The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 29, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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fAoa mam
Exclusive agents for
Clothes for Boys
H 1
'xasSGti ttuSkczxlzi
"Cravenette" Finish Suits for Boys Ages 6 to 18
- i
V r't
. .'
1 r'V
On top of them all.
Twenty substantial reasons why
For thrift and economy investi
gate today.
We know of no better way to please our custom
ers who are trying to solve the "Clothe Your Boy"
problem than to recommend these sturdy gar
ments. DUBBELBILT takes the doubt our of bgys' clothes
entirely. The makers back us up in a guarantee
for six months' solid service. They will repair all
damage against wear and tear within that time,
free of charge.
This ta possible only because of the 100 per cent
service manufactured right into every BUBBEL
BILT from beginning to end double effort is
employed to make DUBBELBILT the master
clothes for real live boys. A host of styles and
fresh patterns woolen materials.
Bring your boy in our store today get acquainted
with DUBBELBILT'S twenty features no obli
gation on your part whatsoever .
Leading Clothiers and Hatters
Exclusive agents for
Kuppenheimer Clothei
Knox Hats
Nettleto nShoea
To be given by Young Ladies
Auxiliary of Klamath Falls, Oregon
Wear jour oldest duds Prize will
be given for hardest timer. All
cordially invited
Houston Opera House, Friday Oct. 3
Admission 75 cents 29-5t
Some Good Bargains
in Real Estate
I have for sale at the present
time some ery good buys in Klam
ath County real est.Ue, including
ranches, lots in Bonanza and Klam
ath Falls and improved city property.
Some of these are exceptional bar
gains, and every piece listed is suro
to prove a profitable investment.
Mrs. Nate Otterbein, 527 Klamath
Avenue. 27-3t
Bloody Civil War Battle.
In 1SCJ, on the 151 st da.v of May,
the battle of Fair Oal.s, Vn., took
place. It vvns a small engagement,
but In proportion to the number of
men engaged was one of the most
sanguinary of the Civil war. An ad
vance gunrd of the Army of the Po
tomac, numbering 10,000 men, was at
tached by a force of nliout 15,000 Con
federates a few miles east of Rich
mond. The buttle lasted n day and a
half and resulted in a technical vic
tory for the northern "soldiers. V.nch
side lost more than 7,000 men In Ullled,
wounded and missing.
USE FOR LUMINOUS PAINT ' Wftnt A,ls ,,rl"B results.
If you want it, advertise. Herald
Kvvr iarl a 1 Mrim Mm ai jm pjv i m
DO you know that Oregon Life wrot more business in Ore
gon in 1918 than any one of 43 companies operating in
this State?
In 1919 we have made more than GO per cent increase over
our record in 191S for the same period.
Ilefoie jou sign an application tor lite insiu.ince in nnj
other coinpanj s-'o our Mr. Nepvue.
H. P. NEPVUE, Dist Mgr.
Room 4, 125 North 6th St Klamath Falls, Oregon
H fcllJJfcJ)JtfjUrfe'' lut'!M'1 ""??7!
-- IN
ICT-h- dBjQiilifc 'JiTii
1 IHBHf '; iHH I Aft A4
lNjr- Ryfe zl)
Lady Decles, who was Vivian, daughter of GoorgQ Gould, pic
tured on the left, was active In Red Cross work on tbo Rumanian
front during the .war and later became vice president of tho American
Red Cro83C&re'Commlttee. Princess Antoine Albert Radzlwlll. wb
waa Miss Dorothy Deacon of Boston, was forced to flee from the his
toric residence- at Nlowiesy in Poland during tho war. Sho was after- ,
ward engaged In war work In England.
FOR SALE Vprl;ht piano che'ti
for cash Phone 2'H) 30-1t
FOR SALE- Hand laundry well
I equipped. Must sell at once S"i
100S Main St Money maker 29-lt
FOR SALE Uulclc Auto Must soil
or trade at once leaving town.
See 1008 Main St. 29-lt
NOTICi; Sick or weak tlrcs.aio
made well and strong again by
Jack B. Ivei, The Surgeon, at the
Crater Lake Tire Service Station,
112G Main St., Klamath Fall3, Ore.
The 5 an on the Church.
Mimj ii ihmIpsIii in ninl inntorNt
iled, oIooimmI mid Mulled Wetlm-i-iiii-
night us he p.isM'tl it elimcli on
I'llntnu hill. ()liioii- tiuil eliilinrnte
t.n iminlloiw for ti wedding; won1 1111
j' r n. foniliiM and llnrlit uiu"'is
eri' liusillns. 'I he imiiil-'iil.nlilc inn
i.m utis I elllK eieeted Irom sidewalk
' i ilooi. And In liU b'li'Ms mi l In
m'uii of tin- (Iniieli was lilnmied the
niuiistiT'h -uliji't t for mi iippi within:,'
i i ee: 'Tills It the Life." Newark
Material round Almost Invaluable in
War Might Also Be Well Em
ployed In Peace.
Here Is u wartime application of
luminous paint that should ho useful
In siiii.tuer (amps, on thu of lioy
Hcitiits, In peacetime liuiliellNeM of
lneii soldleis, In iniiiUliig the lunif
iiiK plate-' of alrciaft, ete.
Hit IWItlsh Mini) hml'dlHt.H or hut
tons two or thieu Inches In diameter,
coai'Ml with luiiiliioiis paint mid luiNltig
h hliurp spike tm tho under Hide. These
xv en- Muck upon thu hides of tieiiihex,
luilldliiKS, femes, etc., or were hwuiik
by 1 j n ii(1 to glt MkiiuIs In the well
know ti tmlo wheie hrlcht llghtN wer
daiiKeious or where hllence was
The luminous disks were lHlblt
from .'III to U) feel, mi they foiined Mil
uiilile IniidmarkM. Luminous ribbon
iiIho was iihetl for marking trulls
through the woods, mid liiinllious
p.ittlu-s weie attached to (Iil1 backs of
Htletthei heareis to pi event them from
beltiK III eil-iiiii their own tioops,
'Hie SeleiitllK' American suggests
that the iiniiies mid tiiiuiliers oi city
tiiets iiillit well lie imitktd with thin
luminous p.nut.
