MONDAV BB1TKMUKK 20, IIMrt P ERSON AL. .. MARGUERITE CLARK IN REAL FILM, 'MARRIED." THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON of Kuno vlulfml ftliVII ran i'"'"" Sjtnriliiy ourcr Mnrlln of Merrill Ih In lln onbuilnMH. . ... friinn WIIM 111 tOWII HUM Bioiwj -M on buslnew i) MsM'V Ih m town uttondlui' Wb'lncrr hi Mil""- u, Knw of ' V"""y W"H '" ,ort Wtunlny on ImihIiiiwi. nick Klimlally Ih now In town m (cndlne to I....I.IOHH from Merrill jin mil !"' Kt,r,m w,iro '" tmv" "'" . ....I I..I.. fLI.ll Ii IIIIHIiienn nii i in town Sl n r clnftta)' "' n.i..i, iMirkull wnM In WonbuBlnc8 from his ranch near Keno- John Sclnnoro from Lower Swan UK was In town Saturday altond j to business. Mr and Mm .lem Hnlly left IIHh it I...... I.. 1.H.11.I Uiomo busliiPH Hthoro. v n Cunningham win In lown Siionlay ntiomlliiK to buslnomi m ,'roin 1'lin' ti'ovi'. Fred l'l-lrrHon. principal of Henley school. was omi of the lion In town Satiinlny. 1 wwwwwwy bBMBEUWBBp ! i4f rte Theatres i BfpiS&iPBI nvs Gulbranscn Trade Mark Marguerite Clarlt can',-rogliitBr",poro fcamtflMTfii VraT S ti-ln m?1 mo r8h0 pro ,l h0 lne on thft irm otir4 Again Goods " Ktoro. , i it tlin VlH Goo. Shell visit ml : v !-,, , i fin l"i linn 1 ' vi .Vim a ; : ir.i. .V.i'ii.., I o n i I' .r in ih ranch tti (ile ' . UeorK spent tt Ill's illy t In"' prul .1 ' U ,:.!"BB (if business from , KtWll M .Mr and MrH mn Saturday on tlelr farm on tho Keno road. Edln Driscoll well-known Klnm lit boy, left Sunday morning for Eugene, whsre liu expects to uttond the University of Oregon. Mr morn . f i- l'u : : i t llif J ilVlTd o"ir:i.i : !"rt i . ' ' r,i's to irrl- . ,.:nliy. Mi. n.l dx-j i .' i ! . . ddllk.iU-i, ' . i ' id S ' (' - .1 V.'Ml n . ..:i Pn.l J. Sliuiott ' d iio.ii i'n.1. , wnuio 'i .1 .1 s pas' l. . vNlt- . " t I'iidi and iflnllvca. On : f I a i ii I ip ll'e. u"r; icc(inpc- .... 1. ,!;.! .Ii i. . i!l.-"i av.d Ii Mr and :rn. l'tnry iv 1 avii IIi'h v.-' '. fr- : . with friends and roiatJvcH n lo .1. A. II. Nowlon, who i..:ontly ro moved to Coiitral I'olnt, whom ho leeured rnimo for Iiln hIhmiii, Ih In tlun city to I3kc IiIh Hhoop to that polntj W ?'"ri' lor the winter. lvcl Kniunlo:, , H'Uiri lo main Dick Flynn, promlnunt Hliuop own- iiiniKhler. er of Klamath county, iiiih purchauod the Ilasoltlno ranch noar WIIhoii bridge, conslHtlng of ICO ucnui, and nil) winter IiIh Nheop thoro this yuar. l!u n ml .I'm Kern wco Jn t'i city from t' !i-m d'gir .-t ."-x.i day nftcrr.'ipn l.ol;!,i,t ar.;r !)!: . Illicit IllU l !-d::ioii(W and Lantern, which thrills the people to .Vit Mi'lir Of n f.-mnllfi rnlll'lnuu (rniiv on.l ,.. ..,11... .. . . " .......j, ....u ur:.' vii. i. .j. I i , u . liillllj lur u. in nrm H t.. I. r. .. l MIA. II. II. KCI- cKn dovlls." . .a-, of thin t.i. and Hon !tncn,' j.uentiess rem ir. hoIzos hi-r for . 'i. .uir oi ....s wu.,.11 :.,ia Mrs. W1!lt slle has done and at great risk .'.i.ii.j.i his hiioi ., i r.iiT,. or u her own life .". a:. 