miiwm$ai)m m"nmmimimisr'xakii(. n,VTTI' " THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON pagb Rnn f Tninvcoi AQCinrn pnmiiMQ! helpwanted 1 All IK I ISsii I ALU o uLAooIiIlU UULUVno ;ru w "" & Mia I JJl ,ni1' 2C-3t cf?T7El.RCal Estate I ROOMS, APARTMENTS , wanted Man to work ,. ;" M fmxmzxzxxmmw n i BrimmTMCftEim I-Urt. Jr -v-v nw good wages- nil winter's 1o!i. An-'ES ii,iU CKmn . Nl AIm"""''" '"' hI''P- ' Whit., ranch 1 ij miles fromH ' B Iloiuo. inw in,; iooiiib l.'l.r.o n r week. Fuel town. l'Jionu HM, 25-Iit I SI H WANTED Cliaiiirnen for filtid. K4 tH Mll'llWaV Hlirvevs. Annlv 1.111 Di .GENTLEMAN -Wants a furnished Main Strict Phono 449 20 7t,ij room Vicinity- IJrcl t Jefferson ' - -- H iUt . I' O. 4K8. 2l-3i WANTED (ilrl or woman for gou- M inl" i 'Nil houxowork 1'erfoctlon Dairy ' .43 I'liono 11Y ft-tt Kj vxpTBTXMxrmtKTwmam Modern kMm V- roit UHNT owner, -- ..! ,. ni TO" .b'"LUn Tenm. r cheap for f " , Mf, pino St. I'liono 17. ,,j jnt"" FOR Ill-INT Apartments itnil sleep ing iooiiih l.'l.riO per week. Fuel fiiinlHliud. 102 Main St. I'liono 4GS 2C-0t GENTLEMAN -Wants a furnished room Vicinity- lircl fc Jefferson i - ..... iiniilv little house W ?.' o. f 7-0 ll.llf CIlHll I-lll "II TMlin ni " '. . ... ... n,wi do-ie In at J.1-MI ' . j.fd l.nl. 11 mi '...;.. .. no ni.r foot, TorniHi roil vi St 00 ,"'1 I'W'- FOR SALE OR TRADE J1-.it i WANTED (ilrl or woman for kpii : i enil houxowork I'urfcctlon Dairy I inline i 1 1 -tt il pitemmit 2 IiIIimI lot, rormt MontolliiH i.nn Main ' l,v .. ... ..... ca 0,r !'" ittK P f vnltSAM' UraiHinil " room -m-"""' , ,.r mill and I no .euro ' """ : .il. full li ' -i"1' rurtliiro Modern im ,' . ... . ..,. Sscr Atir . I w- price If pur Pk, rT.llroot .l.lr.-x Mrs Com . Cnr.ftllls. Ore-gull X 1 .t SALE Oil TRADE Indian' SITUATIONS WANTED M Monti, iim j Motnrcyplo with Hldo car. Wlnter-H.rPTTrrrT; I ,iil Main SI 2 tfl.Towelry Store ";." M I I-U - Sltuiitlon as auto meen " ' '""'' '" ,;""(l K'-ruBU. C II. K Ho J son, tornllls. Wit. I. THAlJiI- I-'or real estate, lined car In f.ood condition, I new tln-n, ovt n m.i.i.. Adlitrtii 7. Herald. 2 1-r.t I-'OH SVI.I. ()l TIIADC- I r.i.i-n inn '"in lliiiiK-tlow A veiy dedr- aldi- lo iiIIijii S'-e I'etkinx 1 s-t f SjiriiiKH Hotel Hot 2-5t- for ti hIx ! Mn eii.iv V -irn alllllKH ,uiv " ,OOM c n.ff room nouso ii "- WANTHD Two Woodchoppcra. Chll-' 1 coto & Smith. C33 Main. 4-tf WANTKIJ Cilrl for ijcnoral house- work and cooking Mrs. O. 0. I.ab nre". Illv. Oregon 1-tf LEGAL NOTICES i i FOR SAW KOIl RAM: Oil THAUK Cooklnf! uteiiHllii of varloiiH kinds. nlHo a riinirn ni- lu'n timirlii nnv Oln.i ..r .. NOTIfTI OK RAW' ni, liminAirinv- .... I..t ---.." " ".. ..b... (J ...... ..III. I Ul l ... ... .,...,., ,,,- I1UI11.JUI1 Iiiiproven renin. " stovo. I'erkliiH Furnlturo House. 20-tf IMSTIUCT IJONDS. Must sell. Seo 1008 Main hi. lit , , i NOTICE IS IIKUEDY GIVEN that . - Linoleum, Ilujn, Malting, I'ahcolln, sealed proposals will bo received till ... ,, SIhkIph. UoiIh, MnttrofVCH and Springs thn llth. day of October A. 1). 