FOR SALEi Modern homo Clopo
in. Easy terms. Will exchange
for small house or acreage. Address
"D" Herald Office. 30-3t
FOR SALE Three head of extra
fine Jersey Milch Cows giving milk t
now. Will freshen last of March and 1
forepart of April. For further In- j
formation Phono 10F11, Ilene, Oro. J
"Wheie I Mr. Flubdub lunching to
day r
"Well, he may he at the next cornel
or he may be a couple of blocks down
Iho street."
"I thought his halilts wete very reg
ular. Can't you tell mo wheie ho h
"Not precisely. He lunches at a tin
nana ciut, but It moves uround."
I.oulsv lllo Courier-Journal.
FORSALE One small cook atovo;
one single and one double bed and
springs. Tel. 208-M or call at 444
South Riverside 29-3t
LOST Between Klamath Falls and
tho Reservation, a ladv's hat in
box and an lner automobile tube.
Return to Mrs. E. L. Chlldeis, Chll
oquin, Oro. J 29-3t
LOST Golden cocker spaniel pup.
Answers to name of Mickey. Re
ward for return to 520 Eight St., or
phono 312 3t
WANTED Experienced feeder and
irrigator, eight viteis feeding
nine su minors of irrigating. Can
give best of references. Wlfo and
three children. Want to got near
good school if pos'jlhl'j. t'anjook for
three or four men. I doalro steady
work tho year around, Cnn como
,son. Address W. M, Herald
Office 29-2t
FOR RENT Largo front bedrom
iiso of bath. 917 Pine St. 30-5t
HIGH SCHOOL BOY wants perma
nent work mornings and evenings,
Would work In privato family for
board and room. 30-tf
Wednesday night to bo a basket
social, a reunion of our old and new
friends. Come, bring a lunch and
eat with the othor fellows. Good
mujalc by tho new ImperiaJ Jazz
Orchestra. Something new in store
for you. . 29-3t
In Fall Shoes for Mon and
Hoys. Completo stock of tho
latest deslgi.s. Wo specialize
In real shoo values.
Paronts will find our Juvo
nllo department the best placo
to purchaso coirecfly built
shoos for child) en. Personal
attention given to fitting small
foot conoctly.
Crossett Shos
Buckingham & Hecht
Master Made
Dress Shoes for Men
Bradley's Shoe Store
"Leading Shoe Store"
727 Main St. 727 Main St.
The Fanciulla d'Anzlo.
One of the glim Unit I'lenldellt Wil
son letehed III Italy was u sliver,
model of the statue known as the I'iui
ilulla d Anlo. pieseiilttl to lillii li.v the
Koin.iii nninU I,ialll.. 'Iho oilglual Is
u (iieek statue, dlscoveietl not loiu
ugo at the villa ol Net", In the senpnit
town of Ali.lo, iienr Koine, null pur
tinned h) the Italian government lor
l.7),(KHJ lite. Admlieis ol ait mill stu
dents of nit heolog.v hail nnveled from
all over Europe to sen It, mid the
out hi ill diiiped llgure, euro lag a plat
ter f Kim whit h tho object It long ago
held hail been broken, was named the
Maid of An.lo. Then somehotly noticed
that the long tohu was lifted u little,
us If to avoid tripping over It, that
the biceps muscle of the bare arm was
more lioylsh than girlish, and ho on,
until modem Judgment has decided
that the title Fuuclulln d'Anlo Is a
misnomer, and that the unknown
sculptor was really modeling tho llgure
of a handsome youth performing some
service lu an ancient temple.
Bran Muffins.
Roger W. Bubson of tho department
of labor said at a dinner lu Washing Washing
eon: "Speaking of labor, It has been a
tougli Job to eat hoiiio of the health
foods that wete turned out during thu
"A young lady said to a young man
at a Washington dance:
" 'Are you tho hiiiiio young man who
nte so many of my hum muffins at tho
Red Cross last full?"
( "'No,' ho unsweied, 'and wlmt'fl
more, the doctor hiijs I never will
he' "
Viiiii"" , .r
Fountain Pens
for School
They nmkt! nit excellent
present hecnUBO fountain
pons are hucIi tonvenlent
things to liuve; everybody
wants one
Upp features tho very best
makes of fountain pens
Tho Ink Hows out cvenlly
and steadily, making an ex
tremely satisfactory v ritlns
All sl.vles for men and som
en are here, Including the
latest modnls of self-fillers
no spilling of Ink or sell
ing tho lingers when charg
ing tho pen
If jour frloml tloei not like
the point von select, It will
bo changed to suit hi m or
her without thaige.
11.00 to Sll!,50
Frank M. Upp
611 Main St.
Official S. P. Watch
""" .HMIWt
,o blouses,
IJavo your fiu- .
...... ...... wiring aPP"el
WU1BIH "" " iV.-
.,.-,.. t eves then
that smart look that nothing
olso can.
Curtains, towels, dresser scarfs
etc. beautifully done.
131 N. 4th st'
I Phono 214W
viiiflTJek k th fx
HlK Time Huvinir Ailvuiitaircs Offered in tho .,,
The Vaughan has the solid crank case. The direct po ". agM BW
straight behind tho saw. Jiffy saw-holder grips or r
instantly. Non-vibrating.
VAiinuAM minnmn WflRKS. INC
476 E. Main St Portland,