
lord in !,...., , . .. .
- - ,luIflu,r jimgo uaiuins as
V provlnco of cortaln rulings
-rea 111 tho court houso litigation
10 nscertnln whether or not the
'eni county court has tho right
""winder to cxnend what monov
v 00 necessary to protect tho
a "g n Dlock 10 ot "t Springs
"""Hon during tho coming winter.
0pP, , '"" uvur western
"Wn, cl0U(y and wnrmor Eaat
..K..7f0n! Wc1nesday, moderato
-"jrwimia Increasing in forco.
JtJ '.
L00K at youn DATK
pal?!ib0''8 re'vine their
reel !rUGh th0 '"a8 nro '
2d t0 '00k nt th0 dnt
tea J" Ul0lr namo' Kindl.
paper J Coupon which tho
lion 1. t0,)ped H th0 suhscrlp-
iM wr nowo,L TlloHr-
ren6 -wweciate it if theso
ia ,JJ" aro B"t in far enough
tlty " . avo,1 th0 noces-
it L.,!topp,nS tho paper, as
'M worl . 6roat doal of clerl-
upon pIaco a name back
NoraS; ",lta "8t 'aBa,n-
neaT 1 S Bent when a "
In th reco'ved tho change
hdie.ii " . upon th0 wrapper
mem at tho sanio time has worked
a sovcro hardship on many of the
delivery men, and It has been al
most impossible to gel to an of the
Several of tho streets aro on the
program for Improvement yet this
season .but the time has grown so
lato that It Is doubtful whether
sonio of tho work can bo undertaken
now beforo spring.
in tho early days of its existence,
neglected during its incompetent
career' under the old law, and final- , '
ly repudiated after tho amended law I
became effective on July 11, must If J"ou neefl a girl to a-im jynurj
be redeemed. typewriter, superintend your ifilingj
"4. Uroader interpretation of Sec- cabinet, do general )clerical -worfc,
TEhe aame nS .-a maw (Bvcmr amB " ufiBaHsm. ami alienism: as
tfije SBBfii3s0$-n Ihwti! wsa sac assm fftw
aknfiefl c ilie miflHic
tcuajnrai caai mqmosc&qz:
Jfl. (Graham TCisttBfl tBis isaswfl pit.
TTienr tTCfl iim ffllTnRrf- mfl i-hhtwu.
tion 3 of the Vocational Itehabilita-' cook your meals, sweep your floors. .vejyjfcjjjg j,,,, almiK a3KEISr0iHEH:E'- -Ih- Bt- 30.
Hon law. Tho board's narrow view ' dust your lurnitnre ,take care (nf munflnir j&e mrita- nlflu ffilWBE3ur EHBr tauaj- toek: a. hand
cf the act denies tho benefits of vo- the haby -while you o to the how, , n-m- ,;r, -.- ..,w., . " ssaain sirnatiom-arlsfns: fronx
uiuer wurji mill oi in
call the ivlaiuath 'Couny
cational education .to men who flnd,r do any other -wort that a -etrJi -arrmun no B-mfi rt mmn i11111" aC t" negraea ier
is Impossible to support themselves can "O,
while training on tho scant- awards -High School, 350.
of tho War Risk Insurance Bureau. I lr 3'u want a hoy to clerk un
"5. More liberal provision in the 3u" store, mow the lawn jnn ex-
tthat as fboins (smaan madly finr aflirj-1
aneux. TCniB szmfl csnnies Carni efhe pill
Qocated piEactiaflly an eli ffuin jfli
31uunt 55h23m, amB Ue un canafifiar-'
sestBrdasr- Xudges oC the circuit
aaurc wirfli ffie anerifC were called:
innr canfiiace with; the state execo.
tiss tat ditvltitt mMrndar. Cor uncover-
Charles Wilson, who has tho con
tract with Klamath county to pre-
paro tho foundation for tho new
brldgo at Merrill, was In tho county
seat yesterday and reports that his
part of tho work has been completed
and that everything is now ready
for tho stool suporstructuro. Good!
Lot tho county go ahead and havo
moro stool structures. May tho day
soon conio when wo shall havo no
moro wooden bridges throughout
tho entiro Klamath county.
matter of medical attention for men j rands, drive your automobile, water j, (flemimfl rjuiafflj. ffur nnnrmj amD un&biaS. Iaadenr ot the
ellclblo fcr tralninc under Section your aorse while youa-e away .on a U -,, - lancmirai.
w - , ,llllv (Ml .A1JJ lAllfllt.