11-19 FOR SALE Miscellaneous for milo or trado. I'crklns' Furnlturo at the hour of 8 o'clock In the oven- uoiiHc aii'ti '"K ir mo purennso ot l-orty Tnous- -- - - y and Dollars worth of bonds of the WANTED TO TUMIE a New range I ntcrprlso Irrigation District of Tor mi old ono, you pay tiia dlffor- Klamath County, Oregon. Sild onco. I'orl.lns Furnlturo Ilouao. 20-tf bonds aro to bo dated Novo nbor Irt, l'Ji'J and nro to draw Interest at the FOR SAM; llaliil launnry wun equipped .Mum nt'Ji i uin-. " 1008 Main St Money maker. 27-lt' Foil SAM I'mtk AutJ a.uhi hen i,r trailo at once- ioiivui)t inwii. See 100S Main St. 27-1 f FOR SAI.K- Davenport In good con dition 11CU Crexcunt Ave. I'liono 2 a. ii- i Kitty dollars or mom ana nil old ran go will got ono of my now ones. i I'orklns' Furnlturo Hou30 20-tf FOR RENT OR LEASE FOR SAW? F.vo passenger 1!M7 Port touring car llnd-rlnKS condi tion, price Jf.oo. tolling on account otsickn-si, mach.ne can bo scon ill -mM-p Acklev Ilros. Mill, or at (.'. I. li" ' ' "" """" Up'spbcn aflu- r. p. m. 2f-2t FOIt KENT Furnished Ceiitliitiiiiu. 137 FlrHt Iloom St. f- r rate of six por cent per annum. Inter est payable semi-annually upon the 1st, day of July and the 1st. day of January of oach year until the matur ity of said bonds. I Said proposals will be received by tho Hoard of Directors of said Irriga-l ffnn Dfatrlnt nn.l ahmiM ha illin)t. ' od to the Secretary of tho Enterprise WHAT IS IT? It is the best paying class of advertising in the world (if you have something to sell that belongs among little ads that you find in The Herald. 20-Ct Iirigatlon District, care of Charles I 1 , J. Forguson, Loomis Building, Klam-j -Apartments and sleep-'nth KalIs- Oregon. FOR SAW' One Toggonborg milk coat Is KiWug milk now. I) A. Hell. ShlpphiBton. 20-31 , Ing roon-H $3 UO p.-r week. Fuol furn'slied 102 Main I'none IS.".. 20-Ct FOR SAI.K- 24 head Itambnulot young bucks Seo or wilto F M Hojer, Merrill, Oregon. 20-101 FOIt M:asI'--A trni'tor propoaHlon ."oM-rnl hundred acres of burii'-d ovei' tulo lund In flno condition for d'sklng. 5 mllcsS. E. of Midland. M. MotHc-licnbncher. 22-tf FOR SALE 101C modol flvo passon- ger touring car In excellent condl- t'on, cheap for cash. Chllcoto & Smith. 25-3t i FOR SALE Small amount seml- beardless seed no. Chllcoto & Smith. G33 Main St. 2G.3t TOR BALK Six head of lloglstorea mreioni -cows and holfors, flno liTR'ltOCk.- also three Itei?lntnrofl Polled Hereford bulls. Jamas Camp bell, lied ford i Orogon. 25-4t TOR xSALEFord uunhara Auto Co. Touring Cnr. 23-Ot T0R.SAIiE Four good shooo dogs. cue pack outfit, tents, bheop hooks eto-lvan E. Kilgore, Lorella. Oro. Z35t SHEEP FOH SALE 200 or moro or. Kill bcII leB to suit buyer- 'I' fOOd Vminf almn., A.I .!... Tl llum 0reBn or i'nqulro Hornld "-. ".-). Tho Board of Directors reserve the right to reject any or all bids offered. G. J. HILYAUD, Secretary of tho Board of Directors of Enterprise Irrigation District. 4-rot LOST AND FOUND FOt'ND $2..ri0 bu getting n half solo for my old casing. 15 percent off on St urges half-soles. 