'I ,M:.s. Edmonds. Nnzlmovn, tho dlHtlnBiilshnd Uiih Klnn nctrcKB was tho atractlon yes Icrdny at tho Liberty Theatre, In tho "owcrful drama, "Tho Red Lantern " She was boom In a dual rolo, playing Mnhlff, th" IJnraslan and Mlnnoho, the KngllHh girl. The ' rnln are 0f hiicIi vastly dlfforont chnracter, that It was amazing to II Ink that one woman could portray Mimii both An M'iIiIcii, Nazimova was supreme '' plding the passionate and in- iiiluimc. iniiigiiier oi two rares- tlic ja 'hllil of an KngllHh father -ind a W f'l (Tir..i. .....If,,... ...1. f .. .. V "' '' .in, in, - ll(JU llHI'lJl'li, traditions and emotions surgo In con I nt 'fnlllct mnk'ng of her a nrn tal oufrasl, belonging to neither race tal ontciiHt, belonging lo neltb-"- ra,.e The story reafbos dramatic heights when the unhappy girl finds that her M'liow blood is an Insurmountable barrier bntwen a young mHplonary whom she lovei and herself, and that eli'iougli be is'powerfnlly attracted l her. Ibis dlfferenre of race can never be overcome. Wild Jealomy i;rips iier when finds tliat be rea'ly Wen her bnlf-sihter, Itlanrbe. ("also played by Nazimova,) and In a frenzv she agiees to the proposal of Sam Wang, who loves her, but whom she hates, to go with him and lead the' yollow races In an uprising against I tho whites. She assumes tho run-1 taslic title of the Ooddess of the Tied' to escapo paying the penalty. The Breed and Snake fought like wild-cats, and the shack Ioked like a exterminate the "for- shambles when the Vigilantes and I Holllster arrived. Dorr "got" Tho Snake by firing through the window, and the des- BUY OUT WEST NATIONALLY PRICED GOODS In these days when everybody thinks that tho other fellow Is profiteering whether ho is selling merchandise or labor, we wish to call your attention to the fact that wo handle almost ex clusively the Nationally Prlrod and Ntionally Advertised Musical Instruments. $i$o ,:!AHi'1 viAxii. -JT I J Mag&SE22&2tt&mV& 'A If j, ft 3974 JJtTsTna t BA XZZrz9 rim - MteSffsflMwisfiaMH lf!ni-!liftM Any VIctrola. Sonora or Grafono la or Gulbransen I'layor IJiano can bo bought at ur new store, an reasonable .w In the far Kastern cities, and remember all thebe rnanufacturors (tiote definite prices in their advertising on eaMi and everv model, and In addition, tho Gul bransen Player has t'lo National Price burned Into the bark of the piano. we say, "Huy Nationally Priced You will find this kind at our Earl Shepherd Co., Victrclas Pianos Records Largest Stock Between Sacramento and Portland Between Fifth and Sixth Streets .? are t'xlui i.-i.l!. (Jrillu's pirtT rv.:. n-; fro it her liomi w t'i SLU.3f.EM ;t l."i, -.1. There was unotliur citizen oililuil to Klamath county on Suturduy. ben n lino baby boy was horn to Mr. and .Mrs, Alliort Harrott at the old poor farm on iho Keno road. Dr. i Warren Hunt Is In attundanco. Gorrgo lClllott, who lm ticn i ros'dont of tho I'mmrn dstra fir soiiio Hire left Sunday for Sau.'b crn'iila. CnriTi'i1 Purko of Ilu.-l n-!,i:ne C'ntlf.'irln. w M n-r t'.'s take 1'ie pliff) n 1'''"' -i-rR '-)-store left VK.irit by Will Wood wl-.o s gulni; .iho bj . n; .j . bo trle to hum; thoE;- The entire .of her father'o rare wnom she lovts. 'i i i'j in the vi-A tragic end when the pirl 'e-'llzes that sho balongs to neither i people and can iiev.;r hope for hap- '-S VIAi'v'D ' ''"t'ss wItl1 either ! In beautiful contrast to this un- pnual struggle Is th" romance of Ulanrhe and th-j young mlsslona -y. The Hod Lantern will have its fi nal showing tonight. Snake Le Gal was the "Slimy Viper" of Rogue's Roost, a remote Western hamlet where human life baid tc Be of Ir.rn n.