WZ:, ,nat the moay
flTeu, Ved and PrPor credit
Tho farmers of tho Miller Hill
soctlon aro in a Httlo quandary as
to who is to do their threshing this
fall, for tho roason that Mr. Schul
mlro, who was expected to handle
tho grain for thorn, has contracted
with tho government for tho uso of
his engine in tho reclamation work
2 of the law. hunting trip, carry an the -wnofl ur
"6. Immediate revocation of arti-(doany one of the thousand and nne
cles in regulations which instruct J jobs that boys can do, call tthe aiign
board agents to send crippled men school.
and their dependents to seek aid of To elp the uoys ana girls iwho
public charities. j have their own .educational ;wny Sd
"Before cases of disabled men canjInalje. an employment association
bo disposed of with anything ap-has been formed ihrongh (CD-qpera-
proachlng reasonable promptitude. tion of the liigh school IncuUy and
rrti ivnnttif Trnfl mtm wm mnwlli .
tho bonrd must dismantle and sim-1 student hody .and is .capalile nr uv. "1 '
administrative machine. More au-1 capable help at 3hort aiDtice, an-,
thority must be reposed with the j nounces J. T. 'Wells, principal d1 cthe
fourteen district offlces, which are 'school. "While under (the 'supexvi-
sltuated in the principal cities of the
fourteen districts into which the
country has been divided. Detail
work In ordinary cases must be ac
complished within these districts
and within a reasonable length of
time, and not transmitted to "Wash
ington and then hack to the dis
tricts again."
.&. aire starting fin the Barm an" GttJ
IHurriE, "mear Elme (Bnwc Iriiiniai
aiight, Ibirrnufl aOl tihe gsaiin amfl Ea
an tthe iharn. IHdw tihe nrre anicaiifl Br
aint Iknnwn. TChe flnre mrrrmp Juhe im
A Cmrac negrn Fen: MIHer, a. fbr
im8E aanfier., waa; wounded early- to
day wiuaii Be refused: to enter aa.
.auBamnuilifc ennrnrnfna: Ave white
'ill (out. TChe Uoiss fit! mul
rruuinc n.Tvnr ihudihtrs
sion of the faculty, the employment
bureau will "he operated (under ifli
rectlon of the 'commercial (department.
To menibors of theVolunteer Flro
Dopt. Regular meeting is Tuesday
Soot. SOth. All members are
4444a requested to be present
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Dove are the
proud parents of a baby girl, horn
Sundny morning, September 2S, at
the Maternity Hospital. The new
arrival weighed eight and one-half
pounds. Mother and daughter nro
doing nicely, says Dr. George
Merrlman who is attending ,Mrs.
Dove. Mr, and Mrs. Dove .recently
moved here from Odessa to place
their children in school for the
TChe ifiieamox Slntlnc as mnw Ilgflnidl
diy .dlectrichy tHinuriien Ug- Burr awm
aiuch nrrnjHjEB- Ob nflunuimE BaniDf,
an iShippittgtun amB ajovnafl maw
IhnllBingE arre fin csnisBe off camasacn-
Hhrmfmrnm has Been: given. In. New
Ybra: fur the operation, ot several
smeary stares; am wheefcc They- wilt
aeiB air the hUHeharder'sr dnoc jl
mn aC Sir tn 5a per cent in. prices is
DminfiaE, pmhaBry am the theory
jcaan a; mlllniE atnre gathers no dross-
X.ONDON, .Sept. 30, 2Ebe 31ritiBn
government .nas amtiCed all ial tthe,
allied governments -which are ttarge-?;
ly dependeatupon (Great IBritain Unr
coal -that Jt -will Ihe Umposslble the-
cause 'Of -the .strike 'Ot aailway mien
to permit .exportation mt .any icoal. f
"WASHINGTON, 3). (C Sept. 3D.,,
On account of rthe. strike of JEnglish,
railway -workers, aill .sailings do tthe,
ports 'Of -Great Britain are (cancelled
until the .situation (Clears, tthe ship
ping hoard announced rtoday.
After Octaber r all! i-rnfff
adyerdsins; must Be paid: for In.
adirancai. The coat at this adver-
tising: te aniy- flye cents a. IIne
cnimtlnir fire wnnk t-n- th. lino a
TChe unenniur lEurfle watt oaillttfl ttr, . -rufU; ,3 mafa, ,,- ,mn,thr .
JHnwnra may fflununy on uibb BurJ n HeraTd! tn handle It on. '
ninworfifl miimj. fin HrffitwBXhjE x . at&Btr aa x c uthei
Hire iHiurtefl inn tthe JThlDnaaoit iCfttHj... aa ar aann lw. , .
tlinm the value ot the advertise- -
mpnf: Aayana; ran- compute the
- caat Br caunrtng: tTre wanLr ta
(C TE. ma-ley- aamttty surTHsari. Brj . Hue Hna- and: ramirrlnir flr
Qeudng ttliis minrnms ffiir Eamniill wafrj l. ,Bnftr fair each: Una tar i"fi In-
Qey nn nnnxteiB fin aaimnBrfiim wllifc '-sejiinm. The necaaltT-for Day-
(the nn-nposefl mmB tturmuSi tfies yafr, . mane tm adrance precludea tas
flex inhere waa; anme annfflBUirm ta V nmHrfFMUhr at taiinir tha adrer-
tthe rrnaH aiE m- jghuflb niiiinuuB fine
ttsfne awar th paone and. The
3fc. muraey Bias Swan mafliha: mxe- V HeraM wiin aBpradatu It It re-
wi-a muu muucuviKiiie u ajF aim cae ajutsm, tn aa su wilt not be
iroafl wiUidh wJin aiwe CUatt dliasiijt madkj.
tthe miast atcaqptiflile wirwiae.