112G Mn'n St. Klnmnth Falls, Oro. 22-Gt MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Rubber Boots, to vui Citkilzo, You duck hunters, how ubout that cold water scoping in your boots on a cold mornlng7 We run vulcanize that leak. Bring thorn In Youi.s for dry feet. 11 2C Main St. Klamath Falls, Ore. 22-6t WANTED TO BUY OR TRADE For any and all kinds of furniture. Per kins. 20-tf i WR feAUJ-Lstock hogs and sows "..ujiigs. i'none 11F11. 2G-12t TPRiaHT 1'IANO-Oood condition .',? e"ns on low as $7.00 por """111 at Sliephard's. 17-tf NiZ.1 ' Ppencnr Overland funy '' PPed. Price $000.00. Sea Bill Leo. i-lt NOTICE "5nBn,iBnCoppa otflcora- Color nwSJ .1 ,an,lt comraltteo aro rtincitAn i u ',rcsot t 2 o'clock tlce and 'ay " ln' SoI)l 29' f"r Prc- P'ntPoen,,r,ofh0er::rl,0,,iU-ln,Unt - JIKS, flora EMM ITT, Pros. j . NI0IIT SCHOOL OPENS. t'Sse3lrCm,nt1' ""' S(,"ol "V even- ?rb oV '" fH'inieneo Mcin- eeks . ' for i term of eighteen 'o'leltrr1 ,m,,,"MR will be Monday. tntit,na at seven p. m. I"5 . 2eVn!l1-t'0''fm'ot: In ,,ooljoep. CITY GARBAQE When you wnnt Garbage romoved phono 91. 11-tf PIIONB PEYTON for Wood. 112R. AOT1CK I am now prepared to furnish Shasta Sand from tho Hooy, Cnni. sand and grnvel pit, In any quantity that may bo desired by contractors and builders. ALF GRAHAM. Roo the Low i-i Line of I'nlon Suits i'oi moil and iloys at K. K. K. Store. 22-Gt NOTICE Tho Marshall Houso will start serving niPiils to tho public at noon Monday, Sopt. 20th. 2G-2t (C-o Klamath Lodge No. 137 I. O. O. F. Moots Friday night of each weok nt I. O. O. F. hall, 5th and Main stroota. P. J.Gorges , N. G.; Fred Bromer Secretary; P. L. Fountain Treasurer Ewaunn Encainpinont No, 4G, I. O O. F.. moots Tuosday night of each I weok at I. O. O. b nan. Arno wor h'?T? i. .?? Ipc nm? iy8tem) Ponnu.ns.iIp.' i el, C. P.; Nuto Ottorboin. Scribo; vOUrsei In :;n""i- i. U, ruuiuuni iiuuuuiui. i " Qffcrori iV . Hl"lcts will nl-1 '"Ct",..1'01,0 iB a demand wase, 4 '" "'uiou cimrgos will be,j A00' will i1B m .,. , ,;.uay and Tii..T " iUO"y n to nlnn uy ovoning from -1' 23-0t Mn. ytU Imvlnn-. IX. il. H'8mlU,,'033MataSt. US TIMBER FOR SALE Twenty million feet of titjmdlnK timber for milo cheap. Sawmill mid planing mill on piemlsca. Dl't. T. B. TIMONY, lied Bluff, Calif. NOTICE OF SlIEUSFI'S SALE. (Kqulty No. 1093) In The CiiTtilt Ciu.-a of The State of Orcjpin l-'or the County of Kltuu ntli Man- K. Gates, Plaintiff, vs Claude O. Clopton and Gracio Clop ton, his wife, wild H. L. Clopton, also known as Hugh L. Clopton, Defendants Notice is here'by given that by vir tue of an Execution and Order of Sale, duly Issued out of the above en titled Court and cause on tho 12th day of September, 1919, under n De cree made and rentored of record In tho said Conrt, on the 10th day of September. 1919, in favor of the above named Plaintiff, and against tho above named defendants, direct ing tho sale of the premises therein nnd hereinafter described to satisfy the si'in of $545.83, which said sum includes Interest on $250.00 since tbo 10th day of October, 1907 to the date of the commencement of this suit; $147.40, the nmount of taxeb paid out by said plaintiff to protect her Interests In nnd to the real prop orty hereinafter particularly aescrio od: $125.00, attorney's fees, and the costs and 'disbursements and accru ing costs of this suit. NOW THEREFORE, by