-c'v P:e?sa:lt leu, v.'lior. l.'iv n I...., Fitiii tue H li-iv v, :ih bit n n my. Try ti nip ul.i in 'I, in, iPl i ,i.iuii mir.y '"'', b . il , li. i.i.i... .. i tu i.L I ll'.ii" "I pi ,,.,. I, n,.i. n ,. , j, 1....1., i. Ii . i ,-i , ., ,i i-.,, v.l .li-. ll 111 l.,l,l. s. ur Fred Houston, Lon Morrison and Glenn ronatn'n. re'ont" Harry Peterson hnvo returned from 'r01" oirv'io t o .'MOi'i ,' a weekend shoot at Aspon Lake. i "cer cons u l rn;ve ' aj l .' They slept out In the rain, shot v I ',0B An-'lc:', after n f'r'l 'III iin.ii .s .. i i ii, mi. III;,. i:i .1 ii i, ... in., i. ii. I. I.' i ..; perado confessed before he died that Fawn was "all white," that he had kidnaped her as a child and had glV- jM hay in thn Cnnntu . fc lilt JJUU1 i So Fawn married the Stranger after all. This is the big dramatic climax of "Just Squaw," starring the beautiful actress, Beatriz MIchelena, released by Exhibitors Mutual. The drama was produced under the direction of Gedrge E. MIddleton. At the Liberty Theatre Tuesday Ii . :"..! , Ml! .1111 ih. , . in i Hi Ii , h. i .ii ii ii h :i their shells, got tho limit and re turned tired and hungry but wmi u paid for all their hardships. T. M. Cunningham was In town wuruay irom his ranch at Pine wove. His son, Floyd, has Just re turned from rounding up their cat t'e, which were moved a few days go to the Cunningham pasture near fine Grove. H. J. Lester, who wne mopping at Je county scat on Saturday, reports the result of threshing in th ey has In most cases boon u nonrce nf i.,,ni.i . .iii.iiiiuii in mo rarm- What seemed to bo poor pros wcti n the' Spring have proved to W good yields. S',0OrihR,JnViJ,B,t,,, W0Pth ta- ""JMteftSmim.oaaBfaaist. a-u father, P. L Moore, hero. Clareuiv A. Harris of I'ine Grove wh trannict ng 1 lu'iics'!) n town on Saturday and del vorlnj' gra n. Ho says Ii.h cr'i'a ul Paie Giovo waro good, hut tho 1 ay on the reclaimed Klnninth marsh Is his particular plonsnru. Sain DiU'iiKcr of tho Stukel moun tain district is In the city on busiuesj connected ultb the fair to 1m hold at Wilson Grove. He has been plncea In charge nf tho sporta and Is ar ranging tug-of-war between tho city anil enntry men, to bo staged across the diversion canal. Mr. and Mrs. II. K. Winnard ciirao In yesterday afternoon from tholr ranch In Upper Langoll Valley. They report that thiin is considerable In terest now shown in tho cming olef in hi ii tin '.- . ..ii . .ii. Men i !i . llillili l, in I .ii ..Ii . I ... i- i. III. ,i . .1-,. I I.. Ii l....el i-'li I'll! II l' iv.i'l' t'i. lil 1 11 J ill It'. I I, I. II. , ll. II '' I I II. Mil ll..,. , -I 'i lii' i, Si- ll. I III Hie lilt , 11 I'll.. . i. ,i ;, Ii . Ii: Hi " iim.ii.x 1 I. " ll I.. II llllMH II... I I.. II,. -ll .11.1 s I limli i .!,, ,.i ie-1 iii'ui . till .,! mi. in ii I i-i lb, ii ii..i-..ii Mr. Win., n. ,llii r.,lii.. llui.i llu li.f. il.kii.i) uf i u--ii,iliii nil- iii.ii mi i..l,i'i uf uur uhiile e.n iliiinii wli.i im.Ni n-mjil It'll ililu Hie ei.l.n, ... the lal In (.eiiriii iihimi men ren-.tlii friim tii.Miii lilulibi'i ln'i-aii.!' il ih iiiiiiii'O bllibl.t'i, iiimiI Ibi lieriuiii' so 'm linn grj tlnii llie.x a if i.i'iiiiiiii. ilr.ven tn ii.'iii it. iinil w tn ii ila-. 