vlrtuo of snid Execution and in compliance with said Writ, I have duly levied on the hereinafter described lands, and will, on "Saturday, tho 18th day of October, 1919, at the hour of 10 o'clock, n. m. on said date, at the front door of tbo oldest Court House In Klnmnth County on Main Street In Klnmnth Falls, Orogon, sell nt pub lic auction, to tbo highest 'bidder, for ensb, all tho right, title nnd Interest of tho above named defendants, and each and all of them, in and to the following described leal property, to-wlt: Tho Northeast quarter of South west Quarter, and tho Northwest Quarter of Southeast Qunvter, Soc tlon G, T. 30 S., R. 12 E. W. M. or so much thereof as may be necessary to satlsty said Judgment and Execu tion. The pioceeds of said sale will be applied in satisfaction of said Kxo ruHnn nnd I'ooreo Jucludirtr snid above mentioned sum of S5dfi S3, Sl-17. 10 taxes, $125.00 nttornev's ip"3, nnd tno roiis nun r.BiuiKoinunii i nnd fi'c neemlng costs of this suit oi'd the ovei-Dlus, If any thoro bo, will he pnld into said Court to bo npplied n h by la'v rooulrccl. Dntcvl this 12th day of September, 1919. OFORGE L. HI'MPHRFY, Sheriff of Klnmnth County, Oro. 11 v ALLEN SLOAN, Deputy. 3-2n-?7-4-ll JUST TRY IT ONCE If you have' something in your attic, your basement, your spare room, your bam, around you anywhere that you want to sell, try The Herald classified ads and you will find a buyer. IF YOU WANT SOMETHING Advertise for it, trying The Herald's classified ads. Some one has something for sale that you want. Let The Herald find it for you. It costs you but a few cents a day. Classified ads cost you 5 cents a line a day five words to the line. They must be paid for in advance and cannot be received over the telephone that is why they are so cheap. tmm.ikitx4MLaxA&&&mivMUvaA w. Kt PIHM EOT WATT El HF YOUJ MSHffi A rosy tQMFinmm 8ay we can't help but look better and feel better after an Inside baMi. If you want to keop in toucn with Uio world series basoball . games, como to the Pastlmo Peel Room we got the game by Innings. Remember the Big Fight Well you'll remem ber f tho Big Game too Free. ' Begins Oct! let. , 25-4t To look one's best and feel one's best Is to enjoy an inside bath each morn ing to flush from the system the previ ous day's waste, sour fermentations mid poisonous toxins before It is ab sorbed into the blood. Just as coal, when It burns, leaves behind a certain amount of incombustible material in the form of ashes, so food and drink taken each day leaves In tie alimen tary organs a certain amount of indi gestible material, which if not eliminat ed, form toxins and poisons which are then sucked Into the blood through the ery ducts which are intended to suck n only nourishment to Bustnln the body. If you want to see the glow of hpalthy bloom In your cheeks, to see your skin et clearer and clearer, you are told to Jiink every morning upon urising, a ulass of hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate in it, which is a mu'inless means of washing tho waste material and toxins from the stomach, liver, kidneys nnd bowels, thus cleans-' Ing, sweetening and purifying the en-' tire alimentary tract, before putting) more fopd into tho stomach. I . Men and women with sallow skins, liver spots, pimples or palid complex Ion, also thoso who wake up with a ' coated tongue, bad taste, nasty breath, otheis who aro bothered with head aches, bilious spells, ncld stomach or constipation should begin this phos-1 phated hot water drinking, nnd nre as-' smed of very pionounced results in one or two weeks. A quaiter pound of limestone phos phate costs very little at the druu stoie but is sufficient to deinonstiato that juM as soap and hot water cleanses, purifies and freshens the skin on tno outside, so hot water nnd limestone phosphate net on tho inside organs Wo must always consider that Internal sanitation Js vastly moro Important than outside cleanliness, because the skin pores do not absorb impurities into the blood, while tho bowels pores do. Adv. !- m i Best yet. Herald Want Ads. Whcro The Dickens aio We Safe.. Can a Man who occupies a cell ir a City Prison feel secure from hold I up men? In San Francisco, tbe other day. Police Lieutenant Thomas Tobin. prison keeper, and Corporal Fred Norman, in charge of the booking, were startled by cries of "Help Thieves! Robbers! They're choking me!" They ran down the row of cells and found Obrson, alias Larkln; squatting on the floor and lookinr rather mussed. He told how three prisoners had set on him, one chok ing him, a second threatened to knock his head off, while the third went through his pockets and ex tracted his bank roll, $2.50. ACADEMY Wnjj KECEIVE PUPILS Until tbe capacity of the school is reacned, day pupils will bo received at tho Sacred Heart Academy, where tho most careful attention will be giv en to the thorough training of your child. Full particulars may be secur ed by calling nt the Convent, Seventh nnd 'Pine streets or nt the Acadomy. For the present we are unable to ac commodate any more boarders', but applications will be received and in case there is n vacancy U will be filled from the list of applicants in the order In which thev are filed. 6-tf Sacred Heart Acadomy. A New Sect He "Will you marry me?" She "Yes, but its only fair to tell you, dear, that I'm a somnam bulist and He That's all right. One relig ion's as good as another, and if we can't find your kind of a preacher we'll get tied up by a Justice of tbe Peace. WAIT! AND LET US SHOW YOU OUR NEW TIRE Hoagland MlcCollum Net Door to Postoffice. Dassengers and Baggage ANYWHERE IN THE CITY QUICK SERVICE REASONABLE RATES PHONE 187 WesternTransferCo. Lively, Feed and Sales Stable Auto Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable Long Trips Our Specialty Itcasonnble Rates Phone 130 822 Klamath Ave. ROOFING Now is tho timo to fix that Roof now before tho rain and snow come nnd make it al most impossible to do the work. You sa ve money by doing it now, 'and save your property, too. Lot me do your work and It will be done right. W. D. MILLER Contractor Phone 203 232 Oth St. Phono 4 GO Ice Crenui 729 Main St. Candles PASTIME Jack Alourow, Prop. ClRnrB, Tobacco, Soft Drink.s Peel and WUlurds Barber Shop in oCnnection OUR MOTTO "Courtesy and Her vice". , ri " I -i-