'i-.v it. In llieir MI'IU'im- tlie.x lliini'ialili lllnl il mi Ut llebillN that, il mil leMnminl, they overt ut mill, a Is well kuiiuii. overeat Ing iiii.v liu m nf tal iiium'k nauiea and oilier dlMifttlui: Kyiiipimiis Afteronu or two e.perieiii'e uf llu.-. Mirt 1 urn iiiiw i in etui never lo allow u man lo eat all the blubber he wants the Hist time lie trie.-, it, for If he gets sick he Is tiliuuM i-i'iin In to blame the seal iiud nut hi" nun gluttony. , wrs a drug on the market. Of all iii.-ir j the bad men in that hell-hole, Snpk .x..ii. j was the most ruthless and blood I ' 'rsty. He feared neither God nor j man, and respected no woman. Fawn, the beautiful girl whom -verybody believed to be half-Indian, I -ittracted the eye of Le Gal, wno I swore she'd he his "woman." "Site's Just squaw, and she's going fo bo mine." But he did not reckon with the Sf-nger and the Breed. Fawn's half The Breed tracked Snake to where brother, a half-bred Indian. he held Fawn prisoner and came to death grips with the desperado. Holllster, the Stranger, whoso father had been killed by Le Gal.also came to avenge his father's murder. Dorr, Fawn's father, came with a shot-gun to "get" Tho Snake, who had kidnapped Fawn as a child. The hour had struck for Snake .NOTICE I am now prepared to furnish Shasta Sand from the Hoey, Cam sand and gravel pit, In any quantit that may be desired by contractor? and builders. AL F. GRAHAM PUBLIC SALE at D. O. TAYLOR'S Three-quarters of mile northwest of Malin, Monday, Oct 6, 1919, 120 tons of alfalfa hay will be sold, and all other belongings. MOORE & MERRILL, Auctioneers Sale starts at 1:00 P. M., standard time. Free lunch at 12:00 M. Terms cash. San - Tox WMSAAAA f-B-)nrairvvotuu I Star Theater i Tonight Only 1 oig 1 riple oil! I Your Last Chance This Season to Hear M I W S Hljjl ll Iff JVHi fc I Af ' w h Pi 3 Iwl Qui fLIli LlllDLLll i f m y m THE KLAMATH SOPRANO TWO BIG FEATURES ' OLIVE THOMAS IN 'UPSTAIRS AND DOWN" HENRY WALTHALL IN "FALSE FACES" PRICES IS AND 35 CENTS HOUSTON'S Metropolitan Amusement HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DANCING Wednesday & Saturday Nights. Popular Jazz Orchestra STAR THEATER TODAY BijI Double Kill Your Lust Cluinc This Si-aMiii to Hoar VKItA CltlSSLKH e Tho Klamath Soprano In I'opulnir Soiiu With Henry Waltluill In "Kalso Fnccs" And Olive Thomas In "Up Stairs and Down" Prices 15 and 5 CcntH TEMPLE THEATER TODAY VitaRrapli Presents iucssii: LOVK Ill "THE WISHING HING" ALSO Patlio News Latest Ciiri-ent Ivvents. Admission Matinee 10 & in rents Evenings 10 & 20 rents MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION I'ICTUHEb 'TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS Merrill. Orcfdm WINE OF COD LIVER OIL WITH IRON SAN-TOX Wine of Cod Liver Oil with Iron com prises the reconstructive and nourishing properties of Pure Cod Liver Oil to gether with the tonic and strengthening virtues of Peptonate of Iron and Man ganese. It exercises a stim ulating and alterative ef fective influence upon the processes of nutritions and assimilation. The oily qual ity of Pure Cod Liver Oil has been eliminated and this remedy will not cause nausea or produce digestive disturbances. WHITMAN DRUG CO Phone 143 520 Main i JftTIf fe.': ll M